
I was upstairs reading one of my comic books when, downstairs, the doorbell rang. Setting the comic down on my bed, I got up and headed downstairs. I opened the front door and looked up and down the street. “Huh. There’s no one here. Weird,” I said, shrugging my shoulders. That was when I looked down at my feet and noticed the package sitting on the doorstep.

On closer inspection, a sticker was placed on the top of the package. “Who could have sent me this package?” Curious about what was inside the package, I picked it up and headed back inside and returned to my upstairs bedroom.

Galileo was the first to notice what I had received. “Ooh, I bet there’s fan mail inside that package,” he said excitedly. I shook my head. “I don’t think this is fan mail. It’s too big to be a letter,” I said, setting the package down on the floor. Sarge jumped down from his lookout and landed beside the package. “This might be another one of Madcap’s traps, Axel. We don’t know who sent this,” he cautioned, looking warily at the package. By now, the rest of the team had come to look at the package.

A slow dull voice piped up. “Caution. I detect abnormal amounts of Minergy. Probability of a trap calculated at 89.59%” Slobot warned, slowly making his way to us. I turned back to look at the package. “What are you waiting for? Open it!” Galileo insisted, smiling giddily. “All right. I will.” I answered, peeling the tape off of the package.

Inside was a set of parts. The others looked inside the cardboard box, curious. I lifted the set of parts out and set them on the floor beside me. A single slip of paper was revealed at the very bottom of the box, which I lifted into the light of the bedroom. A blueprint fell out from inside the piece of paper. “A blueprint?” I muttered, picking it up. It was starting to make sense.

Slobot voiced what I was thinking. “Explanation found. The pieces delivered to us are in correlation with the blueprint,” he informed us all. “I guess there’s only one thing to do. We start assembling the parts,” I said, which the others nodded in agreement. “Only there’s one other thing. I’m detecting unusual traces and readings of Minergy emanating from the individual pieces and parts found from the package. Exercise caution when handling them,” Slobot warned.

I nodded. “It may take some time for me to assemble everything. Please stand by,” Slobot intoned, slowly taking the pieces to his workshop. “I still wish it was fan mail,” Galileo sighed, heading to his corner of the bedroom. Bearbarian, Masko and Bobbie Blobby all three returned to their respective areas, knowing as well as I did that it would probably be a long time before Slobot actually assembled the toy parts.

Meanwhile, without us knowing, some other certain toys had seen what we’d seen. Madcap was spying on us through my bedroom window, chuckling maliciously. “This is our lucky day. Another toy to use to finally get my hands on the Power Bandz. All we have to do now is wait for those goody-goody toys to build the toy!” he said evilly, lowering his binoculars and leaving his hiding spot.

I resumed reading my comic book, wondering when the toy would be assembled and completed. All of a sudden, a set of footsteps began making their way up the stairs to my bedroom. “Uncle Andrew’s coming, guys! Act normal,” I whispered, putting the cardboard box underneath my bed. The door to my room opened. Uncle Andrew poked his head through the doorway.

“Was someone at the front door earlier? I could’ve sworn the doorbell rang,” he said, scratching his head. “Um, nope! I didn’t hear it,” I replied, chuckling nervously. “I must have imagined it. Oh well. Enjoy your comic book, Axel,” my uncle said, shutting the door. I hurried over to the bedroom door, putting an ear against the door to make sure that Uncle Andrew was back downstairs. When the sound of his footsteps faded, I exhaled, sliding down against the bedroom door.

“That was a close call! Too close,” I sighed, wiping my forehead with the palm of my hand. The others came out from where they’d been hiding. Just then, a dull thud erupted from Slobot’s workshop, followed by a blast of green light appearing from the entrance. “Slobot’s in trouble! Game On!” I said, clicking the Power Bandz against each other. The transformation was triggered immediately. I quickly shrank down to the same size and height as my teammates, and then I was finished.

“Guys, we need to find out what happened in there!” I shouted, running toward Slobot’s workshop. When I entered the workshop, I found Slobot surprisingly unscathed. “But you-I thought-!” I stammered, shocked and confused at the same time. “Look. The toy has been assembled. 100 percent built and completed,” he stated, lifting a cover off of a table in the center of the small workshop.

I was impressed. Laying on the table was a very amazing looking toy, very stylish in appearance. The toy had medium brown skin, with pencil thin eyebrows, with her eyes closed. The toy had a pair of very cool looking headphones, with a darkened musical note on both sides. All in all, the dormant toy was very interesting and neat, both in appearance and posture. As I moved closer to the toy, the musical notes on her headphones began glowing and lighting up.

I instinctively backed away from the toy, the hairs on my neck standing straight up. “Warning! An increasingly potent spike of Minergy radiation has just occured! Necessary actions are-” was all Slobot could say before the toy opened her eyes and leapt off the table and landed in front of me. The toy now looked somehow even more cool than before, striking a stylish pose.

“I’m Lyra. What’s your name?” the toy said, cocking a pencil thin eyebrow. “Axel. Action Axel,” I said, feeling overwhelmed by the air of how impressively stylish the female toy appeared. Before the other toy could say anything more, Slobot interjected. “This toy seems to be made of Minergy with physical form and mass. Detection of unusual spikes of Minergy has occurred,” the robot stated, displaying a percentage on his screen. “Where did you come from?” I questioned, suddenly feeling suspicious of the toy. Lyra, however, did not tell me. “I can’t tell you. It’s a secret,” she said, folding her arms. I looked past Lyra and noticed another toy hidden underneath a sheet. “What’s that toy?” I asked Slobot, walking around Lyra and taking a curious peek through the edge of the covering. Lyra was the one to answer. “That’s my partner, Boompop,” she explained, whipping the sheet off the toy.

The newly revealed toy was a boombox, with the same kind of color scheme as Lyra. The toy had arms and legs, though much shorter than Lyra’s own. Lyra walked over to the toy and pressed a button on the front of the lifeless toy, and inserted a neon colored disk into the hidden compartment. With a smooth whir, the tray retracted back inside the dormant boombox, and a synthesized electric tune started playing.

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