This is a compilation of all the fan fiction stories that have been sent to me over the years. I think they’re awesome!
If you have a story you’ve written, it doesn’t matter if it’s about Minecraft or Giant . . . it can be about anything, and you want to send it to me, then paste it into an email. I’ll get it posted to the web site as quickly as possible.
If you see a story you like, comment on it, let the author know.
And please, share this page on social media with the buttons to the right. Let other young authors know this is a safe place to post their work.
— Mark
Great Uncle Weaver
What do you think Crafter's Great Uncle Weaver, you know, the one that said "Many problems with monsters can be solved with a little creativity and a lot of TNT." What do you think he's like? Is he a crazy inventory, or maybe a fearless explorer, or maybe . . . what...
Here is a cool story beginning from EnderJack14
Fear clouding his mind he walked in the room standing before him were the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. Xa-Tul the king of Zombies, Feyd the king of Endermen, Charybdis the king of Blazes and Reaper the king of Skeletons. They were all talking, Gameknight999 ducked...
Here is a fun story by Tyan
As Gameknight999 ventured through the oppressive heat in the Nether with his NPC friends, his senses were on high alert for blazes, zombie pigmen and... A loud shriek pierced the air. Ghasts. Ghasts are gigantic white blocks with tentacles attached to them. They...
Here is a nice story beginning about Topper. It’s from Nightowl2579
All the NPCs were looking at him. He was the usual user, with a server thread, but Topper walked over to him and said, "The battle is coming. We need you." Topper gestured to the NPCs, then said no more. Then Hunter joined the conversation. "We need another of your...
Check this out from Zombie-slayer
i walked off into minecraft then i saw my brother firerocker1 then it started to rain something i thought was not possible it was raining XP i checked the updates and found out someone made a XP mod and this was a glitch from the mod then my two younger brothers...
This is a nice story beginning from ArcticWolf999
A lone creeper approached the village wall. Hunter drew back her bow and prepared to start and end the battle with a well placed arrow. Suddenly, a voice within the village shouted, "NO! WAIT!" and a young NPC ran out in front of the creeper and talked to it....
I love this from RainaLovesStampy…nice work!
There was nothing. Literally nothing. It was a gaping hole in the ground. Gameknight closed his eyes, and thought about what had happened there. He could almost hear the screams of the NPCs who must have died here. It was strange... it sounded like they were calling...
Here is a nice story beginning from superkiller333
All the villagers were there, but there were no sign of Crafter. "Where is Crafter?" he asked Stitcher. She just stared at the User-that-is-not-a-user, then sadly shook her head."Crafter is captured," Hunter explained,"he was captured by the zombie king, Xa-tul." "Do...
Here is another nice story from LuckyEnderCreep
as I ran through the woods the sound of users followed me "please don't let it get me!"I mumbled "GAMEKNIGHT999, CRAFTER THIS IS NOT FUN I NEED HELP!" I screamed I knew my time here in minecraft was up thebullynader_1125 was gona get me one way or another. than a...
I like this story beginning from pickledpeanuts
inside was Feyd the enderman king next to him was reaper and Xa-tul. "Ha ha ha" Xa-tul boomed. "I see the fool has come to rescue his friends. "Well then i give you the news that you're friends have fled." We are here for a different reason though... TO GET RID OF...
I like this story from EndOwl…check it out!
Gameknight999 frantically looked around, he was cornered by Herobrine, he felt weak and was frozen with fear. //"This can't be the end, I can't be destroyed by Herobrine!" // his thoughts screamed at him. The noise of the deadly battle faded from him as he looked at...
Here is a nice story beginning from Lord Wolfred
Crafter was sitting in the corner of the room talking to his best friend Shawny.He couldn't believe it! Crafter was breaking the rule the council of crafters had made!He was talking to a user! But just then gameknight999 realized somethind . Shawny didn't have a...
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