
System Abyss 


Chapter 1

“Ding: Awakening System…”

A void echoed in Chosmic’s mind

“Ding: System Prepared, Starting In 3… 2… 1”

Chosmic laid on the ground, with giant craters and debris surrounding him

“Ding: System Started, Launching Addons…”

Chosmic got up to his feet, his heads are still ringing, he looks around and spotted a broken blade

“Ding: Addons Launched, Searching Environments”

He went over and picked up the broken blade, he slides his finger on the edge of the sword to test its sharpness, blood trailed down his finger

“Ding: Environments Found, Map Created”

“Ding: Creating Status…”

Chosmic waved the sword in the air, and then grabbed the handle firmly

“Ding: Status Created:

Name: Chosmic

Crystaliade: 3/90

Guild: None

Location: Battle Ruin

HeathPoints: 20/100



Strength: 3

Defense: 3

Speed: 99.3%

Jump Force: 98.9%

Intelligence: 200

PowerPoints: 30/30

Learned Power: Slash, Dodge

Bloodline: Darkness [87%]

Bloodline Availability: 0.1%

Armor: Broken Iron Chestplate

Weapon: Broken Sword

Runes: None

RunePoints: 0”


Chosmic checked his heath, it’s exactly what the “system” said, 20 hp left.

He look down at his arm, 3 purple misty looking crystals are embedded into his flesh, those are the sign of power, in this world, at least, this current world, the more crystals you have, the stronger you get

These crystals are called: crystaliade.

There are also levels separating the 90 crystaliades, the beginner tier, with 5 or less crystals, the magic handler tier, 6 – 20 crystals, plasmaleade tier, with  21 – 80 crystals, and overlord tier, with 89+ crystals

Chosmic heard that the more crystals you get, the harder to manifest another one

Some even took years to manifest only one, and that one crystal is like an achievement to them. 

Chapter 2:

As he was thinking, he heard some voices over the hill, he quickly got over a wall and crouched as the voices grew louder

“Are you sure we are gonna find anything useful here?”

“Of Course, this is a leftover of a WAR, there might also be some rare weapons, we can sell those, and we can get rich!”

Chosmic carefully raised his sword, and looked through his inventory, he had only some blocks and a recharge potion

Chosmic opened the bottle, and pour the blue glowing liquid into his mouth, a rush of coldness went down his throat

He breathed out a blue pile of air, he closed his eyes and checked his mamapoints(MP), 1000/2000, great

The voices are getting closer, he can tell that its a boy and a girl

Chosmic thought: “

they came here for the leftover weapons and materials… i dont think they can cause any visible harm to me… but, for the greater good, sorry, childrens…”

He gripped the handle of the sword a little bit tighter, a blue flow of energy rushed out from his hand and coated the blade with a blue energy covering

He spent his mp to enhance this sword

Chosmic look around for any usable distractions, he found a book lying on the ground, he picked it up, and blew away the dirt and dust

“Tale Of Smithy, by mark cheverton? What?” Cosmic muttered, but didn’t pay much attention

When the duo came close enough, Chosmic threw the book over the wall and ran for the opposite side — behind them

He slides under a hole in the wall, and with a fluid motion, struck the boy on the arm, he yelled in pain, but Chosmic didn’t care, he struck the boy over and over, the girl finally realized what is happening and pulled out a bow, and start shooting

Chosmic stared at the girl for a moment, admiring her beautiful red hair, it’s like fire in the setting sun

But, he quickly went back into fighting, striking at the boy and occasionally getting hit by the arrows from the red haired girl.

“I have to finish this fight, quick, or i am going to die here”

Chosmic thought

As he was thinking, the boy took the chance and slashed at his hand that’s holding the sword

Chosmic was too late and didn’t dodge the attack, his hp goes down to 4, he dropped his blade and groaned, he looked around, and sprinted off. 

Chapter 3:

Cosmic hid behind a tree not far away from the duo, he yanked out an arrow from his leg and looked around, he spotted some apples left on the ground

He rushed there to pick it up, and ate it

Chosmic waited for his hp to restore, later, he realized his sword was severly damaged after the fight, he had to find a new one

On the other end, the duo were panting as they shoved loafs of bread into their mouth

The boy, weaver, was very injured during the fight, meanwhile the girl, stitcher had just some scratches, stitcher stood up on watch as her friend heals himself

Chosmic stared at the duo, they had better swords than him, one of them even have an enchanted bow

Chosmic sat down on the treetop as he quickly check through his mind

“Ding: System Abyss Activateing…”

“Ding: System Detected New Update Package, Download?”

Chosmic Confirmed

··· ··· ··· 

“Ding: Package Downloaded, Relaunching System”

Chosmic look down, he can still see the two, just barely

“Ding: System Relaunched, Updates:

  • Shop Sub-System

  • EnderRealm Sub-System

  • Darkness Realm Mini-World

  • Quest Sub-System

  • Crates Sub-System”

“Ding: Due To Inactivity And Multiple Unnecessary Relaunch Process, You Now Recieve:

  • 2 Potion Gift

  • 2 Weapon Gift

  • 2 Rune Gift

  • 1 EnderPearl”

Chosmic sat there in shock, the unexpected message struck him. “Gifts? What am i suppose to do with that?” 

Chosmic thought

Chosmic ran the command to open the gifts

“Ding: You Recieved:

  • 1 ReCharge Potion

  • 1 Strength Potion

  • 1 SteelSword

  • 1 Heavy BattleAxe

  • 1 SpeedRune

  • 1 ProtectionRune

  • 900 RunePoints”

Chosmic Was Stun Again

“Runes? What am i supposed to do with that? Use it?”

And so he did, he ran the command to “use the rune”

“Ding: Manifesting SpeedRune…”

“Ding: Manifesting ProtectionRune…”

“Ding: Manifestation Complete”

“Ding: Manifestation Complete”

“Ding: SpeedRune Lvl 1: Can Use This Rune Once Per 5 Hours, Cannot Stack, Can Increase Your Speed By 75%”

“Ding: ProtectionRune Lvl 1: Can Use This Rune Once Per 6 Hours, Cannot Stack, Can Increase Defense By 70%”

Later that day, Chosmic checked the stats of the steel sword, it was way better than that junk sword he used earlier

So, Chosmic followed the duo by footprints and start the chase again.

Chapter 4:

Weaver picked up a rusty iron crossbow, he pulled the string back a little, it snapped, Weaver sighed and toss the crossbow back on the ground

Minutes later, Chosmic came by and spotted the crossbow, he picked it up, instead of tossing it away, he manifested a purple wave of energy that covered the crossbow and then, its gone

“Huh, this ender realm is pretty useful, i’ll consider expanding its space later on”

Chosmic thought

He look down for a moment and headed east, following the footprint

··· ··· ···

“We’ll camp here for the night”

Stitcher said as she set up a campfire by the river

Weaver nodded, he had almost recovered from the incident

Not far away, Chosmic was lying on the ground, with his steel sword beside him

“Where are they heading? Its clearly out of the ruin…”

Cosmic muttered

He yawned and stood up, he picked up the sword

··· ··· ···

“Ding: Broken Iron Crossbow Smelted:

  • 5 Iron Ingots

  • 2 Iron Nuggets

  • 6 Iron Scraps

  • 3 Burnt Stick

The Results Will Be Sent To The EnderRealm”

“Finally, Why Is This Smelting Taking So Long”

Chosmic moaned quietly

He was waiting for the smelting to end

Chosmic looked at the 2 again, they are asleep

Chosmic laughed

“Don’t you know it’s dangerous to sleep carelessly in the wild?”

Chosmic raised his sword, but then put it away

“Lets make this as quick as possible”

Chosmic carefully step around a bush, try not to make any sound

He then step into the light, he pulled out a water bottle and extinguished the fire, then, he moved to the chest been placed without any order

Chosmic opened one chest, trying not the make any sound, but, he failed, the creaking noise sounds like thunder in the quite night

Chosmic shuddered at the sound of bow been pull back

He freezed in place for a moment, carefully closing the chest, and slowly turned around

Stitcher was awake, and she was pointing her magic bow at Chosmic

Chosmic sighed, he knew its too late to pull out the sword and try to block the arrow, so, he closed his eyes, and sent his feeling into the ender realm, he spotted the ender pearl he got earlier

Chosmic grabbed the ender pearl as he opened his eyes, the pearl appeared in his inventory

He slowly moved his hand a little higher, and threw the purple sphere at a treetop, and, at that instant, Stitcher’s bow fired, the arrow struck him in the chest, but at the same time, he teleported away

Chosmic panted as he pulled out the arrow, the broken armor saved his life

Chosmic laughed and took off the armor, he brought up his sword and jumped off the tree

Stitcher woke Weaver up and tell him to get to the village, Weaver nodded and ran off

Chosmic blocked an arrow with his sword and tried to attack back, but, the arrows are cutting his routes off

After about 10 mintues or so, Weaver came back with a dozen of warriors, each armed with iron armor and diamond sword

“Nevermind, this 2 can cause a lot of visible harm to me, welp, i am out of choice”

Chosmic thought

He activated his 2 runes

Instantly, Chosmic felt like he was fill to the brim with power, and he felt like his skin was hardening

He turned around and ran, with the speed rune and the protection rune, he lost the warriors very quickly, and as soon as he lost them, the runes effects are over

Chapter 4.5:


“Woah, Woah, calm down, Weaver, what happened, why do you have wound all over you?”


“What?? Wait, Who?”

“HIS USERNAME WAS…… he looks like a user, but, i dont see his username…”

“So… you mean, he is a user, but doesnt have a username?”

This made Gameknight999 thought of herobrine, and this thought send chills down his spine

“Is he her-”

“No, he is not, he act completely different, and he somehow proceeded to add something like a mod, its entity 303 but… different?”

Chapter 5:

Chosmic finally finished building his little cottage in a spruce forest, he had a little farm set up, and a little mine, but, out in the west, an army of 80 mans were searching for him

··· ··· ···

Chosmic was doing his daily walk around his cottage when he heard a lot of footsteps and talking, he quickly climbed up a tall spruce tree and scouted around

Soon enough, he spotted a group of 80 villagers, all with armor and swords, coming his way

Chosmic look down at his arm, he has 4 crystaliades by now, and he has a witherlock sword, and his very own witherlocked bow, he put on his full set of voidswhisper armor he got from the ores embedded in the bedrock

His body instantly turn into a black mist the second he put on the full set, leaving him like a modded monster

He carefully jumped off the spruce and act casual, like any npc does

As the army pass him, he didnt say anything, and didnt do anything

One of the villager, another red haired girl, but much older than the previous one he met, came up to him, bow in her hand

Chosmic didn’t react, like a passive npc, so the red haired girl put her bow down, then, another children villager and a strange villager came up to him, the little one peacefully asked:

“Hello, have you seen a person, like this one beside me, with purple outlined cloth, and a purple eye?”

Chosmic didn’t reply, instead, he took off his helmet, disabling the mist effect, and showing his face at the same time

“Yes, i do”

Chosmic said calmly

“You… you!!”

The older red haired girl yelled in an angry tone, and then raised her bow, notching an arrow at Chosmic

“Hunter, calm down”

The strange villager said

Hunter took a deep breath, but did not put away her bow

Chosmic shrugged, then sat down on the grass, he have thought this over now, he is more of a peaceful person, he doesn’t like fighting either, so, he decided to try to be friend with whoever they are

“I… I apologize for what i did to the 2 earlier, like, what are you going to do when you just woke up from brink of death and heard 2 person coming my way”

Chosmic said as he took off all his armor

“But, you almost killed them!” Hunter shouted at Chosmic


Chosmic replied with a confused look

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