
one day, long, long ago were four cats. A white one, two black, and a calico. And this is the story of what happened.

chapter one: game

the world raffled Jaguars fur. She was standing on top of an old wooden fence. Slowly, her friends began to arrive. First Blizzard, trotting over, her tail held high, its tip curled. then Felix came, his long, black fur blowing in the wind. Lastly, shadow ran over, swiveling his ears two and fro. his eyes glanced around.
“I saw a dog,” he explained.
the four cats followed the top of the fence.
“So what should we do?” Asked Felix.
“I was kinda thinking, we could pretend we made a clan, we could even have fake names for the game!” Offered Jaguar.
“yeah! I will be Swanfur!” Said Blizzard.
“And I could be Spotpaw.” Offered Jaguar. “and I could be shadowpaw. I love my name, Shadow.” Said Shadow.
“I could be shadepaw?” Felix said uncertainly.

“so, how about we pretend we live in those trees over there, and the road could be one boundary of our land!” Said Blizzard.

Chapter two: Greyfur, Burrclaw, and Cherrysight.

The four cats started to mark a pretend boundary.
“So, we have one side, which is the road. How about that line of really tall trees as the second side?” Said Felix. Pointing with his tail.
Blizzard turned.
“And that dandylion Patch will be a third side!” She said, getting into the game.

“hu? What are you talking about?” Asked a new voice.
“Yeah, what are you talking about?” Agreed a second cat
. “Yeah, all I got out of what you said, you were making sides.”
Blizzard started to explain.
“Oh can we play?” Asked one of the three new cats.
“Sure!” said Blizzard. Jaguar, Felix, and Shadow looked skeptical, but they agreed. After awhile, Jaguar, Blizzard, Felix and Shadow started to get hungry.
“we should go back,” said Blizzard.
“where? We could just get a few nice, juicy mice.” said one of the three cats Blizzard, Jaguar, Felix and Shadow befriended.
“To get kibble.” Answered Felix.
“although it tastes like rotten rats.” added in Blizzard.
“then you must try mouse!” said a grey cat named Greyfur. Cherrysight, a reddish cat, and Burrclaw, a brown tom agreed readily.

Chapter three: rain

Grayfur, and Burrclaw stalked off. Cherrysight looked at Blizzard, Jaguar, Felix, and shadow. “don’t you know how to hunt?” she asked. The four friends shook their heads no. Cherrysight rolled her eyes. She let out an exasperated sigh. “Stay here,” She finally said. Blizzard looked at her friends, then dashed off, following cherrysight.
“I wanna hunt!” she called over her shoulder.
“well, now what do we do?” Asked Felix.
“I dunno. Stay here?” Said Jaguar.
“yeah, and die of boredom. Let’s make a den. Or at least, a shelter.” replied Shadow.
The three cats got busy, making a hollow near the middle of a Bush. They put grass on the floor inside, to make it soft, and reinforced the walls with fallen twigs. The sun had set when grayfur, cherrysight, burrclaw, and Blizzard came back. Blizzard came trotting over to her friends proudly. A mouse was dangling from her jaws.
“I caught it!” she said happily. “Although it’s a baby.” She trailed off, getting distracted by her friends’ shelter. “wow! You made that?”
Felix nodded. Jaguar was eyeing the mouse Blizzard had killed. Shadow with slowly dragging it over to himself by its tail. Suddenly, the skies opened up, and rain poured down in waves. Shadow got a firm hook of the mouse, and dashed inside their shelter. The others followed suit, except Blizzard and Burrclaw. Jaguar stuck her head out of the Bush.
“What are you doing?” She asked.
“I like the rain.” Answered Blizzard.
Burrclaw said nothing, but started to eat one of the mice he caught. Jaguar blinked as a big drop of water fell from a leaf onto her head. She ducked inside. Bear claw push the bird he had also caught inside the Bush. Then, still eating, pushed a mouse toward Blizzard with his long front leg. Then tucked it back under himself. Lizard bit into the mouse, and a warm, tingley feeling spread from her mouth, all down her spine, and to her tail tip, then came rushing back. Blizzard practically inhaled the rest of the warm mouse.

**NOTE: if you have ideas for the name, don’t be shy to tell me! juts don’t forget your spot. Have fun!**

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