
Here is a nice story beginning from Galvatron23

There were mutant mobs, wrecking the crafting chamber. Suddenly, he was thrown backwards from the impact of a block being thrown by a mutant enderman. The tall black montrosity teleported to him in a haze of lavender. Gameknight leaped at it, swinging his sword with...

Another great piece of writing from Train2000C

Gameknight woke up and found himself in the border between a mesa and jungle biome. He felt the humidity on his blocky face. Judging the sky, and his wet skin, it was raining. The last thing he could remember was Shawny turning on the digitizer. “This isn’t Crafter’s...

Check out this one from Kayrob

The gravity was pulling down harder and harder but than a user came out of nowhere than their was another pop an LEC popped into existence and they seemed to have a mod installed cause yellow blocks with question marks on them spawned than they opened them and some...

Here is a new story from Flutters

Subject: Meeting GameKnight999 and Crafter Flutters is in a deep sleep as she lays on her blocky bed, twisting and turning at ever living second. Morning daylight arose as the blocky god in the sky shined it’s bright light into her glass pain windows. She has...

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