
The Days – A Minecraft novel

I just got home from school. School is always the same BORING schedule, Ms. Gavalon’s monstrous math class, lunch, recess, Mme Suzan’s frightening french class, another lunch and recess, and finally my favorite class… Mr. Simon’s gravitational gym class. I think math is fun, but Ms. Gavalon somehow makes it boring, probably all the screaming involved. Anyways I got home from school, Mom and dad weren’t there; good. I went to the table and got started with my homework. Ms. Gavalon always gives us too much homework, so I was actually surprised when I finished somehow. Like every sixth-grader, I went right to video games, I chose my favorite game to play- Minecraft. The game disc was being sucked up by my old Xbox 360 when I remembered… I didn’t introduce myself, My name is Alex Berjaune and I’m in sixth grade, but everybody knows me as my user-name: ‘G04t – M4niaC’. The disc was in now and I was getting Minecraft ready when my friend Rowdy Woodfelt texted me:

Rowdy Woodfelt – r u up for Minecraft?
Rowdy Woodfelt- r u finished homework?
Alex Berjaune    –  I finished.
Alex Berjaune    – I’m getting it set up.

I like playing on the Xbox 360 more than the Xbox one only because I despise the nether update- the only downside to playing on a Xbox 360  is that it takes maybe 5 minutes to load. I created a new survival world and invited Wo0DFELT 85 to join, and he did. Finally, it worked. Another drawback to the 360- internet, lots of internet needed. So we started on our epic trek- getting wood, getting food, and most importantly… mining. After a while Wo0DFELT 85 needed to leave to have an early dinner. He always has dinner at five o-clock. I don’t get it, why so early? Anyways Rowdy Woodfelt never likes it when I play on our servers without him, so I created a new survival world. It was a perfect spawn; lush trees everywhere, a nice ocean… I spawned on a jungle beach! I love the sound of the calm jungle; so I decided to turn the sound up a bit. I reached for the remote and touched the big red button instead of the volume button… uh-oh, dad told me ‘No matter what happens don’t touch that button!’ The whole world stops moving, I look outside, the leaves on the tree arent swaying like they usually do, then all of a sudden a bright light flashes in my eyes… I can’t see for a few seconds, but when I open my eyes again I’m not in my house any more, I’m in a Minecraft jungle.

                                    Day One
What do you do when you get teleported into a game with monsters that try to kill you? You panic. As I look down at my Minecraft skin, a goat with white fur, a red and orange jacket, and a brown hat. My Minecraft skin looks so much more realistic when you’re actually in the game. But I finally came to my senses: I can’t just stand here, I’ll die. So I started punching wood; I didn’t know it hurt so much, and I started mining, I dug deeper into the hard packed earth, I was surprised when I found a cave with coal and iron ore; which is good because I’m going to need armor and tools to protect myself from the monsters of Minecraft. As I’m mining a bit more iron, I hear a clancking of bones.

I turn around wielding my stone sword but I don’t see a skeleton; it must be in the darkness. I grab a torch in the other hand while I sneak towards the darkness. I see it now, but I keep sneaking towards it. As I’m about to whack it in the head with my sword, it suddenly turns around, no need to sneak now, and noches an arrow on its bow. I sprint towards it at full speed… The skeleton lets go of the arrow.

As the arrow is about to hit me I stop sprinting and duck. The arrow whizzes past my head and hits the stone wall behind me. I stand up and start sprinting at it again. Before it can even noche another arrow I start whacking it with my sword, as it flashes red several times, I think how fast an iron sword can kill; way faster than a stone sword for sure. I finally killed the skeleton, it gave me two bones and a bow!

I think that’s enough mining for today, so I go up to the surface; it’s night. I start hunting for some food while my seeds grow, maybe I can find some apples. But I found a pig, I don’t enjoy killing animals, but I’m going to starve if I don’t. So I killed it. I came home with two raw pork chops and a handful of cocoa beans. As I come back to my camp I see a zombie walking aimlessly, as I come closer, he looks at me and starts shuffling towards me. Zombies aren’t a problem, only a few hits with my new iron sword and there dead. I got one rotten flesh.

                                Day Two
As the sun started peking through the watery landscape, I turned around to see that my pursuer has burst into flames. It’s day- thank goodness. I added one more bone and an arrow to my collection. I made two shovels and created a boat, I forgot that you needed only one shovel. I created a chest and put my scrapes in; rotten flesh, dirt, a wooden shovel, and some spider eyes. I placed my boat in the water and hopped in. I started paddling towards the north; I always paddle towards the north because you can always find which way is south. I kept paddling until I found a mega taiga biome that’s connected to an oak and birch forest too. Perfect. I went right to the birch and oak forest. I cleared a bit of trees to make my house; a nice cozy shack.

As I was putting some finishing touches on my house I heard a bark, a baby wolf was sitting behind me wagging its tail. He’s so cute, so I decided to tame him. I had the perfect amount of bones; I had one left over. ‘I’ll name you, hmmh… maybe… Rascal!’ I said. Once he heard his new name he jumped on me, and his tail wagged so fast I feared it might fall off. He must have come from the mega taiga biome- I dislike the mega taiga biome because it makes me feel small. I started mining because what else is there to do? I mined until my pickaxe broke, I found some more iron ore so I built another pickaxe. I was having a great time until I heard a sudden hiss- creeper! I ran away from the sound, but I wasn’t fast enough. It blew up- but revealed a chasm of sizzling lava! I need to go back up for my pork chops though; I was going to starve.

When I came up I heard water splashing, I looked out the window and saw a boat with the stupidest skin in it; a tree with a white shirt. On the shirt were two sticks crossed. On the sticks was a steve head. It was my friend; Wo0DFELT 85. As he comes closer I can see that he’s actually in the game too, ‘How did you get in here?’ I asked Wo0DFELT 85.‘I was worried. You didn’t answer my texts; you always answer texts, so I came to your house. You weren’t there, so I started looking… I couldn’t find you but I found your TV remote on the floor. The Tv was still on- so I pressed the red power button, and here I am inside of Minecraft’ says Wo0DFELT 85. ‘How did you find me?’ I ask him. He answers with a ‘I paddled towards the north, Obviously.’ I show him my cozy shack and made a new room for him. I told him that I should go mining. Maybe we can find some diamonds. As I was mining some iron ore I heard zombie moans, I checked behind myself; no zombies there. I kept mining, I was hoping that I would find diamonds. But instead I found some mossy cobblestone. I knew what was behind the wall; lots of zombies. I decided to go back up and get Wo0DFELT 85. He was eating all the food- classic Rowdy. When I told him about the zombie spawner he went straight down and into the mine. I saw Rascal pacing and pawing at the window. I came over to him and saw what he was trying to show me. It looked beautiful; the sunrise was a mix of colors. Red, yellow, orange, and even a bit of purple- It was truly beautiful.

                                    Day Three
Next thing I know I’m falling down the stairs to my mine- note to self: don’t sprint too fast when you are in minecraft or you will fall. Rowdy was at the spawner, he was slashing at zombies with his deadly gold sword… at least he found something good when he was mining. ‘Rowdy?’ I called over the sorrowful zombie moans. ‘Rowdy?’ I called again ‘yes?’ he called back. ‘Can you go on Rascal duty when I make the spawner look good?’ I said ‘sure. But you know that the spawner doesn’t need to look good to work, right? Rowdy said. I didn’t answer. When Rowdy went up I started building. Really Mojang? A cobble-stone box? Anyways… I made the spawner look good with spruce planks and some oak logs mixed in- the perfect pallet. I know, I know- the spawner doesnt need to look good for it to work… but I like making things look good. Like when Rowdy made a ‘house’ all out of coble-stone. No, not even the floor was wood- ALL of the house was coble-stone; the roof, the floor, the walls, and even the windows (there weren’t any windows) So… when he went mining I made his house the best; I actually put a pallet! ( a pallet is a few blocks that go well with each other; like for a futuristic build- gray terracotta, white concrete, and blue stained glass).

This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Mark Cheverton (https://giants-markcheverton.com)

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