

This is a compilation of all the fan fiction stories that have been sent to me over the years. I think they’re awesome!

If you have a story you’ve written, it doesn’t matter if it’s about Minecraft or Giant . . . it can be about anything, and you want to send it to me, then paste it into an email. I’ll get it posted to the web site as quickly as possible. 

If you see a story you like, comment on it, let the author know. 

And please, share this page on social media with the buttons to the right. Let other young authors know this is a safe place to post their work.

— Mark

I like this story from ExpiredIron

As the sword came swinging down for the last time, time however slowed to a near halt. Gameknight could see Herobrine's sword moving at about a pixel an hour. Then the User-That-is-not-a-User pulled out his imaginary keyboard, and typed, Shawny, gamemode me. Shawny...

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Here’s a GREAT story from Hyrulian_pichu

Shawny's tale      Boom!!!      In one single moment all of the server had stopped. Gameknight999 just did something unbelievable, he had ended 20 players hard work, he had just blown up all of his future chances of joining the server. The chat room exploded full of...

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Here is a great story beginning by BlazingDiamond16

What GameKnight999 found was probably the worst site he has ever seen... What he saw was all the villagers tools scattered. There wasn't a single villager in sight. But, what he did see were a bunch of Endermen in the distance with the Ender Dragon circling high...

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Check this one out, from DJ_dubstep

As Gameknight999  went through the grassy biome he knew he wasn't safe, he knew Herobrine would find him very soon. "I need to find a village and fast" he said out loud to nobody but his voice echoing throughout Minecraft. Checking his inventory he found a couple...

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Here is another one from Train2000c

What Gameknight saw when he stepped out was a roofed forest biome. But the strange thing was that there was a village there, but not a normal village nor one with a wall. Tall player looking entities were moving about the area. "Hello User," one of the entities said....

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Here is another great story from Redsnake4853

"Knights, prepare your weapons and stand on your ground!" "Archers, give knights and tankers chance to attack and give the monsters rain of needles they never seen before!" A big NPC gave orders to men and women. "We are the people who should be on the green, we...

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I like this one from Imaskya2

Gameknight walked In and found a chest, unlike usual chests rimmed with obsidian and diamond. Inside was A secret map that lead to A Few temples, a certain treasure in Each. The first location was A desert temple In the Dunes of Azamath. The second temple was Located...

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Check this out from blshooter

As Gameknight was going on to Minecraft in his basement, he noticed something strange that was written on the title screen. Welcome Gamknight. I have seen that you have returned to play this game. Well, i want to destroy you. It was Herobrine! Oh no, not again,...

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Another masterpiece from Train2000c

Gameknight walked out of the blue box. to his surprise, village 12 was a village in a roofed forest. "Wait," said Gameknight. "there are no roofed forest villages." He looked around and saw villagers ant tree houses. The treehouses were basic rectangular shaped with...

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Here is 10 chapters from Batman_9635

  Quest for Defeating Herobrine Book #1 Message from the author: What is Minecraft? Minecraft is a sandbox game (endless game) where you are in a world of blocks. There are two modes: Creative mode and Survival mode. In Creative mode, you have infinite blocks and...

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Here’s chapter 1 from KoolKidGamer7

Click, CliffFlyer joined the unfinished server that he found online. The server was not named and it didn’t even have an icon. CliffFlyer heard that the server is mysterious, so he wanted to try it out. Not bad, until he started trying to move,  there was extreme lag...

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