
The room was empty, cobwebs covering the ceilings and floors, yet there were no signs of spiders. A few XP orbs, presumably from the monsters, hung in slow-motion in the webs. The low moaning of zombies and hissing of creepers slowly faded, losing interest in him and moving on – to another target.

If I can follow the zombies without them noticing me, I can hopefully find another village, where I can seek shelter and take some minecarts to find Crafter and the rest of his village, Gameknight999 thought. So slowly and sneakily, he climbed to the roof of the building and followed the horde of monsters, parkouring from the canopy of treetops.

As the sun began to rise, the zombies began to start burning. The smarter ones hid under the trees’ shelters but the dumber ones burned to death, and soon a trail of rotten flesh could be seen. Fortunately, the creepers slowly scattered, and the zombies all dead. In the distance, Gameknight could see the towers – and walls – of a village.

So it was the right idea after all, Gameknight thought to himself happily. Just then, a few hundred blocks off the village, two NPCs gathered. At a closer look, it was Grassbrin and Treebrin. They probably lived here, where the grass and trees grew in harmony. However, just as Gameknight was about to jump down and say hi, he realised something horrible.

Grassbrin and Treebrin, once a healthy green and brown color, now had dark purple veins tracing their blocky skin like marble. The mark of the end, Gameknight thought, had something happened to them? I’d better discuss this with Crafter, Gameknight decided, as he continued his way to the village.

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