This is a compilation of all the fan fiction stories that have been sent to me over the years. I think they’re awesome!
If you have a story you’ve written, it doesn’t matter if it’s about Minecraft or Giant . . . it can be about anything, and you want to send it to me, then paste it into an email. I’ll get it posted to the web site as quickly as possible.
If you see a story you like, comment on it, let the author know.
And please, share this page on social media with the buttons to the right. Let other young authors know this is a safe place to post their work.
— Mark
Here’s another interview from Snake
First things first: Before you give me credit for this, Enderdashx5x was the one who inspired me to do this so, “Thanks Ender.” ENTRY 1# BA-JIN Interviewer: Hello Ba-Jin. Please tell us about yourself. Ba-Jin: Well...I’m 8 years old, I’m a zombie, and I have a...
Check out this awesome story from Alex
Life of a zombie Book 1: The Call Chapter 1 As darkness fell a small shape fell from the mouth of the cave. A small spider no bigger than a wolf. Its brethren started swarming the forest floor. Zombies came from the cave with skeletons and creepers. All...
Look at this awesome story from Natalie
Palace of Demons Authors Note Once upon a time… I bet that’s what you’re expecting, well let's get this straight right here and now this is NOT some fairy tale. The guy doesn’t always get the girl and all the villains aren’t always slain. In this case though...
Check out this cool battle scene from Josh
I really like this story by Sophie
Nightmare In The Day By Sophie M Cry in the Forest Herobrine’s eyes glowed bright white with anger as he walked around the forest in deep thought, thinking about his next move against The-user-that-is-not-a-user. And then he thought he heard a slight cry...
Check out Caitlin’s story . . . great job!
Maxwell’s Story Caitlin D. Prologue A gentle thunder rumbled above, drowning out the sound of heavy raindrops as they fell to the earth in sparse amounts. It was the midnight hour. Darkness engulfed the land, a pitch black blanket of storm clouds covering up...
Check out Braden’s picture of his Gameknight999 books
Here is a great story from Madelyn, over 16,000 words!
Something Strange Chapter 1: Fallen It was a beautiful day outside, perfect weather, the sun was high in the sky and there was a calming summer breeze blowing. Yup, perfect day to play chase with your friends, which was exactly what, Maddie Christie and Kaelynn...
Here’s Cobra_II’s awesome story, check it out!
Steve spawned right next to a mountain. Immediately he mined 2 trees and started up the mountain in search of coal. He found 3 blocks of coal and started mining them. He looked up to see that it was becoming night. Then he started digging a hidey-hole. Forgetting he...
Here’s a great story by ChocoChantelle
Prologue "If it wasn't for Carlos, I would've been early for school today," I thought. Hi, my name's Chantelle and I'm 12. I'm a gamer, a Minecrafter to be exact. I have a friend named Carlos and he may be quite annoying but he's always there when I need him. You...
Check out this picture of Tommy Feynman by Sky Cat Girl
Here’s another great contribution by Raina_the_Rogue
Chapter 1 - The Dawn of a New Age “Crap! Savannah, no!” My brother Carson yelled, causing me to whoop in victory. “Take that!” I responded playfully, setting down my Uno cards. Yeah, I know I had a perfectly good smartphone sitting in my...
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