
Boom! Another 1/10 of the monster armie was blown up.

“Monkeypants 5/10 of the enemy army is destroyed.”

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

“Um…now 9/10 of the army has been destroyed.” Said Blaster.

“Ok now I want you to go back to the platforms and… do you have a crafting table?” Asked Monkeypants.


“So once the enemy army is destroyed go to the forest and get around a stack of wood, and get the samplings ree-plant them so minecraft stay’s in balance then make wooden planks and finally crafting tables then once that is done put crafting tables in the crafting table and then once you are out of crafting table come back here and take what is in that chest and put the items the way the paper says then make as many as possible. Got it?” Asked Monkeypants.

“Yes.” Gulped Blaster.

“Good.” Confirmed Monkeypants.

“Where are my builder’s, and Mason’s!?!?!?

“Here sir.”

“Good, now destroy the watch tower and make an observation platform to have fighter jets oh and before that

seel the minecart system because we will never need it again.


At the wall 2 days later…

“All fighters engage!!” Yelled a watcher from an observer tower as monsters were approaching the wall. Pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew!


“Help! My ship has taken serious damage, I need back up now!” Yelled another user.

“Coming!” Yelled Monkeypants in a hangership. Pew-pew-pew “I need fighter cover! Can not get to him! Repeat, Need fighter cover!!

“Ok, coming to you” Said a user.

“K, park your ship on the side of my ship and help me drive this.” Said Monkeypants. “What’s this!?!?  A and B-squadron occupy the enemy ground forces. C, D, and E squadron focus attacks on the big ship in front of us!!!!!!!!”

Pew-pew-pew BOOM!!

“Help!! Going down!!” Yelled an NPCS.

“Help!! Going down!!” Yelled another NPCS.

“Help!! Going down!!” Yelled another NPCS.

“Help!! Going down!!” Yelled another NPCS.

Tears formed in Monkeypants’s eyes as more NPCS fell “All fighters fall back to the outer wall now! Repeat all fighters fall back to the outer wall now!” Said Monkeypants.

“Activate the missile’s!” Yelled a user.


“Monkeypants what do we do?!? We can not handle this much of a fight, the enemies are too strong!!”

“Very well all fighter’s land and air fall back to the middle wall now!!” 

“Roger that Monkeypants.” Said the NPCS and users.


Back at the prison…

“Come on let’s escape Gameknight!” Crafter said. “Null is not here.”

“Ok Crafter, lets escape but then we come back and rescue the rest.” Said Gameknight.

“Of course Gameknight.” Said Crafter.

“Hey! If you are going to escape from here you might as well bring the rest of us!” Said a ticked off Hunter.

“Hey, it will be easier if just two of us escape.” Said Crafter.

“Hey, also I am pretty sure  that now there are fighter jets so we can travel WAY the flip faster than even if we had 50 powerd rails going down hill. The fighter jets are stronger than anything that exists in minecraft and faster by a long, long, LONG shot.” Explained Gameknight.

“How strong are we talking about?” Asked Hunter.

“Well if I remembor correctly the armor on a fighter jet is worth 200 dimand chest plates.” Replied Gameknight.

“200 DIMAND CHEST PLATES!?!?!?!?!?!?!? How!?!?” Asked Stitcher.

“Stitcher, sorry can’t explain more we have to go, now!”

“Come on Gameknight we have to go now!!”

Gameknight pulled a picaxe from a chest across from his cell and broke himself out and then Crafter, Then they went to find their armor and supplies.


Sometime later…

“Wait, what is that?” Asked Crafter.

“Quick give me your shovel!” Worried Gameknight.

So… as Gameknight dug Monkeypants was having a hard time keeping the monsters back. 

“All fighters launch!” Yelled A Watcher.

“Hey we need a ‘squad base’ ship.” Said Crafter.

“Ok.” Replied Planter. “Head for the 4th pad.”

“Follow me.” Said Gameknight. “Hey! We need 10 users with us now please.”

“Where are we going?” Asked a user.

“A prison.” Replied Crafter.

“A PRISON!?!?!?” Screeched Sky.

“Yep.” Replied Gameknight.

Sometime later.

“Come on, let’s go quick!” Said Gameknight. “We can not let Null get back here before we can get our friends.”

Hello friends, hey I have a questian, why did you leave before your other friends? Oh wait… did you think that some were more importent? Or that some were ruder than others? Or perhaps stronger than others because I know that is most certainly not your type. Ha ha. Your loss. Now for your mistake one of your friends will pay. Mw ha ha ha. Oh yeah here is another power I have. Is that I can bring back monsters that have died, now I hope you will be sorry for opposing the monsters.


Back at the village…

“All monsters fall back! Yelled Xa-tal.

“Yeah! You better run away!” Yelled Monkeypants.

“Hey! A-squadron launch now and head for that squad base ship. It should have enough room for all of you to park.

“Roger that sir.” Said Moussa. “What type of blast capabilities does it have?”

“High, Stay alert if it has bombs in its cannons, attack without mercy IMMEDIATELY.”

“Permission to land, clearance code is 32-45-WHAT IS THAT-alpha 9999.” Stated Gameknight.

“Clearance code is correct, so you may land.” Confirmed  Navigator. “Stop, they have permission to land.”

“Roger that, returning to base.”

“Hey Builder, I need you to build 4 more platforms got it?” Asked Monkeypants.

“No.” Replied Builder.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!?!?!?!?

“Hey, Hunter shoot him WITH a regular bow NOW.” Gameknight instrukted.

“Okay.” Replied Hunter.

Foo the sound the bow made when Hunter shot the arrow.

“Hey! What was that for!?!?” Screamed Monkeypants.

“You are not allowed to yell at him.” Demanded Crafter.

“Hey Crafter, do you know what I really want?” Gameknight asked.

“Sure.” Replied Crafter.

“I want an empire. I want an empire that can NEVER be defeated!” Said Gameknight.

“Gameknight! That is so evil! Why did you say that!?!?” Stated Monet.

“Because it would be beneficial for the villagers… and for me, Blaster! Lock her up NOW.” Demanded Gameknight.

“You ain’t lock’in me up.” Monet said as she pulled out her bow.

“Monet listen or you are grounded.” Monkeypants said.

“Dad!” Why!?!?” Asked Monet.

“Because this way we can become rich in real life.”

“How!?!?” Asked Monet.

“Simple. All we would have to do is take like 20 diamonds and go through the gate way of light and sell the diamonds and BOOM we are as rich as a federal agency. But it all begins with us building an empire.”

“Help!” Yelled a user.

“All fighters engage immediately!!” Screamed Observer, Navigator, and Watcher.

“What!?!? I need back up immediately, enemy fighters are attacking my back side!!” Yelled Dreadlord24. “Going down! Need to eject.-” Yelled Dreadlord24 but was cut off or so they thought…


“Dreadlord24! Nooooooooooo.” Yelled Gameknight.

“Why do you care so much about him.” Asked Monkeypants.

“He was the first one I trolled before I went INTO  minecraft the first time.” Explained Gameknight.

“Oh, wow… so you have know him for a long time.” Said Monkeypants.

“Yeah…” Replied Gameknight sadly.

“Come on.” Said Monet.

“Fine… HEY!!! Digger, Hunter take her AWAY!! before I kick you out of the village.” Snapped Gameknight.

“Wo!” Said a shocked Hunter and Crafter.

“You do not have the power to do that.” Said Crater.

“Hello.” Said Null as he suddenly teleported next to Digger. “Don’t move if you value his life.” As Null held a sword over Digger’s neck. “If I fall then, woops my sword will fall into his neck and kill him.”

“What do you want.” Demanded Crafter.

“The first thing is to take the biggest air ship and then me, you, and all of them.” Null said as he was nodding at Gameknight’s friends.

The end…                   =)


Hope you enjoyed it!!!! =)     Also…for the rest of this series, there are going. To. Be. TITLES FOR THE CHAPTERS. 


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