
         Chapter 1

I see this boy in my dreams every night and he is always at this spot when I go there and this is going to be a lot harder than I thought and now he is back at it again and now this is happening too fast and he is too fast to keep up with. He always has his stick and it is covered with frost  and he never did tell me his name and he said he will tell me now but I want to hear him tell me his name and he said to listen closely. “Do you want to know my name, don’t you,”he said, looking at me now. I nod my head. “Well can you keep my name a secret,” he said while I nodded my head. “Well my name is Jack Frost and what is your name,”Jack said looking at me. “ My name is Lana,”I said looking at him and thinking he is cute. “That is a great name. I love it and would you like to see what my stick does,”Jack asked since he saw that I had my eyes on his stick and I nodded my head. He went to the frozen lake and skated on it and made a nice picture of me out of ice. He said he had to go because he needed to be with his friends for a while then he would be back after he saw his friends. I thought it was weird and it was funny. He came back after a while and he was hurt. “Jack, are you okay and who hurt you and I will take them away from you and if they hurt my Jackie again they will pay,”I said while Jack looked at me with a weird look and he smiled when I said Jackie. “I thought that the time was near when you would say that and if they hurt my snowflake they would pay back too,”Jack said with a smile and he hugged me with a kiss on the forehead. We had so much fun and when my sister and I went ice skating while Jack was with his friends. “Lana I’m scared,”my little sister Annie said while the ice cracked a little. “I know and we are going to play a game and I am not going to play a trick on you okay,”I said while Annie nodded her head. “We are going to play hop scop okay,”I said while Annie continued to nod her head and I moved to get my stick I had for a long time and I did hop scop barefoot and Jack was there looking paler than before and we did not see him because of Annie. I got my stick and Annie is moving but the ice is breaking so I move the stick fast so Annie was away from the breaking ice and I stand on top of the breaking ice and move but the ice broke and I fell in the lake and the moon made my hair white and then I was up out of the lake and Jack was waiting. “I am not the only one now and we need to go to someplace secret and you are not to tell,”Jack said as I looked shocked and I was about to say something and we were there. We were at someone’s workshop. “We are here North,”Jack said while I looked around. I saw someone who Jack called come and I hid behind Jack because I had never met any of Jack’s friends. “Who do you have behind you Jack,”said the man named North. “This is Lana and she saved her sister from drowning,”Jack said as I stepped out from behind Jack. “Who are you,”I said looking at the man named North. “I am North and this is Jack you probably know him and this is Tooth and  Bunny and Sandy,”North said while everyone except Jack stared at me. “Okay now you probably want to know why you are here,”Jack said as if he read my mind and I nodded my head. “Well after you saved your sister the moon chose you to be the next Guardian and Jack will help you with your powers,”North said. I got pale because I never knew I had powers and the floor came up and met my head and I was unconscious when I heard voices around me. “Why have we never thought about that happening? We thought she knew about her powers and now this happened,”North said as I woke up. “I don’t want to cause trouble. She needs to know it when she is up,”North said as I became invisible only to them, not Jack or Sandy. “Jack I want to get out of here,”I said as the other 4 Guardians were looking for me but Sandy pointed at me.

The other 4 Guardians were looking worried because I was crying when I became visible again and Jack was hugging me when Pitch Blackness came and told them to hand me over and then I made a big lighting and hit Pitch with it but he was gone when the lighting hit him but it didn’t and the other four was shocked but Jack was happy.”My snowflake learns at last what her powers are,”Jack said laughing and hugging me and kissed me on the forehead. “I want to take you to the movie theater but I can’t tell you what movie it is,”Jack whispered in my ear and the other 4 Guardians looked at each other with a weird look on their faces. Jack and I went to the movie’s and the movie was Rudoph and we had a very good time and when we got back the other 4 Guardians were in North’s office and we thought that they were going to send me back where I belong and to never see each other again. “Jack, are you thinking what I’m thinking,”I said with a smile and Jack nodded his head yes. “Why don’t we leave a note and it will say Dear North, Sandy, Bunny,and Tooth, we are never coming back even if you take us apart we will still love each other your friends Jack Frost and Lana,”I said as Jack writes it on a piece of paper and we left. We never meant to make them scared that something may happen to me. “Why did you do this to us and Jack you know better than that and you are to be helping Lana with her powers and where is she anyway,”North said looking at me but then turned to Sandy and he went to find me but then I heard someone’s voice and it sounded familiar and when I turned around I found Annie my little sister and then I turned visible and I ran to Annie so fast and she could see me and hug me. “I missed you so much Lana,”Annie said, now crying. “I know Annie and I missed you too and I love you like a big sister should,”I said, hugging Annie. Jack noticed I was shaking and then Annie stopped hugging me. Jack pulled me back where we stood before and then Annie turned into Pitch Blackness and I felt like a person that was betrayed. “Why could you do that to her? She missed her sister very badly and now look what you did,”Jack said, holding me so I would not fall over. “Jackie, I want to show him what I am made of and please let me go,”I said while Jack let me go. I made the lighting again but this time I got him but then he hit Sandy and I did make a bigger one and then I used all of my energy to do it and Jack caught me and I was sleeping until I felt a washcloth on my forehead. “Finally you are awake and your fever broke an hour ago,”Jack said, now hugging me with a kiss on the lips. “I thought Pitch was Annie and now I want to see her,”I said now crying because I miss Annie so much. Jack was scared what would happen to me if I didn’t use my powers wisely. Jack hugged me because he knows how much I miss Annie, my sister. “I will not let you do that again okay,”Jack asked with a hug and a kiss on the lips. “Okay and I am sorry but I miss Sandy so much like I miss Annie so much,”I said while Jack still hugged me. “I know and would you like to be my special someone and I will not let anything hurt you okay,”Jack said and I nod my head yes and then Jack lightly kissed me on the lips and we were like that till we heard the door knob turn. “Is she up yet Jack.”North said as I got out of bed. 


                                                          Chapter 2

I was in a very good place and I had a friend and that was all I needed now then before I met my boyfriend but I still miss Annie, my little sister who I saved from drowning but I still can’t see her yet and she can’t see me either. I miss her so much but me and Jack have been together for a year after what happened last year with Pitch. “Jack, you think Annie misses me,”I asked Jack because he is so close to me. Jack nodded his head yes and he hugged me because he knows I miss her so much. I love Jack so much that when I am away from him I get sick like I fall over and Jack comes and helps me but I guess Jack does not know yet and I am going to tell him now. “Jack do you have a minute,”I asked him since he was nodding his head yes. “Well you know that I fell over and you helped me get up,”I said as Jack nodded his head. “Well I love you so much that if I am away from you I get sick,”I said as Jack gave a look that said I know what you are talking about. “I know that because you mumble under your breath when you are sleeping and no I am not stalking you when you are sleeping but I love you too and you are the only person I need in the world then anyone else,”Jack said as he hugged me with a kiss on the cheek and I was crying because what Jack said made me feel like I belong somewhere. We were going to the movies when we saw Annie, my little sister, looking at us with her mouth open but at Jack and when she looked at me she smiled and ran to me like she has never seen me since last year. “Lana I missed you so much and where were you,”Annie said as she cried when she was hugging me and I hugged her back and Jack saw me looking pale. “Lana, why are you shaking,”Annie said as Jack held me up from falling over like last year. “I had a feeling and last year I thought Pitch was you but when I let go of him he turned into himself and I missed you so much and I thought you were Pitch,”I said as Annie was pale and she was pointing at someone behind us. “What are you doing here Jack and Lana,”someone said behind us. When we turned around there stood North and Annie was pale and shaking like someone who just got out of the cold pool. “Annie, you remind me that you got in the pool and you were cold, remember that,”I said as Annie laughed and nodded her head yes. “I remember that and you did not want to come in because you said it was cold,”Annie said, laughing her head off. I stood there mad because I did not want to go in because it was cold. “You listen here Annie you are not to say about my past and do you hear me,”I said as Annie nod her head yes and Jack look surprise and I ran because I know what Jack was going to say but I feel and hurt my leg and when I got up I fell and my head hit the ground hard that I was unconscious when I was put onto my bed and a wet washcloth was layed on my head and I woke up to see everyone around me and I sat up but then everyone left but Jack then he put his arms around me and whispered in my ear. “I know what happened because I was there and you have to wake up please Lana please wake up,”Jack cried with his lips on my lips and then did I wake up to that. “What are you doing that for I’m awake now but I am sorry Jack,”I said as I cried while Jack looked up and laughed when he saw me awake. Jack and I were hugging each other when everyone came back in and everyone was surprised to see me alive again. “We all thought you were not going to make it,”North said. I winced in pain as I moved my leg. “Lana you have to take it easy for a while,”Jack said as I stopped moving. I never broke my leg before. This is my first time breaking a bone. My leg would have to heal in 3 months, that is what Jack told me. I wish I would never have been so mean to Annie but I don’t like to talk about my past before I became a guardian. I just want to say sorry to her but I can’t because I was told I am not allowed to go out of North’s workshop unless North himself is with me or Tooth or Bunny (if Sandy would be here he would be with me).


Chapter 3

I wish my leg could heal a lot faster but I have to wait till 2 more months. Jack said that I need crunches when I walk but it’s hard to walk with them. I still need help with walking because it is hard using crunches. “Lana you need to go and get some air but Jack will be watching you ok?”North said. “Ok,”I said. Jack was doing something while I was outside getting air but then me and Jack looked at each other then we went to tell North but North was not in his workshop. We knew what was going to happen.It happened last year too. “I think he’s back, Jack,”I said, looking a little bit scared. “I know,”Jack said. He was hugging me to calm me down. He knew if I did the big lighting again I would not be alive but I knew if I did not make it he would go like me. I think that I may be in danger being with Jack and Jack knows it too. We both need to be away from each other. “Jack, do you think we should be away for a minute to see if something happens?”I said. “Okay,”Jack said. We did but Jack doesn’t fall over but I do. “Jack!”I screamed in pain as I fell over as my broken leg gave way and Jack had a worried face as he helped me up from the ground. “Okay let’s not do that again okay?”Jack said. “Okay I can’t be away from you again,”I said. I don’t know why me and Jack are so close and we can’t be away from each other anymore. I can’t wait till my leg heals but Jack is going to help me. Jack said that he needs to go somewhere but he said it will be a couple of seconds. I was getting sick while Jack was out. I went to my bed and was unconscious when Jack came back. When I woke up Jack had a worried look on his face. “Lana we need to be together so this won’t happen again,”Jack said. “Okay,”I said as my eyes were closing. I fell asleep when Jack put a blanket on me. “Why am I cold?” I couldn’t think about the next day at all. Jack was worried about me because I was not talking to him. I thought that he hated me so that was why I was not talking to him. “Lana, why are you not talking to me?”Jack said. I just looked at him and then all of a sudden I started to sing “Clarity”. Jack was looking at me when I was singing and he was looking down when I sang the first part of the song then when I sang “Why are you my Clarity” he looked at me with a worried smile on his face that I couldn’t look away. “I’m sorry Jack,”I said crying while Jack was hugging me. “I forgive you Lana,”Jack said while he was hugging me. I wish I never had sung that song because I remember singing that somewhere but I don’t remember where. Jack said it was from a college. I never knew what college was so Jack told me what it was. He said that college is where people go to get their career and to be like a worker at the movies or any other job. I never want to stop talking to him because it made him so sad and I can’t have that happen anymore so now this won’t happen. I never loved someone before I met Jack. I love him like he is my world and I am his sun and moon. I never liked to say anything that happens in my life or past.


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