
The Rise of Erebus     

Book 1


Watcher stood on the village walls looking around. To the left stood a herd of cows munching on some grass. To the right was a troop of NPC non-playable character warriors marching back home. With a bored expression on his face he turned around to see his girlfriend Planter standing behind him. “You ok? “she asked.

“I’m fine, “said Watcher “just – “

“CREEPERS!” bellowed a voice from across the wall. Watcher and Planter raced to the other side of the wall as fast as they could where they found Watchers sister Winger.

“What happened? “asked Watcher.

“So, you see,” began Winger, “I was looking out into the distance and out of the blue I saw 1000 creepers led by this charged creeper storming towards the village. “Immediately Watcher grabbed his bow and raced down the stairs. Quickly the army leapt into battle screaming war cries. Just then a gigantic explosion shook the ground. Dozens of creepers surged forward. Watcher grabbed the fossil brow of destruction and leapt toward the creepers. Shing.  Three arrows shot towards the creepers and they dissolved into nothing but some small piles of gunpowder and glowing balls of XP. Watcher fired more arrows and more creepers fell There must be someone leading this thought Watcher. He remembered the charged creeper Winger had mentioned but he wasn’t in sight. Then he saw him, he was massive. Glowing around him was sparkling electricity. Watcher ran toward him, yelling and banging his chest plate. The creeper turned.

“So, we meet at last boy wizard,” he bellowed.  

“And for the last time,” Watcher retorted.

“Fool, “bellowed the creeper. “You shall die for I am Power Sucker”. Power Sucker laughed so hard that he began to glow, suddenly Power sucker exploded. Confused Watcher stared at the gunpowder and XP and sighed whatever had happened it was over. Watcher started towards the village when he remembered the hole. He decided to fill it up, so he went to the edge and looked down. What he saw astonished him. There were tunnels in the hole.

“A stronghold,” he said.

“What was that,” said his cousin Blaster.

“A STRONGHOLD! “said Watcher.

“Wow, “said Blaster “let’s explore”, So, Watcher, Planter, Blaster, and their zombie friend Er-lan ventured into the stronghold. It was dark and creepy in the strong hold Watcher grabbed a torch but there weren’t enough torches.

“I need a healing potion,” Said Watcher. Blaster pored a potion on him and Watcher took out the wand of cloning and pointed it at the torch. There was a bright flash, and when it ended there were a dozen more torches. Watcher picked one up and walked onward. After a while Watcher noticed a faint humming sound up ahead. “What was that, “said Watcher.

“Do you exactly want to know? “said Blaster.

“Yes,” said Watcher.

“It might have dangers,” said Planter.

“Er-lan thinks it’s bad,” said the zombie. “

It isn’t that bad,” said Watcher. “We’ve faced of three Warlords and the king of the Withers himself Krale,” said Watcher. “And you’re afraid of a little humming noise, “He put up a good point, but his friends were not convinced.

“Maybe we should consult Mirthrandos,” said Planter. But just then they heard a noise.

“Come! COME! COME! COME! COME!” The voice echoed across the walls. Five seconds later a portal appeared.

“What’s that?” said Watcher. Just then a hand shot out of the portal grabbed Planter and disappeared, Then Watcher fell unconscious.                                 

Watcher awoke drearily and got out of bed. He found Blaster downstairs. “What happened?” asked Watcher.

“You fainted in the strong hold.” Remembering what had happened Watcher ran out of the house and back to the hole, but the tunnels were gone. Watcher leaped into the hole flashing red as he did so and began to dig. He dug and dug and dug and dug but no prevail. Just then Blaster ran up to him. He Held the Eye of Searching. Watcher put it on and immediately he saw Planter, she was tied to a tall obsidian tower with some sort of crystal at the top just then a woman appeared. Her hair was as red as blood and she wore a black cloak she smiled and said,

“Come.” A gigantic roar shook the ground and a gigantic thing appeared. It looked like a gigantic stick with elytra wings and a head. Planter screamed, the women laughed, the whatever it was roared.

“Hello, Dragon,” said the women “I am so pleased to see you .I haven’t seen you in ages,.” Pain racked watchers’ body and he pulled the eye out and put it safely in his inventory. “She’s in some weird biome held hostage by some witch and thingy called a dragon.”

“A what?” said Blaster.

“A Dragon” said Watcher. “And come on where are we going home” said Watcher. Blaster walked towards the village.

“No,” said Watcher  “This way,” he tugged Blaster into the woods. Just then they heard a noise

“Can’t find one, let’s try this one, no this one, this is hopeless.” It was Er-lan.

“Er-lan” called Watcher and ran up to him “What’s going on?  

I’m about to hit myself with a rock, so I’ll die ok” said Watcher “Wait. Why?”

“Because,” said Er-lan.

“I deserve it what do you mean” said Watcher

“you see” began Er-lan “I had a vison about Planter being in danger but I didn’t tell you

well its not your fault” said Watcher

“I led you into the strong hold still…’’ began Er-lan

“FORGET IT !” screamed Watcher “it was nobody’s fault we all share  the blame”

“What did I do” said Blaster

“you encouraged us to go into the strong hold” said Watcher .

“Whatever said Blaster.

Anyway, I’m going to rescue Planter want to help

sure” said Er-lan “

me to” say a voice

“same” said another. Watcher turned around to see the entire village behind him

“alright”  said Watcher “lets-  

creepers” said someone . Watcher ran to the biggest creeper and killed it the creepers left

“Alright” sad Watcher “now let’s go” so they set of on a long and dusty trail “I don’t get it” said Watcher

“what” said Blaster, “the strong hold was there a minute ago and now it is  gone” just then Watcher stumbled into a hole and flashed red

“healing potion” “

hey wait a minute” said Mapper

“yes” said Watcher “it flashed red not you so…” said Watcher “so it’s a silver fish spanner and spanners are omnely found in… strong holds” said Watcher. He dug and dug and dug and dug until finally he reached a trap door. The eye of searching tingled and Watcher put it on. Planter appeared and  screamed

“where is Watcher?” said the woman.

“You will never know” said Planter and howled as as a an arrow of harming struck her and she flashed red. Watcher took the eye off and said,

“Planter is being tortured for my location”

 “Come on” said Cutter “or we will never make it.”

“You are right” said Watcher and they took their first steps on the hardest journey of their lives     




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