
I like this one from ArcticWolf999

Gameknight looked at their prisoner, a Zombie. Everything about the monster was strange, the way that he talked(Zombies normally have a rough voice, this ones voice was smooth.), the way that he moved was almost identical to a user and, above all, the speed at which...

I really like this one from Maya

– “Gameknight, maybe Xa-Tul was right. You are a fool.” Gameknight blinked and took the slightest step back, casting a glance down at who sat down before him, back against the wall inside the makeshift prison Builder had manage to build with the iron...

Look at this from Anonymous_User47

Gameknight had found Hunter taking orders from Herobrine. Gameknight couldn’t believe what he had seen. He saw someone he had trusted so much betrayed him. Hunter drew her bow as she knew she heard someone,something. No,that was not Hunter,He thought. I’m...

I like this story from ArcticWolf999

The entire room was empty. there was no trace of battle, but that just made the emptiness more creepy. Suddenly, a crackling sound filled the air as the wall next to him crumbled inward,  replaced by what looked to be a end portal with inversed colors.  once it had...

Another great story from FrozenBoy20

The Minecraft Diaries – Secrets under the Surface: One Single Arrow (This story takes place in the third book of the second series from Mark Cheverton) =FrozenBoy20 – One Single Arrow= But what difference would one arrow make? Oh, so many, GameKnight. So MANY. You...

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