
This is “The Hidden Celestial” from Sky

The  Hidden Celestial Chapter 1:        Lightning struck from the darkening sky,  the atmosphere dimming, the blue sky replaced by the dark space, the once beautiful sunrise turned into a disaster, with giant monsters flying overhead, the dangerous rays of sunlight...

This is “The Dream” from Morgan

The Dream   I woke up inside a different place, finding myself lying on the floor of a darkened hallway. The sound of rain pattering against the roof of the house. I got to my feet, searching for something to light the way out of this strange and creepy house....

Here is Chapter 7 from WonderWriter2000

Chapter 7 – Poison              Gameknight999 was surrounded by light.  He yawned and stretched, blinking sleepily. When he realized he was not in his bed, and that the light around him was sunlight, he almost leapt out of his skin. Then he remembered what had...

This is a cool Pokemon story by Morgan

The Wish   I looked at the bedroom window, watching as the sun sank below the rooftops of all the houses in the neighborhood. I did not, however, look at the clock. I had set a reminder on my smartwatch that would let me know when the time changed to 11:11....

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