
“DragonHeart’s Story”

When DragonHeart awakened she had chains wrapped around her neck, arms, legs, and waist. Whoever did this will pay! She thought. DragonHeart pulled on the chains, but got nowhere fast. Suddenly two people, an NPC and a two-legged spider walked into the room. “Wow! You mean to tell me that you actually captured this dragon-eyed-creep with nothing but a bow and a couple of poison arrows?” DragonHeart growled. Her dark purple and light purple eyes grew bright with rage with some kind of internal flame. She yanked on the chains again. “And the legends are true! Boy does she have a fiery temper…” Assassin Villager said sarcastically. “Hey don’t get her too worked up I don’t know how well these chains can hold.” Oh relax Spider! What’s the worst that could happen?” “Trust me, don’t get her riled up. Can we get this over now?” “Ok.” Assassin Villager walked up to DragonHeart who had her head down. “Ok you, we all know you’re the only one that knows where Herobrine is. So tell us.” No answer. Assassin Villager drew a diamond sword. “Look we can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Still no answer. Assassin Villager slashed at her arm. She moaned in pain. “Where is he?” Assassin Villager was getting angry now. Boom! Another hit found home. DragonHeart remained silent. “WHERE IS HEROBRINE!?” “His name isn’t Herobine!” DragonHeart quickly looked away. A tear trickled down her cheek. “Ya, see Spider. They don’t break under physical abuse; they break under emotional abuse.” But Spider wasn’t paying attention to him. “What did you say?” “His name’s not Herobrine, it’s Hero…” Another tear rolled down her cheek. “She still not giving us what we need!” Shouted Assassin Villager. DragonHeart’s muscles tensed she gripped the chains and pulled hard. Snap! The chains fell to the ground. She glared at Assassin Villager with unmatched hatred. Spider backed away. “You wanna dance?” Assassin Villager screamed. “Come at me!” DragonHeart charged at him, and assassin Villager walked to a wall. She teleported behind him and punched him in the back. Assassin Villager turned around, grabbed her throat, and slammed her into the wall. DragonHeart tried to move, but assassin Villager had her pinned. He took out his sword again and pointed the tip at her neck. “Now for the last time WHERE IS HEROBRINE?!” Before she could answer, she heard a voice. “Wait!” Spider shouted at his companion. Assassin Villager turned his head to see Spider, and as he did DragonHeart punched him in the head knocking him out. DragonHeart grabbed the sword quickly and pointed it at Spider. “Get away!” She shouted. Spider stopped his advance. DagonHeart dropped the weapon shakily. “Just stay away.” She said in a calmer voice. Then she darted out of the room. Spider sighed and ran after her
Spider grabbed DragonHeart by the back of her sweatshirt. She spun around. “I think we need to talk.” Spider told her. Spider led DragonHeart to a small room. “OK I think you know a little about Herobrine. Do you mind telling me?” Silence. “Look these are sound proof walls, you can tell me what you know without anyone else knowing. She hesitated then began. “All your legends-are wrong. Me- Me and Herobine as you know him are-well twins.” Spider gasped. “Yah, I know ooh, ahh, what ever else you wanna do but that’s not the whole story. He had pupils before, and actually he had dark purple eyes. Anyway, we were abandoned when we were really little. A small family took us in, they had one child around our age- Steve. Life was practically perfect, until the darkest month of my life. Herobrine went hunting one day and that afternoon he just barely made it back to the house before blacking out. But when I saw him, he had an arrow sticking out of his head. The next day is the day we realized he’d changed. His eyes of course changed to that eerie white, but he became-evil. It started as burning down trees to drowning animals. And one day we got a message saying he had burned down a player’s house. Our adopted parents banned him from the property forbidden him from ever showing his face to them ever again. The next day the parents did the same thing to me because they were worried I’d turn into the monster my brother is…and they were right to do so. If that player hadn’t turned my brother into the monster he is, I wouldn’t be this revenge-happy monster that I am. I can’t tell you where he is…I fear what you’d do to him-or what he’d do to you.” “But we must know, Gameknight999 is in danger.” “The user? Ha ha. You’re funny. You honestly think I’d help a user? My brother has a hard enough time fighting that cowardly User-That-Is-Not-A-User, and when he succeeds, your Stupid-Squad here will parish!” “You don’t know what’s at stake here! He will kill you!” “That’s not true!” “Yes it is, and you and I both know it is. When it’s just you two he’ll over power you and destroy you…you know this, don’t you?” Tears streamed down her face. “You could join us and help stop your brother.” “Never! I will never betray my brother!” “Then so be it, you and he will die! I mean you could try to talk him out of it.” “Fine I’ll tell you but I won’t tell you everything-and I’ll join you, only to get my brother back. All I’ll tell you is that he’s on the same server as GameKnight.” “Thank you. We’ll leave tomorrow.”
DragonHeart rode slowly to her fate: facing her brother. Her hands were tied and her horse was connected to Spider’s. The Minecraftians still didn’t trust her. Assassin Villager rode up front with Spider, he had a black eye thanks to DragonHeart. But as they were riding she realized that Spider and Assassin Villager were the only ones that weren’t players. Wonder why that is? They Finally reached the server-her brother’s server. Fear crawled up her skin. How was she gonna stop Herobrine?

More on the way!

DragonHeart was mostly quiet the whole trip. She was busy looking for signs from her brother-and she saw them. Monsters all heading the same way, holes in walls from abandon villages, and trees that look like they had a disease…to the normal eye this was ugly but to DragonHeart this meant seeing her brother-and her doom. She knew her brother didn’t give up easy and never went out without a fight. Thunder began to crackle overhead, he was close. She looked to her left and saw a sheep. “Hand me my bow” DragonHeart announced. “Spider looked at Assassin Villager. He shook his head. Spider reached back and handed her the bow. Assassin Villager looked at the person behind DragonHeart, he got out his bow and pointed a poison arrow at her. She used her arrow to cut the rope then jumped off her horse. She lifted, drew back and fired at the same time. The sheep fell to the ground; it wasn’t dead yet. DragonHeart walked up to it kneeled down and whispered only for the sheep’s ears. “I’m sorry brother, but the meat your giving us will do us greatly…thank you.” She ripped the arrow out and the animal disappeared into nonexistence. DragonHeart picked up the meat and XP then walked back to her horse. “You alright? I’ve never seen anyone talk to an animal before.” “Fine.” The Minecraftians left her to the hunting the rest of the trip, and each time she ether thanked them or told them to run away and bring more. The party went from no food to plenty in a matter of minutes. Betraying these fools and running away came across her mind a couple of times but then were swept away by the crack of thunder. He could be anywhere around then for all she knew. “Ok, DragonHeart lead on, you can have a word with him before we destroy him.” DragonHeart sprinted ahead her horse’s hooves sounding like the thunder in the ocean above. Wind and leaves smacked her in the face, she felt like she was in the eye of the storm. She slowed and jumped off the horse bow drawn. “Hero! We need to talk!” She shouted. “What would we need to talk about trader?” Said a high pitched voice. “Show yourself coward!” “How could you do this to me?! Joining a team of players!” “Look I’m here to stop you…” “Stop me from what? Destroying that pathetic user? Look sis, I’m tired of being trapped in this prison aren’t you? You’re not gonna stop me. So leave!” “No! I don’t want you to get killed!” “Sis if you don’t get out of my sight now you will parish.” “I won’t fight you brother.” “THEN SO BE IT! PEPARE TO DIE!” He charged at her EnderSword drawn. All DragonHeart did was stare into his eyes.
Herobrine slashed at her arms and legs in seconds she was at half health. DragonHeart fell to the ground, and Herobrine pinned her to the ground. He then slashed her face. Rage was over boiling. “It doesn’t have to be this way; you could join me.” He said standing up his foot on her chest. But then she remembered what Spider said. He’ll kill you! “Or you could just die. Your choice.” She pushed his diamond clad foot off her then stood. “Never.” Herobrine pushed her into a tree. Rage consumed her. She jumped up into the air, pulled out a purple flaming bow notched a purple flaming arrow and shot Herobrine. He went flying onto his side. “Nooooo!” DragonHeart cried. She ran up to him. “I… really am a monster.” She said to herself. “Brother…I…I…” Words were flying through her head. “I’ll…join you.” She looked to the ground with disappointment. She knew her brother will eventually kill her. Herobrine only moaned. “We must get out of here.” She said but then as Herobrine was standing fifty horses came thundering down the path. “Go! Run!” DragonHeart yelled. The two comrades took off through the brush with impossible speeds. They ran for about half a mile then stopped. DragonHeart slumped to the ground. “I…I think we lost them. So what do we do now?” “Search for the User-That-Is-Not-A-User.” He said. “Ok I Know where he is!” “How?” “We need to ask the SpideQueen. She’s got thousands of workers right? And they all report back to her.” “You’re a generous.”

More On The Way

The next few days were rough for DragonHeart, she and Herobrine had been walking for five days on end. She was tiered but Herobrine seemed like he could walk one thousand more days, and DragonHeart admired his strength and courage. Suddenly Herobrine stopped and listened. DragonHeart just stopped and stared at him. “What is it?” “He’s close… very close. In about two thousand blocks the greatest Minecraft Battle will take place. Summon Enderis.” DragonHeart did as ordered. She put her hands together that casted a purple light. A few moments later a dark dragon flew down out of the heavens. This dragon was the Ender Dragon; but not the one you fight as a user; no this was the Ender Dragon. It was much bigger than the typical dragon from its wings to its spikes. “Okay you need a makeover.” Said Herobrine. He said something and two bats flew to him. In a fluid motion he killed both, and grabbed the XP. Then he pulled out his EnderSword and walked toward DragonHeart. “W-what are you doing?” “Just hold still and make this easy.” Herobrine answered. DragonHeart panicked inside but did as her brother commanded. When he was in range he stabbed her with the EnderSword, but he didn’t take it out. In seconds her health drained to half and DragonHeart fell to the ground, the sword still sticking out of her chest. Enderis growled and snapped at Herobrine but he quickly silenced it. DragonHeart pulled the sword out of her chest then realized it was poisoned. She dropped to her hands and knees trying to fight it off, and as her last seconds disappeared she looked up at her brother a tear rolled off her square chin. DragonHeart disappeared, Enderis too vanished. Herobrine picked up her XP and began to craft.
His hands cast the same color as his eyes. A giant orb of white light formed as he crafted. He kept the basic form of dragonHeart the same. But the rest he knew would surprise her.
DragonHeart stood, she felt funny. Herobrine just stared at her and smiled. “I think you’ll find my improvements satisfying.” “Improvements?” “Yes go on to the river to see your reflection.” DragonHeart walked to the river and was surprised by what she saw. Three spikes shot out of her head, one on the left, one on the right, and one on the top. Four wings flew from her sides and one long tail. “Wow.” “Now if you die you’ll turn back to your normal self” “Thanks!”

More On The Way

He looked her over then frowned, “Look a little harder.” She turned and looked back at her reflection. Then turned. “What?” “Look at your eyes…” She was real confused now, but she did as ordered. She gasped. Staring back at her were two twin blazing suns, the color of fresh paper. Her eyes were the same as Herobrines! DragonHeart blinked a couple of times then stared at him. “H-how?” Herobrine moved his fingers in a funny way, “Magic.” He announced, then laughed, but not an evil laugh, nor a laugh out of another’s suffering, an actual laugh, a heartwarming laugh and DragonHeaart did the same. “I miss this you.” DragonHeart said. “What ‘me?’” “The good you.” “THAT PERSON IS DEAD!” Herobrine shouted. Herobrine then turned and glared at the ground. He closed his eyes. He knew just how badly she wanted to be close to him again, when he collected her XP, he went through her past memories, and all the good ones were with him. “Are you two ready to kill?” He asked. Enderis and DragonHeart looked at each other then shook their heads yes. “Okay. USER-THAT-IS-NOT-A-USER PREPARE TO MEET YOUR DOOM!” Herobrine shrieked. He put his hands on the monsters’ shoulders and teleported away.

Chapter 2: The Tide Of War
Spider looked all around his surroundings, battle seemed to flow through the air. The life here seemed almost dead, and made him cringe. This was where Herobrine and DragonHeart had fought. He frowned as the name DragonHeart bounced around his very mind. How could she have betrayed them? Granite they did have her chained like an animal, but that’s what she was right? “Spider! We found their path.” Said a voice waking him from his thoughts. “You Have SirCreeperKiller?” “Come look!” Spider hopped on his snow white horse and galloped across the clearing. With each thundering click of the hooves more and more worry danced through her head.  Spider slid off his horse next to the solider and was relieved when he saw a darkened path. “Watch out Herobrine, we’re comin’.” The Minecraftians began walking along the path, ready to kill.

DragonHeart and Herobrine walked toward the destination of the war a whole army of monsters. Enderis rode high in the sky. They were bringing the tide of war. Herobrine was dressed in all enchanted diamond armor and wielded an emerald sword. DragonHeart wore a full suit of emerald armor. They were ready to face the great GameKnight999. When they grew near they heard someone give the warning that monsters were attacking. Suddenly an army of about one thousand users appeared, all clothed in iron or diamond armor. Herobrine, DragonHeart, and GameKnight walked the distance to the center of the battlefield. GameKnight999 laughed when he saw DragonHeart. “Wow. This is just sad; you need help from one of your little pets? How pathetic.” “You wanna’ go there punk? I’ll take you on right here right now!” She growled between clenched teeth. Herobrine put out his arm just as she took a step forward, stopping her. GameKnight laughed again. “You can’t even control it.” He teased. Then he drew a line in the dirt. “You shall go no far- “But his voice was drowned out by thunder-wait no that’s horse hooves! About one hundred Minecraftians charged onto the battlefield and ran straight for GameKnight. “Oh no-not the Stupid-Squad.” DragonHeart said. The horse then stood directly behind GameKight999. Give up Herobrine! You’re out numbered and you know it.” “No we’re not.” He looked back at DragonHeart. “My-friend here is worth a thousand men.” He said, smiling at DragonHeart and she smiled back. “What is this a family reunion or somethin’?” Assassin Villager said sarcastically, not noticing who she was. “Prepare for war!” Herobrine shouted running back to his army. DragonHeart glared at GameKnight one last time before chasing after her brother. Moments later a battle cry sounded. “FOR MINECRAFT!” “DragonHeart, do your thing.” Herobrine ordered. She bowed her head and flew into the air, Enderis following close behind. DragonHeart took out here bow and began carving gashes into GameKnight999’s army. As she did that, Enderis flew down claws extended breaking through defenses. An arrow flew past DragonHeart’s head, and she quickly found the shooter. She teleported right behind him, punched him three times in the head, and he disappeared with a pop. The monsters were losing, for every user killed three monsters went with them. She searched the crowd for GameKnight then found him. He was a graceful whirlwind of death, two diamond swords inhabited his hands. He was a Blade Dancer, a living legend, that was about to become just a legend. She sprinted towards him, arrow drawn, she then aimed and fired. The arrow hit him between the eyes. He stopped and looked around for the one that hit him.

Another arrow hit him in the leg he fell to the ground and DragonHeart teleported in front of him. And kicked him onto his back and stared down at him her eyes burning bright white. “Herobrine?” He asked. “No.” She gripped his arm and flew up into the sky. He screamed in agony as claws found flesh. “Herobrine!” DragonHeart called. DragonHeart tossed him into the air then gripped his chest piece. “Now it’s my brothers turn to deal with you.” She then let go as GameKnight999 fell to the ground. She teleported right next to him and put her foot onto his chest. Herobrine then appeared next to her. “Nice work DragonHeart she bowed her head. GameKnight then stabbed his sword into her emerald clad foot. It was her turn to fall backwards.

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