by Mark Cheverton | Oct 3, 2016 | Fan Fiction
Gameknight and his friends, warriors, and wolfs were heading back to the village when Herder asked, “ Was that the last battle for Minecraft?” “ Boy, I sure hope so, I hate always battling and losing NPC lives.” said Gameknight. Then Gameknight had an fun idea. “...
by Mark Cheverton | Oct 3, 2016 | Fan Fiction
GameKnight999 was scared. He wondered if Crafter was ok. GameKnight ran and ran and ran as fast as he could. Crafter could be in trouble, he thought. Suddenly, he was struck in the back!!! He looked behind him and he saw a skeleton with an arrow notched in its bow....
by Mark Cheverton | Oct 3, 2016 | Fan Fiction
Here’s the Prologue for FNAG(including the map of the restaurant) Five Nights at Gameknight’s (NOTE: this had to be made. You knew it would come eventually. It always does. =v= ) (Try to figure out who’s who ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) Prologue “Stop trying...
by Mark Cheverton | Oct 3, 2016 | Fan Fiction
Zombies! Everywhere! Herobrine must be up to no good. Gameknight threw his sword at a zombie, killing it instantly. He took the sword out of the dead body and slayed the rest of the zombies. Zombies were the least of his worries. Where were his friends? Gameknight...