



1:New School, New Life, Old Memories


Tommy Feynman had messed up big time. Well, he hadn’t known it yet, but soon he will. Soon he will figure out that he had cured his world-and life-with a terrible darkness. What did he do to shower his world in a terrible evil? Unplug one of his father’s inventions while it was cooling off. Yes, all he did was pull a plug for this madness to happen. And how much will he regret it when he takes his first steps into his new middle school.


Taking a deep breath in, Tommy glanced over to his friend Shawn who was scrolling through Snapchat. The ginger was Tommy’s only friend in the physical world. As for in Minecraft, that was a whole different story. In Minecraft, you see, Tom had so many friends. He was famous in that blocky, pixelated world. Though he wished to live in the game with his friends who actually understood him, he knew he had to always come back to his world, the real world. He didn’t like the physical world a lot, but he appreciated his friend Shawn and what the world had to offer.


Soon the bus came and Shawn shoved his phone into his pocket.

“You sure you don’t want to come back to Western?” the ginger asked and he stepped into the bus. “It’s still nice there, everyone misses you.”


Tommy laughed and waved Shawn goodbye as the bus drove off. He knew that the last thing Shawn said was a lie, no one liked him. That’s why he transferred, to get a new start. Those were always good, right? Everyone’s nice to new kids plus he heard the kids at DeanYard were better than those at Western.


Not that long after Shawn’s bus left did Tommy’s bus arrive. The yellow door opened and greeted Tom to a middle aged woman.


“Hey, your new, right?” she asked and the younger boy stepped onto the bus.


“Uh, yeah,” Tommy replied and looked into the lady’s deep blue eyes. “I’m new,”


“Well that’s great,” the woman said and pulled the lever to close the door. “Now pick wherever you wanna sit, it truly doesn’t matter. You can switch seats whenever you want to.”


Tom grinned at the lady and looked down the bus aisle. The other kids were staring at him which made him nervous. He slowly walked down to the last two seats. Putting his bag down, he sat next to another boy who looked about two or three years older than him.

Tommy didn’t say anything until they had to get off. He learned he was the last stop so he didn’t have a lot of time until he got to DeanYard.


The kids quickly stood up and dashed toward the front to get off as soon as possible. Tommy had started to stand before he got shoved back down as the older kid walked past him.


“Hey-” Tom started to say. The kid l turned around revealing his bright purple eyes.


“Oh, sorry.” the kid said with little emotion. He turned back around and walked to the front of the bus.


Without wasting any more time than he already had, Tommy grabbed his bag and ran toward the front of the bus and walked down the steps. As he walked toward the gym for assembly, he thought about that older kid. His voice and eyes were like a complete replica of on of his old enemy…but he was also a friend.


Shaking off the stupid thought he walked through the glass doors into a gym filled with other young teens. He slowly made his way to his teacher and home room. Avoiding the teacher, he sat on the bleachers with the other boys in his grade. Of corse, he knew no one so he just sat there for a while before another teen came up to him.


“You new here?”


Without looking up at the other teen, Tommy’s eyes widened. He recognized that voice, it was very familiar, just like the voice and eyes from the other teen on the bus. It couldn’t belong to anyone else, that voice was special, very special.


“Crafter?!” Tom exclaimed and shot his head up. It looked like his pixelated friend, but the hair, for one, was more straight. But his eyes here an exact replica of his friend’s, he knew it.


The boy looked at him and laughed. “I’m sure you got my name mixed up,” he chuckled. “My name is Cameron. Cameron Craftin.”


“Cameron?” the brunette asked and looked back down at his feet. Something was wrong, this was him, it was. But how was he here? How didn’t he know himself? Did this prove that the kid on the bus was really Feyd?


How did this happen? Something was definitely wrong. How were they in the physical world? Why didn’t they know who they really were? Was there anymore who were pulled out of the game?


“And your name?” Cameron asked and scratched his head.


Tommy sighed and replied, “Tommy Feynman. Nice to meet you Cra-…I mean, Cameron.”


The blonde smiled and sat down next to Tom. “Want me to help you get around this school, I mean, it’s complicated, trust me.” Cam said.


“Uhhh, sure.”


Cameron smiled brightly and turned to the front of the gym where the principle walked up to a microphone. He said for all the teens to get back to their home rooms and ready for morning announcements.


Tommy didn’t pay attention to his new principle, he was only focusing on what could happen to his friends. Were their memories whipped? Where their more villains brought back to life? Did the monsters remember?


He didn’t have much time to think before they had to get to class. Grabbing his bag, Tom walked down from the bleachers to where the other kids in his class were heading. He knew that he had a long day in front of him. A long yet horrifying day.



Feyd-now known as Finn Ensmans- opened up his locker and shoved his useless reading books that he finished into it. Ever since he was forced to live this life with his old memories, he had been trying to find a new hobby. Since there were no magic or “powers” in this useless world, he found that books thawed down his greed to use his teleportation powers again.


He didn’t want to be here, but it was his Maker and the Maker’s new friend’s idea. This new friend was called Entity303.(in this world known as Evan Joytin) Feyd didn’t trust him. He didn’t even want to be evil. Only Xa-Tul-Terence Zipper-knew that he had betrayed his Maker.


Feyd had been planning on telling Sally, who was really Shaivalak. He trusted her, it was like he actually got the time in Minecraft to know her and grow a bond with her. But he wanted to tell Oxus at the same time, since he also betrayed the Maker. It didn’t make sense why Herobrine would bring him back, but he did, and now he won’t pay attention or talk to any other previous monster from Minecraft.


“Yo Finn!”


Feyd turned around and saw Chara, the previous Blaze king. He looked like a kid, and oddly acted like one too. Finn didn’t know what Hero was thinking when he remade Charybdis.


“Yeah Char?” the tall pale boy responded. He grabbed his bag and walked toward the shorter boy.


“So, I heard you saw him,” Chara said and jumped up and down. “Was it really him?!”


Finn rolled his eyes and opened the door to their classroom. “Gameknight? Yeah, it was him. So what?” the tall boy said and sat down in his desk.


Chara gave him a childly confused look and sat down in his seat which was luckily spaced away from Feyd’s desk.


Finn look up at the chalk board and sighed. Somehow he knew he was going to be pulled into some evil, messed up plan to avenge their deaths. He didn’t want to, but he knew they’d make him do it.


Looking at the clock, he looked how at the ground.


Please Gameknight, please end this madness for one final time.


2: Adapting to the Changes


Walking into the gym, Cameron showed Tommy where the showers and bathrooms were. As Cam was walking to the bleachers, Tommy turned to the middle of the gym. There was a match of Dodgeball that was about to start. He was running late for class but got sidetracked by Cameron.


Running to the bleachers, he threw his bag on the floor and took off his dark blue hoodie. He threw it on top of his bag and ran one side of the court. Cam said it didn’t matter which side you chose when your late so he picked the side with taller people.


He was short compared to the others and should’ve picked the other side.


He opened his mouth to say something but the coach blew his whistle. Everyone ran to the balls in the middle of the court while Tom as frozen with shock. Not knowing what to do, he backed away from the other teens. But before he knew it, a ball smacked him right in the face.


“VILLANCE!” The coach screamed to the other team.


Tommy stood up and rubbed his cheek. It didn’t hurt that much, it just caught him by surprise. Cameron ran to the brunette’s side.


“You okay?” the blonde asked. Tom could tell he was worried so he just smiled and told him that he was fine.


Looking behind him, Cam looked at the paused game. He looked back at Tom and shrugged before going back to the other side where he game from.


Tom sighed as the shorter boy left. It was like every word he said was just another lie. It made his stomach hurt just thinking about it.


“Hey, sorry about hitting you in the faaaaace….brown-haired guy…name’s Hu-”


Tommy ran this time. He ran through the crowds of kids to the bathrooms. He threw himself into a stall and quickly locked it.


Leaning against the door, he slid down till he was siting down. He put his face into his hands and sobbed. Anyone but her. It could’ve been anyone. Herobrine would’ve been better, but it was her. He couldn’t even think of what she thought of him now. He was only focusing on what he was going to do.


He didn’t want her to get hurt. More or less, he didn’t want to talk to her.


“H…Hun…ter…” Tommy tried to get out. He was choking on his words. He was trying not to scream, all he could do was say what wa son his mind. “Crafter, Digger, Herder, Stitcher, everyone…what has happened?”


The bathroom door opened and footsteps filled the room. Rubbing his eyes and nose, Tom stood up and opened the stall.




Owen Tent fixed is glasses and shoved a spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth. He started at the girl two tables away from him and swallowed. The girl’s name was Samantha Spio. She was talking to her younger sister Sally and her other friends. Owen knew all of those kids, he just never wanted to talk to them. He hated all of them. He didn’t trust them, especially the older kid with pitch black hair, Brine Herio, his creator.


Brine had just come out of the bathrooms and sat down, brushing his oddly perfect hair out of his eye. Brine had name his human body perfect: he was in good shape, his skin was smooth and a dark brown, his hair was soft and perfectly cut, and his eyes were a perfect striking ice blue. Even his outfit was perfect, an exact replica of what he wore in the Great Zombie Invasion, a dark blue smock coming down and cutting off at his knees where black pants covered his legs. It fit him perfectly, and everyone said he was so great and had a good personality.


Well, Owen, who’s real name was Oxus, believed none of that.


In Minecraft Brine-or really Herobrine- had tried to use all of Oxus’ creepers for no use just to cause violence. Oxus didn’t want that one single bit to he ran off with his creepers and eventually made a creeper hive.


The chair next to him moved as a kid with straight black hair sat down next to Owen. Owen look to his left and growled, “Feyd, don’t you belong with those other monsters?”


Feyd-now Finn Ensmans- rolled his eyes and sighed, “You don’t know what I did, right?”


Owen eyes widened as he sat up a little straighter. “What do you mean?”


“I mean I risked my life-eventually dying-to destroy Xa-Tul and save Gameknight999 and Minecraft.”


Owen smiled, “Really?!”


Finn gave him a toothy grin and nodded. “It’s a long story.”


Owen was bewildered. Never before has he ever thought that another king had betrayed the Maker. Looked back at the other table, he said, “Does Brine know?”


Finn shook his head. “But I’m sure Xa-Tul…I mean, Terrence will eventually tell him. But I guess now is when all of us need to get along more than ever.”




Sighing, Finn said, “Because I told them I rode the same bus as Gameknight999-which is true.”


Owen groaned and put his head down. “You gotta be kidding me.”




“Please forgive me, I’m sorry!” Hunter Villance pleaded to Tommy.


“I said you we’re forgiven, geez Hunter, calm down.” Tom replied as he threw the crust from his sandwich in the trash. It turned out Hunter was in all his classes after P.E. so she’d been following him around apologizing for hitting him in the face. Of corse Tommy had forgiven her, but she didn’t take the forgiveness seriously.


“Heh, ops,” she chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I didn’t hear it the first few times.”


“First few times?!” Tom laughed. “I forgave you-like-a hundred times! So forgive to your sister or something.”


Hunter’s face went from a happy face to a very serious face. “How do you know I have a sister?”


Tommy but his lip and shrugged. “Cameron…told me…”


“Cameron? Cameron Craftin? That kid who made a complete idiot out of me?”


Tom’s eyes widened. “Wait, I thought-”


“Well you thought wrong,” Hunter snapped and trend away. The two were silent for a while. It was an awkward silence between the two. Tommy was going to leave before the girl finally spoke.


“Sorry,” she admitted and brushed her hand through her short curly hair. “I shouldn’t have vented on you like that. It’s just I’ve kept the hate in for a long, long time…”


“When did it happen?” Tom asked.


Hunter groaned and tapped her chin. “Last year. Purposely spilled his cup of punch on my dress in the Back to School dance. It was ruined and his friends followed him. I walked in with a white gown, walked out with a pink-maroon soaking wet dress.”


Tom bit his lip. “Have you talked to him about it?”


The girl shook her head. “Why would I?”


“It could’ve been an accident,” Tommy said. He needed the two to become friends again. He wanted everything to be like it was before, only in the physical world this time.


“Yeah…it could’ve,” Hunter echoed and leaned against the brick wall, straight out at the pale blue sky.





3: Targets Found


It was at 1:13 when the two bumped into each other. It was when the kids went to their seventh period class. Tommy had been rushing down and halls and wasn’t  looking where he was going before he ran into someone. The other kid was much taller than Tom. He was big and buff and had a small scar on his right cheek. His eyes were a pale red mixed with brown, but the hint of red gave everything away to Tommy.


“Xa-Tul.” Tommy growled. He knew he made a mistake, but this was getting out of hand.


“User-that-is-not-a-user, it’s been too long.” the former zombie king growled. It was like an exact replica of him-well it sorta was!-besides the green skin and claws.


Tommy looked into the king’s eyes and said, “What’s going on?! You would probably know, right?”


“Why would I tell you?” Xa-Tul responded as his hand turned into a fist. Tom backed up a bit, fretting ready for impact. Xa drew his arm back and threw his arm at the kid’s face.


Suddenly, someone stood in front of Tommy and rested a hand on Xa-Tul’s arm.


“That’s enough Terrance.” the new teen said and but his hand off the bully. Xa-Tul-Terrance-growled again and stormed past the two kids.


Tommy didn’t sleaziest he was sweating until a drop of sweat landed in his eye. He whipped his head and eyes and looked up at the kid who had helped him. It was a big, buff kid who was probably six foot. He wore a ripped-sleeve grey shirt and dark blue pants. The guy seemed like he had been through a lot.


The two stood there for a while without saying anything.


“Uh…thanks,” Tom said with a smiled. The other boy just looks down at Tommy and walked off.


Tom stood up with a blank expression on his face. He didn’t do anything until a smaller skinnier boy dragged the bigger kid to Tom.


“Say you’re welcome,” the short kid said to the taller boy.


Blushing, the bigger kid said, “Y…You’re welcome.”


Tommy smiled and looked at the smaller boy. “You really didn’t have to do that.”


“Well Dillian did!” the smaller kid exclaimed and pulled his black hair behind his ears. “Names Herman. Herman Herndon.”


“Tommy Feynman.” Tom said and shook the boy’s hand.


Herman smiled and grabbed Dillian’s hand. He skipped down the hallway dragging the larger teen behind him.


Tommy laughed. Herman’s smile seemed to brighten up his day. It reminded him of…


“Herder and Digger.” Tommy said out loud. It was so obvious now, of course it was them! Herder was pure and adorable, which was literally Herman. Digger was always silent and awkward when you first met him, which was Dillian.


What next? Tommy thought and walked to his next class. Stitcher?




Sally Spio happily skipped out of her last period to her locker. She entered her code and pulled off the lock. Throwing in her finished homework, she slammed it shut and clicked the lock back on. She continued to skip down the hallway till she found he older sister Samantha.


“Hey Sam!” Sally happily exclaimed and ran to her older sister.


“Ssstop calling me that,” Samantha hissed and quickly put her hand over her mouth. “I-I meant stop that! It’s Shaikulud and you know that Valak.”


Sally just rolled her eyes and grinned. “Come on! It’s just roleplaying, it’s not like this is your life forever!”


“Well it beats than being dead.” Sam snapped and put her hands into her hoodie. “Also I heard that Feyd wants to see you…or something…I don’t really care I just wanna destroy Gameknight and get a decent life.”


“Feyd wants to see…me?” Sally asked. Yeah Feyd was cool, he was the first king she had ever met. Sure he helped her hatch and was really nice to her when she was born and seemed to always be there for her…


Sally realized how much that Enderman had actually meant to her. She asked where he was and dashed to classroom 7G.


“FINN!” Sally yelled when she saw him walk out the classroom. “What’cha want with me?”


Finn looked at Sally and sighed, it wasn’t Xa-Tul. He calmly walked over to her and gave her a bright smile.


“Yo, what’s up?” he asked happily and messed with the girl’s hair.


Sally shook him off. “What’s that about? What do you want with me?”


Finn pulled his hair out of his eye and but his lip. “Could you talk with me and Oxus about it elsewhere…where no zombie king’s are lurking around?”


Sally turned around and saw Xa-Tul-Terrance- stand in the hallways death-glaring Finn. She knew the two hated each other but she never knew why.


“Uhh…sure.” Sally replied and looked back at Feyd. “But why’s Oxi in this?”




“It’s the nickname I have Oxus!” Sally exclaimed. “Yours is Fey, my sis’s Kulud, and Herobrine’s-”


Finn quickly covered Sally’s mouth with his hand. Two boys behind them were laughing.


“HEROBRINE?! You gotta be kidding me!” one of them said. “Minecraft’ for baby’s, which I guess you are, kid.”


Sally started to blush and tear up.


“Aww, you gonna cry?” the other mocked. “Why don’t you go cry to your Minecraft friends?”


A tear came down the girl’s face.


“Such a baby.”


Finn walked past the sobbing girl and looked down at the two boys. He pulled back his hand and slapped the first guy in the face and kicked the other in the shin.




That’s all the Finn said. The two boys quickly ran off away from the two. Finn turned around and was greeted by a small, warm hug around his waist.


“Thank you.” Sally sobbed happily.


Finn hugged back and put his chin on her head. “It happens to all of us. We just gotta keep our past life a secret.”


Sally nodded and looked back up and Feyd. “So where we gonna meet Oxi?”




Hunter Villance pulled the bowstring back and fired at the target. Bullseye. She smiled and turned her head.


“See, it’s easy! Why don’t you try it?”


Tom shook his head. “Sorry, but you do know it’s not as easy as it looks.”


Hunter just smiled and walked over to the boy. She handed him the bow and laughed. “Hey if you wanna quit your house is always down the street.”


“He, true.” Tom replied. Turned out Hunter lived down his street so he just went to his house and told his parents where he was going. Hunter had invited him over so he came. Right now he was in her backyard watching her practice archery.


“Just try.”


Tommy rolled his eyes and stood up. He already had the equipment on(Hunter made him put it on) so he was ready. He stood in front of the target and pulled out an arrow outbid his quiver.


“Okay, so rest the arrow on the string-” Hunter started to explain before getting cut off by Tom.


“You told me. Plus I know how to do it.”


“Oh, really?” the red-head sarcastically asked. “Fine. I won’t help nor say anything. Knock yourself out!”


Tom smiled and notched an arrow onto the bow. He pulled back the string but had some trouble with it. It wasn’t as easy as the Minecraft bow. He looked at Hunter but she didn’t say anything. Turning back to the target, he took a deep breath in and let go. The arrow flew onto the target and only missed the bullseye by an inch or two.


“Aw! So close!”


Tommy turned around to find a younger girl standing in the back porch. She had the same curly hair as Hunter and it flowed down her back. The girl’s green eyes sparkled in the sun and she ran down the stairs to the backyard.


“Soooo,” the girl said and looked at Hunter. “who’s this?”


Hunter blushed and said, “It’s Tommy. Geez Sara, stop being so nosy!”


Sara just giggled and looked at he boy. “Hey Tom! I’m Sara, your girlfriend’s sister!”


Hunter quickly shot up and grabbed her sister by her ear. “YOU LITTLE BRAT STOP SAYING THAT STUFF WHENEVER I HAVE A GUY FRIEND OVER!”


Sara wiggled her way out of her sister’s grasp. She smiled and said, “Heh, sorryyy sis.”


Hunter just rolled her eyes in response and looked at Tom. “Sorry about that, Sara’s just a-” she castes a deadly glare at her sister. “-little annoying sometimes.”


“It’s okay,” Tommy reassured and walked over to grab his arrow.


He didn’t realize that when he turned around, Hunter smiled and blushed as she watched him.


4: A Speck of Hope


Brine opened the door to his apartment and yawned. He walked over to the kitchen counter and threw the keys on it. He didn’t bother closing the door, he knew that they were gonna come.


“Three…two…one.” Brine counted down as three other teens walked through the door, the last one closing it.


“Welcome fellow creations-I mean friends, right?” Brine asked sarcastically and he opened his arms and stood on his heels.


Only one of them laughed. The one girl slowly walked her way over the the couch and threw her bag onto it and laid down.


“Why did he have to be a teenager, Brine?” the girl-Samantha- groaned. “It’s so boring and you actually have to pay attention to people!”


“What, you didn’t pay attention to me?” Brine asked in a childlike voice.


“Well when she did it got her killed.” Erebus said and dropped his bag on the floor.


“Same did for you.” Mason-Malacoda-replied in a harsh tone.


“And you!” Erebus snapped.


“You killed me!”


“Which took like, what, no effort!”


“Guys stop!” Samantha exclaimed. “You guys gotta chill or the boss is gonna kill you.”


“Yeah I am.” Brine said.


“I was talking about Entity,”


Brine groaned but still smiled. That Entity guy-Evan-took over. Though Brine wanted to be in control, he knew that Entity was a better leader, though he hated to admit it.


“Did I hear my name?”


The four turned their heads to the door where a black kid with white hair walked in and gently swatted his bag on the floor. He was tall, taller than Erebus. He wore a white hoodie and everything else he wore was black.


“So, how’s High School guys?” Entity asked happily.






“It’s okay…I guess…”


“Well that’s good news!” Entity said.


The others stared at him as he grabbed his bag and walked into his room.


“I don’t get that guy,” Mason said and walked off to his room.



“Tom, why’s Cameron here?”


Tommy nervously looked over at Cam and shrugged. He had brought the five all together-six counting him. He though it would be good for them, but turned out they had a rough past with each other.


“I hate Herman-ARGH! Why’d you bring him?!” Sara asked.


“Hunter? HUNTER, REALLY?!” Cam snapped.


“Sara I didn’t mean it!” Herman whined.


Dillian didn’t say anything, he jut held Herman’s hand during the fight.


Tommy tried to act cool, but it was just getting annoying now.


“STOP!” he screamed at the top of his lounges.


The others looked at him and stopped talking.


“Look at you guys here, fighting yelling, and for what? A stained dress?” Tommy asked.(mainly to Hunter) “Hunter, I KNOW you aren’t a girly girl. What really happened?”


Hunter blushed and turned around from the brunette. “I was in the state championship for archery-”


“That wasn’t me!” Cameron exclaimed, as if he knew what she was going to say.


“-and he broke my bow in the last round! I had worked so hard getting there only for my bow to get snapped in half by my best friend!” There were tears in her eyes after she had finished her sentence.


Wide eyed, Tom said, “Best friend? You two were best friends?!”


Everyone shared glances, only Dillain spoke up. “Yeah, we were.” He boomed and looked down at the ground. “But that was so long ago…”


“It was a year and a half ago,” Herman said is a quiet tone.


Tommy sighed at looked at Sara. “You and Herde-uh, I mean Herman. What happened?”


The two looked at each other and back at the taller boy. “He made me fail a class and get held back a year.”


“I got held back too!” Herman snapped. “It’s not only you Sara, it was me too! I’m sorry I couldn’t help you on your project or cheat on your test, it just wasn’t the right thing?”


“When is the right thing ever important to you?” Sara growled and brushed her red hair out of her face. “All you care about is Dillain and no one else!”


Herman looked up at Dillain who looked pissed. Herman put his had up against the large boy and shook his head. “The right thing was to tell the teacher, but she caught both of us before I could tell her.”


Tommy looked at the two and groaned. This was too complicated. He just wanted everything to be the way it was in Minecraft…


“Minecraft.” Tommy said out loud in realization.


Herman stopped talking and looked at Tom. “MC? I love that game! You like it too?”


“Hey, stop copying me Her,” Sara said. “I love that game much more than you.”


“I’m the biggest fan!” Herman said with a smile.


“Nah, I could destroy all of you in PvP and Hunger Games any day,” Hunter bragged.


“I’ve been playing it since the day it came out,” Cam said. “In pretty sure I’m the most skilled.


Dillian stood their and smiled. “I’m related to Notch, so I’m pretty sure I’m the best.”


The others looked at him and smiled.


“Really?!” Cam asked excitedly.


“That’s so cool!” Sara said and jumped up and down.


“That’s it!” Tom said and clapped his hands together. “You guys doing anything Saturday?”


“Nope.” They all said as one.


“Then come over to my place and bring your laptops,” Tommy said with a smirk. “I need to show you guys a really cool server.”


“What is it? Creative? PvP?” Hunter asked.


“Nope.” Tom said with a smile. “It’s just a good o’l survival server. There a village close to the spawn point too that I think you guys wanna see.”


The lives of the puzzle started to click together as the words flew out of Tom’s mouth. Either this will bring their friendship back, or nothing else will.



Few Answers, Millions of Questions


Olivia Jangg watched the group of six happily talk. This made the little girl smile. This is what she came here to do but turned out the brunette had it all covered.


Knowing she had little time left, she dashed away from the teens to the exit. But in her way stood a Black teen with striking blue eyes that pierced through Olivia’s soul.


“Well, well, look who we have here?” the teen said and walked up to the little girl. “Seems like a kid stumbled into a high school instead of their elementary school.”


“You know well enough that I’m much older than you and everyone in this school.” Olivia said and stomped her foot.


“Not in this world,” the teen said and crouched down the the girl’s height.


“Hero…I mean, Brine,” the kid said. “You know I’m not afraid of you. I can destroy you this very second.”


“Again, not in this world.” Brine said and stood up. “There is NO powers in this world. Just a lot of hatred. I’d like to thank you again for letting me come here.”


“It wasn’t me.” she snapped.


“Yeah, sure it was.” Brine mocked. “Now beat it Oracle, I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.”


“You can’t tell me what to do!” Olivia snapped.


“See, that’s why you’re a little kid in this world,” the Black boy said and showed the girl the exit. “Because you act like one. Now leave.”


Olivia groaned and walked to the exit. She walked out of the high school and prayed Tommy would destroy Brine.






Owen folded down his collar and made sure his breath wasn’t bad. He hadn’t talked to any of the queens since he’d been in his world. To be honest, he never met Valak before in his life! He had to make a good impression for the young queen.


He saw her come down the hallway with Finn holding her hand. Her face was red and her eyes were watering; something had happened. Owen ran to the queen’s side and shot a glance at Finn.


“What happened?”


Finn looked down at the girl and sighed. “Minecraft stuff. Guess it’s kiddy in this universe-I mean, world.”


Sally sniffed which made Owen grab her hand. “You’re not my servant, Oxi, let go of my hand.”


Embarrassed, Owen let go of her hand and blushed. Bad start, he thought.


“So we gonna talk about it or not?” Finn asked the freckled face boy.


“Yep! But follow me!” Owen said and led the two down the street to his apartment which he shared with  Shaikulud. He burst through the door and showed the two to his room.


“Sorry it’s a mess,” Owen said as he locked his door. “Not really used to using these a lot.” He put his hand in front of his and waved them around. “They’re weird.”


“Okay Oxus, lets get to the point,” Finn said and faced Sally. “We’re planning on sabotaging Herobrine-”


“FEYD” Owen screeched and he rubbed his temples. “You were supposed to WAIT!”


“We don’t have much time so we gotta make it quick,” Finn snapped and crouched down to Sally’s height. “You okay with this?”


She shook her head.


“Well you are,” Finn said and stood up. “You already know so either you betray him or we’re gonna get Entity-”


“Okay I’ll do it!” Sally cried out. She was terrified of that virus, Entity. It seemed to know everyone’s thoughts which creeped her out.


Owen sighed. “Well that didn’t take long.”


“But why me?” Sally said and looked at the ginger. “My sis would’ve been a much better choice.”


“Wasn’t my idea,” Owen said. “It was all Feyd.”


The girl turned to the tall boy who was blushing. “You?” she asked.


“Kulud is too loyal to Herobrine,” Finn said. “so is everyone else besides me and Oxus, the two who betrayed him-”


“Wait wait wait, you already betrayed him?!” the girl snapped.


“Uhh, yeah, but that’s not the point.” the emo teen stated. “I picked you because-”


“Because you like her,” Owen blurted out. “Hey, its obvious.”


Sally’s eyes widened. He turned to Finn who’s face was all flustered.


“That can’t be true, right Feyd?” Sally laughed. She tried to laugh it off but she knew the truth: She liked him too.


“In a friend way, idiot.” Finn said very, very seriously. “No, I don’t like-like you, you’re just a friend.”


Her heart broke. Why would he like her, he had much better things to worry about in life. But she wanted it to be true…but of course, it wasn’t.


Holding back her tears, Sally said, “Well, i-it doesn’t matter, we just need to focus on destroying Herobrine!”


Owen and Finn smiled, it was a success! Looking back at the door, the ginger unlocked it and was greeted by Evan Joytin, the feared virus.


“So you’re gonna destroy Herobrine, eh?” Evan asked and entered in the room. “What’s going on here, a rebellion?”


No one said anything, they were all afraid. They had been caught and this whole thing was over. But Sally thought otherwise.


“Yeah,” Sally said with a smiled. Both Finn and Owen shot her a fearful glance and Evan scrolled. The virus scrunched his hand up into a fist and took a step near the girl. But she had other plans.


“Yeah, we’re gonna destroy him in some good ‘ol PvP in Minecraft! I’m sure he made an account!”


Evan sighed and relaxed his hands. “Well that sounds like a fun idea, doesn’t it Feyd? Oxus?”


“Yep.” Both of the rebels said and nodded their heads.


Evan smiled and spun around. He gracefully walked out of the door and shut it behind him.


Finn laughed while Owen freaked.


“Do you even have an account?!” Owen asked and rubbed his nose. “I don’t! Does Brine even have one?”


“Brine has one along with Erebus, Mala, and literally everyone else,” Finn chuckled. “Hey, you miss out on something’s when you act emo and not even hang out with the squad.”


Owen looked at the tall teen and rolled his eyes. “Says the emo. But I’m sorry, I still don’t trust them.”


“Well you better start,” Sally said and pulled her laptop out of her bag. She opened up Google and got to where you could make a Minecraft Account.


“Username?” the girl asked.






“How about Oxus_King_Creeper3.”


“Why the 3?” Finn asked and looked at the screen the other two were looking at.


“Duh, he’s the third monster king/queen Herobrine created.” Sally said and typed in the username.


“Okay, password?”




“Kay, but don’t forget it,” the girl said and typed in the rest of the application by herself. “And you’re good! What do you want your skin to look like?”


“Can you just make me?” the ginger asked and sat down next to the Black girl.


“Umm, I mean, I could but that’s weird.” she said and opened up her skin creator application. “How about do your half-shaved hair but make the actually hair green. And we should replace your freckles with cool scales but make it go down from one eye; it’d be cool!”


“You make me sound cooler than I actually am,” Owen laughed.


“Also no glasses, that’s weird.”


Owen took off his glasses and looked at Finn.


Finn shrugged. “You look better, but you’d look cooler with that green hair.”


“What are you guys doing, trying to make me took like a creeper?”


Finn laughed but Sally gasped. The boys focused on the screen and also gasped.


“He’s on this server!” Sally exclaimed. They moved closer to the screen.


“They’re all there. Look!” Finn exclaimed and pointed at the other users. “ShotemDead. I’m pretty sure I know who that is.”


“What are you guys talking about? Those three villagers?”


“Three villagers?” Sally asked and looked at the ginger. “No dude, these are the NPCs that-” She paused and sighed. “The NPCs that…destroyed us all.”


“Willingly for me,” Finn said. “I asked for it, really.”


Ignoring Finn’s reply, Sally moved her character, ValakWeb10, behind some trees and watched the six users. Suddenly, one of them logged off. The three looked down at the chat and read: WolfMan logged off.


“Wolfman?” Both Sally and Owen asked.


Finn snapped his fingers. “Wolf man! Herobrine told be about that name, it belonged to that tall skinny NPC!”


“You mean the herder?” Sally asked and leaned back on the wall. She gave Finn her laptop and groaned. “So we found them Oxus, what are we gonna do now?”


“Meet them in real life,” the ginger said and brushed his hair out of his face. “Finn, you talk to him first in your bus.”


“Got it!” Finn said and stood up. “Come on Sal, like drop you off at your place.”


The girl looked up at him and shook her head. “It’s too far from your place!”


“It’s okay, Brine gave me a driver license. I guess because I look sixteen.”


“Yeah, you guys better get going,” Owen said. “Your sister is coming. But it’s weird why you two aren’t in the same apartment. Well, why did Brine even give up all separate apartments in different areas?”


Finn and Sally shared glanced. Finn looked back at Owen and said, “Each portal is planted close to each place.”




“Yep.” Finn said. “Entity and Herobrine are bringing Minecraft to us sooner than you think.”






Tommy grabbed his phone and called his friend.


Pick up…pick up please! he thought. Finally, the other lien picked up.


“What do you want?!” Herman sobbed into his phone.


“What happened? Why did you log off?” Tom asked. All six of them were having a great time on the Minecraft Server and Herman had just randomly logged off.


“I…oh no, not another one!” Herman said and seemed to pull the phone away from his ear. “…you don’t…oh my gosh…”


“Herman?” Tom asked. There was no response, just distant crying.




“I’m sorry!” Herman sobbed. “I’m sorry I know I’m a mess I shouldn’t bother. I knew I would just mess up your life like I always do…”


“Herman, I never said any of that about you,” Tommy said sympathetically. This was weird, where did he get that idea.


“It’s okay, you don’t even need to say it, I know it’s true.” Herman sobbed.


“Herman who said that to you?” Tommy asked and reached for his keyboard. He typed “has Herman ever been bullied?” in the chat and grabbed his phone from his shoulder.


“I…” Herman mumbled and didn’t say anything else.


Tommy waited and looked back at the chat.


“IDK” Hunter chatted.


“Ask him” Cameron chatted.


Tommy sighed and leaned back in his chair. Guess I have to do this myself, he thought and focused back on his phone.


“Hey Herman, are you being b-”


He hung up. Tommy pulled his phone from his ear and stared at it.


What was going on?



6: The First Step to Remembrance


Herman dropped his phone on his bed and cried. He couldn’t believe he thought they would think he’s “cool” or “interesting.” Why did he ever let himself believe that? No matter what Tommy said, he would always believe that he was a mistake. If he disappeared no one would care.


His phone buzzed and he looked at it. He read the email and burst into more tears. This bulling was greeting out of hand, but he couldn’t do anything about it. Erebus and Mason were the kings at the school, and if he told on them, they’d kill him. Herman also couldn’t do anything about this cyber bullying; he had no idea who it was. But the emails kept coming from this mysterious creep and they just got worse and worse.


“No more,” Herman sobbed and put his phoebe faced down on his bed. “NO MORE PLEASE!”


“Herman. What’s going on?”


The skinny kid snapped his head to his door and found Dillian standing in the doorway. The bulky teen’s gaming headphones were still on from playing Minecraft. He was panting, probably because running up the stairs so fast.


“Dillian, get out. Leave me alone.” Herman snapped and walked toward the door. He started to slam it in his face but the bulky teen stopped him.


“What’s.Going.On?” Dillian panted and walked through the door.


Herman stared breathing heavily. He crunched his hands into fists and shoved the big teen away from him. Dillian took a small step back, not ready for the impact.


“JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” Herman screeched and leaned his head on Dillian’s chest. “I just want this to end…I want Mommy and Daddy back.”


Dillian stroked his hand through the boy’s pitch black hair and took a deep breath in. “I…I know you miss them Herman, I really do. But now it’s just you and me now. You okay with that?”


Herman sniffed and shook his head. “Why did they leave me with you? Why didn’t they come back?”


The bulky teen but his lip. “They…abandoned you…Im sorry, I should’ve told you sooner.” He rapped his arms around the lanky boy and hugged his tightly. “I’m sorry I failed you.”


Herman felt Dillian’s tears fall on his shoulders. “Dillian, no, you didn’t fail me, your just trying to protect me like you have for your entire life.”


They stood there for a while, both crying. Then two smaller kids walked from the hallway to the room.


“Oh wait, bad time or-” the young boy started to say.


“Yeah, it is a bad time. What do you want Toby?” Dillian snapped and let go of Herman.


“We…uhh,” Toby stared to say before his twin sister cut in.


“It’s time for dinner. Dad wants all of us at the table.” the girl, Fiona, said and looked at Herman. “That means you too Herman, you’re a part of your family, don’t forget that.”


Dillian smiled at Herman and walked with his younger twins downstairs to the kitchen. Herman was going to catch up, he just needed to wash off his face. He walked over to the bathroom and splashed the cool water on his pale face.


Fiona’s words kept ringing through his head: You’re a part of our family.


“I’m a part of you family.” Herman echoed.


Suddenly, the memories rushed back to him like a landslide. He fell onto the floor with a thud as he remembered his life. He stared to breath fast and heavily; he couldn’t believe he forgot! Dillian came running to the bathroom and grabbed onto the lanky boy’s shoulders.


“Herman?! What happened?”


Herman sat up and shook his head. “Digger, you need to remember! Something terrible is gonna happen and I don’t think we have much time. We need Gameknight999.”




“So your saying that Stitcher goes to our school?” Jenny asked her brother as he was getting ready for school.


“Yes. Something happened and I think Herobrine’s behind it.” Tom said and shoved his drawing book into his bag.


“But we destroyed him!” Jenny exclaimed and followed her brother to the front door.


“To be honest Jenny, I don’t think we did,” he replied and opened the door. “We just made everything worse than it already was.”




Finn watched anxiously as Tommy-Gameknight999-walked onto the bus. He had been waiting all weekend to talk to him; he hand to make a move. As soon as the hero sat down, Finn spoke.


“Gameknight, we need you help!” the skinny boy said and leaned over to Tom’s chair.


The brunette have Finn a shocked looked. “How do you…Feyd. That’s you isn’t it?”


Finn suddenly became all flustered. “Yes but…ARGH! That really doesn’t matter, do the others know yet?”


Tommy looked at Finn and opened his mouth. Realizing what he was doing, he stopped and turned away.


“I’ll tell you how to get that red-headed girl’s memories back.”


Tommy’s head snapped back to Finn. “Okay, what did you mean by did they know yet?”


The emo kid tilted his head. “Crafter, Digger, do I have to go on?”


Tom shook his head.


“So Herobine planted portals and…” Finn looked around him to make sure no one was listening. He looked back at Tommy and told him what was happening, what they had to do, and how to reset everything back to normal.




Herman ran past the crowd of kids to reach Tommy.


I need to get to him! he thought.


As he shoved teens past him, he could see Tommy down the hallway.


“THOMAS FEYNMAN!” Herman yelled, trying to get the teen’s attention.


Tommy turned around and waited for Herman to catch up with him.


“Not down Herman, I need to get to Hunter-” Tom stared to say before the pale kid shook his head.


“Gameknight999, User-that-is-not-a-user, stop this now!” Herman hissed. “Don’t you dare walk away from me. Did you walk away from me when I was possessed by Herobrine?”


Tommy was bewildered; it felt like he was paralyzed.


“No, you didn’t. You never gave up in Minecraft. You didn’t give up on Stitcher when she turned to stone, you didn’t give up on Crafter when he was dying. And you didn’t give up on fixing the timeline when Entity ruined it. Now you need to tell me what’s going on and have you made a plan to destroy the portals? Cause we need one REALLY soon.”


Tommy smiled and hugged the boy. “Herder your back! Oh my gosh I wanted to say something but-”


“Hey, it’s okay.” Herman said and patted the taller boy on the shoulders. “I also figured out who was bullying me!”


“You we’re bullied?!”


“Oh, never mind.” the skinny boy laughed off. “Lets hurst get the other’s Memories back!”


The two made their way to the gym to find Hunter.


“Oh yeah,” Tommy said as he pushed open the door. “Feyd and Oxus is helping us destroy Herobrine.”





7: It All Fades to Black


The four was back together; the Four Horsemen. Each stared at the other blankly. No one knew what to say. Finn awkwardly bounced up and down on his feet, waiting for someone to make a move.


“Ahhh I need to go to the bathroom.” Richard-Reaper-blurted out and dashed away from the group.


Finn followed, not bothering if he missed anything. He entered in the bathroom but heard a terrible sound. The teen pressed his back against the wall and looked over the wall. Richard was screeching but he was smiling. Finn watched the very(VERY!) skinny boy pull off his gloves and scream at the top of his lunges. The enderman king watched wide-eyed as Richard’s hand’s skin peeled away and revealed his inner bones.


Finn stared to hyperventilate; it was terrifying. Richard was turning back into a skeleton, and if that was true, that meant if Herobrine turned back to his original form…he would destroy everything.


Suddenly, a pain shot through his left side of his face, the side where his hair covered. The tall teen screamed and fell to the floor. Richard and the other two were by his side in seconds. Chara held his shoulders, keeping his still. He told the black-haired teen that it would be fine, that it was all part of the plan.


A few minutes later the pain stopped. Finn’s breathing settled and the others backed away. Scarred of what happened to him, Finn shot up and clumsily made his way to the mirror. He looked at himself and pulled away his hair that covered the left side of his face. He gasped. His entire left side of his face was slowly fading into black and his pale purple eyes were turning a deeper purple with white pupils.


“No,” Finn cried.


“No Finn, this is good!” Chara said and patted the teen on the back. The red-head held his hand up and flames stared flowing down from his palm. Terrance pulled up his sleeve and showed that his skin was slowly turning green and his old scars were coming back. Richard showed his hands but Finn snapped his head away, the bone stuff was too gross.


“We’re all coming back!” Terrance exclaimed and threw his arms in the air.


They all went quiet when they heard the breathing. It was silent but they could still hear it. Terrance followed the sound and found a dark-skinned girl with red hair standing in the doorway. Her eyes were widened and her jaw was dropped to the floor. They could see the fear in her eyes.


“Run.” Finn mouthed, trying to get the girl as far away from this mess as possible.


She stared to turn around but the zombie king grabbed her arms and dug his nails into her skin. The girl yelped and tried to shake out of the king’s grasp.


“LET ME GO YOU CREEPS!” the girl screamed. Then, out of no where, Brine appeared behind the girl, white specks floating around him. He grabbed her hair and tugged it back. She yelped again, a single tear running down her face.


“You’re coming with me, beauty.” Brine said and smirked. He snapped his fingers and both him and the girl-Hunter-disappeared.




The two followed the screams to the boy’s bathroom. Once they made it the screaming stopped. They looked at each other,scarred, and opened the door.


“Well, look who we have here.”


Tommy was just in time to see Herobrine teleport away with her, with Hunter. He looked back at the bulky teen who talked and growled.


“What did you do with her?!” Tom screeched and walked up to Terrance. He threw a punch at the big kid’s face which made him take a few steps back. Tom kicked him in the shins and looked at the other three in the room. Finally, he spotted Finn.


“I trusted you.” Tommy snapped, tears running down his face.


Finn tried to say something, but Tommy went wild. He tackled Terrance onto the floor and stared punching him.


“TOMMY STOP!” Herman yelled as he clanged to the wall.


“Not now!” Tom snapped back as he continued attacking the bigger boy. The others tried to stop him but they failed. Then Finn grabbed Tom and pulled him away. The skinny boy grabbed Herman’s shirt and closed his eyes. Using all the strength he had left, he teleported away from the fight to the middle of no where. When they made it Finn fell to the ground, his nose bleeding.


“Are you okay?” Herman asked as he dropped to his knees next to Finn. “Feyd, talk to me!”


Finn coughed and weakly opened his eyes. “H-Hey y…you re…remembered.” He said and weakly smiled.


Herman smiled back, but Tom was furious.


“Why’d you let Herobrine take her Finn, WHY?” Tommy snapped and stormed around in circles. “Now we’re lost and have no idea where the heck we are, and it’s all your fault Feyd!”


Finn slowly sat up, with the help of Herman, and shook his head. “No,” he said and whipped the blood off his nose. “No, this isn’t the middle of nowhere, Tom. This is where the first portal is.”


“Why would I care anymore?!” Tom screeched and threw his hands into the air. “Let the zombies get me for all I care, I just was this nightmare to end!”


“But we can’t without your help.”


Tom turned around and found a young girl standing behind him. Her skin was brown but her hair was grey and flowing down her back. Her eyes told a tale, like she had been alive for years and years.


“Oracle.” Tom said in realization.


“Took you long enough,” Olivia joked. “But just call me Olivia for now.”


Tom nodded. “But why are you here? How can I stop this? Should I trust him?”


“Hey, in right here!” Finn snapped.


“In time, child, you will learn.” Olivia said in her old-like voice. “But first, you need the others.” She snapped her fingers and the others appeared.


“What the-” Cameron stuttered as he looked at his surroundings.


The others did the same, questioning where they were and how they got there.


“Start with Digger.” Olivia whispered to Tommy. He nodded and walked up to Dillian.


“Digger,” Tom said and put his hands on the big teen’s shoulders. “You were such a big inspiration to me. You were so strong even after what I did to you family. You always know what’s right and you’re always there when someone needs you. I miss you, Dig, I just want you to come back.”


Dillian’s eyes lit up.


Tommy moved to Shara. “Stitcher,  wow, boy I still need to finish that archery competition with you from back when Herder got possessed. Isn’t it funny that that was only a few months ago? Crazy, I know. But let me just say that you light up my world sometimes when everything seems lost. You’re so strong, sometimes I even wish I was as strong as you.right now I need you to find you strength, Stitcher, and come back to me.”


Her eyes lit up.


Finally, Tom moved to Cameron. “God, where do I even start?” Tom said as a few tears streamed down his face. “Crafter, your my best friend and will always be. Your so smart and you were there since the start. You were the one to make me realize who I really was, so now it’s my turn. Crafter, come back, please.”


Cameron’s eyes shinned a glimmer of hope.


Tommy backed away and waited for one of them to say something.


“Well, if we’re gonna beat Herobrine, better start now then later.” Shara giggled.


Tom smiled and ran to Shara and hugged her, tears streamed down both of their faces. Dillian and Cameron joined too, for they remembered too. Herman jumped in too, clinging onto Digger’s back.


The stood there, hugging each other for a while. And just for that second, everything seemed perfect to Tommy.




Evan turned on the first portal. His eyes flew a deep red as he did this. He smiled and backed away of the mechanism. It flew bright blue for a few seconds then stopped. Suddenly, the very fabric of the Earth teared and opened up. Out of the portal came out zombies, a lot of them. Even smirked and laughed. This was the start of the Invasion of Earth, starting with the destruction of Gameknight999.




Samantha held her younger sister in her arms as Herobrine moved closer to the two.


“Hand her over,” Brine hissed. “She’s a traitor, she’s planning on destroying my plan!”


“Even if she was, I still wouldn’t hand her over.” Sam exclaimed. She grabbed Sally’s arms tightly as she kept her away from the virus. “Where did you even get the idea?”


Brine smirked and snapped. Suddenly, Owen appeared. The freckled-faced boy’s freckles were now black scales but there was scars all over his arms and face. His nose was bleeding and he fell quickly to the ground; his entire body was shaking.


Brine whipped the blood from his nose on his sleeve and laughed one of his ear-piercing screeches. “So Owen here always seemed a little off once we got here, didn’t he Valak?”


The young teen shook her head.


“Well, I know you noticed, don’t lie to me kid.” Brine snapped. “So I noticed this and decided to show Oxus, or what you like to call him Oxi, what happens if youre thinking of betraying me.” The virus kneed Owen in the head; the teen groaned and stopped shaking. “Turns out he WAS planning on betraying me, and he said that two unnamed previous king or queen was helping him out. So, was it you or not?”


Sally grabbed her sister’s arms tightly and shook her head.




“Yes.” she quietly responded.


Looking back down at Owen, he kicked him again, this time harder than before.


“Brine, stop it.” Samantha said flatly.


He kicked the ginger again, this time on the head.


“Stop your gonna kill him!” Sally cried.


Brine kicked him in the shin and Owen fell to his side, blood oozing from his mouth, nose, and scars.


“STOP OKAY YES, YES IT WAS ME!” the young girl screamed.


Brine turned to her and smiled. He gracefully walked up the her and yanked her out of her sister’s arms.


“So the youngest tries the impossible, I see.” the Black teen said and threw the girl on top of Owen.


“Brine stop!” Sam exclaimed.


He didn’t listen. He held out his hand and his old ender-sword appeared.


“Time to finish the job.” He said and held the sword above his head. He stepped toward and swung down.




Suddenly, the room filled with a white light and exploded. Brine flew to the wall and the others got sent flying back. Everything in the apartment was destroyed. The rug was on fire and the countertops were shattered. Owen weakly sat up and looked at Sally. She looked back and smiled. Owen laughed but it slowly faded away.


“I’m sorry.”


Sally watched wide-eyes as Owen, the creeper king, died right before her eyes.



8: Break My Mind


Sally limbed her way away from Owen’s corpse to Brine’s room which wasn’t that far away, she just had to be fast. Tears were blurring her vision and her body felt like it was on fire. Everything hurt, especially her right eyes. You couldn’t see them, they were small, but they were still there. It helped her see much better but most of them were blinded from the explosion. She still couldn’t believe he was dead, he was the only king who never died. Yet in the world we was the only one too…yet.


Finally she made it to Brine’s room. She walked through the doorway(the door had been knocked down from the explosion) and found her.


“H…Hey.” Sally said weakly and walked over to the red haired girl. “It’s okay, I’m a good guy.”


The girl was shaking. A long scar went down her arm and was bleeding.


“Gosh, I’ll help you with that.” Sally said and kneeled next to the girl. She hovered her hands over the scar. Suddenly, a webbing came out of Sally’s hands. She moved her hands around the girl’s arms and covered the entire scab in webbing.


“Your nose,” the other teen said and pointed at the black girl’s nose.


Sally whipped the blood from her nose and shook her head. “Stop worrying about me. Let’s focus on you…”


“Hunter.” the taller teen said and stood up with the help of Sally.


The turned around and found Brine limping through the doorway clapping. “Wow, you found her. Good job, good job. Now I can finally end both of you.”


“The heck is wrong with you?” Hunter snapped. “What are you, a psycho?”


“No, more or less I’m a virus.” He summoned his sword again but this time he summoned two. The started to swing but someone talked him down.


“FEYD!” Sally exclaimed happily.


“Finn?! What are you doing here?” Hunter asked as her face tuned all red.


“SAMANTHA!” Finn yelled as he slashed Brine with his claws. He hit him and was lucky to blind one of his eyes. Sam came running in and shoved Brine to the wall. “Let’s go.” she said and ran over to Hunter and Sally. She hugged her sister tightly and hooded at Finn. He walked over and rapped his arms around the group. In a few seconds, they were gone and all that was left was Brine and a cloud of purple mist.



Tommy waited in his living room for the others to arrive. When he heard the doorbell ring, he jumped over the couch and opened the door.


“They’re here!” Tom yelled and looked back at four. “Happy you guys are here, let’s go to the basement where the computers are.”


Tommy dashed to the basement and his his friends followed him. He ran down the stairs and watched the other calmly make their way down.


“Sorry I went to fast, just excited.” Tom apologized and scratched his head. “So take out your laptops, let’s try to get the army out of the game.”


Suddenly, Finn and three others fell onto the ground with a thud.


“What the-” Shara stuttered as she watched the burnt teens weakly stand up.


“He’s dead!” Sally sobbed and hugged Finn.


“I’m…I’m so sorry.” Hunter said quietly.


“HUNTER!” Tommy exclaimed and hugged the red-headed girl.She shoved them away.


“Gameknight, stop.” Hunter said coldly.


“You remember!” Tom exclaimed.


“Yeah, but I wish I didn’t.” she snapped. “Why didn’t you remind me in the first place?! What where you, scarred? You car for me right? Then why didn’t you trust me?”


Tommy was stunned. She turned to Sally and asked, “Who’s dead?”


“Oxus.” Sally cried.


Finn looked down at her and tried to hold back his tears. “My god…no, he couldn’t have. NO THIS ISN’T RIGHT!”


“Feyd.” Samantha said and patted him on the arm. “Nothing is gonna reverse this. Now we just gotta end this.”


“How?!” Hunter snapped. “You know what, no, I’m done with this.” She walked over to the computer and turned on Minecraft. She pointed at the large white machine in he corner of the room. “Digitizer?”


Tom nodded.


She then pressed the button and looked back at the group. “I’m going home.”


“No Hunter we need you!” Finn exclaimed.


“My home needs me!” she turned to her sister. “Are you coming or not?”


Shara slowly started to mood but quickly shook her head.


“Fine.” Hunter hissed. She flipped on the Digitizer and looked at the computer screen. She looked around at everyone and avoided making eye contact with Tom.


“Hunter, please.” Tommy said sympathetically.


“No Tommy.” Hunter said. “You had our entire time together to tell me our feelings for me. I guess they weren’t what mine were for you.”


“Hunter…” Shara said.


“I loved you Tommy.” Hunter said. “I always did. But you only thought of me as friend, am I right?”


The Digitizer kept getting brighter and brighter.


“Heh, but now.” Hunter chuckled. “Now I hate you.”


Then she disappeared.




Entity didn’t bother helping Brine, he just watched as the pathetic virus limped his way over to the army of zombies.


“How’s Oxus?” Evan asked the half-blind teen.


“Dead.” Brine groaned.


Evan was shocked. “Wow, really?”


The black teen shook his head. “Killed himself trying to save the two girls.”


“So the spider queens betrayed us too?”


“Along with Feyd.” Brine said in annoyance once he mentioned the enderman’s name.


“Oh really, I really liked that one. He has character to him.” Evan said an pulled his hoodie down.


Brine just shook his head. “Start the Invasion?”


Entity laughed. “Been waiting to this whole time.”




Olivia watched the army of zombies grow and grow. She jumped out of the tree and ran to Tommy’s house. She had to tell his and his friends how to use their powers. But was there even time? The army was huge and we’re gonna be released in seconds.


Then she knew what to do. She clapped her hands and three tall boys stood next to her. One with green hair, one with white, and the last with spiky brown hair.


“Slow them down.” She said and whipped the blood from her nose. She could only use so much of her powers at a time, but these guys would stay alive till they perish.


“Must…get…to Tommy,” she said as she ran trough the trees and onto the street the Feynman’s lived on.




9: Begin


Olivia showed them what they could do. Tommy could summon swords and Crafter was like a Master-Builder from the Lego Movie. Stitcher as this weird magic ability to summon portals that sucked the creature back into Minecraft. Digger got his old pick axe back(he didn’t have much of an ability besides strength) and Herder could call upon his animal friends.


“Where’s you girlfriend?” Olivia asked Tom.


“She’s…inside Minecraft. She went back.” Tom said.


“No…NO!” the young girl exclaimed. “Without her there’s no way of defeating the viruses!”


“How do we bring her back?” Digger asked.


Olivia sighed. “I have to disappear.”


“NO!” Stitcher exclaimed.


“There must be another way!” Herman cried.


“Sadly, there isn’t.” she said and sighed. “Once I disappear then she’ll come back.”


“But how to we beat Herobrine?” Tommy asked.


“And Entity?”


“Yeah, both of them.”


“Well,” Olivia said. “That’s something all six of you must figure out on our own.” She pressed her hands on the computer screen. “Minecraft and this world relies in your hands, Tommy. You just foots figure out how to play their game correctly.”


A bright light filled the room and circled around the little girl. Her breaths where quiet but sharp, she knew it was the end of her time. Tom waved goodbye, so did the others. She smiled ack and closed her eyes. Then she was gone.




“What ever happened to that Hunter girl?” Evan asked as he separated the zombies into groups of twenty.


Bine laughed and snapped his fingers. A cage appeared and a dark skinned girl was lying unconscious behind the bars.


“Wow. Good job. But I thought the others got her.” Evan said questionably.


“Clone. Took all the energy out of me.” Brine sighed and whipped away the blood from his nose. “Also the blood stuff is annoying, especially from the nose.”


“Human bodies have limits,” Evan said and pulled his hoodie over his head. He held his hand out and a sword of light appeared in his hands. “But not mine.”





“Wait, so your saying that EVERYONE from Minecraft is in OUR world?” Mark Feynman harshly asked.


Tommy opened his mouth to answer but had no idea how he was gonna tell him the events that recently happened. Tom moved his hands to Cameron then Herman and to everyone in the room.


“Stitcher help me!” Tommy hissed under his breath.


She looked at the older man and asked who it was.


“It’s my dad, Monkeypants!”


She smiled and nodded. “Hey Monkeypants, haven’t seen you in a while!” She said. “So yep, everything you just said is true. Now, there’s a large army of monsters out there and we really should get going and start saving your world.”


Mark scratched the little chairs on his chin. “I mean…so your Stitcher?”


Shara nodded.


Mark pointed to the others and mouthed who they were. “First off, where’s Hunter and who as they?” He pointed to the three previous monster leaders.


Finn laughed. “Yo, from the End, I present the infamous Feyd!” He bowed and smirked. “Also that’s Shaikulud and Shaivalak. From the Overworld.”


The sister’s laughed at Feyd’s humor.


“Hunter should be here,” Digger said. “But what about Fiona and Toby?”


“OH! Topper and Filler, I almost forgot about them!” Herman said.


“They’re here too?” Cameron asked.


“More to worry about.” Tom sighed.


Tom’s dad settled his hands on the teen’s shoulders and nodded his head. Tommy’s eyes lit of with a glimmer of hope. He turned to his friends and smiled.


“Ready to end this?”


They nodded. Tom looked back at his dad with a worried look. “You sure you’re okay with me doing this?”


His dad looked at his and smiled. “Listen kiddo, I really don’t want you going out there and risking your life. As I dad I would go out there and do it myself instead of letting you do it. But let’s face it, your much better on the battlefield.”


Tommy’s face lit up.


“Just please, please, be safe. Will you promise me that you’ll be safe and defeat the monsters?”


Tom nodded. “But we’ll need everyone to evacuate!”


“Woah, kid, I don’t think we’ll take it that far.” Mark said. “But if it gets crazy out there, call me. I’ll get everyone to safety.”


Tommy nodded and turned to the group of previous NPCs and monster rulers. They all smiled at him though he knew that Thur were all scared. If they lost then both worlds would be destroyed, no one could protect them.


Suddenly, Jenny came flying down the stairs with her two bows. She turned to Shara, smiled, and handed her the bow.


“I think you’ll need this,” Jen said.


Shara laughed and hugged the brunette. “Thanks. You know you should be out there too…um…who are you?”




“MONET!” all of the previous villagers exclaimed and hugged the young girl.


“Yep. You definitely need to be out there!”


Tom sighed. “I mean…sure. Dad, you okay with this?”


Mark wearily nodded. “Watch out for her, please. I want both of my kids to come back in good condition.”


The siblings nodded. The brother looked at his sister and shrugged. “You have any powers?”


Jenny shrugged and pulled her hands from behind her back. A rainbow light bow appeared his her hand. “I found out a while after the gang came over here. I had an idea it was because of all this madness.”

She looked at the bow in Stitcher’s hand touched it. With a flash of light, it transformed to an enchanted Minecraft bow.


“Woah,” Herman mumbled.


Jenny touched her actual bow too and it it changed too. She shoved it into her bag and said it was for Hunter.


“Where is she?” the sister asked.


“She should be here,” Cameron said.


Tommy was going to respond to his sister’s question when the house shook with a loud boom! He told his dad to get his mom and get to a safe place. His dad raced up the stairs and the others ran out the back door. Tom looked up in the sky and gasped; hovering over his house were at least three ginormous ghasts.


Jenny paced back and quickly fired three arrows at one of the floating creatures; only one hit.


“What the-” she started saying before she ran away as three fireballs came at her.


Stitcher tried, this time taking her time. She fired three slow arrows but they all landed and killed the ghast. It whined and disappeared.


She continued as the others helped Jen up from the small impact.


“You guys leave,” Samantha said as her eight eyes lit up with a purple hue. “We got this.”


Tommy wanted to protest but Digger already grabbed his shirt and started running. Tom turned around and saw the three previous villains fight off their own side.


As Tommy ran, a terrible pain pierced through his shoulder. He screamed and fell onto the concrete streets.


Herman came up to Tom and called some animals to protect the hurt teen. “It’s okay T,” Herder said in the calmest voice possible at a time like this. “We got this.”


Then an arrow went through Herman’s stomach.


His eyes became a milky white.


And he fell onto the floor.




10: Trusting You Shadow


Digger carried the two behind a house and hid them. He turned back and continued to fight while the wolves protected the weak boys. Tommy slowly turned his head and watched his friends fight. There were skeletons and zombies scattered everywhere. He had no idea how they were going to do it. Before he had an army that all followed and trusted him. How could he win this war if he didn’t even trust himself? He got his friends into this mess and they were going to fix his mistakes.


Turned his head around he saw Herman. The young teen’s white shirt was stained red and an arrow was in the middle of his stomach.


No…he can’t be dead… Tommy thought as few tears started falling down his cheek.


He reached out to the boy and touched the arrow. Herman groaned and cringed.


“Hey, how are you doing?” Tommy weakly asked.


Herman tried to smile. “It…hurts Gameknight. What if I…what if I d-don’t make it?”


“Don’t say that!” Tommy snapped. “I’m gonna get all of you guys back to Minecraft…I swear I will.”


The skinny boy’s face lit up. “Heh, yeah, that’d be great, thanks…”




No response.




No response.


Tommy shot up which caused a terrible pain in his shoulder. Ignoring the pain, he grabbed his friend’s shoulders and shook him.




Suddenly, his bag got heavier. Oddly Tom knew what had happened. He took his bag off and dug through it. It didn’t take long for him to find what he was looking for:


Splash Potion of Healing.


Scouting over next to Herman, Tom threw it above them and it quickly fell. The glass didn’t hurt them, it just dissolved away. Tommy felt recharged and better than he ever had in his life. He turned to Herman and saw that the arrow had disappeared and the blood vanished. All his brushes and scars were gone too.


“You okay?”


Herman nodded and shot up. He drew his fingers to his mouth and whistled. More wolfs came and their eyes glowed red.


“Attack.” Herman whispered.


The wolves dashed from the two and attacked the monsters. They tore bones from the skeletons and ripped the dead flesh from zombies. Soon enough, the canines had destroyed all the mobs.


The other four looked at the two and smiled.


“Come on.” Tommy said and pulled out diamond armor from his bag. “Get your equipment from your bags and let’s get moving; we have a war to win.




Finn kicked the Ghast’s Tear away from his and stretched his arms. The ghasts were an easy enemy, the three destroyed them with ease. He just wanted to get Tommy and the others away from them so they could finish the mess Herobrine made.


“You sure we don’t need them?”


Feyd turned around and saw Sally standing behind him with spider web on the tips of her fingers.


“Yeah, positive.” Finn said and leaned against the Feynman’s house. “We need nothing to do with them.”


Sally and her sister shared glances. Samantha was the one to talk.


“This isn’t you Feyd.” Sam said and folded her arms. “You always accept help when you need it. So why now do you change?”


Feyd laughed. “When did I EVER need somebody?! Heck, why don’t I go and take the two viruses on myself? I’d gladly do it and be happier if I did it alone.”


“Finn,” Sally said and grabbed his sleeve. “You need us.”


Sighing, Finn grabbed the two girl’s shirts and teleported to the middle of a forest in the middle of nowhere.


“Feyd, what are you doing?!” Sam exclaimed and tried to punch the boy. He dodged.


“Shaivalak, please be safe.” He grabbed her cheeks and kissed her on her forehead. “I’m just doing this for you, not for anyone else.”


Then he teleported away, leaving Sam mad and Sally with a broken heart.




Evan watched Brine lead one army to the North while he stayed where he was. Once the old virus was out of his sight, he ran to Brine’s burnt apartment. He Burt the door open and walked over to the corpse lying on the floor. He kneed next to the dead body and ran his hand through the orange curly hair.


“I’m so sorry,”


Tears started streaming down his face.


“God dang it why did this have to happen to you?!”


His hands formed in fists. He punched the ground next to the body.


“I swear to god I will put you back together…”


He stood up and his eyes flew a deep red.


“And avenge your death.”




Hunter forced her arm through the bar trying to reach the key. She had been trying for days but she couldn’t reach it. She knew she was never going to get out of the prison. Well, not until the Brine guy destroyed both of her worlds.


“Oh Tommy,” she tried and fell onto the floor. “I’m sorry. I can’t get myself out, I can’t help you. I’m so sorry.”


Then someone walked into the room her cage was in. She looked up and found a Black teen. He looked familiar but she didn’t know who he was.


He walked up to her cage and grabbed the keys.


“You have experience with avenging death?” he asked.


Hunter nodded. “For my entire village.”


“Good.” he said and unlocked her cage. “Now help me advance my friend’s death and I’ll get you back home.”




11: The Nightmare’s Wish


The group of five continued fighting monsters for the day. One they found no more monsters they ran to the closest diner. Once they got close they took off their armor.


“How much money do you guys have?” Tommy asked as they awkwardly walked into the diner.


“I have enough to pay the entire team,” Herman said and sat down on a booth. They followed his lead and relaxed. But they knew they couldn’t let his guard down, they had to be ready at all times. They got a quick meal and choked down on the food.


“Dang, why don’t they have these food in Minecraft?!” Shara exclaimed. That waitor looked at her with a blank expression and handed her her shake. He quickly shuffled away after.


Cameron dunked his friends fries in ketchup and threw it in his mouth. “You can say that again.”


Dillian smiled and shared his milkshake and salad with Herman.


“Thanks!” Herman said and slurped up the milkshake. Dillian looked down at him, blushed, and looked back down at his salad. Jenny watched the two and giggled.


One of the waiters screamed fell onto the ground. The team looked over their shoulders and saw creepers dashing toward the door.


“EVERYONE BRANCE YOURSELF!” Cameron yelled and ducked under the table. The others followed as a few creepers blew the door open.




Hunter and Evan walked down the street anxiously. Hunter had her old bow in her hand(Evan had given it to her) and the virus had his powers in his side.


“You should use a dagger too.” the girl had said. “You’re powers only last for so long.”


He had made a dagger and shoved it into his pocket. He knew he would never use it but it was just to make the girl happy.


“So, why’s he so important to you?” the red-head asked.


“Mmm?” Evan hummed.


“The person we’re gonna avenge, Oxus, what’s up with you two?”


The Black teen turned away and sighed. “When…well, before I changed the timeline, I used to travel around the overworld a lot. I spent days scouring the lands and biomes of that one server. Then one day I found him, Oxus. He seemed nervous at first; he thought I was Herobrine. But the I told him I was someone else and we starting bonding…”


He looked back at the girl and her eyes were widened. He felt his eyes water and he quickly whipped them with his sleeve.


“So yeah, we became good friends. Then something happened and I snapped.”


“Snapped? What do you mean by snapped?”


“What I mean is that Brine’s evilness somehow got sucked into my coding. You know I wasn’t always evil, it was just all Herobrine’s fault. One time I saw him after that and he said I wasn’t the same. Inside I knew it was true but I still protested. We fought, he disappeared, we never spoke to each other again.”


Hunter had tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry. My gosh, I never knew-”


“No one did,” he said and put his hands in his pockets. “Not even myself.”


They continued walking in silence after that. It wasn’t till they got to the corner when Hunter wrapped her arms around the boy’s waist.


“Could she bring him back?”




“The Oracle? She has the power to do so.”


Evan’s eyes lit up. “We need to get her out of the coding.”


“The what?” Hunter asked.


“The coding!” the Black boy exclaimed as he grabbed Hunter’s hand and ran. “We need to get to Gameknight’s house; now.”




Sally and Sam continued walking west, where the sun was setting. Samantha was mad and didn’t talk with her sister the entire time. Once she saw Finn she was going to punch him in the face.


Sally followed behind, dragging her feet as she went. She wanted to forgive Feyd but she didn’t have the guts to say that to her sister.


She isn’t have to.


“I don’t care if you forgive him or not,” Sam snapped. “I still hate him.”


“Hah, because what? He isn’t your boyfriend?” Sal hissed.


Shaikulud turned around and grabbed her sister by her shirt and lifted her from the ground. “You have NO idea who Erebus is! You don’t even know him! So stop judging that I hate YOUR boyfriend just because he’s not like the other guy I like. I hate him because-”


“Because why?”


She dropped the younger girl to the ground. “I hate him because he can just get away with anything and Brine doesn’t bother. Heck, when I tired I almost got myself killed.”


Sally grabbed her sister’s arm. “You betrayed him too?”


Sam yanked her sister’s hand off. “I tired.”


They didn’t talk after that. They just thought.




Finn tackled Brine down to the ground.


“IM GONNA KILL YOU!” Feyd cried and attached the virus. Brine dodged it and teleported away. He appeared behind him and slashed Finn’s arm with his sword. The tall boy screamed and fell to the floor.


“You know you can’t beat me.” Brine hissed and slashed at Finn’s legs. “Why even try?”


“I’m doing t-this for..” Finn stuttered. “In doing this for her.”


“HAH! For who, that kid? Shaivalak?!”


Finn screamed and slashed Herobrine with his claws. Brine teleported away and hit Finn with his sword on his back. Feyd screamed and fell onto the floor again. Brine stomped his foot on Feyd’s back and drew his sword near the traitor’s face.


“After you, its Valak,” Brine threatened. “You’re both gonna die just like Oxus.”


Anger filled Feyd’s eyes once Brine mentioned that name. He screeched and teleported above Brine. He fell on top of the virus and kicked his head. Brine stumbled forward and turned around to face Feyd.


“You little cheater,” Brine hissed and teleported a few feet back. Finn followed and kept teleporting when Finn teleported. They kept it up for a while but Finn kept loosing more and more energy. Soon he Stoppard and kneeled down, breathing heavily.


“Can’t keep…up?” Brine asked weakly and whipped blood from his nose. His skin was pale and looked like cut paper. But he still had more rangers than Feyd; he knew that.


Finn tried to stand up but he couldn’t. “God dang it, why are these bodies so weak?!”


“Well your’s is,” Brine said and smirked. He crouched down next to the pale boy and fuddled through the teen’s thin hair.


“It’s such a shame you know,” Brine said. “I put so much time and effort into what you looked like. Making you blend in was the plan, but right now you look more like a monster than anything.”


Finn’s eyes lit up with anger.


“Well,” Herobrine said and stood up. “Goodbye.”


Then an arrow struck through Brine’s arm and was knocked down. Feyd started passing out, but soon a girl stood over him with a flustered face.


“H-Hey Finn…we’re gonna get you to safety.”




Evan got dragged away from Brine. He wanted to finish him off put it was either Brine’s death or the destruction of the world. So he helped Hunter with Feyd and helped her carry him in an abandoned building.


“Finn? Finn please wake up!” Hunter exclaimed as they settled the unconscious boy down.


“Wow, why are you so over Feyd all of a sudden?” Evan asked with a smile.


“I…In my “human” life,” she said. “We were dating.”


“Oh.” Evan gasped and turned away from the girl. “I didn’t know.”


The two grew silent as Feyd started waking up. He weakly sat up and rubbed his head. He looked around and locked eyes on Hunter.


“Oh…hey?” he said and looked at the ground. “I’m guessing you remembered.”


She nodded and pointed at Entity. “He helped.”


Feyd looked at the Black boy and growled. He tried to tackle him down but he was too weak.


“Dude, chill,” Evan said with a smile. “I’m literally trying to avenge Oxus here.”


Finn looked at him and forced a smile on his face. “Yeah, sure.” He put his chin on the palm of his hand and sighed. “I can’t believe I abandoned them and tried to take on Herobrine. Sam was right, what am I doing?”


“You’re trying to save this world,” Hunter said softly. “and it isn’t even yours.”


Feyd looked at the girl and it his lip. “I guess you could put it that way.” He then shoved his face into the plan of his hands and groaned. “God, I wish she’s safe…I wish he won’t kill her.”


“Who?” Evan asked.






12: Hidden Behind the Mask


Crafter transformed the broken shards of glass into a weapon and threw it at a creeper; it popped and disappeared in seconds. Jenny and Stitcher were firing arrows at the monsters while Digger and Herder were getting everyone out of the diner. Tommy pulled out his two swords and slashed the last few monsters with them. After the creatures disappeared, Tom rounded up the small army he had and they ran out of the destroyed building. They ran down streets and destroying all monsters in their path. They took shorts breaks here and there but quickly got back on their feet.


When they were running past a forest, one of Herder’s wolfs stopped. It lifted up it’s nose and walked closer to the trees. Herder crouched down to the wolf and attempted to drag it away but it pulled the boy into the forest with it. The team reacted quickly and ran after the wolf. It kept running and Herder raced to keep up with it while holding onto it’s collar. They kept chasing it and stopped at a glowing object. Herder slowly stood up and stood in awe with the object in sight.


Tommy and the other caught up and gasped. In front of them was a large cube that hovered above the ground. It seemed to be beaten up but it was still standing. Jenny walked up to it and tapped her bow against the side of it. It flashed blue and went back it its dull color.


Digger threw his pickaxe at it and it came right back at him. He moved out the way it the weapon got stuck in a tree. He ran over to it and pulled it out. He shared glances with everyone and they looked back at the object.


Suddenly, Stitcher pulled out her bow and fired three fast arrows. Tommy looked where the arrows landed and saw Sally and Sam pinned against a tree; three arrows in the tree behind them. Stitcher sighed and put the fourth arrow in her hand back into her quiver. Cameron walked up to them and asked why they were here and where was Finn.


“He left us,” Samantha said in annoyance. “Of course he did, he doesn’t care about anyone besides himself.”


Tom looked at Sally and saw that there was a sad look in her face. He didn’t ask what was wrong, she’d seemed like she didn’t want to talk.


“No, he does care about other people!” Camron said. “He risked his life for Minecraft which meant he cared for that entire world. And before you say anything, he knew he would have to die and could’ve not helped. All of us would be dead.”


Sam grunted and folded her arms. Her turned her gaze to the large cube. “How are we on a destroy it? We’ve been at it for hours.”




“No, we just came here.” Sam said and rolled her eyes. “But you guys better find a way before more monster come out of it.”


“So this is a portal?” Tommy asked and turned around. He looked at the cube and sighed. It seemed indestructible. Then a puzzle piece clicked in his mind. He looked back at the sisters and said, “What happens if we destroy the core?”


“Core?” Herder asked.


“You mean the Main Control Module?”(lol, whoever gets that, ur cool) the older sister asked.


Tom nodded. “If we destroy that wouldn’t that destroy these too?”


Sam thought about it but Sally spoke. “Yeah, that would work. But we would have to get through the large army and the two viruses: Herobrine and Entity.”


Tommy smiled at the girl and thought about his plan. Once he got most of it, he huddled the eight together and told them his plan. Sam helped tweak some of his small mistakes but they ended up coming with a solid plan. Tommy, Herder, Cameron, and Sally ran to the North while the other four ran to the South. If this didn’t work, then nothing else would.




Evan tried to open the back door and kicked it. Hunter tried to knock it down and Feyd tried to teleport through it but he was too weak.


“Why are Earth doors so hard to knock down?!” Evan said and leaned against the door. He pulled his hoodie off his head and bit his tongue.


Hunter looked at the Black teen and stared at his eyes.


Evan saw this. He looked at the girl and asked, “What?”


“You’re eyes,” she said in a very serious tone. “Why are you wearing red contacts?”


Evan became all flustered and covered up his eyes. “W-What do you m-mean contacts?”


“You’re eyes are supposed to be red, since that was the color of your eyes in Minecraft. Why would you need contacts?”


Finn stood up and put a hand on Hunter’s shoulder to steady him. He looked into the girl’s eyes and sighed. “Don’t you remember anything about Entity?”


“Feyd, stop.”


“No Evan, you stop.” Finn snapped at the other teen. “You know I’m much more powerful than you ever could be.”


Hunter looked at the two confused. “Wait…what are you talking about?”


“Tell me about Entity303,” the tall teen said to the girl.


“Well,” she said and rubbed her chin. “He’s a user that is rumored to be fired by Notch. He attacks servers and destroys the Overworld. He also has a connection with Herobrine and Oxus. Why?”


Finn looked at her and rolled his eyes. Restate your first sentence.”


“Ummm…okay?” She said. “Entity is a user that is rumored to be fired by Notch.”


Finn rubbed his temples. “Again.”


“Entity is a user that is ru-”




“Entity is a user-” she stopped when she realized what Finn was trying to make her see. She looked back at Evan and walked up to him. She crouched down next to him and pulled his hands away from his eyes. “You’re not even a virus…you’re a human.”


“Took you long enough,” Finn said.


Evan shot an evil glare and nodded. “Yeah I am. Herobrine doesn’t even know.”


“But how?” Hunter asked.


“It’s complicated.” Evan whispered and folded his arms.


“Please Evan,” Hunter said and grabbed his hand. “These secrets are making you more and more unaligned-”


Then he broke into tears. He shoved his head into his lap and sobbed. He kept repeating a name over and over saying how sorry he was. Hunter and Finn shared glances. Hunter spoke.


“Evan,” she said wearily. “Who’s Carrie?”


Evan’s breaths became sharp but slow. He looked up at Hunter and shook his head. “It’s…I don’t know.”


Hunter nodded and stood up. “Come on. We need to find a way inside.”


“Wait,” Evan said and stood up. “I know where to find another Digitizer.”


Hunter and Finn looked at him with a surprised look on their faces.


“Where?” Finn asked.


“Follow me.” Evan said and lead the two down the street.




Tommy watched the army of zombies get bigger and bigger. He looked back at the other three and shook his head.


“It’s impossible.” he said.


“The others are waiting so we have to do it!” Herman said.


“You can’t be scared Gameknight, not at a time like this,” Camron said.


Tommy nodded and fixed his diamond armor. He pulled out his sword and nodded at his very small army. Sally smiled and ran away from the group. It didn’t take long for them to hear her voice again.


“You HB! You want me? Well you better get me!”


The army of zombies followed the voice. Soon enough it was out of sight and the three left ran to where the army was. Herman and Cameron made sure the area was clear and Tom tried to find the Main Control Module.


“Tch, tch, tch. Next time be a little more secretive, if there even is a next time.”


Tommy turned around and his eyes were filled with fear. Brine was standing behind his with his friends fired up in chains behind him.


“But…how?” Tom stuttered.


Brine smirked and stepped out of the way.


Tommy gasped. His eyes became filled with tears.


“No it…it can’t be!”


Behind Brine stood someone no one would’ve ever expected.






13: Ally or Foe?


The traitor blinked away their tears.


Brine grabbed the traitor by their shoulders and laughed. “Now wouldn’t you like to explain why you would do this to your friend, Herman?”


Herman stood in front of Tommy with tear streaming down his cheeks. He was shaking and in his hand was a small dagger.


“Why? WHY?!” Tom cried. “Why you?”


Herman shook his head. “It was the only way to stop this! I’m worrying about my world now, not yours.” He turned to Brine. “Take us back. All of us, including Shaikulud.”


Brine sighed and grabbed Samantha by her collar. “You’re lucky in even doing this.” He then grabbed Sally by her shirt and opened a portal. He let go of the girl’s and pointed at the portal. “All of you, go. Or else.”


Then a cloud of purple dust appeared behind Brine and stabbed him in the back with a small iron dagger. The virus screamed and fell on the floor. The enderman king kicked Brine’s head and knocked him out.


“That’d keep him out for a while,” he said and helped Tommy up. “Now go. End this.”


Tom nodded and looked at his friends. “Dang, I can’t believe that even worked!”


“I know, you acted like you didn’t even know what was going on.” Herman said happily. “But it’s really all thanks to Erebus, he helped us get Herobrine out long enough.”


Erebus blushed and laughed. “Kulud persuades me to do anything.” He grabbed the older queen’s hand and kissed it. “Now are we going to end this or not?”


Tom nodded and turned around. The others jumped through the portal.




Evan shoved the boxes aside and made his way through the abandoned house. Hunter and Finn were disgusted by the old messy house but Evan didn’t mind; he was too busy trying g to find the Digitizer.


He shoved more boxed away and found it. He pulled it out of the shadows into the light of Finn’s phone.


“Its small but it will get her out of the coding,” Evan said and whipped the sweat off his forehead. He pulled out his laptop and started opening Minecraft. “I’m gonna turn the Digitizer on. Once it gets really bright, start to load Minecraft.”


“Is there even Wi-Fi here?” the girl asked and grabbed onto Finn’s arm.


“That’s why we’re doing this here,” the Black teen said with a smile. He turned on the machine and it started to glow. Once the light became almost blinding, Hunter loaded up Minecraft. Then Evan was gone.




He reached out into the coding.




He called out for help.


But no one came.


He called out again.


Again, nothing.


Reaching out within the fabric of the coding, he found a life source not far away from him.


He called again.





There! She isn’t that far away!


He reached out and grabbed her hand.


He called out for her again.


Then someone came.




He was back in less than ten minutes. Hunter picked him up and Finn helped the little girl up.


“Evan, are you okay?” Hunter asked at looked at the Digitizer. It was smoking and burnt; it was broken.


“Evan, this isn’t the Oracle.” Finn said and stood up.


Hunter looked at the girl and Evan looked away. The young girl had short blue hair and black skin. Her eyes were a chocolate brown and she was very fit.


“Who is this, Entity?” Finn snapped.


“The Oracle,” the girl said. “But I do, in fact, look different.”




“She didn’t have a physical state,” Evan said. “I had to make one and…and…”


“It’s Carrie.” Hunter said.


“What?” The Oracle and Finn asked.


“It’s Carrie, isn’t it Evan?” she asked and looked at Evan.


The Black boy looked at her and slowly nodded.




“Well, I would really love to hear these reasons, but we should hurry,” the Oracle said and stood up. “If we don’t make it in time Tommy and the gang could die.”


“Why? What is that idiot doing?!” Hunter asked.


“If they don’t realize who they’re playing with anytime soon, this war could end up becoming a checkmate.”


“Who are they working with?” Evan asked.


“I know,” Finn said silently. “It’s both Erebus and Shaikulud, they would never betray Brine. And she’s right, the two never like taking their time.”




Tommy looked at the panel and slashed it with his diamond sword; nothing. He tried figuring out the pattern and spammed random buttons; still nothing.


He turned around and Erebus grabbed him by his neck.


“Wa-CH!” Tom screeched and tried to pull Erebus’s hands away from his neck. The king was chocking him.


Sam came up from behind Tom and knocked him out cold. Erebus let go and Samantha dragged the body close to the portal. Erebus waited for the other six to come back from out of the portal and closed it. The six looked at him, confused, but were quickly knocked out by Shaikulud.


“Nice job,” Erebus said and kissed Kulud’s forehead.


She smirked and dragged the bodies away from where Tommy’s was. She tied them all up with her webbing-including Tommy-and whipped the blood from her nose. “Where was the army though? Weren’t they getting one?”


“Who cares?!” Erebus said and held Shaikulud in his arms. “We won.”


Then he saw a movement and shot his head to his right. Brine was starting to wake up. Sam sighed and ran over to her master. She generated a ball of webbing and placed it on where the dagger’s scar would be; there was nothing.


“He phased…it through me,” Brine said and cracked his knuckles. “Nice acting everyone, great job.”


The two smiled but then something started to bother Samantha. “Um…what ever happened to Feyd and Entity?”


Herobrine’s eyes grew wider as he looked around. “You must be kidding me, that kid must’ve knocked me out or something. Or someone must’ve helped him, he was losing to me badly in battle. About Entity…I don’t actually know. I saw him and he just left.”


Erebus bit him lip and teleported away. He came back in seconds with a terrified look on his face.


“What is it?” Brine snapped.


“It’s…the girl…” Erebus said. “She’s not in her cell anymore.”




The four watched the king and queen tie up Tommy and the others. Hunter started to panic and cling onto Finn’s arm. She started to say that they couldn’t win, that it was all over.


“We can’t just give up,” Evan said and paced back and forth around the trees around him. “They need to be stopped!”


“But how?” Hunter cried. She looked back at Erebus and Shaikulud across the street and gasped. The others followed her gaze and watched Erebus diapers and come back with a panicked look. They could make out few of him words but those few made Hunter’s heart race.


“…not in her cell anymore.”


Hunter covered her mouth with her hands and shook her head. “They’re after me now,”. she said as her eyes started to water.


“No ones gonna get you,” Finn said and grabbed her shoulders. He looked into her eyes and whipped her tears away. “Hey, come on, relax, deep breaths. Look at me.” He touched her cheek and turned her gaze to him. “It’s okay. You’re got gonna get hurt.”


Hunter sniffed and leaned her head into his chest. It didn’t take her long for her to stand up and smiled. “So are we gonna do this or not?”


The other three smiled.


“Now to destroy the Main Control Module,” the Oracle said and tapped her finger on the stone. “I need to use a lot of my power, but I’ll live. But it does have some side effects.”


“Like what?” Finn asked.


“Hallucinations,” the Oracle said. “Either it seems like everything’s okay or you see your greatest fear. But other than those, that’s it.”


“I can handle that,” Hunter said and smirked.


Behind them Evan started to sweat. If he started to hallucinate her, he would fall and fail.



Wow. Chapter fourteen, we’re almost done with this. It’s sad to know what’s going to happen to them but that’s life.


Oh, you’re probably wondering why  this isn’t starting out how you expected. Well who did you think was telling this whole story?


Enderdashx5x you say? Well that’s just a username, that’s not actually my name. Only idiots would believe that Enderdashx5x was a name.

My name is Carrie. What? Is the name familiar? Oh wait, Evan! Yes, yes, I’m that Carrie. The Carrie who made Evan have a perfect life.

Well, you know of this already so let’s just get onto the story–

Wait, you don’t know what happened? I swear it was in the Nightmare’s Wish. Well, since I have spare time, might as well tell you. My family and I adopted Evan. We loved him and my parents treated him like his own son.

Then we all got stuck in a middle of a shooting.

Only Evan made it out.

He went insane.

But then he found Oxus in Minecraft.

They became great friends and he helped Evan get over my death.

But, from the game, Herobrine’s evilness infected Evan.

Since then he became known as Entity303 and destroyed people’s life so they knew how he felt.

It was terrible to watch.

But it seems like Hunter is really helping him out.

So, yeah, that’s basically it.

I guess I’m going to make this chapter 14 1

14: I Won’t Fix You

Tommy woke up and found his friends tied up in front of him. He tried to move but he was rapped in sticky webs. His head hurt and he felt like he was going to throw up. How long had he been out?

Suddenly Brine was in front of him, holding his ender-sword to Tom’s face. It was inches away from his nose and he started to shake. Laughing, Brine put the sword down and crouched down to Tommy’s height. He smiled and grabbed Tommy’s cheek. He let go and walked away. The virus made his way to Tommy’s other friends. He put his hands on Cameron’s shoulder and smirked. His blind eye started to glow a bright white as he pulled out his sword again.

Tom tried to scream but his voice did come out. He must’ve hurt his vocal cords when he got knocked out.

Brine held his sword above his head but didn’t swing. Tom stared at him blankly. What was he doing?

Then a blue substance came out of Cameron’s back. It seemed to drain the color out of Tommy’s friend. The same substance came out of the others too, each a different color. The sword seemed to absorb the colors and it started to glow. Rainbows swirled around it once the substances from everyone stopped coming. Smiling, Brine put him finger on the tip of the sword and sliced it. Tom cringed as he watched Brine’s black blood flow out of his finger. The virus put his finger above the sword and the liquid dropped on the weapon. It seemed to absorb the blood and his finger stopped bleeding in seconds.

Sighing, Brine walked over to Tom and crouched down in front of him again. He put his sword down and pulled out a small dagger from his pocket. Tom closed his eyes and was ready for impact. Then suddenly, a slice of pain went throughout his cheek. He opened his eyes again and could see a single drop of blood drip off his cheek.

Brine pulled his sword toward the cut and let Tommy’s blood fall into its dark surface. This time Tommy’s scar didn’t disappear but the swords flowed bright white. The Black teen stood up and whipped his hair away from his one good eye.

“You know, this is what happens when you rely on others,” the virus said. He pointed his sword below Tom’s chin at his neck. “If you really wanted to end this you should’ve just done it yourself.”

Tom snapped his head away. “No, they helped me! I wouldn’t have gotten this far if it wasn’t for them!”

“Yeah, sure,” Brine said flatly. “You know, I know you make everyone happy but you’re really just like me; dead inside.”

“I am nothing like you.” the brunette snapped.

Brine just laughed. “I don’t need anyone, really. I have no soul and can do everything myself. You can’t do anything by yourself, you need your “friends” to pull you up. We’re both empty.”

Tom shook his head. “I-”

“Shh,” Brine snapped. “Just face it; we really have a lot more in common than you might be calm with.”

“Where are even going here?” Tom asked.

Brine ignored him. “To be honest, it’s like we’re the same person, me and you. Do you even know what we could do? Together?”

Tom just looked away.

“What I’m saying is that team up with me, we can rule together. We’re like one in the same.”

“No, never say that,” Tom said. “We are nothing alike. I would never team up with such a disgusting, horrible, and evil creature.”

Herobrine didn’t look shocked. “Well, that’s what I thought. So have it your way,” He lifted up his sword in the air and dark clouds started forming around him. A few lightning bolts stuck him but he still stood tall. Quickly, he fell to the ground and whipped the blood away from his nose.

Tom looked at him, confused, but then heard it; a distant roar. A terrifying roar that brought Tom back to Minecraft.

“No…” Tom muttered.

“Yes!” Brine exclaimed.

Tom looked up and saw a huge creature with a large wingspan pass above him. He could make out the familiar two purple glowing eyes above the mouth filled with sharp teeth.

“Welcome to the Physical World,” Brine said to the creature. “Enjoy your stay.”

The Oracle was the one that heard the army. She and Hunter ran to the McT-1(as the Oracle had called it) and found about a hundred of people dressed in amour with swords and axes. They didn’t know who these people were but it didn’t take long for Hunter to recognize two of them. Their two identical red shirts gave them away.

“I didn’t think I’d be seeing you two ’round here,” she said and put her hands on her hips. “Do what are your guys names? West and Will? Or is one Wood and the other Cutter?”

The twins laughed at the girl’s humor. “I guess you can call me Will,” the taller said.

“I’ll just stick with Wood,” the tiger said. “But where’s Stitcher and the others? They just disappeared with the portal they came through. But one Stonecutter found another portal so we jumped in it and we ended up here. And where are we and who are you?”

Hunter blushed when she realized they didn’t know her. “It’s Hunter, the one that was with you before you two…you know…died.”

“Well, how are we alive?” Will asked. “I knew we were dead but we were just alive and no one remembered when we died.”

“It’s really confusing,” the red-head said and back away from the twins. She pulled out her iron sword and banged it against the amour Evan gave her. The army stopped chattering and faced Hunter.

“HEY, LISTEN TO ME!” she yelled so the whole army could hear her. “Your-I mean, our-leader is being destroyed Herobrine by this very moment! So if you don’t shut up and listen to me, Hunter, you’re world and this world will be destroyed. Don’t question anything just do what’s you do best; win.”

The army looked at her with confusion in there eyes.

She sighed and pulled out her famous bow. “Just listen or you face my bow,”

The army stood tall after she said that. I guess that modulated them, she thought.

“So, I might have time to explain somethings-”

A loud roar showered the land. Hunter turned around and recognized the sound. It was coming from where Tommy was.

“Never mind,” she said and put her helmet on her head. “Follow me!” She turned and ran toward the sound. The army followed, terrified of what might happen to them.

15: Never Ending Madness

The dragon loomed over the large army. Hunter noticed this and ran the fastest she had ever done in her life. There were two worlds on the line, and she wasn’t going to let either of them get destroyed. She could see Feyd and Evan stare at the dragon with fear in their eyes. The girl ran us to the boy’s and slid into a stop. Looking into Evan’s eyes, she nodded.

“Make it boom.”

Nodding, the black kid held his hand in front of him. Taking a deep breath in, he snapped his fingers and threw his arms down. It took a while, but it was Feyd who spotted the red and white TNT in the air. Yelling to take cover, the three ducked down as large booms could be heard in the distance. Once the sound faded away, Hunter pulled out her bow and notched an arrow from her quiver. She shot up and ran toward Herobrine. Pulling her string back, she fired an infernal arrow at the dark virus’s heart.

Tommy was barely able to stay awake after the explosions. He was on his side and could see Brine stand up weakly and while off the dust on his cloak. The villain looked down at Tom and growled. He started storming to the teen when he seemed to just stop. Turning around he quickly teleported away and an arrow landed only inches from Tommy’s foot.

Brine reappeared a few feet away from where he originally was and looked where the arrow came from. His eyes widened and he disappeared again. This time Tom couldn’t see him; he must’ve fled. Shouts could be heard to the East and Tom saw hundreds of people in full amour run down the hillside. This confused Tommy but he could make out a tall, pale boy who was definitely Feyd; the emo haircut sold him out. Next to him was a ginger and a tall girl, shorter than Feyd, but still tall. The girl’s head was helmetless but it showed her shoulder-length red hair flow as she ran. Her green eyes flowed in the setting sun which told Tommy who she was: Hunter.

He smiled and sighed. It felt like it was all okay now, that nothing would go wrong. Then Herobrine reappeared with the kings and queen by his side.

Now they really looked like monsters, with their “real selfs” coming back. Erebus, Tommy’s true nightmare, took a step forward and smirked. From his elbows down his tan skin faded into black. His hands were now claws and his eyes glowed a deadly red. Purple specks floated around him as he walked.

Feyd stepped forward with an angsty look on his face.Finn didn’t look like he changed much, besides of his black claws and floating particles. But then he moved his hair out of his face at it revealed that the eye that was covered was bright purple and the skin around it was black.

“Why are you with them?” Erebus snapped.

The tall teen took a step forward and scowled. “I’m one of them Erebus, I’m actually good!” Feyd said. “You’re going to regret coming this world in the first place.”

The tan teen shrugged his shoulders. “Meh, I actually have enjoyed my stay.”

The dragon roared and came flying down to the ground. It landed behind the villains along with hundred of zombies, skeletons, and more monsters.

Hunter cursed under her breath and looked at Tommy with fear in her eyes. She pulled out her bow and notched an arrow.

“Let the battle begin.”

Hunter started to run but ran into something. She fell onto the ground with a thud and looked up. There was a translucent red wall in front of her that blacked her from the battlefield. She looked at the others and saw that they were trapped behind the wall too. Feyd tired to teleport out of it but failed; it was like they were in a bubble.

Hunter saw Tommy was still on the ground and ran over to him. She grabbed him by his shoulders and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged back and shed a few tears. When they let go, the red-head stood up and looked at the battlefield and gasped.

On the other side of the wall was Evan. His hands were glowing red and his nose was bleeding

“EVAN!” Hunter cried. “Don’t do this! Please!”

Evan turned around and smiled at Hunter. He mouthed a few words and turned back to face the monsters.

“This is over,” Evan hissed and crunched his hands into fists.

The monsters laughed at his bravery.

Brine stepped from the crowd and smirked. “What are you going to do, human? You have no powers, you’re just a normal teenager with nothing special about them. Well, maybe to have one special thing about you: you killed your parents and the love of your life.”

Hunter’s eyes widened and she looked at Feyd who was running over to her

Evan held back tears. “No, no it was YOU. That was all you!”

“Yeah, sure it was.”

Gritting his teeth, Evan screamed and slammed his hand on the ground. The concrete beneath the boy’s hand cracked and glowed a bright white. They all watched the ground crack open and reveal a white substance come out of them. Brine watched this and screamed. He pulled out his sword and ran toward Evan.

Opening his eyes, Evan snapped his ear to the right and Brine got sent flying. The virus landed on the ground. Evan lifted his hands up and a strange machine came flying from the ground. It glowed green and was pitch black.

Evan put his hands on it and gasped.

The side effects were finally kicking  in.

Soon enough she was in front of him.

16: Goodbye

“You’re fake.”

She looked at him and shook her head. She made a gun with her hand and pointed it to a hole that was in her forehead.

“I didn’t do that, you know that!”

The girl shrugged and brushed her beautiful blue hair out of her face. Next she made a heart with her hand and put it in front of her. Then she broke it and put her hand on her side.

“I’m sorry! I still love you!”

She shook her head again and pointed at her eyes. They were pitch black and dried blood was stained below them.

“I never wanted to kill you!”

She pointed at him.

She opened her mouth.

And spoke.

“You…lie…” she said. “You say we was family. You say you love me…yet you kill…why?”

He felt tears come down his face.

Then it felt like someone else was there.

Someone else.


Hunter was screaming at Evan and tried to smack him out of his hallucinations. After a while he snapped out of his and took a step back.

She smiled and watched him quickly shove him hands into the Main Control Module. His veins started to glow white along with his eyes.

“STOP HIM IDIOTS!” Brine hissed.

The kings and queens jumped and charged at Evan.

“No more.” Evan whispered.

The ground shook.

“No more!” Evan said.

The ground shook more.

“NO MORE!” Evan screamed and threw the Module on the ground and shattered it in a million of pieces. Brine screamed and froze where he was. From the Module came a white haze. Evan laughed and fell to the ground.

The bubble faded away and Hunter ran to Evan’s side. Tommy strolling behind her.

“Evan?!” the girl asked, tears in her eyes.

Evan coughed and smiled. “Hey…it’s okay…you better spend your last moments well…though.”

“What? Why?” Tommy asked.

“Once the…haze touches you…” Evan said weakly. “You’re go back to your normal life but…but forget everything.”

Tommy shook his head and put his hands in the hair. “No, it can’t end like this, I can’t even say goodbye to-”

Tom looked at where his friends once were and they were gone, they were consumed by the haze.

“What about you?” Feyd asked. “And me?”

Evan shook his head. “I…I don’t know.”

Feyd sighed and rubbed his temples. He looked at the others and smiled. The others smiled back.

“So, Tom,” Hunter said and grabbed his arms. “Try to visit us soon, okay?”

Tom nodded. “Will do.”

They looked down and saw that the haze was getting closer and closer.

“See you in Minecraft.” Hunter said and kissed Tom on the lips.

Before the brunette could react, they were surrounded by the haze and all blacked out.


“I know you can hear me.”

“I forgive you.”

“I’m still your friend.”

“Do you believe that?”




Tommy got onto the bus and his grip tightened on the stops of his bag. He was nervous; he didn’t know anyone and it was the first day of his new school. Going down the bus’ isle, he sat down in the back seat. Looking to his left he saw a boy with a golden heart necklace.


“I like your necklace,” Tom said with an awkward smile.


The boy looked at him and smiled. “Heh…thanks.”


“Who’s it for?” Tom asked and pointed at the necklace.


The boy looked down at it and smiled. “It’s for this girl named Carrie, she adopted me when I was younger.”


“What happened?”


The boy shook his head and shoved his necklace in his hoodie. Turned to Tom he smiled and held out his hand.


Tom smiled and shook the new boy’s hand. “My name’s Tommy.”


“Nice name,” the boy said.



“My name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _.”




The End.


Thank you for reading

A Destructive Reality;

A fraction of my story.







This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Mark Cheverton (https://giants-markcheverton.com)


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