
Herobrine Returns

Chapter 1: Minecraft again

Gameknight999 had a tingling sensation as he went into the game. Looking around, he sighed in relief. He had spawned at his normal location, at his hidey-hole. Quickly breaking the blocks of dirt in the entrance, he grabbed his enchanted tools from the chest and replaced the dirt.
Mounting the horse tied to the tree, he sped to Crafter’s village as the sun began to set. Finally, just before the sun set, he reached the gates. “Open the gates!” yelled one of the archers. Gameknight smiled. “Gameknight!!” a high-pitched voice yelled. Gameknight was swept off his feet as Stitcher barreled into him as Hunter watched. “Hello friend it’s good to see you again,” a familiar voice said. As Stitcher released her grip on Gameknight, he stood up.
Crafter was right there. “Hello Crafter it’s good to see you too,” Gameknight said to his best friend. “Gameknight, I think we better talk,” Crafter replied.

Chapter 2: The Problem

Using the secret tunnel that probably wasn’t that secret anymore, they quickly made it done to the Crafting Chamber. Gamknight noticed a passage that he hadn’t seen before. Crafter saw the confusion on Gameknight’s face and quickly piped up, “We added this after that confrontation with Xa-Tul when he captured Herder. You remember that? Gameknight nodded. “Why did you add this?” he asked looking around the room with shock. The room was easily 100 blocks wide with a ceiling that was 50 blocks high. “We were going to grow some plants here to provide food when warriors came without being seen. But it turned into another meeting hall instead.” Crafter answered. “Now listen. Gameknight, We’ve been having problems with the shadow-crafters.” “But I thought we got rid of them when we destroyed Herobrine?” Gameknight said. “That’s what all the NPCs thought too but I think Herobrine made them a part of Minecraft itself not a virus like Herobrine was. Suddenly, another user ran into the room. “Who are- Oh. Hi Entity303,” Gameknight said. “Hi Gameknight,” the former programmer said. “From what I’ve heard, I think that an army of enderman are attacking. They were not provoked, they just attacked.” “That’s not good news,” Gameknight said worryliesly. “It sounds like Endermanbrine did something to the enderman!” “But there’s more!” Entity exclaimed. “There’s a new enderman king!”

Chapter 3: Rabben

Rabben the enderman king survived his troops and smiled, his  smile looking more like a sneer. Being a faithful general to the  king, Feyd, he took on the role after he was killed. “General,” Rabben shouted. A tall enderman materialized next to him. “General Aman, command my troops to teleport to the castle on the right…” As Rabben explained the plan to the idoitic general, he began to chuckle with glee. “Now go,” Rabben commanded,then hopped onto Feyd’s ender-horse.

Chapter 4: The Battle

Gameknight surveyed the NPC army, seeing that most of the villagers only had axes or hoes, being extremely spoiled in this time of peace, but had not forgotten the days when they had to fight numerous battles in one day. gameknight wasn’t too sure that this Minecraft problem could be solved, as killing Herobrine’s shadow-crafters could throw off the balance of Minecraft itself,killing his friends and every villager in Minecraft and he wasn’t sure he could even live with that.

But one problem at a time. First this enderman army, then the shadow-crafters.

Looking at the oncoming army, Gameknight was surprised at how  big the army was. Then he saw the fire. A blaze! A blaze! his mind screamed at him. Looking down at Crafter’s village, he wasn’t too sure they had enough warriors to stop this onslaught. He then saw them. A massive blaze army was being led by a blaze with glowing white eyes and a hatred for all living things.

Herobrine had come to Minecraft again.

Chapter 5: Herobrine

Gameknights mind ached with questions. How did Herobrine get here? How is he still alive? Then he knew the answer. The XP! he realized. Most of Herobrine’s evil powers had been transferred to Herder, but some of Herobrines XP had fallen into the lava, meaning that whichever blaze accidently drank the XP, could become Herobrine himself. “Why hello Gameknight,” Herobrine sneered. “I’m so excited to finally get to crush you. When the blaze powers and my shadow powers mixed, I created a little gift for you.” He looked as if he were about to puke, but Gameknight knew better. “Everyone! Look out!” Gameknight yelled. He slammed into a villager right in harm’s way of the massive fireball. Herobrine then laughed and said, “That’s not the end of that!”

Herobrine spit a purple liquid at an NPC. He screamed but then smiled an evil smile and bowed to Herobrine. “Oh no,” Gameknight moaned. everyone down to the Crafting Chamber! We’ll take the minecarts to the next village! RUN!”Gameknight sprinted as fast as he could, not bothering to stop and mourn for the poor villagers engulfed in flames or turned into Herobrines now-faithful servant. he knew that his friends were down in the chamber already. But he knew that not all the villagers could make it to safety. Looking behind him for a brief moment, he saw the massive army of villagers behind Herobrine and wept.As Gameknight sped down the ladder, he heard Herobrine behind him shouting,



Special thanks to this story for giving me inspiration. You can find it here:https://giants-markcheverton.com/check-out-this-awesome-story-from-grady/

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