
The Adventures of Eliza – Book 1

Hi, I’m Eliza  and I’m going to tell you about myself and my first great adventure.

I’m 13 years old, I’m from Scotland but I live in a little known island called Drake Island.
It’s called that because there was once supposed to be a magical plant called Drake Clover that was said to cure anything wrong with the body or mind whether it be animal or human.

Chapter 1
It’s two weeks before the Halloween Festival Dance and I was out with my friends, Julian, Emily and  Walt. We were doing some Halloween costume shopping at Drake’s Costume Emporium.
“Freya, this would look good on you.” Said Arson, pointing at a Cat Woman costume.
“Thanks, that Vampire costume would look good on you.” I said.
“Thanks.” He said
“Guys, come over here!” Said Walt, apparently he had missed the whole exchange between me and Julian. We went over to Walt.
“so…how do I look.” Walt was dressed as Harry Potter.
“We should go to the Halloween dance as Harry and Ginny, I can cut and dye my hair ginger.” Said Emily.
“Yeah that’s a great idea, I’ll buy you the robe and the wand as a present.”  
Said Walt.
“Thanks, but you all have to let me buy you all hot chocolate, Ok?” Emily proposed

After we had had our hot chocolate we all went to my house and watched TV.
Then my little brother, Tom, came into the room and gave me and my friends something to think about.
He ran into the room and  “accidentally” knocked over a vase and then ran out the room.
“TOM!” I shouted, but it was no use. I heard the front door slam.
“Sorry about the mess guys.” I said and want to get a dustpan and brush. I was cleaning up the fragments from behind the TV when I tripped over a wire and banged into one of the panels. The panel fell away and I saw a secret compartment in the wall! I put my hand in and pulled out an old key

Chapter 2
“Guys, you wouldn’t believe what I just found,”
I had put the panel back in place and had come out from behind the TV when my dad walked into the room.
“What did you find?”
“Oh…umm…well it’s a long story.” I said
“Well it’s a good thing that I’ve got a lot of time, so, I’m listening” Said my Dad.
I told him how Tom had knocked the vase over and how I found the secret panel and what was in it.
“Well you guys have sure got a mystery on your hands so I suggest we all have dinner and think up ideas of what the key unlocks, Ok?” My dad said.
“Yeah, Ok Mr Parker.” My friends said
“Alright, dad.” I said  

After dinner we had a list of what the key unlocks:
The Lost Treasure of Drake Island (it was said The Lost Treasure of Drake Island is a giant chest of Drake Clove and Drake Clover Seeds.),
The locked chest in city hall (no one knows what’s inside),
And Emily even said it could be the key to true happiness.

“Really the key to true happiness? That’s so cheesy.” I said
“Well, your parents will be wondering where you are, so you better call them to let them know where you’ve been, and ask them if you can come over for dinner tomorrow.” Said my dad. So my friends called their parents and they said that they could come over.

When we got to my house, I took them out to my back garden, where my dad had been building a big shed for us.
“So what do you think! I was waiting for you to come here so I could ask you what colour you wanted me to paint it.” My dad came from behind the shed
“Orange.” We all said together.

Chapter 3
The next day when I was cleaning under my rug I saw a small circular hole in the floor. I put my finger into it and pulled. It moved! I hurriedly rolled up the rug and saw that it was a trapdoor! I called Emily, Walt and Arson and told them that I had something to show them, so they hurried over.

They were so surprised that they were speechless. We voted to see if we should look at the passage below. We all voted in favour, so, we went down a ladder and went along a passage, but soon turned back because it was dark.
“I’ll go back and get torches.” Emily said.
“I’ll go to.” Said Walt.
They went. We walked along the secret passage and got to another ladder and another passage on the left.
“Let’s go up the ladder.” I said.
“Ok, but let’s be careful.” Said Walt.
We all go up the ladder, opened a trapdoor and we were all surprised to see that we were in Emily’s bedroom.
“Well if the tunnel connects Emily’s room to Freya’s room, maybe it connects mine and Julian’s as well,” Walt said, “so we should go check it out.”
We check it out and, as Walt said, our houses were all connected.
We all went back to my room, via secret passage of course.
When we were about to go up the ladder Arson gave a shout.
“A stone just fell out of the wall, and guess what? There’s a compartment behind it and a large metal box inside. Come help me get it out.”
We all helped Arson to carry it up the ladder.
“Guys, I just realised, the key from the compartment behind the TV must open this box,” I said, taking out the key. I tried the key in the lock. It worked!
We opened the box and we saw lots of bags of clover and clover seeds.
“It’s Drake Clover and Drake Clover Seeds!” Emily said.

Twelve days later, at the Halloween Festival Dance the Mayor of Drake Island
gave a long speech and showed everyone the box of Drake Clover and Drake Clover Seeds. She presented Emily, Walt, Arson and I with medals for our services to  Drake Island.
After that we all danced, ate and talked

Well I think that’s the end of my first adventure, so, I guess, this is goodbye.
For Now.

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