
Jennifer zoomed through space, heading in the direction of Halfworld. Within seconds, she had reached the outside force field surrounding the planet. “Okay, you can do this, Jennifer,” she told herself, before tentatively extending her hand towards the force field. As soon as Jennifer had touched the shield, a cry escaped from her. “Ngh! Just a little more-AHHHH!”

WARNING! SYSTEM FAILURE! INITIATING MANUAL SHUTDOWN! An electronic voice announced from within Jennifer. The last thing she saw before shutting down completely was a black figure passing through the force field and slowly approaching her. “Ahhhh…” Jennifer groaned a wave of dull throbbing pain pulsing in her body. Then she lost consciousness.

Rocket carefully set the unconscious form of Jennifer down on the ground, with his family standing behind him. “Who is she? Why did she attempt to pass through the barrier?” he muttered to himself, checking her for a pulse. Before Rocket could do anything more, his father spoke up. “Rocket, you may want to take a look at this,” he said grimly. “Huh? But that’s…” Rocket said slowly, looking from the hologram to Jennifer.

Suddenly, Jennifer’s eyes flew open, and she sat straight up, wincing slightly. Her deep sapphire blue eyes flickered red twice. Within her, an electronic voice spoke with slight hissing static undertones. “Severe damage detected. Commencing X10 Protocol,” it said, and Jennifer stood up, frozen stiff. After a moment of muffled shifting and whirring, the process was complete.

“Who are you? And what are you doing here?” Rocket demanded, poised for attack. Before Jennifer could reply, a growl issued from somewhere on her left. A dog took a running leap at her throat, fangs bared. Effortlessly, Jennifer bent backward almost all the way, the angry dog missing her entirely.

“Whoa!” Rocket shouted. With a perfect leap, Jennifer landed at a safe distance from Cosmo.


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