

                                    Herders adventure


I ran through the underbrush, my sword at my side. As I did a wolf joined me followed by another and another. Soon fifty of them were at my side howling in their midst. Together we charged through the woods. As we did I saw a speck of light nearby. We ran towards the light as fast as we could. Soon we came to a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a ball of light as big and bright as the sun. The source. The ball grew bigger and bigger until thousands of monsters ran out. More and more of them flew out until the clearing was filled with zombies, spiders, skeletons, creepers, endermen, witches, zombie villagers, slimes, and much more. Last of them was Enity303. He smiled when he saw me and snapped his fingers. A giant zombie bigger than the rest lumbered towards me. He had a golden sword and a golden crown. He was dressed in chainmail. “Meet my new servant,” said Enity303. “Then again you have met him before. But just wait. Your Friends will be seeing different versions of my army. But for now I have got something to show you. You will see your best friends slaughtered by the enemy you most fear. And Enity303 snapped his fingers. Immediately  It was as if the world stopped for me. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breath. All I could do was watch as Xa-tul lumbered towards the wolves. He raised his sword over the first wolf. Just then fury rushed through me. Casting the spell around me off I charged down the slope. 

{“Run,”} I cried.

{“No,”} hissed a wolf and he charged Xa-Tul. I followed, my sword outstretched. Just as I reached Xa-tul fifty zombies tackled me to the ground. 

“Your life ends here,” growled one of the zombies. Slowly Xa-Tull killed each of the wolves. Then he saw me. He advanced towards me.
“It’s time you learned what  happens to NPCS that are best friends of the User-that-is-not-a-user,” he growled. With one of his clawed hands he dragged me from the pile of zombies. “No user-that-is-not-a-user to save you this time,” he said and let the blade fall. 


I watched Erebus walk over to me, his bright eyes gleaming in the moonlight. With his fists balled he hissed “I am not like Feyd User-that-is-not-a-user. I am loyal to Herobrine and now I’m loyal to his companion.” Then with a smirk he added no one to pour water on me now with Stitcher dead.” 

“There’s still Hunter,” I said. 

“Your right she is not dead yet. Reaper will soon attend to that.”
“If he lays even a finger on her-” I growled but before I could finish Erebus gave me a kick. I stumbled and hit the ground. In a panic I thought “WAKE UP WAKE UP.” I sat up in bed as if I was on fire. I dashed from my bed and practically knocked the door down in my haste to leave. I dashed down the hallway and took the steps eight at a time. I flew through the hallways until I reached Hunter’s door. I dashed in and ran to the bed. Hunter was rolling around in a panic. Time for a little payback I thought. I gave Hunter such a kick that it sent her flying out of bed and onto the floor. She sat up immediately. 

“Your welcome,” she said. 

“You should be thanking yourself,” I said. She laughed. Then she turned serious. 

“It was Erebus,” she said. I nodded. 

“Quickly we must wake the others.” We dashed down the hall. Soon I was in Herders room but instead of in the bed Herder was on the floor in a hole in the floor. Herder’s body was being lowered into it by a dozen rats. Mice, Rats, Ants, and a couple crows surrounded the body. The rats began to hiss and slowly the ants began to cover the hole with boards. Just then I noticed Herder was still breathing so slow that it was nearly impossible for a human to tell and certainly not for animals. In a flash I had thrown a healing potion at Herder. Immediately he sat up. The critters were so overjoyed that their friend was alive that they jumped ten feet in the air. I helped Herder out of the hole. Then Herder made some noises. Immediately the rats and mice scurried into separate homes, the ants scurried into cracks and the crows flew out the window. Hunter ran in a minute later with Crafter. “Malacoda?” I asked. Crafter nodded. Together we ran down the hallway not able to sleep.We dashed into the library. Crafter began rifling through some books while Herder ran over to the children’s section to look at the animals. Hunter  began shooting a robo Reaper to prepare for the final confrontation while it shot back. I waited nearby with healing potions. Just then Jenny ran in.
“Feyd,” she gasped followed by Digger screeching something about Herobrine. I stared at him for a second then moved on. Just then we heard a rat screeching. Herder leaped to his feet and stuck his head out the window. An owl was holding a rat, his beak open. Herder jumped out and plummeted towards the ground. Just as he was about to hit it an eagle swooped down and shot out from under him. Herder  landed on the eagle and together soared towards the owl. Herder hooted and the Owl put the rat on its back. Together the two birds began racing around the city hooting and screeching while their mounts laughed. Herder made a noise that was part hoot part screech band the owl and the eagle returned to the window. Herder made some more of that noise and the birds swooped towards a building far in the distance. The eagle made it there first and the owl flew off and returned with a bald eagle flying behind him. Herder hopped onto the eagle and soared into the night sky laughing, shouting, and chatting with the eagle.  Eventually he swooped down and landed in the library. 


I landed on the library floor and got off the bald eagle. Tommy stared at me. “What the-” he said. The bald eagle flew out into the night.
[“Goodbye Herder,”] he called and disappeared into the night sky. Just then a bat squeaked. Me, Hunter, Digger and Crafter pulled out pickaxes and began digging at the floor. I tossed a pickaxe to Tommy and Jenny but they just stared at me.
“Um Herder,” said Tommy. “There are no abandoned Mineshafts nearby.” Confused, I put down my pickaxe and   looked out of the window. A bat flew up to me and nestled in my hand. It squeaked again and flew off into the night sky. 

[“Goodbye,”] it called as it disappeared. I left the window and collapsed onto a chair. Just then I heard an explosion. I jumped. Crafter dropped his book and looked up. Hunter was kneeling on the ground holding a bone. I looked around and saw that Reaper was gone. As Hunter picked up the bone and stuffed it into her inventory Reaper reformed. Hunter quickly ducked as an arrow sailed over her shoulder and buried itself in the wall. Crafter went back to reading and I sat back down in my chair. After a while Hunter defeated Reaper again. And again. Finally even she got tired of the explosion and sat down in a chair. Soon everyone was in a chair. As the night dragged on day began to come. Soon it was bright outside and we left the library. As the day dragged on night soon came on. I practically had to call a bird to keep pecking me to keep me awake.  After five days like this I fInally couldn’t stand it any longer. I collapsed onto my bed and immediately fell asleep.

The mist swirled around me as I entered the land of dreams. I was on a rooftop in the middle of Sweden. Around me thousands of zombies charged through the streets breaking down doors and infecting everyone they saw. At the front was Xa- Tul his golden sword glowing in the dark. Just then the zombies came to a river. Xa-Tul waded through it and as his zombies crossed they immediately turned into Drowned. Xa-Tul pulled out a golden axe and began breaking open houses until he had enough wood for a bridge. The zombies charged across the bridge and ran through Sweden like maniacs. Just then Xa-Tul raised a hand. The zombies stopped. Xa-tul pointed into the distance. With horror I saw Mojang in the distance. In a panic I yelled something and thousands of rats surged out of sewers and attacked the zombies hissing and scratching. Just then everything faded to black. 


I raced out of bed and woke up the others. Soon the entire of mojang was on the roof gazing at the approaching monster hoard. At the front was Enity303, Xa-Tul, Reaper, Malacoda, Erebus, Feyd, and Herobrine. Enity303 looked at Mojang.

“ATTACK,” he bellowed. Thousands of monsters surged forward. I quickly put on a set of Elytra and floated to the ground followed by everyone else. The two sides clashed together and soon it was complete chaos. I fought thousands of monsters as I searched for Erebus. Finally I found him. I raised my sword but Erubus teleported out of the way. I spun around and hit him in the back. Erebus flashed red and he gave me a giant punch. This went on for about half an hour until Erebus teleported above me. He landed on my head causing me to lose my balance and fall over. Erebus laughed and stood over me ready to finish me off. Just then Erebus sailed into the air and hit the ground disappearing. In his place was a moose. I thought for a moment it was one of Herder’s animals but then I realized it was Herder himself. Herder charged past me into battle knocking monsters of the ground with his antlers. I looked around and was pleased to see the battle was going well. Digger was landing blows on Herobrine with his pickaxe again and again. Hunter and Reaper were exchanging arrows so fast it was like a blur. Jenny was dodging Feyd’s punches and even landing a few of her own. Xa-Tul had been tossed into a nearby tree by Herder and was losing his grip. Malacoda was flying across the sky except he looked like a giant box. Crafter stood under him surrounded by tentacles and blood. As I finished  a duel with a Wither dragonmen I spotted Enity303. He was surrounded by Agrippa, Wither dragonmen, and upgraded zombies. I charged him with my sword outstretched. Just then Enity303 raised his hand. All the monsters left him and charged into battle fighting the NPC’s. Enity303 met my blade with his own. The two of us leaped back just in time before we got skewered by our opponent’s blade. I stood up. Enity303 stood up. We began circling each other. Enity303 raised his sword. I raised mine. Enity303 smiled. “So you have come to face me User-that-is-not-a-user. I will enjoy destroying you.”

“Oh yeah,” I said. “It’s time me and you had a little talk. Griefer king to griefer king. Come on Enity303. Let’s dance.” Enity303 charged his sword outstretched. Its bloody blade glinting in the sunlight. I ducked and slashed at him with my sword. We fought like Maniacs for a while. Then Enity303 ducked and rolled aside as I brought my blade down on him. I crashed into the ground and lay there. Too weak to move. Enity303 raised his sword ready to give the final blow. 


I had just killed a wither when I heard a laugh. I turned to see Enity303 standing over Gameknight. In a flash, spiked talons spurted from my fingers and toes. My body grew three times in size. Hard plates of skin covered my body. Spikes grew along my back. Great wings  unfurled from my body. Every single part of me turned as black as the night. I felt white stripes cross my wings. I felt the XP in me grow bigger and bigger until I had the largest amount of XP ever. Then in my body I could feel a black and purple egg made out of mist and a mist void that I saw when I defeated the Ender dragon with Gameknight. With a roar I sent a fire ball shooting into the air. Five Ender crystals sprouted from the ground around me. I turned and barreled into Enity303 knocking him to the ground which gave Gameknight enough time to get to his feet and drink a potion of healing. I was about to leave my body when Enity303 transformed into an Ender dragon exactly like me except with glowing eyes. He roared and tackled me to the ground. I threw him off me and dug my talons into his face. I spit out a ring of dragon’s breath but Enity303 was immune as an Ender dragon. We continued like this for  a while until Enity30e threw me halfway across the field. I hit the ground and collapsed as my strength dimmed. My body transformed back into my regular form as I blacked out.


I crashed into Enity303 knocking him off the ground. I got to my feet and swung my sword in a circle. Enity303 leaped out of the way and I hit empty air. As I resumed my positionI felt stronger than ever. I looked down to see XP pouring into me as Entity303’s dragon body disappeared. Feeling stronger than ever I swung my sword- and hit thin air. I looked around and saw Enity303 half a mile away running towards a cluster of monsters. I followed, my sword ready. Enity303 disappeared and I ran into the monster circle. My sword moved as fast as lightning as I moved through the monsters. When I was done Enity303 was gone. I looked around just in time to see Enity303 disappear taking his monsters with him. I looked around but I couldn’t find him. Enity303 was gone.                         

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