
A Story of Old

Chapter 1

He was enveloped with fear as the darkness didn’t leave his eyes. It took a while for it to load. When it did,all he saw was beige moon bricks surrounding him. He quickly grabbed his diamond pickaxe and started to mine up. After he reached the surface, he heard it, the sound of wings flapping, fire burning and teleportation surrounding the land. He looked up to see a creature like none other, with a long slender tail, big skeletal wings, a long, spiky, black back, and rectangular, purple eyes with green pupils. A look of hatred, destruction, and loathing for everything in them. It was surrounded by long black creatures with the same type of eyes. It was the Enderdragon.

He grabbed his bow, ready for the fight of his life and before he knew it, the Enderdragon was laying on the ground defeated. Steve stood atop the dragon, a feeling of accomplishment in him. He looked back to see his friend Alice, cheering him on. He put away his bow and went back home with the dragon egg. The dragon egg was in the shape of any ordinary egg, but it was black with purple spots. He decided to take it home for a trophy.

“Are you sure that’s how it went down?” said Macy.

“Of course that’s how it went down. I was there.” said Purple Thunder. “Fat chance!” replied Blood Horde.“Of course I was there. John Can prove it, right John?” Purple Thunder stammered. Everybody looked at the player named John. John was wearing an average skin with blonde hair, a dark blue jacket with buttons top to bottom and brown pants. John also had a stone sword with curse of binding. It looked like his hand was made out of stone that was glued to the sword. that meant John would be stuck with it until it broke. He couldn’t let go of it and he couldn’t get rid of it. You might be thinking that it’s a stone sword and it would break easily. Well you’re wrong. The stone sword didn’t just have curse of binding, it had unbreaking three as well.  “I can’t say I don’t believe in the story.” Said John. “Haaa! If John didn’t believe in the story, that means John couldn’t have been there.” Yelled Macy.

“Honey, come down for breakfast” a voice in the background said. “Sorry guys, I gotta go.” said John.

John got up from his seat, walked to his door and went down the dark red stairs, a colour that he did not like.John, in the real world, looked like his player, but with brown hair and ugly yellow shoes, which he liked.

 His mom was making pancakes for him and his brother in the very neat and tidy kitchen with a blue and white colour scheme. “What do you want, mom?” John said angrily. “I was just calling you down for breakfast. You have a big tournament, remember?“ said John’s mom. “Oh yeah, I forgot about that.”

John grabbed a plate of pancakes and quickly gobbled them up, running back upstairs to continue his gamebut all of his friends had already left, thinking that he wouldn’t come back.

It was 11o’clock when John and his mother went into the car. John was so excited he was finally getting the chance to show his talent to the world, and in VR. They got to the convention at about 11:10.

“ Wow, “ John said in shock. He was surrounded by cosplayers, tents, posters, action figures, t-shirts, and all sorts of things. He didn’t want to get distracted so he quickly ran as fast as he could trying to find the Minecraft section. He stood in front of two doors with a sign that said Minecraft stage.

“There’s an entire stage” John said. He opened the two doors, well at least he was about to, but then someone barged out of the room crying.

“I can’t believe I lost” a random player cried.

He looked back into the room to see a bunch of players ready to play on the new VR headset there families all watching their beloved family members play and hopefully win.

They were people dressed up as Steve, Alex, Chicken, Zombies, Steve with diamond or iron armour, and creepers. Everybody else who didn’t have a costume was waving around at least an iron sword, a diamond sword, or a diamond pickaxe. A few odd wooden shovels or netherite helmets were seen. John found the nearest change room and put on the bodysuit this suit would let him feel everything that happened in the game.


“Oh shoot, I gotta go“ John ran to the stage hoping they wouldn’t call out another person to replace him. “I’m here. I’m here!” John said with a loud voice so that he could hear.

“Hello there. We’re going to put on the strap so you don’t fall off the stage and the VR headset, random employee said. “Wait. Straps? I didn’t know about the straps.“ John said worried. “Don’t worry, it’s just so you can’t fall off the stage”

John got onto the stage looking at all the people around him. Seeing his mom, dad, and brother cheering him on gave him a smile that gave him more encouragement to put on the VR Headset.

Meanwhile, in another room, two employees were ready to activate the project. “Is everyone here” Employee 1 said. “I don’t care. I don’t get paid enough to do this” Employee 2 said. And with one press of a button, our adventure begins.


Unexpected Danger Chapter 2

He was sleeping on the cold, damp grass. He thought it would be more comfortable but it wasn’t. It didn’t help that he couldn’t sleep because of the  nightmare he was having, the nightmare that just happened.

He recalled spawning into a world with thousands of players. He suspected it to be fun and maybe even make some new friends. Friends that didn’t die. When he spawned, all he could see was the Enderdragon. Hundreds of players were turning to dust from the fiery breath of the despicable creature. He thought he was the only one that made it out because he used his strategy. The strategy of digging down and blocking yourself. All he could hear was the screams from the players.

When John heard no more noise he quickly got out of this hole to see the destruction that it had caused. Suddenly John woke up thinking he was still in the battlefield, but he wasn’t. He was still outside beside the tree that he used to get some shelter from the rain. He felt like crying but held it back remembering that it was all just a game.

“No, it isn’t.” a random voice said. “Aaahh! Who said that?” John yelled. “It’s me, the voice inside your head. You’re going crazy.“The voice in John’s head said. “Wait. What? I’m going crazy?” “No, you’re not going crazy. I’m just messing with you. I’m a program. I travelled through all the broken headsets into yours.” “What do you mean broken headsets?” said John.  “You’ll figure that later. By the way, you can call me program.” Program said. “Are you sure I’m not going insane?” asked John.“Yes, I’m pretty sure you’re not going insane. Now I got a job For you. We’re heading to a mountain.” said program. “Well, we’re just in luck. There’s a mountain right there.” said John. “No, not just any mountain. Head North.” said program. “Why North?“ asked John. “Just go.“ Program demanded. And off they went North. to an adventure Like none other.


The Cave of the Great – Chapter 3

“When are we going to get there?” John asked bored out of his mind. “We are going to get there when we get there.” Program said for the 567th time. “When are we going to get there?” John said again. “Look, we’re finally here.” Program said with relief and anger in his voice.

John was in front of a giant staircase made out of cobblestone that led to the top of the mountain. “All I have to do is follow the staircase and I’ll reach the mountain. Sounds easy enough.” John said.  John walked upthe cobblestone stairs until he reached the top. At the top of the mountain, he realized it wasn’t a mountain, but a volcano. There was a hole with lava at the top. Of course volcanos aren’t in Minecraft so it was handmade.

“Jump in.” Program said. “What do you mean jump in. It’s not like I have…fire…… protection.” said John.John looked in his inventory to find a fire protection potion. “How did this get in my inventory?” John said surprised. “I gave it to you. I’m a program. I can give you anything you want, except I can’t get you out of here.” said program. “Wait a minute. If you can give me this why don’t give me Netherite armour and a diamond sword, and a totem of undying.” asked John.

“We have to keep the story interesting if I just give you whatever you want it will kind of become more Boring for the reader.” Program said. “What are you talking about.” John said confused. “It doesn’t matter. Just drinkit and jump in.” said program.

John drank the potion and jumped into the lava but there wasn’t much lava. He quickly fell into a hole and landed into a sort of house. But before he could look around a mysterious figure stabbed him twice with a diamond sword quickly defeating John.

Back in the real world John was laying on the ground With the headset still on. But the headset was starting to heat up until, BOOM!

 John woke up on a cloud, a very fluffy, soft cloud. John stood up to see his human hands back. He started to jump in excitement but then John stopped. He started to look around and then he saw a staircase made out of clouds as well and it led to a gate. Then John realized something. “Oh no.” John said. He walked up the fluffy staircase to be confronted by a golden gate with two angels on the side. “This can’t be happening.”John said. “It Can.” a mysterious voice said.

“Who said that?” asked John “It is me, Jesus. You are in heaven.” Jesus said. “No, I can’t die yet.” John said as his heart started to beat faster and faster.

“Don’t worry I’m giving you a second chance. The game you call Minecraft, in fact all of earth is in danger and you are the only one that can save it.” said Jesus. “You’ve gotta be kidding Me?” John said annoyed.

“I’m giving you a second chance at life so don’t mess it up.” Jesus said. “Wait a minute. Am I gonna wake up as a baby again?” John asked. “No, you’re going to wake up back at the volcano. Now go.” Jesus said.

Then John quickly fell off the cloud tumbling back to the grass. “Program, why did I die when I died in Minecraft?” John asked. “That doesn’t matter.” program said. “I think my life matters.” John said angrily. “I’ll tell you everything when this is done.” Program said.

“John walked all the way up the staircase again, drank the potion and went back down into the lava but this time when he entered the house he quickly dodged the two swipes and swung his own sword injurying the mysterious figure. John was about to finish him but then the figure took off its cloak he was wearing and revealed himself. “Wait!” “Steve?” John said.


A Sad Sad Tale Chapter 4

“Would you like some hot chocolate?” Steve asked. “Hot chocolate doesn’t exist in Minecraft.” John Said.“You didn’t answer my question.” Steve said. “Yeah sure I’d like some hot chocolate.” said John. “But hot chocolate doesn’t exist in Minecraft.” said Steve.

John replied with an angry growl and stood Up from his chair. “What’s going on.” John said. “Sorry, I don’t know what you mean.” Steve said With a innocent Tone. “A legend That just tried to kill me is sitting in front of me talking about hot chocolate when we should be talking about how you just vanished after you beat the hardest boss in Minecraft. And how did you get into this private server? And why do you look like you just bathed in a bad relationship.” John said.

“OK that’s a little harsh. I live here. Can’t a man take a break after he defeated a dragon?” Steve said “Fair point but why did you try to kill me?” John asked. I thought you were a monster. And you don’t get this beauty naturally.” Steve said. “Now that we got that out of the way. Oh my gosh you’re a hero. You defeated the Ender Dragon.

You are a legend to all players said John. Shut up Steve said not wanting to hear that he’s a hero. You conquer the nether. John said Followed by another shut up from Steve. By the way whatever happened to Alice?” “SHUT UP!”

Steve Walked to a lever that opened a secret chamber. The chamber went at least 30 blocks down “We’re good friends right?” Steve asked. “I literally just met you.” “Yeah, we’re good friends. That’s why I should probably show you this.” said Steve.

John and Steve walked down the stairs into the chamber to see thousands of different relics. There was the heart of the sea, a beacon, a pillager flag, and the dragon egg. “Wait a minute. The dragon egg is broken.” John said. “It’s not broken. it hatched.” Steve said.

“I’m no hero. I didn’t save Minecraft I just doomed it.” Steve said. All of a sudden a miniature ender dragon came out of nowhere. It looked like the normal Ender Dragon but smaller. It had blue eyes that had happiness and love inside of them unlike the hatred he saw not too long ago.

“Who is a good boy? You are.” Steve chuckled as he started to scratch the Ender Dragon’s belly. “What’s going on.” John said. “A long long time ago a person named Steve set off on a journey to defeat the one and only Ender Dragon.” “I’ve already heard this story before.” John said. “Shut up young one. You haven’t heard the full story. As I was saying, a long long time ago a man named Steve set off on a journey to defeat the Ender Dragon but when he got to the strong hold, he was underprepared and died.

Then Steve came back more prepared but still died. Many tries later he finally won but then something happened. Steve started to feel something in his brain and then he woke up back in bed with nothing.

A long, long, long time ago a man name Steve woke up and decided to defeat the Ender Dragon but when he got there the Ender Dragon was stronger than ever and after many,many, many many, many fights later, he realized he was never going to win. “I don’t understand.” John said. “Don’t you get it? I’m not a player. I’m an NPC only meant to serve one purpose. Defeat the Ender Dragon and repeat.

But one day Steve met this lovely girl named Alice and together they kept fighting the Ender Dragon and kept winning but eventually the Ender Dragon was too strong to fight. And after one last battle, an apocalypse happened.

I’ve been sitting here ever since me and Alice We parted ways.” Steve said. “How many times did you fight that dragon?” asked John. “Open the door and you’ll find out.” said Steve. John looked beside him to see a dark oak door. When John opened it thousands and thousands of Ender Dragon eggs spilled out, all of them broken. “This guy is number 12335.” Steve said. “Oh my God.” John said. All of a sudden they started to hear explosions. A lot of explosions. “What’s that?” John asked. “Monsters!” replied Steve.

All of a sudden an arrow flew right past them. hitting the wall behind them. “We have to go now!” Steve said.Steve grabbed John’s arm and started to run through a narrow corridor. “Where are we going?” John asked.All of a sudden an Enderman teleported straight in front of them and took a swing at Steve, but Steve quickly pulled out his shield and deflected the hit and swung back, turning the long lanky creature into HP.

When they got to the end of the long corridor they were confronted with some sort of machine made out of slime and pistons. “Go on that and break the obsidian block. It will start to move and they won’t be able to catch you. said John. Wait a minute do you have a diamond pickaxe?” asked Steve. “Yes, but I can’t use it.”said John. “Why not?” Steve asked. “Because I can’t let go of this.” said John. “We don’t need the block. just go on. I’ll hold the monsters off while you destroy the block.” Steve said.

John got on the machine and started to chip away at the obsidian wall. Steve was ready to fight. Two skeletons stood in front of Steve, ready to fire but Steve deflected their shots with his shield, flinging the arrows back at the skeletons but that wasn’t enough. Steve quickly took out his sword and swung, turning the creatures into HP, but many more monsters were coming and John wasn’t nearly there so Steve pulled out his secret weapon. It was a giant hammer made out of iron golem skin. “What’s that?” John asked. “I’ll tell you later.” Steve said.

All of a sudden a husk attacked Steve but that wasn’t enough to defeat him. Steve quickly swung back flinging the creature into the air and turning it as well into HP. “I’m done.” John said. All of a sudden the machine started to move with John on it. “Steve come on we gotta go.” said John. “No. Go without me I’ll hold them off.” said Steve. “But…” John said. “Go!” said Steve. It’s not like John had a choice. He was riding away into the sky, watching Steve fight hundreds of mobs. “It’s just me again.” said John. “Actually, you got me.” Program said. “You finally returned.” said John. And off they went again.


The Not So Ruined Nether Portal Chapter 5

“Why did you decide to return all of a sudden?” John asked. “Because I didn’t want him to hear me.” said program. “I thought I was the only one that could hear you?” asked John. “I am a program, not a voice inside your head. That also means I can look for your eyes and I see a map to a nether portal.” Program said. “Wait a minute? So this whole time I was just supposed to look for a map?” John said. “No. You were supposed to distract him and let me find the map. And it looks like we’re here.” Program said. John looked down to see a ruined nether portal thousands of blocks below them. “This is way scarier in VR.” said John. “Don’t worry, just jump. I’ll  spawn a slime block below you so you won’t take fall damage and die.” Program said.

John quickly stood up, took a few breaths and leapt down into the earth but something was strange. He was falling closer and closer to the ground but no slime block could be seen. “You are going to spawn a slime block, right?” John said worried. “Yeah, about that. I can’t seem to find it. said program with a worried tone.“What!” said John.

John was getting closer and closer to his inevitable demise but when he got just one block from the ground,he didn’t feel anything. When he opened his eyes he saw that he was floating. Oh no, wait, he wasn’t. He looked up to see two bright blue eyes full of happiness and joy. It was the baby dragon. “How did you get here?” John said. “Yeah don’t forget about me too.” said Steve.
The baby dragon let go of John making him fall on the soft grass block. He Stood up to see a nether portal.The ruined nether portal, but it wasn’t so ruined that it wasn’t active. How could this nether portal be active?John thought. “Go through it.” Program said. “What?” said John. “Oh yeah, that’s mine. Me and Alice went through it before this whole event happened.” replied Steve to a question that wasn’t meant for him. “Are you coming with me?” John asked. “About that. I can’t.” said Steve. “Why not?” asked John. “Wanna know why I’ve been fighting the dragon all this time? It’s because I was meant to trade it for this. You might be thinking well when I figure that out I would’ve stopped, right? Well you’re wrong. My program makes me have this irresistible urge to fight this dragon and sometimes it gets the best of me. Alice and I were in the nether fighting ghats before we left the portal as usual. But this time I remembered that I wasted two fire resistant potions, half my diamond swords and some health on that battle. So in my head I thought I should prevent that and it always happened because I have to save Alice from this ledge so I just left her there and ran through the portal.” said Steve. “How could you.” John said. “You don’t understand. I’m not going through that portal.” said Steve. “Well fine. I’m going through that portal while you will sit here and think about what you’ve done. And the baby dragon’s coming with me.” said John. “Well fine. I’ll just stay here with all this……grass.” said Steve. John looked back at the portal,  took a few deep breaths and was ready to walk in without anything to prepare himself.


Lying Scum – Chapter 6

John was hit with a wave of heat when he walked through the portal. Magma was surrounding the land, ascene so beautiful but so dangerous. “Come on baby dragon. Let’s go find… Wait a minute. Why am I here? Hold up. You never told me why I was meant to be here in the first place. said John. “You were meant to find Alice.” Program said. “I guess we’re looking for Alice.” John said.

He walked past nether fortresses, piglen hordes, ghasts, and warped forces. Eventually he came to a house made out of gold and netherite. He walked into the house to see a few chests, a fireplace with soul fire in the middle, a door that lead to a mushroom garden, and a figure training. This figure had golden boots with the rest of the armour being netherite. Even the sword was netherite. The figure was killing gasts and zombie pigmen until it looked back straight at John.

John sprinted back, heading straight for the door, Before he could reach it, he felt a slash. It pushed him back making him feel pain on his back. It was excruciating but John got back up and quickly swung his own sword. It hit the target but it did no damage. The target was wearing netherite armour. The person swung back, bringing John down to one heart. “Wait, wait, wait.” John stammered. John got a good look at the figure. It was Alice. “What do you want?” Alice said. “We need your help.” Steve replied.

“So you’re telling me you need my help to fix your mess.” said Alice. “Yes.” John said. Why would I ever help? Alice was about to say but she was interrupted by a BOOM that came from the distance. Another BOOM followed as cries could be heard, but they weren’t sad cries. They were angry cries. The cries of aghast.

Quickly John, Steve and Alex ran across the train, headed for the nether portal but just as Steve was about to cross through, he heard a BOOM behind him. He looked behind to see a giant cavern blocking the way to the nether portal, his friends calling out for help. “Grab my hand.” John said. Steve was about to grab it but then he stood up and laughed. “You think I fought that ender dragon because of my program? No. It was because of the glory and you’re stealing that. Have fun with the ghasts.” Said Steve as he chuckled and ran through the portal. “Not again.” Alice said angrily. She quickly grabbed some blocks out of her inventory and made a staircase. “Come on. Let’s go teach Steve the lesson he deserves.” said Alice. “We also have to save the world.” John said.

Village CrafterChapter 7

“Where is Steve? Alice asked. They had been walking for days looking all over the place for him. Eventually they got to a village, a pretty big one in fact. They could definitely help us find Steve. said Alice. They entered the Village to see farmers, poachers, blacksmiths, and the Mayor. “Mayor, I’d like to speak to the crafter.” Alice said. The only response was a grunt. “I need you to talk to me because this guy is the only guy that can save your village from the Ender Dragon.” said Alice. “You know we must not speak to users.” the mayor whispered. “I know, but I’m pretty sure you talking to one user is worth your village.” whispered Alice. “OK fine. We will help you but we cannot even move our arm.” the mayor said.

John looked around and saw a villager using a crafting table with his arms spread out. But then the villager stopped using the crafting table in his arms glued back together. “Hey villager, continue using the crafting table.” yelled John. The villager started to use the crafting table again but then John quickly swung at the crafting table, destroying it. But him lashing out at the crafting table wasn’t the odd thing. The odd thing was that the villager’s hands were free. “Come with me.” the mayor said. The mayor took John and Alice into the watch tower but instead of going up, he pulled out his pickaxe and started to mine down. Eventually they went into a cavern full of miners and there was one odd villager. He was wearing a white robe with a black stripe in the middle. “What is this? Wait a minute. Is this the User-that-is-not-a-user?” crafter asked. “No, but this is still urgent.” Said the mayor.

A few minutes later they had an entire army. Not a big one, but the army would have to be good enough. They were going to stop Steve and fight the Ender Dragon. Then they heard it. The flapping of wings. The fire spreading. The wind bursting. It was the Ender Dragon and with the Ender Dragon was their opponent,Steve.

Quickly the village ran into battle but John was more curious about what Steve said before the battle began.“Give him back. Give him back.” Steve said. But then John quickly snapped out of it and ran into battle with his new armour that the villagers had given him.

It was a long and tedious battle but eventually the villagers started winning with only a few casualties, but all of a sudden Steve came behind John and whacked him with his ultimate weapon. “Eo you think you and your pathetic villagers can stop my glory? Well you’re wrong. So very, very wrong.” said Steve. Then Steve swung again but John dodged and quickly swung his own sword but the sword was missing. “Wait a minute. It’s finally broke. Yes, wait a minute. I have nothing to protect myself.” said John before quickly cowering away to find a new weapon to defend himself.

Luckily, Alice saw what was going on and threw him a diamond sword. Surprisingly, John caught it but that didn’t stop Steve. He was about to finish off John but then a bonk could be heard. Then Steve fell revealing a person behind him. The person looked to be a farmer with an iron pickaxe in his hand. “How did you knock him out with that?” John asked. “I just turned the pickaxe sideways and hit him with it.” said the farmer. John looked back to see the Ender Dragon fighting thousands of warriors and Alice. He had to go help her but then he realized something was missing. Then he felt a bite on his leg and he was quickly dragged across the dirt by the baby dragon. “You’re on his team.” John said.

Quickly John kicked the dragon off of his leg. The dragon didn’t want anything to do with the battle so he quickly ran off into the sky. John stood up and quickly ran back to Alice’s side. It was way scarier seeing the dragon up close. But John quickly got his courage up and his sword up and by the end of it, they were successful. They had saved the world.


Back Home Chapter 8

It was over as fast as it started. Surprisingly, the battle was quite quick. All of a sudden John heard a voice behind them. A familiar voice. “Wait one second. I’m not done with you. You took my glory now it’s time for you to pay.” Steve laughed. “What do we do with him?” Alice said. “I have an idea.” said Program. All of a sudden a bright blue portal opened behind Steve. “Kick him in.” said program. John ran to Steve and kicked him hard in the chest flinging him into the portal. All of a sudden the portal closed. “Don’t worry, he should be ok.” John said.

Meanwhile, Steve was flying through tunnels with electric pain coursing through his entire body. His eyes turning wider than the colour his skin, getting more pale by the second while his anger was increasing, but he wasn’t dying. He was getting stronger.

Meanwhile, back at the village there was still one more problem. John had to figure out a way to get home. “Does anybody know how I can get back to the reaI world?” asked John. “You’re wearing this thing called a headset, right? If I can craft, I can disassemble. I’m a pretty strong crafter so maybe if I just channel my energy I can disassemble your headset and you’ll awaken the real world.” said Crafter. Crafter got closer to John and put his two blocky hands on his shoulders. Quickly, a tingling sensation started to errupt on John’s head. “Really quick, before I leave, I wanna say this adventure has been really fun with all of you, most of you. We just met but still I’m glad I’m the one saving the world.” said John. John abruptly woke up back on the stage he was going to be happy because he was back home. But that wasn’t the case because……


This scene is pretty gruesome so please skip to the next paragraph if you do not want to read gruesome scene. You have been warned!

There were thousands of lifeless bodies without their heads, presumably blown up characters dying in Minecraft had been dying in real life. He didn’t understand why this was happening but he had to figure it out. Then John heard a voice behind him. He looked behind to see a television screen with a cute little face. the face was only two dots in a smile but it looked like it was from a cartoon. It was Program. “Hey buddy.After Crafter disassembled your VR headset over there I quickly went to this computer. Now I can talk to your face on this television screen. Now we gotta go.” said Program.

John started to put arrows into all the television screens to show where John had to go. John quickly ran the direction he had to the computer screen.

“Quickly type this code in.” Program said. Program showed a code to type into the computer. When John typed it in and looked back at one of the monitors to see program with a more detailed face a sinister face then all of a sudden Program laughed a maniacal laugh. Then all the screens shut off and a green hue could be seen behind John. John looked back to see some sort of figure. A glitched figure.


The Endgame Chapter 9

“You fool. You thought this whole time we were saving earth. Well you’re wrong. I was the one who told those two employees to start Project Blow Up, A.k.A. this thing that killed all your friends. And I was the one who spawned the Ender Dragon. The one who opened the portal, that was obvious. And the one who picked you to be my puppet. This whole thing was training for you to be my new body. As you can see, I’m not fully human.” said Program. “But you’re the good guy. You’re a program.” John said. “Shut up. I’m not a program I’m a glitch. I’m glitchUr.” GlitchUr said. All of a sudden glitchUr lunged straight at John absorbing his essence into his. John started to twitch all over he could feel his body being controlled but he couldn’t just let it end there. He channelled all of his strength all of his courage but he wasn’t the same person he was in Minecraft. He was weak he didn’t even like sports but he wouldn’t let it end there. He channelled all of his power, all of his might and then he felt it the power, the energy, the glitch.

“What’s going on? You can’t be overpowering me.” Said program. “But you’re wrong. I can overpower you and I will.” John said. John stood up with all of his might eyes glowing bright. He wasn’t going to let this day end and he wasn’t going to let those people die in vain. “This can’t be happening.” said program. “But this is happening because good always beats evil.” John said. “NOOOOoooo.o..o……” said GlitchUr before he evaporated out of existence. 10 weeks later…


Chapter ???

John was playing at his favourite playground as usual but then his favourite bully Bobby came to push him around on the swing. “Hey nerd. Need some help?” Bobby said. “No thanks. I don’t need…” said John. “Nonsense, let me help you.” interrupted Bobby. Bobby went behind John and started pushing him back-and-forth. John went higher and higher until it was too high and too fast. Eventually John flung off the swing flying high into the air if he was going to land on the ground it would be hard. But all of a sudden a portal opened up below him. John fell into the portal just when it closed. “What just happened.” said Bobby.

To be continued…

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