
Chapter 1
The prisoner

The planet Tatooine is shown under the dead space. Nothing but the planet is shown besides a couple stars.

Suddenly a ship flies by onto the planet : Boba Fett.

The ship lands at a domed shaped building on a landing pad right next to it with a path high above the sand dunes.

Boba fett walks across the path holding his e-11 blaster.

Out to greet him comes a pig-faced creature guarded by two stormtroopers.
In the distance you could see an imperial transport shuttle.

“I have been waiting for you Boba,” says the alien. “You have the bounty?”

Behind him a carbonite container hovers. Boba tilts his head towards it.

“Ah, here it is,” says the alien, very amused.

“Not so fast!” Says Boba,”You have the money?”

The alien hands Boba some credits why still walking towards the carbonite like he is addicted to it. Right when the pig creature gets to it and leans in Boba pushes him into the carbonite and closes it as you hear it screaming. The two stormtroopers hold up their weapons like they are about to fire but then bam! Boba’s wrist rockets take out both of them. Boba launches the credits in the air and catches them in his hand as he runs away pushing the carbonite into his ship with him.

He starts to take off, but the doors of the building open as a platoon of stormtroopers come running out.

“Halt,” One of the stormtroopers yelled.

Why still in his ship Boba says, ”Launching a concussion missile.”

It fires right in the middle of the troopers disabling all their weapons as the ship takes off.
Overhead four tie fighters spot Boba’s ship Slave One and chase after it. As they are starting their pursuit, Boba pulls up until he is flying directly into space and then he drops a seismic charge out of his ship. It explodes without a sound until all 4 tie fighters crash to the ground as Slave 1 jumps to lightspeed.

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