
Here is a great story from MagicSophs

This story takes place after The Jungle Temple Oracle (I am not english, so sorry if I´m not grammatically correct all the time (and sorry if I write so much «he» instead of writing «I» as if he were thinking it haha)(I hope the whole story I wrote was able to fit in...

Here is a nice story intro by Arkterus Boys

Gamenight999 found Crafter, Hunter, and Stitcher battling endermites. Hunter was battling what looked like a Mutant endermite. “I’ve got to help them” Gameknight said. “Charge” he said  as he destroyed a endermite. When he got to Hunter...

I like this one from ArcticWolf999

Gameknight looked at their prisoner, a Zombie. Everything about the monster was strange, the way that he talked(Zombies normally have a rough voice, this ones voice was smooth.), the way that he moved was almost identical to a user and, above all, the speed at which...

I really like this one from Maya

– “Gameknight, maybe Xa-Tul was right. You are a fool.” Gameknight blinked and took the slightest step back, casting a glance down at who sat down before him, back against the wall inside the makeshift prison Builder had manage to build with the iron...

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