
(Hey Guys can you please tell Mark your comments so he can tell me thank you and Enjoy!;)

Simon Snow 

Another year at Watford. I noticed something was going to happen soon. Me and Baz went to our first class together. We always had class together. It was lunch when Baz said something. “Snow I think something is happening because I don’t get headaches,”Baz said. “I think so too,”I said. When I said that Baz turned his head and stood up and turned my head the way towards the door and there she was, the new girl. I wondered to myself why a new kid. She will need a roommate but nobody liked her but when she looked at Baz she looked relaxed. She walked toward us and stopped in front of Baz. “Are you Baz?”she said. “Yes I am. Why?”he said. “Well I remember a boy named Baz when my mum died,”she said, sadly. “What is your name? Maybe I will remember something,”said Baz. “My name is Christine Grace Pitch,”she said. After she said that Baz looked like he was about to cry. He went and hugged Christine. “Why are you hugging me?”she asked. “Well maybe I am your big brother,”said Baz. We talked until it was our free period at school. I never knew that Baz was calm around me and Christine. 


I never saw Christine since mum died. I missed Christine so much. We were separated so we could not be with dad. I never knew that Christine could find me. “Christine, how did you find me?”I said one day at lunch. “Well first things first do you remember that bracelet mum gave you before she died?”she asked. “Yes,”I said puzzled. “Well I have the necklace that matches your bracelet,”she said. She showed me the necklace. “I think we should put them together, don’t you?”she asked while looking at my bracelet. I nodded my head yes. So we did that and we saw mum standing in front of us smiling. “I knew you guys would figure it out,”mum said as she started to fade in excitement. “I don’t have much time but Baz take care of her and Christine take care of him when he gets in trouble or when he needs your help,”she said as we nodded our heads then she disappeared. I thought that Christine was going to look happy but then when I looked closer she was pale like she hadn’t eaten in a while. “Christine, didn’t you eat anything today?”I asked. “Yes I did,”she said a little sheepishly. We said goodnight to each other and she went to the tree house that she had found when she came here. She never told me how she found me. She was so tired when we went to class. She went outside while we had lunch. “Snow, do you think that she has been having bad dreams?”I asked. “I don’t know Baz. I don’t know. I think you should ask her,”Snow said. I said okay because I think that she was having bad dreams about mum dying. “Christine, are you having bad dreams about mum dying?”I asked her because she was sleeping during our lunch time. “Yes,”she said, looking away. “Why have you never told me?”I asked, worried about my own little sister. “I don’t know. I was probably scared. I never like to tell people about my dreams or my past,”she said, now looking at me. I sighed. I never knew that Christine hated to talk about her past and dreams. I never told people about my dreams but my past? I never told people except Snow. “Christine, why can’t you tell me? I’m your big brother,”I said, trying to hug her but she backed into someone she thought was me. “Baz, I don’t want a hug. Baz….”She said and then stopped when the boy (who looked like me) held her in his arms. “Baz let g…,”she said but was cut off when the boy with my face put his arm around her neck. I left to find help. She came back to the cafeteria looking like she woke up from a bad dream. She told me and Snow nothing but she put her hand on her stomach and I was worried. “Christine, did he do something to you?”I asked. “He did nothing, he just punched me in the stomach, that’s it,”she said looking at the door and the boy with my face looked pleased that she did not tell the truth. I knew what happened because she started to lose a lot of sleep.


Baz,Simon and I went home to dad’s because Baz said dad wanted to see me. I never wanted to tell Baz that I was kidnapped before mum died. Dad was happy to see me again. I said I was going to bed and dad showed me my room and when I got my wand out and did something that dad, Baz, and Simon looked like I did something bad. “It’s an easy spell,”I said to them. I was sleeping when someone came in and took me somewhere. I was surrounded by vampires that I don’t know. I never liked vampires but I was actually bit by a vampire. I never told Baz that. They said that I could go back. I was asleep when Baz and Simon were waking up. I slept till lunch. Baz was worried about what happened to me at Watford. Baz woke me up and I was grumpy when he woke me up. Baz was still worried about me when I went on a walk by myself. 


I never saw Baz so worried about Christine. I heard someone in my head. “Simon you got to go and get me and tell Baz. I need your help, both of yours,”someone said, I recognized it to be Christine. “Why?”I asked. “Just tell him where I am ok,”She said, she was about to cry. I went and told Baz where Christine was and we went to get Christine. There were vampires that turned him into a vampire. When we got Christine out of there Christine was hugging Baz while she was crying. Baz was really worried about her. “I’m never letting you out of my sight again,”Baz said while hugging Christine and she was still crying and then after dinner she went straight to the bathroom. She looked pale after she came back from the bathroom. Baz was going overboard when he saw her looking paler then she was already. I thought that Baz was going to send her to get something to eat again but he didn’t. He sent her to bed on a mattress on the floor in his room. I slept on the floor beside the fire (not right next to the fire but a little bit away from it). Baz was trying to protect her. I know he is because she is his little sister. I know that Baz loves her like a big brother should.


I try not to worry about Christine but she is always going to the bathroom after a meal. I think she may not feel well, anyways she is looking like she gained a pound or more after Snow and I found her. I never told her that I like someone but I don’t think I should tell her. I just hope that she is okay.


I wish the pain could go away. I never thought this pain would be so bad. I never told Baz what happened. Should I? I don’t know, I really don’t know. I really can’t remember anything after Baz and Simon took me home from the really bad vampires but I remember that Simon said that I had a very bad bump on my head. Then Baz said that I had shorts on but when they found me I had pants on and they think I may have magic that can tell when it will be cold outside. They think it’s part of me starting to get my full powers. I don’t think that they know that I know what my powers are. I think I’m going to bed now.


I never knew why Christine was always quiet when we wanted to talk to her. She just shakes her head and goes to sleep. I think that she may have nightmares like me and Baz. She wakes up screaming and then falls back to sleep. I want to tell her it’s okay. I should tell her when she wakes up again. She wakes up again and then she moves off her bed and shakes me to see if I was awake. “Simon, can I talk to you?”she asked. “Yes. What’s wrong?”I asked. “I don’t like these nightmares I am having,”she said, shaking. “Come here,”I said, holding my arms out in a hug. She comes and hugs me and she starts to cry. That’s when Baz woke up and saw me hugging Christine and he looked worried. He walked toward us and was hugging us from the side. “Christine, it’s okay,”Baz said, trying to calm her down. After that we all went back to sleep. Christine was holding Baz’s hand and when she went to sleep she let go of his hand. I think that they did that when they were younger.


I wish that Christine could tell us what is wrong. I really don’t know what to do. I really don’t know. She held my hand like we did when we were younger. She let’s go after she falls asleep. She’s muttering under her breath now. I think she is saying something about her being bit by a vampire when mum died and then she wakes up and I look away. She holds my hand again and squeezes it and her hands are cold like mine when Snow holds mine. “Bazy, can I tell you something?”she asked, still holding my hand and she said my nickname for me when we were little.  “Yes. What is it?”I asked, squeezing her hand too. “I wish I had told you before when we saw each other at Watford but I was bit by a vampire when mum died, same with you,”she said, now crying, still holding my hand. I was shocked about her telling me that. She falls asleep again.


I wish I could tell Baz and Simon that I am going to have…I should..I should wait to tell them about something. I know that Baz and Simon like each other. I have known for a long time now. I wish I could tell them but I will wait until the time is right. I am going to sleep right now.


I think that Christine may know my secret. When she sees me and Baz looking weird at each other she gets a face that means something like “I know what you guys are”kind of look. I wish that she could tell us what she knows about us. I hope she gets back to her old self again.             


I love Snow. I always had ever since me and Snow were matched when we were first years at Watford.


I am going to tell them what I know. “Baz,Simon, I need to tell you guys something,”I said. They nodded their heads yes. “I know that you guys like each other,”I said while they looked surprised and shocked while they looked at me.


How? How did she know about that? Maybe it’s her powers.


I never knew that the day would come when Christine tells me and Snow that we like each other. 


I wish I never said a thing. 


I never thought that Baz had a little sister. “Baz, why have you never told us that you had a sister?”I asked Baz when we were regrouping after Christmas. “Well I totally forgot that I had a little sister,”Baz said while hugging Christine. “Penny,”Simon groaned. I never knew what he was groaning about. Simon holds Baz’s hand like Baz needs to know that Simon is still there. “I think that we should regroup during summer and we are going to college right?”I asked them and Christine looked a little paler than she already is.“Christine, what is wrong?”Baz said, worried about her. “I would never get in college because I am a vampire,”she said hugging Baz and she looks like Baz too but the skin color and she does not look like Baz by the height or anything else. Christine cast a spell above us. “There is nothing to see here,”she said. “Why that spell?”Simon asked as he looked like nobody could see him and Baz. “I probably don’t want people to see us,”Christine said. Baz looks happy and he is not snarling. I never saw Baz not snarl or be happy before. “Baz I never saw you happy before,”I said while Baz looks at Simon and takes him by the hand and tugs Simon somewhere. Simon and Baz came back after 2 hours. They both looked tired and Baz looks like a vampire who needs to hunt, same with Christine. After an hour Baz and Christine came back looking a lot better.. Baz was blushing while Christine looked like she was about to punch Baz. They probably had a fight but then Baz looks at Simon and they did something that me and Christine would never say to no one. 


Baz and Christine said that they are going to sleep because they are tired after they hunt. I hope they will be okay expectantly Christine.


I wish that Simon can leave me alone for once.


 Christine keeps trying to punch me when I blush. I don’t know why she does this. I think she may be jealous about me having someone in my life but she really… “Ow!!! Christine!!!!”I yelled as Christine punched me very hard in the arm. “Your welcome for getting you back from clouds of death,”Christine snapped at me. “Sorry Baz. I shouldn’t have snapped at you earlier,”Christine said. “It’s okay Chrissy,”I said, making her smile when I said Chrissy and that’s my nickname for her. So before Christine punched me she really didn’t have anyone in her life anymore. 


I just don’t know why Baz is blushing but I think it’s because of Simon. “Baz, will you please stop blushing?”I asked. “Okay Christine I will,”Baz said. I found someone but Baz does not know that I can read his mind yet. 


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