

           Lets take it back to when Herobrine was in pig form. Herobrine infected the Ender Dragon egg, but what he did not realize is that he also infected Endermenbrine who was working on a nearby Endermen . The shadow crafter was suddenly struck by a bolt of lighting so hot and harsh he felt like it was burning his entire being. After the lightning bolt struck, Endermenbrine felt almost as powerful as The Maker himself. Endermenbrine watched and waited to see what Herobrine would do in his war against The-User-That-Is-Not-A-User. on the shore of The Great Lava Ocean, when the Final Battle was unraveling. Endermenbrine was watching from a distance. After the maker entered The Gateway of Light, he new he would finish what The Maker started Endermenbrine fashioned a new name for himself, one that would make is enemies cower in fear. he named himself Enderbrine, and he would finish what The Maker started

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