

This is a compilation of all the fan fiction stories that have been sent to me over the years. I think they’re awesome!

If you have a story you’ve written, it doesn’t matter if it’s about Minecraft or Giant . . . it can be about anything, and you want to send it to me, then paste it into an email. I’ll get it posted to the web site as quickly as possible. 

If you see a story you like, comment on it, let the author know. 

And please, share this page on social media with the buttons to the right. Let other young authors know this is a safe place to post their work.

— Mark

Check out this story from Tanner and Curtis!

The Deceiver By Tanner L & Curtis M   Prologue TimeStar82 opened Minecraft up, and logged in. He was 13 years old, and he loved to play Minecraft. He was one of the few who had always been addicted to the game. He always enjoyed going in a server and just...

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Here’s a cool story beginning from steelmonster67

“AT 12:00 , MEET ME AT THE WOODLAND MANSION OR LET YOUR TEAM DIE BY MY VINDICATORS !!!!!” screamed lord vindicator , lord vindicator pointed his diamond axe at steelmonster67s chest “ WHY NOT NOW ? OR ARE YOU A COWARD AND A LOSER” steelmonster67 yelled back at lord...

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Here’s a cool spy story by Emma

The Lost Planet (excerpt) By Emma Chapter 1 Hello, my name is John Garvetto. You probably haven't heard of me before. I live on the planet Sartak. Haven't heard of that either? I don't blame you. I am part of a top secret division of the United Nations. No one on...

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Check out this cool story by Rowen

GameKnight chased after Entity303. His loud breathing from running attracted a few monsters as they rushed through the jungle however he quickly destroyed them. He regretted leaving all Crafter and the villagers behind to chase after Entity303 but he was determined to...

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Check out this AWESOME story by Eesha

Goldstar By Eesha Gupta (Aditi Fawle)   Acknowledgements A special thanks to three of my amazing friends, Chisa Matsumoto, “Chez Munkee” who was my CEF, Chief Executive Formatter, Annalise Sweeney, who was vital to the growth of this story, & Kaitlyn Ha...

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A message from XxneonflashxX

So, I am going to do something while I am working on my “Illusion” story (Yes, I was going to do Infestation, but after thinking a bit, most people wanted Illusion, so I am working on that instead). So, anyone reading this, please tell me in the comments about the...

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Here’s a story that came all the way from France, by Lisa

Paste it into Google Translate if you can't read French   L'Ombre de soi-même. Dans une petite plaine enneigée, pas très loin de Saint-Pétersbourg, dans une vieille maison délabrée par le temps, une petite fille âgée de 11 ans s'occupait des tâches ménagères....

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Check out this cool story by Hannah

Long ago in Elemetar everyone had a special power of a base power element; fire, water, earth, light, dark, and life. There were branch element's two that could be made by two different elements having a child for example water life or earth and life got someone with...

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Here’s a great piece of FanFiction by TheDiamondcats

I was napping peacefully when....''Tommy.....Tommy.....THOMAS FEYNMAN'' My eyes snapped open, caught off guard he shocked me into sitting up straight. ''Yes, Mr. Plank?!'' I yelped. I was in History class, Mr. Plank is the name of my teacher, and most of the time he...

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I love this story by Dylan

Waves crashed against the cliffside, a lone figure stands resolute at the top. His face filled with grim determination. He jumped, legs outstretched behind him, arms glued to his sides like a fighter jet. He hits the water head first. Lykos Middleton awakes in the...

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