
A Very Hard Day for a Mother wolf

by Shanna

A Wolf Quest Story:


There was this mother wolf named Night Light and she had a litter of 4 pups and it was stressful for her. “Mom, can I play with you?” Cookie asked, “not right now sweetie”, said Nightlight, then her mate Zackery came back with food, “Dad, I am hungry,” said Cookie, “okay, okay, calm down please” said Zackery and he fed Cookie, then Nimbus came over and asked Cookie to play with him and she said yes, then they played with each other then Ramdeo and Rascal came over and asked their mother for more food, and that’s when she had enough. “ENOUGH!” She said then the puppies jumped back in surprise, “sorry” the pups said “I don’t care just leave me alone!!” said Night Light, “Honey it’s ok, let’s go hunting so you can relax and not stress anymore” said Zackery. “You’re right, sweetie, let’s go, kids, please don’t wander off too far and please don’t cause any trouble while we are gone Ok?”, “Ok mom,” said the pups, “thanks, let’s go sweetie,” said Night Light and off they went…Later Cookie dared her brother Ramdeo to bark as loud as he can, “ARE YOU CRAZY?!! Said Ramdeo I won’t do it”, “fine, I will do it then,” said Cookie and she barked so loud that a coyote heard her. “What is that noise? I must go find out” and off he went to find the loud noise, meanwhile Night Light and Zackery were still hunting. “I will attack the cow elk then when the elk starts to run away we will start to chase it down Ok?”, Said Nightlight, “Ok,” said Zackery and off they ran. Meanwhile, the coyote was still looking for the wolf den, then finally he found the den site, “I wonder if there are any wolf pups here that I can eat” said the coyote, and the coyote went over to the den entrance, meanwhile Nightlight and Zackery finally caught a cow elk and ate some elk meat for their pups and then went back to their den only to see a coyote standing near their den, “LEAVE OUR PUPS ALONE!!” Said Night Light then she bit the coyote until it ran far away from the den, “Don’t ever let me see you here again!” Said Night Light then she fed her puppies some elk meat, “yummy!” Said the pups. Meanwhile, the coyote returned back to his family pack, “did you bring us back a wolf pup to eat?” Asked his mom, “No” said the coyote…Then 3-4 days later the wolf family was ready to head over to the summer hunting grounds, meanwhile, the coyotes were making a plan to catch a wolf pup, “so we will distract the parents”, said the leader of the coyote pack, “or we could hire a golden eagle to swoop down and grab a pup then bring the puppy back for us” said the young coyote, meanwhile the wolf family was starting to walk to the summer hunting grounds, but then a coyote tried to grab one of the pups but Night Light chased it away, then a golden eagle took a pup before the parents could do anything and flew over to the coyotes, “nice job now can we have that pup in your talons please?” Then the eagle did what the coyote asked him to do. Meanwhile, the wolf family was very sad from losing one of their pups but they kept on walking, then 10-20 mins later after protecting their remaining pups from eagles and coyotes, they made it to the summer hunting grounds. -The end

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