by Mark Cheverton | Jan 22, 2022 | Fan Fiction
Life when Upside-Down 2: Revenge of The Ancients AREA 51 REASERCH By Henry M. Area 51 is one of the most secretive places in the whole US. I did some research on it, and if I get raided either physically or digitally, I have posted this under “Life when Upside-Down 2:...
by Mark Cheverton | Jan 19, 2022 | Fan Fiction
Malloada’s Return CHAPTER 1 Findings Mallaoda saw endermen teleport out of the void. Mallacoda threw an ender pearl he had taken earlier. He arrived on an outer island, just as Erebus went through the portal. “You have not yet seen my true wrath...
by Mark Cheverton | Jan 19, 2022 | Fan Fiction
The lights powered on as Jennifer and I entered the room. “This is going to be really exciting!” I said enthusiastically, dipping my hand into the water. Webbing formed in between my fingers, and I stared at my newly webbed hand in amazement. Just then, I heard...
by Mark Cheverton | Jan 19, 2022 | Fan Fiction
The Secret Magic: The Essence Swapper Chapter 1 “Yes it is”! “No its not”! “Yes to”! “Ask Mr. Alick then”. The two students went to their teacher. “Mr.Alick is magic real”, one student asked. Mr.Alick smiled “Well of course it is.” The other student got angry “Oh ya...
by Mark Cheverton | Jan 10, 2022 | Fan Fiction
Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4:...