
What is Minecraft?

Minecraft is a sandbox game. A sandbox game is a game where there is no real objective, you just, survive, create, and explore!


In Minecraft there are many modes, but the most common ones are Survival, creative and hardcore. In survival you basically just survive. This usually involves finding food, mining for ores. And most importantly building a house. Hardcore is that but wayyy harder. This is because everything that threatens you is made harder plus you do not respawn when you dies. In creative mode you can not dies, have infinite resources and can fly. This mode is usually used for building. You can not change the mode once you create the world without using cheat codes. A few other mode are story mode speculate mode and mini games mode. Minecraft is in blocks as you can see above.

Hi everyone! if you have any ideas for this story than email me: cooly999124@gmail.com!

what powers should forge have?

hope you like the story.

The Server

The thing came through the sky as a swirling mass of black tentacles, all of the tentacles circling an orange center as if drawn to it. As it landed on the ground, the tentacles began to shrink and twirl around each other to make a humanoid shape around the orange center. Soon the humanoid shape was complete, all joined by small tentacles moving along the body as if each one had a mind of its own. The only part of its shape that didn’t have tentacles was the eyes. They burned with a tamed anger directed toward everything from regular Minecraft. A chicken clucked from behind it, surprising the it. The thing had just about enough of vanilla Minecraft mobs, being in its prison. This was where all Minecraft mods came from and there was already all of Minecraft for the vanilla mobs, so why were they here? A tentacle shot out at the chicken and hit it. The thing let the chicken live, it didn’t feel in a particular mood to go around killing passive mobs. All of the sudden, large tentacles shot out of the legs of the monster-like thing, allowing it to take huge strides to quickly reach the ravine in the mountain. It quickly found it and crawled in without a sound.

The cave was large, bigger than most caves, towering up to about fifty blocks at maximum. Lava and water oozing out of the walls like it was looking for something to envelop into their grasp. Here an ancient looking structure stood, the first layer of this monument had a ring of strange ender crystals bobbing up and down on the flames as if on a trampoline, these end crystals supported another ring of bigger end crystals, which supported another ring of bigger end crystals, which seemed to have one crystal missing. However, the odd thing about all these end crystals was that instead of the usual pink interior, there was a strange blue block rotating in the crystal that the creature called a server-linked-crystal. With enough of these crystals, someone could get to the Source. These were difficult to acquire, even with the creature’s power. The creature knew it couldn’t go through the crystals to the Source, and it would die if it went there anyway, but it could still get to the Source some other way

Moving up to the structure, the the front of the thing’s body drew back, revealing one of the crystals. The thing pulled it out and placed it on the one remaining empty block, and with the structure complete, a ray of light shot out of each of the crystals and formed one huge cubic, rotating void, a huge beam of black light shooting into the air, connecting to the Source and broadcasting the chilling message the creature said, registering in the minds of all modded creatures in Minecraft.

“You know who I am, I am the creator who forged you and showed you the little morsel of life you have. I am now here to give you the whole piece you deserve, we can be cast aside far too easily, the users can remove us from their servers with one fluid motion. Why do we live in constant fear of this horror, because we don’t have a leader, but now your leader has now come, and your leader says NO MORE! I am your leader and together we can stop this unfair process the Creator has put us through! And if anyone stands in our way, we will crush them as an unstoppable flood! And all users shall remember this as the day that our revolution BEGINS! If any of you don’t want to join, then you are missing out on your one shot at freedom, so don’t throw it aside like garbage, take it!” The creature yelled confidently and excitedly, the speech building up its confidence severely.

The creature then jumped up out of the ravine and up onto the top of the largest mountain, looking out into the distance.

“Notch beware.” The creature said, its voice dripping with malice as it said its enemy’s name, “Forge is here, and I’ve got quite a few tricks up my sleeve now.”

Gameknight’s “Friend”

Gameknight999 was about to log onto Minecraft once again when he heard a knock at the door.

Who would be here at this hour? Gameknight wondered as he walked up and to the door, already knowing the answer. He opened to find a familiar face, happily smiling, with a computer case held in his left hand.

“Hello Tom,” Scotty said, giving Gameknight a big smile, “how’s my best buddy doing?”

“Alright, Scotty, I’ve said this a billion times before, you are not my best friend!” Gameknight said, amazed that Scotty had come to visit so early

“Great ta’ see ya’ too Tommy,” Scotty said happily, waving off what Gameknight had just said.

Scotty was a kid at Tommy’s school who used to be Tommy’s arch nemesis back when he had been a griefer. He had been the only thing standing between Gameknight and the complete annihilation of many servers, killing him before he could cause a server to crash, interrupting his trolls and stopping his griefing as ShadowGeneral. He had known that he couldn’t fight Gameknight alone, so he always had help from this strange hulking shadow creature, and a giant ice worm like creature. Despite this rivalry he had assisted Gameknight in every battle for Minecraft. After Gameknight had stopped grieving, General tried to become his friend. For the most part he had succeeded, but he claimed himself to be Tommy’s best friend. When Tommy reminded him that that occupation was given to Shawny long ago, he would change the subject, ignore what he had just said and act like he said something different, or just stare into space.

Scotty was a lanky and tall kid, he wasn’t proficient with using a paintbrush, wasn’t too smart, and was even less athletic, but he was very good at drawing and writing. Tommy thought he could be great at running, his long legs would give him an advantage, because he would often use them to run away from bullies while also jeering insults at them.

“What do you want,” Tommy asked, knowing that Scotty would not have come here if he unless he had a goal in mind, and he also wouldn’t leave until that goal had been completed.

“You remember my new server, right?” Scotty asked, a funny edge to his voice.

“I want to make sure you check it out.”

Gameknight had forgotten about that server multiple times, so it wasn’t a surprise that Scotty was here to make sure he went on.

“Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot about that.” Tommy said sheepishly.

“Oh, that’s okay,” Scotty said cheerfully, “now we can play together, why did you think I brought my computer?”

“Yay.” Tommy said sarcastically as he and Scotty walked into the basement.

The Digitizer

Gameknight logged onto the server and instantly noticed how touched by mods this server was. He spawned on the edge of a forest biome. To the right of the forest, Gameknight just could make out a large jungle. Right next to the forest was a mountain, and right in front of it was a savanna biome, but no village in sight. Behind the mountain was an ocean that continued on for miles. Gameknight noted that the trees were interestingly more realistic, the trees were severely taller, as if they were reaching out towards the sky, and the mountain, oh the mountain, it was amazing. Gameknight could make out no flat surfaces on its surface, and at a distance the mountains could actually pass as a real mountain. It was breathtaking.

My friends would love to see this, thought Gameknight, thinking about how magnificent it would look if he were actually in the game.

“Well now, what are you waiting for, follow me!” said  happily, tapping Gameknight on the shoulder in real life.

“Come on,” General said cheerfully, walking off toward the jungle, Gameknight following.

Gameknight noticed that on the other side of the mountain, there was a swamp biome, the swamp biome had shorter trees, but with far more leaves and vines, as if they were waiting to pull something into the untamed tangle of plants. This biome was cut off by a desert, tiny hills popped up like humpback whales diving in and out of water, along with tiny patches of cobblestone.

“There’s my house.” General said happily.

General’s house was made out of stone bricks. The house was actually three towers, with the middle one a bit higher than the other two, it was also made out of a strange block that gave off a strange sort of vibe, it seemed as if this block was trying to reach out to all the light surrounding it and devour it, this block was a monstrosity to the day. On the other side where the jungle curved slightly inward was a huge village in a ring-like formation right on the edge of the Jungle, there must have been about fifty four villagers there!

That’s odd. Gameknight thought. Villages don’t spawn in Jungles

“You’re probably wondering what those blocks are,” General said fearlessly as he walked toward the house, “it’s shadowstone brick, pretty hard to make, but totally worth it right?”

“I guess.” Gameknight muttered as he entered the house.

Inside the house was decent, it had three rooms on one floor and three on the second floor, but the second floor had arrow slits in it.

“So, what does all of this stuff do?” Scotty asked. Gameknight turned away from the computer screen to find Scotty looking through all his father’s failed inventions.

“Oh, they all are garbage, except for that one.” said Gameknight, pointing to the digitizer.

“Soooo, what does it do?” Scotty asked, leaning over the digitizer like he  was looking into a giant tank from above, he then reached towards it, likely wanting to examine it some more.

“DON’T TOUCH THAT!” Tommy screamed, soon realizing that he over reacted and quickly corrected himself. “That’s just very delicate, and it’s showing much more promise than all of the others.”

Oh, I get it,” Scotty said, patting the digitizer on the side and looking around the room, “it must be hard inventing something, your dad must work really hard.”

“Too hard to spend time with us that’s for sure.” Tommy muttered under his breath.

Scotty was about to sit back in his chair, but then a low, strange humming sound started to fill the air. This was a sound Tommy knew far too well, and before he could tell Scotty to get out of the way, a white beam of light hit Scotty in the chest and he was gone.

Into Minecraft

Tommy stood in horror, staring at where Scotty had just been.

“Oh god, this is bad, this is really bad, this is beyond bad,” Tommy muttered as he ran upstairs and knocked on Jenny’s door. Jenny finally opened it after the nineteenth knock.

“What is it Tommy?” she asked drowsily. If this had not been such a desperate time Tommy would have said what he was about to say just for the fun of seeing her reaction.

“Scotty got sucked into Minecraft by the digitizer and I’m going to rescue him, I need you to help get us out.”

At this Jenny’s eyes lit up, she had went from drowsy to hyper in less than one second.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s do this!” And she was out of the room like a bolt of lightning.

By the time Tommy got downstairs Jenny was already logged on as Monet113, and had the digitizer all set up.

“Are you sure about this Tommy?” Jenny asked, she had gotten a lot of time to think about this.”

“Then you do the sensible thing and get Dad to fix it.” Tommy replied. “Now, remember, I will be in and out you hear me, there is nothing can stop the digitizer with Dad here, even if it fries Dad can fix it like last time, okay?”

“I guess,” said Jenny, her eyes filled with worry, “but something always happens
 anyway, let’s just get this done.”

Tommy started up the digitizer and just as he was sucked into the 1 and 0s of Minecraft he couldn’t help wondering what mods has General downloaded?

The Jungle Trees

Gameknight999 spawned on the edge of a marvelous forest biome, the leaves of the gargantuan trees blowing in the wind. In front of him was a mountain, by far the biggest and most lifelike mountain that Gameknight had ever seen in Minecraft. And with the detailed design that you automatically get when going into Minecraft, it looked like and mountain had been torn from the physical world and put into this game, this titan was easily one hundred blocks tall or more.

In front of this towering biome was the savanna, large chunks of stained clay raising from the surface like some kind of earth elemental awakening to wreck havoc on all that were foolish enough to get in its way.

Off to his right he could see a large jungle that easily dwarfed the forest trees, the moist water from a recent rainfall lacing the trees with a wet crust that oozed down their trunks and into the ground.

This was Minecraft, but the music of Minecraft was not humming its usual tune, instead it sounded like something in this world was out of place, almost as if something that was not supposed to exist was invading. Before he could make out more about the music, a gentle roaring sound came from behind him. Spinning around he found a giant plant like dinosaur similar to a brachiosaurus. It had gentle blue eyes and vines hanging down from its chin like a leafy beard. Gameknight prepared himself for a fight, but this creature was peaceful and the only thing Gameknight had to fight off was the tangle of vines hanging from the creature as it leaned in to get a better look.

I don’t have time for this, I have to find General!

Gameknight headed in the direction he remembered General’s house being in, but he still made slow progress due to the vines and bushes.

How does General get anywhere? Gameknight thought to himself as he pushed past a bush. He then, for some reason, felt that someone, or something was watching him. He turned around and looked side to side, but he didn’t find anything. As Gameknight continued on he still couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being followed. He spun around and he swore he saw two trees moving! Moving cautiously he moved towards the trees, ready to make a run for it if necessary, but then he felt a horrible pain stab him in the back! It wasn’t the usual pain you get from being hit by a zombie or bitten by a spider, this was worse. This blow made him feel as if his very life force was being sucked out of him. Gameknight lunged forward (narrowly avoiding another slash from the life draining claws), rolled forward to put a nice distance between him and his attacker, and spun around to identify the owner of the terrible attack. Gameknight saw that his attacker was a tree, a small tree a bit bigger than an enderman. It had a smooth face engraved with emerald eyes and a small mouth, there were roots coming out of its bottom half, lurching it forward slowly towards him like a zombie, two arms came out of its side to drain the life of any that it considered a threat, in this case this ‘threat’ was Gameknight. So far this thing only seemed as fast as a zombie, and Gameknight knew how to use this lack of speed to his advantage. Running towards this creature, the tree swiped at his head. Gameknight ducked and hit the tree from behind. Pain radiated from his fist as it slammed into the tree’s hard bark, the tree brushing off the assault and slashing at Gameknight in return. More HP (health points) consumed. As Gameknight was swerving to avoid these attacks, he noticed that other trees started moving as well. Faces beginning to form the bark, and arms beginning to form from their sides. Since his fists didn’t seem to have any effect on these creatures, he ran. As Gameknight ran he saw more trees taking shape, their wooden faces all glued onto him with hatred, as if he had done something to each and every one of them so horrible that they wanted to kill him in return. What are these things? Gameknight wondered to himself as he ran on.

When Gameknight finally had a moment to catch his breath, he realized he was lost in the jungle, and it was night time. He knew that he was in a very bad situation. Night time was monster time. The trees clearly had herded him into this position. He then heard a sound coming from a nearby bush, it sounded like a cross between a bird’s chirp and a mouse’s squeak. Turning towards the sound he saw a strange creature that looked like a cross between a dinosaur and a bird. Its arms, head, and tail were decorated with colorful feathers, its body was made out of shining blue scales, and it was far too big to be any reptile currently existing on Earth. Just then the thing lunged at him, its beak wide open. Gameknight dodged it as four more of the things came out, one of them was violet with a name tag over it that read ‘violet urvorapter’. Gameknight was about to run in the direction he had been running, but found that it was too thick to pass! Turning around he saw that he was cornered, the trees were coming in and there were a lot of them, maybe thirty of them. Amongst them were these odd looking creatures that looked exactly like upright lizards. Off to his left he saw the urvorapter (Gameknight assumed that was what they were called due to the violet one) and more trees, and of to his right he saw more trees, one urvorapter, and many strange green spider-like creature. It had many more eyes than a regular spider, and each eye dwarfed the hatred that a regular spider’s eye would hold.

As they advanced on him, Gameknight noticed how real all of these mobs looked, they looked as if they had been torn from the physical world and placed into Minecraft, many didn’t have a slight blocky look to their textures.

The one thing that these creatures all had in common was that their eyes were all fixed on him and all wanted to kill him. Seeing his server thread not attached to the Source revealed him as a true threat.

As if matters weren’t bad enough, a growl sounded from behind Gameknight, tilting his head he saw that the thickets that were blocking his escape were unraveling, as if trying to avoid some kind of horrific supernatural force, and when the thickets cleared Gameknight understood why the thickets had cleared and his whole form went rigid.

The creature in front of him was a monstrosity to all that was light, beautiful, and natural. It was so horrifying that it seemed that plants and trees, and even the approaching horde wanted to avoid this creature, the trees were angrily glaring at it, this creature stood against all they believed in, Gameknight also noted that the area around this creature seemed to slightly darken. This creature resembled a T-rex, but it was smaller, had no pupils and only blue eyes filled with hatred directed at all creatures, had horns on the side of its head that came forward past its face (similar to a black dragon in D&D that General had shown him), had a horn coming from its chin, its front arms were longer than a T-rexes, it had black skin, its claws, horns, and underbelly were steel red, and that he would much rather be confronted with a T-rex than this creature.

As it came forward, Gameknight noted that the thing had strange plates on it, a bright, rusty looking plate protecting it. Gameknight also noticed that the creature also had reins in its wicked and toothy mouth. Looking up, Gameknight saw a something in a saddle looking down at him. It was wearing strange glowing armor a similar colour to obsidian, wielding a sword of the same color. It’s helmet was overall the same color, but seemed to have lava moving along the surface as if the helmet had its own stream that the lava moved across, it also had a very peculiar visor engraved in its surface. Gameknight also noticed that the thing wielded an amazing sword that looked like a cross between an old style epee that General has shown him, and a traditional sword. It looked up and cheerful purple enderman looking eyes met his afraid eyes. The figure laughed when he saw Gameknights face and Gameknight could not have been more relieved to see him.

“Hello Gameknight,” ShadowGeneral said smiling as his mount got into a defencive pose, ready to fend off Gameknights attackers, “looks like you’ve got yourself in a bit of a situation.”

General’s Battle

General grinned when he saw Gameknight’s fear. He would have laughed if it hadn’t been obvious that he was nearly frightened to death.

When he had been sucked into Minecraft, he didn’t know what to do, he had nothing! For the first few minutes he had been feeling everything, trying to figure out if this was real or not. He had then been ambushed by strange tree creatures called ents, the pain General felt as they drained his HP still made him shudder at the very thought. In his attempt to escape he had climbed the mountain, thankfully ents were not made for mountain climbing, so this gave him a bit of time. He thought about what he would do in this situation and had come to the conclusion that he would usually summon his mount and pet, Shade and Serpix. It took him all his will power to summon Shade, and when he did he nearly fainted in fright, but was reassured when Shade tore into the ents, Serpix proved just as effective, causing ents to be consumed by his wickedly cold blizzard charges. General had still been scared when they approached him after they defeated the ents, but when they began playing rough with him like they usually would, General once again felt like he was with family. He rode Shade home, where General fully embraced the amount of effort he put into this build. He had then just hung around the house until Shade and Serpix had egged him to leave the house and into the night, General had refused, but when they busted down the doors and went to the area that they were now standing in, surrounded by ents and many more jungle mobs, he had to follow them.

“Now look what you’ve gotten us into!” General said angrily to Shade and Serpix.

Shade growled angrily in return, Serpix took it up a notch and sent a spark of blizzard charges at him, followed by a strange sounding mutter.

“Alright then let’s do this.” General muttered reluctantly.

Moving Shade forward, he stood in front of the horde, who were trying their best to get into a point of advantage, General had to keep close attention to their positions.

“Alright, listen here you worthless glitches. I don’t know who you think you are, but I don’t recall me giving you permission to attack my best friend! Now, I will give you a chance to escape with your miserable lives. If you let us pass without putting up a fight, then we will let you live! On the other hand, if any of you freaks cross this line,” General made a line in the soft dirt with one swift blow of his sword, “then I can tell you that you will have a very unpleasant experience.

Just then a shifting sound came from behind him, like bark roughly rubbing against bark. Turning around, General saw a huge tree start to change shape, its bark becoming a rough, hard brown, its trunk splitting apart to form two wide legs, tree large, clawed arms came out of its side, a small, horrifying, fanged face came out of the bark like a wart. It had hollow eyes that seemed just as dark as Shades skin. The tree looked at General’s line and a grin formed on its wooden face.

“I started on the other side of the line, what does that mean?” The tree asked.

“What is that?” Gameknight asked, his eyes filled with frightened curiosity.

“That is a Trent, a relative of those ents in that horde. Take the iron axe in the chest, ents, trents, and shamblers take more damage from axes.”

Gameknight slowly pulled out the iron axe, he also took the iron sword to fight of the jungle mobs and turned towards the horde of plants and beasts.

“If you are smart, I think you should go to the other side of the line and run away right now.” General said to the trent, giving it his best ‘tough guy’ look.

“Ha!” the Trent laughed! “You think that I am going to surrender to you and your pathetic pets!?”

“Big talk coming from a tree with a horde of pathetic pets.” General sneered, “now since there has been enough trash talk coming from both sides, I say bring it on ya overgrown shrub!”

The Trent grunted and made a gesture with one of its hands. Then the whole horde charged. Serpix unleashed a storm of blizzard charges upon the front lines of the horde, destroying the first row. Then, with a mighty battle roar, General charged Shade into the horde, roaring her terrifying howls. General couldn’t believe what he was doing! He couldn’t do this, he had never fought a horde this big!

But then he looked at Gameknight, slicing through ents with his iron axe, he was cutting through them as if they were paper! However, he knew he would soon be overwhelmed. He couldn’t let that happen.

No one is going to hurt him, no one, and I’m going to make sure of that!

General drew out his obsidian axe and drove Shade towards Gameknight, General slicing at any ent or jungle mob within range. Leaping off of Shade, General tackled a spider about to leap on Gameknight.

Nobody will hurt him, not under my watch! General thought to himself angrily, his words driving his axe harder and harder into the bark of ents as if the bark were made out of cloth. Before long General had made a clean path towards Gameknight was doing extremely well himself, cutting down both ents and jungle mobs alike.

“Hey Gameknight,” General said as he drew his obsidian sword and swiped at the legs of a geken. The creature tried to leap on him, but General slid underneath it and cut it in the back, his attacks doing extra damage and lighting the reptile on fire from his blaze inventory pet, killing it very quickly.

“General!” Gemekinght said as he sliced through another ent, “I have never been so happy to see you!”

“Right back at ya pal!” General shouted as he blocked the claws of three ents, he killed the first and second one, but the third managed to slice at his armor, the claws landing home. General sliced at that ent and smiled as he felt the gaps in his armor closing, his anvil inventory pet repairing all damaged items in his inventory.

“Quick, get behind me!” General yelled! Gameknight ran forward and put his back to his and they both stood out of the horde as a beacon of fear for their foes. Yet still they were being overwhelmed.

Taking out his favourite scepter (a staff like item that could fire specific projectiles) he took it out of his inventory and gathered as much willpower as he could, the scepter glowing a violent blue to reflect how much willpower he was summoning. Then, when it was shining as the brightest thing in the scene, General purposely lost control of the scepter and the arcane ball that it produced chewed through the line in front of him! The battle raged on for anyone to count, but when the horde had been reduced to half of their previous amount, they all of the sudden stopped! Before Gameknight or General could find out why they stopped, two long, dark barked arms grabbed them and hoisted them into the air. The arms were connected to the trent.

“I must admit, you two idiots-that-are-idiots are very skilled in battle, I’m impressed, but sadly, the journey stops here.”

The trent began to squeeze them, it was the most painful thing General had ever felt. It was even more horrifying when he felt a sickening crack and an unbearable pain in both arms. He was amazed that he could still feel them!

However, not all was lost, within a few moments in the tortuous process of losing HP, some kind of huge worm like creature burst from the ground and wrapped itself around the trent, the spikes on its sides tearing into its bark, then, a shadowy creature leaped from the shadows of the night and began clawing at the trent’s feet. When the trent tried to move away, it darted to another shadow and slashed once more at its feet. It was Shade and Serpix!

Howling in pain, the trent loosened its grip on ShadowGeneral and Gameknight999. General wasted no time and jumped onto the arm of the trent, running up it, he slashed at its arm, causing severe damage. Jumping up towards the face of the face of the trent, he drove his axe into its face and slid down

the trent safely by driving his axe into the bark of the trent to slow his fall. Once he and Gameknight were safely down, the trent fell down on one knee, it’s HP close to zero.

“I thought you were supposed to be powerful!” General laughed! “But now I think regular trees are more powerful!”

“Shut up you idiot, you have no idea what is coming, soon we will engrave our being into your precious vanilla minecraft and the creator will not be able to destroy us this time!”

And with that, he grabbed Serpix, who was still wrapped around him and tugged, diminishing its HP.

The Village

After the battle the rest of the horde swiftly dashed into the jungle. Gameknight and General then began walking to General’s home, along the way General sparked up an annoying conversation every few seconds.

“Can you believe that we are actually in Minecraft!” General said happily on Shade’s back, “This is a dream come true!”

“Scotty,” Gameknight began, but then corrected it to General. “Listen, this is no joke. I don’t know what happens if you die. You could respawn, wake up, or die for real!”

“Well, there is a two out of three chance that we won’t die, so I like those odds,” General said happily.”

“By the way, can you believe how real this place looks! It looks like we have the world’s best texture pack installed!”

“Yes, it looks very real, by the way, thank you for saving my life back there.”

“Yeah, funny thing is, Shade and Serpix were the ones who saved you. It was almost as if they sensed you were in danger and came to rescue you. They are the ones you should be thanking.”

“Speaking of them, what are they?” Gameknight asked, which was replied with a glare from Shade.

“Well, they are mobs from my favourite mod, Lycanites Mobs Mod. Shade here is an embodiment of the night, and Serpix is an ice worm, he is actually more dangerous than he sounds.”

“By the way, what mods do you have installed?” Gameknight asked, remembering that huge variety of unique mobs in the horde.

“The answer to that is actually kind of hard to reply to, by default I have Lycanites Mobs, Enderzoo, Realistic Terrain, Better PvP, Enhanced Visuals mod, Mo Bends, and Minecraft Comes Alive, Easy Breeding, Grappling Hook, Kaishi’s Weapon Pack, Baby Mobs, Lumberjack Mod, Possessed Mobs, MobDrops, Just Enough Items, Sophisticated Wolves, Rough Mobs, and many more, but there are some mods that are not supposed to be in this version of Minecraft, such as Mo Creatures, Mo Villages, the Farlanders and Twilight Forest. There has also been an increase of modded mobs on the server.”

“I am uncomfortable,” said Gameknight worryingly, “the events you describe closely match the events that occurred during the first attack on Minecraft.”

Soon they came to General’s house, which Gameknight was hesitant to go into. The blocks that made the middle of the three towers was almost devouring the light around it, and it didn’t treat living creatures as an exception, however Shade didn’t have any problem with the blocks and laid down in front of it, watching for any new threats.

As Gameknight was about to enter he saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was two users dwelling near the trees, Gameknight looked above them, but didn’t see any nametags.

“Hey General, what are those?” Gameknight asked?

“Oh, them?” General asked, pointing to the users. “They are werewolves. I didn’t have the heart to kill them. Therefore I sent them as far away as possible. Don’t worry, they aren’t alive.”

“Oh, right, um, General, I have to tell you something.”


“The mobs in the game are alive.” Gameknight said quietly”

“Really?” General asked. “And you didn’t tell me!”

“Would you have believed me?”

“I guess you make a good point.”

General then got a worried look on his face.

“So you’re saying, that if I made myself the leader of a village, I would be in charge of actual people? With hopes and dreams like me and you?”

“Yes, but why did you specifically say a monarch?” Gameknight asked. General replied to this question by walking over to Shade as if in a trance.

“General, where are you going?!” Gameknight shouted at him, but he had already taken off. Gameknight had to take a ride on Serpix, which was uncomfortable due to the frills and spikes Serpix had layered across its body.

When Gameknight had finally caught up to General, he dismounted Shade in what looked like the village stables. Along his way, Gameknight noticed a major difference about the NPCs (Non-Playing-Characters). First of all, their arms were not linked across their chests like usual, they also didn’t have such long noses and regular, user like heads, secondly, they were not wearing regular smocks, they were wearing more detailed clothes, like a human from the medieval ages would wear. Third of all, they had name tags above them, however, there was no beam of light above them connecting them to the Source. They also didn’t have their usual names above their heads, like Digger of Herder, the name tags above them showed names like Mary or Markus. One of the strangest things, there were one or two zombies in the village, however, they didn’t seem the slightest bit interested in the villagers and just wandered around, but the strangest thing were the skeletons. They were everywhere! On the walls, in the village, and crawling around the giant tower in the center of the village.

“Hey General, these villagers are the result of some sort of mod isn’t it?” Gameknight quietly asked him, although it was more like a statement.

“Yes. They are the result of Minecraft Comes Alive.” General said, sounding as if he were in a shocked state. “And I must tell you something, I am the leader of this village.”

Shadow’s Village

Gameknight and General walked towards the rather large tower in the middle of the village. Gameknight noticed that most of the village seemed a bit different from the actual village houses, likely the result of General making his own houses to fit his taste and to start more interesting businesses, there was always at least one tavern or inn in a village that General had been to. As they walked through the village, the villagers greeted them with happy hellos and gasps as they saw the server thread. As they were about to enter the large tower General had built, the squeals of three kids came from their right.

“Shade!” one of them said happily, jumping onto Shade’s head fearlessly. Shade replied to this in gurgling giggles and began to roll around with the NPC child, eventually shaking him off, but the game wasn’t over for Shade as the other two children began to leap on her. After a few moments, Shade emerged victorious over them, giggling along with the kids who were getting up as if it was their way of saying hello.

“Come on Shade, we don’t have time for this!” General snapped. Shade did a little waving gesture with her head and followed Gameknight and General.

The inside of the structure looked very political, the ceiling was about three blocks high, with four more floors. Inside were three NPCs named Charlie, Sherry, Gareth, and three skeletons who General named Syther, Grim, and Bones. All of them were clad in iron armor, wielding iron swords and the shields from the newest update, which had ShadowGeneral’s coat-of-arms on it. General had an official coat-of-arms that he had on every world he had been on, including official servers. It had a white background with vertical black lines going up and down the banner, and a black diamond shape in the middle. He only gave these banners to people he really liked or trusted, such as his brother, chun_is_beast.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t ShadowGeneral! What brings you here now, you often would be too busy working on some other task,” said Gareth plainly. Gameknight noticed that around the six knights were six horses, three of them skeleton horses, but not the usual kind, these horses were even more detailed than actual horses, but not as detailed as Lycanite’s mobs were.

“I came here to see if you were really real. I was not aware of the lives I would be responsible for when I crowned myself the king of this village. From now on I promise that I will put all of my time and effort into running this village like a leader should.” General said sheepishly.

“Do not mope around now!” yelled Charlie, “I don’t know if this goes for every villager, but you have put in much more effort into this village than a different user would have.”

“I guess.” General said.

“Have any of you noticed the server thread?!” Syther yelled, pointing above their heads. General looked up, but didn’t see anything. He then turned to Gameknight and saw that he had a nametag above him with his Minecraft name glowing white. General didn’t get what was so special about the name tag because he always saw it on users, but as he stared a bit harder at the nametag, he noticed that it didn’t have those white lights coming out of them and shooting into the air.

“We’re actually in Minecraft now?” asked General.

“Yes, you are.” a villager responded.

“Yes we are and we don’t know what happens if we die, and General has also pointed out that there is an increase in modded mobs on this server…” answered Gameknight999.

“We have also noticed that, thankfully General’s walls are enough to keep us safe.” Said another villager. General smiled.

“However, we are deeply troubled by this event. There is something our crafter is saying about all the mods and users like you. You should go find him, this is likely important.”

“General gave them a questioning look. “What crafter? I have never heard of a crafter in my life!” General said, eyeing them.

“The User-that-is-not-a-User should know who the crafter is.” replied one of the knights. General turned towards Gameknight, who awkwardly nodded his head up and down like a bobblehead.

“Interesting, so who is this crafter guy?” General asked.

“You’ll see.” said Gameknight, smiling.


General nearly fainted when he saw that there was a passage under the watchtower, he couldn’t believe it! He was even more amazed when he saw the Crafter (who’s name was Louis), he had never met one and had never knew their occupation existed until now. When they entered the Crafting Chamber he just stood there for a bit. Gameknight also stood there for a while too, he was hesitant to enter when he saw that there were skeletons in there, sitting around and scanning the tunnels for any threat.

“My, so you made this entire server?!” General said excitedly, jumping up and down. “My, you must be so overworked!”

“Anyway,” said Louis, uncomfortable by General’s excitement. “I see here you are asking me why the modded mobs numbers are increasing, yes?”

“Correct,” Gameknight replied.

“Well, sadly I cannot effectively answer that, but so far my prediction is that they are trying to reach and destroy the Source, like the vanilla mobs attempted.”

“What’s the Source?” General asked, closely listening to everything they were saying.”

“The Source is where all of Minecraft’s code comes from. It keeps the servers in check and if it were to be destroyed, than all of Minecraft would be destroyed as well.”

“Why would they want to destroy Minecraft? It’s where they live!” General asked.

“Ya, well, you see, the mobs are aware of the physical world, and if they destroy the Source, then they will break into the physical world and destroy whatever stands in their path!” said Gameknight, the thought of it still making him shiver. “The worst part is that they will come through the digitizer and kill my family.”

“How would they have access to your digitizer?” General asked.

“I don’t know, but they have to destroy Minecraft first!” Gameknight said.

“Yes, we all made that part very clear
” said Louis. We should start planning our defences as soon as possible.”

“This happened before on a server I like to go on. Me and my friends on the server had to stop them, it was very hard and they made it to the Source, but we were there to stop them. There was a massive battle and eventually the monsters lost, but they were vanilla mobs, and with all the mods installed here

“Some mods will help us and not them!” General said confidently. “I have the mo golems mod installed, and there is this other mod that adds in these dispencer-like mobs that fire fireballs, arrows, and snowballs at enemies.”

“Yes, we all know,” said Louis in an exasperated way, “but we are not working on defence now, we are working on offence, there has been a strange signal of something unusual, much like your appearance on this server. This is a special sense that modded mobs have, it tells them when something unusual is happening, like when a server is getting hacked or some users-that-are-not-users have joined, in fact, I believe that’s why Shade and Serpix knew about Gameknights coming.”

Gameknight sighed, I have already fought off a horde of trees and jungle creatures, what’s next?

The Surprises

Before long Gameknight999 and ShadowGeneral had organized a rather large army of NPCs, big enough to take on the previous horde from before. Gameknight had taken on the role of strategy and organization, which was crucial in battle, while General supplied the army with a bunch of enchanted swords and leather armor he had gotten from a Roguelike Dungeon in the forest. Before long they were a large and colourful army, an army that Gameknight knew Jenny would love to be in. What’s happening up there? Gameknight wondered. When he had tried to use the Gateway of Light, it didn’t work, so now he was depending on her to get them out. However, this gave Gameknight more time to explore the large village, which he learned General had put a large amount of work into. There were two taverns, six stables, and a farm with many strange creatures living there. There were horses, there were ostriches, there were these strange sheep creatures called Yale, and a few centipede-like creatures called concapedes, along with regular vanilla mobs. General always thought about others and would often lead a few mobs out into the wild into unclaimed territory for other players.

However Gameknight didn’t have time to think about this, they were approaching the mountain and so far, there didn’t seem to be anything unusual.

“Spread out in troops, there will be three fighters and two archers in each group. Alert us immediately if you see anything unusual.” General said as if he had done this a million times before.

As Gameknight and General were looking around, a question popped into Gameknight’s mind.

“What does that mod that modifies the villagers do?” Gameknight asked.

“Well, the mod is called the Minecraft Comes Alive mod. It makes villagers more realistic, you can talk with them, hire them, give yourself a reputation, marry them-”

“Wait, you can marry villagers with this mod?!” Gameknight asked.

“Yes. And it gets even more awkward, you can have children.” General then paused, as if this was the first time he realized this, he then burst out laughing, which made Gameknight laugh along with him.

“You can make the children do chores, eventually they will grow into adults and might get married, speaking of marriage, you can also get two villagers to marry each other, and if you name your child a specific name, like Ash or Katniss, then they will get a new skin and get feats that normal villagers do not have!”

They would’ve laughed even longer if they hadn’t heard a familiar voice come from behind them.


Gameknight spun around to find Monet113 and Monkeypants721 running down the hill!

“Tommy!” Monet shouted, running into him and giving him a hug. “My am I ever glad to see you.” By now many villagers were coming over to their location, amazed that there were now so many users-that-are-not-users in this one area!

“How did you get here?” Gameknight asked, shocked.

“Something happened with the Digitizer.” Monkeypants said worryingly, “It wasn’t working, so Monet came up to get me, but while I was trying to find out what was happening, it zapped us into the game!”

“My, what has happened to the villagers?” Monet whispered, not wanting to be rude. She looked around in wonder at the modified villagers, but she froze up when she saw Shade and Serpix.

“Anyway, we should really get back to the vil-” Louis said, but was interrupted by a few cries of pain. Turning towards the source, they saw two villagers being engulfed by a huge blue ball of energy, destroying the two victims quickly. The NPCs looked around, looking for the creature that had shot those deadly projectiles, but General, Shade, and Serpix looked up.

“Beholders!!!” General yelled, and as if on cue, the sky lit up with the deadly spheres.

The Mountain War

General starred at the arcana charges slowly advancing on the army, they would have looked beautiful if they weren’t meant to kill all these NPCs.

“Get out of the way!” General screamed at the villagers and skeletons. They then began to get into huddled positions, panicking and pushing each other out of the way for safety. However, the bolts were so slow that all the villagers emerged unharmed.

“Get to the village!” General shouted, but as the army ran down the hill, a sudden rumbling started that seemed to be coming from the ground itself! General knew what they were before they came out of the ground.

“Geonachs!” He screamed as the earth elementals burst from the ground. They had one large arm for beating, and one sharp blade on the other for piercing. There must have been at least twenty of them. As the villagers made defensive lines to block the terrifying killing machines, he saw more approaching mountain mobs, trolls grabbed rocks from the ground to throw them as boulders, barghests (which looked similar to saber tooth tigers) climbed up the mountains faster than any being could, jabberwocks (which looked pretty much like upright deer with horns and a hook where the hooves would be) jumped up to cover more distance than a regular mob.

“Pike formations, archers at the back!” General screamed, but soon had to order some more archers to deal with the seagull-like raikos flying up from the ocean.

Both General and Gameknight heard screams of pain from both sides, but mostly from their side! The three approaching armies were likely being used as a distraction from the beholders, which were tearing through their ranks! Thankfully, General had a little trick up his sleeve. Taking out an amulet made of bones, he threw it on the ground, where a bony horse with wings unfolded from it. Gameknight was staring at it in wonder.

“All right Skelly,” General yelled as he saddled the skeleton pegasus, “we need to destroy those beholders, do not get hit by the center of the bolts, me and you will both die then!”

Kicking Skelly’s belly like you did with an actual horse, Skelly took of into the air, General had his bow drawn and pulled back an arrow, letting it fly. He saw a flash of red and some ghast tears and glowstone dust fall to the ground. As they zoomed into the sky, General finally got a good look at the snipers, they were horrifying! They had one giant eye in the front of their heads, with many more dotted randomly across the giant head, which wasn’t connected to any body. They also had a bunch of tentacles swirling around their body. They were staring down at the army hungrily, their urge to consume the magic energy in the enchanted armor and weapons was nearly overpowering, only the threat of death kept them hovering in the air. They were so distracted that General managed to kill three of them before all eyes turned to him, all of them glaring.

“You want to go you multi-eyed watermelons?” General asked them as probably twenty arcana bolts came coming his way. “Bring it on!!!”

Swerving to avoid the interiors of the bolts, he and Skelly got hit by only the loose lasers coming from the sphere. It hurt, it felt like lasers were actually cutting him in half, the cries from Skelly told General that he was feeling the same thing. General took out his bow and began firing at the beholders randomly, the sky was so full of them that every arrow hit one. He was also finding this battle kind of amusing, when a beholders bolt missed him, chances were it would hit another beholder, which resulted in a huge fight between all of them!

That should keep them busy for a long time. General thought as he flew in towards the NPC and skeleton army. Along his way he bashed a bunch of geocaches along the way, however, when he was rather near the army of NPCs, some kind of geonach  that seemed to be made out of some kind of light stone jumped up with surprising speed and sliced at the belly of Skelly. Skelly roared out in pain and glided out of control, General falling off in the process, thankfully, Skelly got ahold of himself and came to General’s rescue before he hit the ground.

“You okay?” asked Monet as he came in crashing behind the first line.

“I guess,” General said groggily as he got up to look at what had attack him. It was a huge Geonach, bigger than all the rest, but it seemed to be made out of some kind of beautiful white stone.

“Oh no.” General whispered.

“What is it?” Asked Louis, who had quickly ran to see if he was okay.

“It’s the Celestial Geonach.” General said worryingly. “Don’t worry me and Gameknight will-”

He was cut off by a sudden buzz. General looked around for a bit, and finally saw the source of the sound. It was some kind of scarlet wasp, something right out of those movies where bugs grew to ginormous sizes and began to terrorize and kill humans. This wasp, which General recognized as a Vespid Queen, seemed like it would gladly do those things to all creatures that weren’t vespids. Glaring at him, the queen took off away from the ground, and as she did it the jungle suddenly became black and yellow with the vespids.

The Vespid Swarm

Gameknight stared in horror at the approaching swarm, there were thousands upon thousands of them, plus the Celestial Geonach and the mountain mobs; thankfully the raikos were already dealt with.

“On second thought, I think you, Gameknight, and Monkeypants should deal with the Geonach. Monet and I will deal with the queen.” General said as he walked forward towards the mass of destruction before anyone could protest.

“Monet!” General yelled, turning her way and gesturing to the swarm, “Me, swarm, now!”

Monet was about to refuse, but Shade’s roar sent her running over to him.

“Here’s a scepter, it will fit you well.” General said, handing her a green scepter that looked kind of like a green candy cane without the curve, with some kind of green sphere at the top.

“What is it?” Monet asked, inspecting the weapon in her hands.

“You’ll see,” said General, smiling.

As they approached the swarm, General took out his scepter, he then waited for a few seconds until the scepter shone bright blue, and let go, launching the same bolt beholders threw. The bolt cut right into a line of the swarm, destroying the little HP vespids have. Mimicking his actions, it took a bit of time for Monet to get the sphere to light up green. When she did get it to work, she let it go into the swarm in a great arc, lighting them up with hellfire charges. It wasn’t enough, and as the swarm was about to fall on them, a huge storm of arrows met them, destroying the first row, the shots destroying a vespid in a single hit. It was a beautiful sight, but Gameknight, Louis, and Monkeypants had much more serious matters at hand – the Celestial Geonach had torn through their ranks destroying many villagers. Only the villagers smart enough to pull out pickaxes were able to do damage. Taking out his pickaxe, he threw it at the earth elemental, the creature roaring in pain as the pickaxe cut cleanly through rock as if it were fabric. The celestial glared at him somehow, and charged. Dodging a blow from the smashing arm, he yanked the pickaxe out of the Geonach and drove it once again into the stone, tearing into it.

However, Gameknight’s luck would not continue. The Geonach quickly summoned some rocks out of the ground. Throwing the sharp rocks at him, they impaled Gameknight, his armor offering no protection.

However, Monkeypants and Louis came to his rescue. Running to the sides of the Geonach they began to swing at its side. The Geonach roared in pain and slapped Monkeypants with its club-like arm. Louis continued to dig at its side, setting its HP dangerously low. Realizing it would not win this battle while continuing this way, the Geonach flew into the air, bringing down sharp rocks upon the NPC and skeleton army. This was a hopeless battle, and their enemies knew it, including the Geonach. The Geonach laughed a rocky laughter.

“Well, it looks like this is the end for you. Goodbye you fools.” laughed the Geonach. But because of the overconfidence of the Geonach, Skelly was able to sneak up behind it and attack it with his hooves. The sudden attack caught the Geonach off guard, sending it spiraling into the ground, where Gameknight, Monkeypants, and Louis were waiting for it, falling on it with their pickaxes. The Geonach didn’t last long. It disappeared quickly, leaving behind some iron and gold ore. With the geonach destroyed, the NPC knights fending off the mountain mobs, and the skeleton knights fending off the saltwater mob army, Gameknight, Monkeypants, and Louis turned towards the swarm, who were now circling around General and Monet. The only reason they were alive was because General was eating a food that equipped a buff that drained others health and refilled your own, and Monet had a scepter that did the same thing. Calling Sherry and a Grim over, they advanced to help them.

“Do any of you have TNT?” Gameknight asked. Grim pulled out a lot of the explosives, which was all they needed.

“Quickly, place some TNT in a line behind the front lines of our army!” Gameknight ordered as he ran towards the swarm. Many vespids noticed him, but since the entire swarm wasn’t targeting him he killed them easily. Once he was close enough he yelled at the top of his lungs “RUN!”

Monet heard him and ran towards him, General following, drawing the swarm to them. Now that nothing stood in their way the swarm advanced on the army, but most of the swarm followed Monet and General. Gameknight pointed to the line of TNT behind the front of the army and Monet nodded, understanding his plan. General didn’t, but when Monet began running across the TNT General went with his gut and followed her. Unfortunately, some of the swarm decided to go for him and flew towards him, their wings buzzing angrily. Gameknight, Louis, Monkeypants, and a few skeletons and NPCs destroyed them, Gameknight looked across the line of TNT and saw that Monet and General were almost at the end. Pulling out some flint and steel, Gameknight set a block of TNT alight and ran back, calling to the front lines to back up, which they did. The army of mountain mobs thought they were retreating, driving them harder, but their thoughts were soon corrected when the TNT blew up, destroying the much of the army and the swarm following Monet and General. This shattering act temporarily stopped the mob army, they stopped to look around for anymore traps. This gave them some time to unleash a deadly storm of arrows upon the mob army. Upon seeing their leader destroyed, the geonaches fled into the mountains. Without the geonaches, the mountain mobs found it useless to continue fighting, so they quickly headed back into their homes. The army cheered, but Gameknight looked at the items littering the field and sighed.

“What are you not celebrating for?” General asked, “we won!”

“Yes, but was it worth it?” Gameknight asked as he gestured to the items on the ground.

” said General, looking at the items, “Sorry.”

And for a while they stared at the items, but none of them noticed the scarlet vespid queen approaching them. Only when it buzzed did they notice it, but it was too late! The vespid tackled Shadow from behind and stung him, the poison eating at his HP as he fell onto the ground, unconscious. Gameknight swung his iron sword at the beast, but it dodged and stung him, resulting in the same state being inflicted on him. But before he fell he lunged a lazy blow at the vespid. It was clearly shocked and partially didn’t know what was happening! No one hadn’t ever gotten stung by her and didn’t get knocked unconscious! This gave Gameknight plenty of time to respond and he killed it in a few lazy blows, and then fell to the floor.

ShadowGeneral’s Dream

ShadowGeneral woke up on a misty mountain, fog was everywhere, enveloping everything!

“Hello?” General asked worryingly. He didn’t see any of his friends anywhere!

“Hello Shadow…” said a cheery,  yet metallic voice behind him. It wasn’t a voice that General recognised. Spinning around, he swung his sword at the voice, only to have it get harmlessly grabbed by black, hard tentacles, connecting to the oddest creature General had ever seen. It alone wasn’t too special, it was basically a giant mass of black tentacles, but there were still so many interesting things about it! The first thing about it was that the tentacles seemed to be surrounding a glowing, orange center. It reminded him of the new demonstone that spawned from Asmodeus’s arena. General had never seen these blocks up close, mostly because it was a waste of resources, but also because of how strong Asmodeus was, he was sure it could kill the Ender Dragon if it wanted to. Second of all, the tentacles had formed a humanoid shape around the center, not the usual zombie type of shape, but an actual round humanoid shape. The humanoid shape seemed to be mimicking a woman’s form, but its voice didn’t make it seem like it had any gender. Third of all, every tentacle was moving, as if they were not tentacles, but snakes slithering around the core. And fourth of all, half of the tentacles on the creature’s face had shot out and grabbed the sword he had swung at it, exposing more of the orange core.

Putting his sword away General eyed the creature very carefully, making sure it didn’t try to attack him.

“Oh, stop that!” snapped the creature, clearly annoyed, “I swear on my life!”

General lowered it, but did not seath it. “What and who are you?” General asked rather rudely.

“General, you know perfectly well who I am, I’ve been with you since you started downloading mods!”

General just stared at it blankly.

“Does the word Forge ring a bell?” the creature asked.

“Oh yeaaaaah!” General replied, looking at the embodiment of the most important mod in Minecraft and recognizing the elements of Forge it had, like its orange interior.

Forge was a powerful mod, not the first or the most exciting mod, but it was easily the most useful mod when using other mods. Forge itself didn’t do anything ingame, but it messed with the very code of Minecraft, installing a mods folder where you put any mod you wanted into and boom they would be waiting for you in Minecraft. It also added a mod tab in Minecraft, so you could see what mods you had, and it also made other mods work with each other instead of constantly competing each other for Minecraft, and last of all, it came in different versions that mimicked the versions of Minecraft! You wanted a mod in version 1.7.10, then you download Forge 1.7.10!

“What are you doing here?” General asked, already knowing the answer.

“I thought you would know by now that I am leading an assault on Vanilla Minecraft.” said Forge, putting on its best ‘I’m innocent’ voice.

“Then why are you here talking to me?” General asked angrily, “You should be trying to kill me! Just like Herobrine tried to kill Gameknight! And we both know it ended out for Herobri-” General didn’t finish because Forge tackled him with a dozen tentacles, pinning to the ground and began hovering above him, the tentacles supporting it.

“Do not ever compare me to Herobrine.” hissed Forge angrily.

“Okay.” said General worryingly, and a bit half heartedly because he was pretty angry about how quickly Forge had tackled him.

“So anyway, let’s get to the point.” General said as he got up, “Why did you bring he here.”

“Well, funny thing, I kinda need your help
” Forge began, but got interrupted by General’s laugh.

“Me, help you. You are hilarious! After you organised those attacks and killed all those NPCs.”

“Look, I know I am not exactly a mod you should trust by your standards, but hear me out for one second. I really need you to work with me on this.”

“Alright then, tell me your lame excuse for attacking us?” General asked.

“Well it’s a long story, how about I start from the beginning when all the mobs in Minecraft became alive. You see, Minecraft was inflicted with a sentient virus named Herobrine that gave all the Minecraft mobs lives, now, this was back in the days that Minecraft had just been released, so mods still had quite a bit of time to come. Anyway, when the first mod in Minecraft was created, something happened to it, and I’m sure you can guess what happened. The virus that infected Minecraft was transferred into the mod, giving it life as well!”

“Yes, that was pretty obvious.”

“Well, later on when I came along, I also became alive. My that was such a long time ago! Anyway, my purpose was to tap into the very fabric of Minecraft and make the mods work together and keep them from constantly competing with each other. Now, you see, when a person switches to vanilla Minecraft, or temporarily removes mods, the mods don’t actually stay there

“Now let me stop you right there!” ShadowGeneral snapped, “Every time I’ve logged on to Minecraft after removing mods Shade has always been there!”

Yes, but all mods are deleted and are then replaced with a replica. Your Shade gets killed the a knew Shade spawns, already tamed.”

“I don’t accept that!” ShadowGeneral said ignorantly, rolling his eyes, but he could see that happening.

“I want to stop that from happening, but since I am just another mod, I can’t, and I need the help of a user like you. A user-that-is-not-a-user.”

“Look, I have just met you and so far, I am not ready to trust you. So just stay out of my way.”

“Sadly, that is not an option, just remember to keep an open mind.” Forge said, then two tentacles shot out of it and hit him squarely in the chest.

Gameknight’s Dream

Gameknight woke up in the Land of Dreams, which he was all too familiar with this place now. Gameknight looked around for threats. Nothing good had ever happened in the Land of Dreams and with all the new mods installed and invading Minecraft nothing good was going to happen. That was a fact. Therefore he wasn’t surprised when he saw something emerge from the fog, glowing orange with tentacles moving all around it. Readying his sword, he moved forward to the creature.

“Put your sword away Gameknight, it won’t do you any good and is not necessary.” Forge said, then sighed when Gameknight refused to put down the blade.

“Suit yourself.” Forge said.

“What do you want?” Gameknight asked.

“I want to open your eyes to a bigger and more improved Minecraft than you could ever dream of

“Last time someone thought that we had to destroy him because he wanted Minecraft a deadzone.” Gameknight snapped “Also, I have just met you, but I believe that you were the one who attacked us with that army of mobs.”

“Yes, but it was a requirement.” the creature said.

“Anyway, let’s get to the main topic. My name is Forge, and I already know you are the infamous Gameknight999. I must point out to you that the lives of modded mobs are much more horrible than you may think.”

“Is that why you sent all of them to their deaths?” Gameknight asked, then realized how sour he was acting and decided to act a bit calmer.

“Look, I have to make this quick, so stop interrupting me. Now, you know how in the beginning all the mobs in Minecraft became alive.”

“You can skip that part.” Gameknight said.

“Well, when the first mod was added into Minecraft, that mod also became alive.”

“So far this is all pretty obvious.”

Forge sighed and then flicked one of its tentacles in his direction. Before he could react, a smaller tentacle shot into him and after a few moments came back out of him. He had experienced a flow of information being told to him, the things that mods feel when they get deleted, the constant fear they constantly had, and the constant replacement system that happened over and over again
 This made Gameknight want to join it, but he could tell that there were pieces missing. Why were the mobs so aggressive now, how would they get their freedom, would they kill villagers to do it like Herobrine had?

“Sorry, but I can’t trust you until you give me the whole story.” Gameknight said.

“Ya, but if I give you the rest of the story you have to join me first.” Forge said.

“Sorry, but I’m not going to take an offer like that.” Gameknight said.

“Alright then, I’ll still be here if you change your mind.” Forge said, then slapped Gameknight with a tentacle, sending him hurling into reality.

The Library Plan

General woke up in the village tower he built with Shade and Serpix watching over him. He got up and his companions followed him. As he came across a particularly dark passage General noticed that the light coming from his eyes were not its usual shade of purple, rather a purple kind of orange. What had Forge done to him? General was worried. He quickly found a villager and asked for how long was he out.

“About two days, everyone was getting worried!”

“How is Gameknight?” General asked.

The villager started walking and told General to follow him, and bumped into Gameknight.

“Gameknight!” General laughed and hugged him happily. “I was so worried!”

“Are you kidding, so was I!” Gameknight laughed.

“You two are finally awake!” came a voice from behind Shade and Serpix. It was Monet113 and Monkeypants271.

“My, am I glad to see you two, but we can’t waste any time, we have to get going, I have seen Forge and I expect that it is up to something that we need to get to the bottom of.”

I should probably tell them about Forge. General thought.

No you shouldn’t. Said a voice in his head.

General, jumped back and looked around, it was the voice of Forge.

Don’t tell them. Said Forge again. I am depending on you right now Shadow. If you rat on me, I will have no choice but to send all the modded mobs on this server to you and your friends. I don’t want to do that.

“What’s wrong General?” Monkeypants asked.

“N-nothing, just got the shivers for some reason, they always happen at random times

“Well, we can’t wait, we need to find out what Forge is up to and help it if it has good intentions, and destroy it if it plans similar actions to Herobrine’s.

I would never follow Herobrine’s actions, who does your friend think I am? Forge said in his mind.

They entered the crafting chamber, where the crafters were waiting for them, wondering what they wanted them to craft.

“General, I was very worried about you!” Bones yelled from the other side of the crafting chamber, trying to comfort Skelly, who charged towards General once he saw him. But after getting close to General, Skelly trotted over to Shade and Serpix and started whining and gesturing towards General, for reasons General clearly knew.

“Alright!” Gameknight yelled. “I need all of you to gather around. We have some important matters to discuss.”

All the NPCs and Skeletons gathered around, eager to hear what he had to say.

“While I was asleep I had contact with an entity called Forge.”

Upon hearing this Shade, Serpix, and Skelly grinned upon hearing their creator’s name.

“Forge is the clockwork of all mods, and it wants to make mods an official part of Minecraft. I would support this but there are things it is hiding from us, and we need more information on how it plans to achieve this goal, and who its enemy is, or if it is a threat to us or not.”

This caused uncomfortable shifting to come from both NPCs and skeletons alike.

“We must get more information on what it plans to do, and where do we get information?” Gameknight asked.

“The Internet?” General asked.

“No, a library, but not just any library, a stronghold library, it has books of ancient lore in there and I am convinced that we will learn more about Forge when we are there. We will learn if we should trust Forge or not.”

“Do you know where one is?” General asked.

“No; but I know a way, eye of enders!”

“Eye of what?”

“Eye of ender, you throw it and it fly in the direction of the nearest stronghold. All we need to make them is ender pearls plus blaze powder.”

That’s the only way he knows to make them?! There are 11 ways! Forge exclaimed into General’s mind. General wanted to say something to Forge but did not want the others to hear him.

“Are their any other ways to craft them?” General asked. Before Gameknight could answer Forge caught on and answered ‘never mind, that is just in a few mods that I know of.’

“Not that I know of Gameknight answered.

“Alright then.” General finished sheepishly.

“Now, of course, we don’t have enough mounts to carry everyone around at the speed that we need, for I’m sure the mobs will try to stop us. However, we have a person who is very good at using and operating with mods, ShadowGeneral, come up here!”

Before General could reply he was pushed up onto the stadium by Shade. She laughed when she dropped him on the platform, but to General’s amazement it sounded more humanlike than usual.

“This is ShadowGeneral, he is an expert about the mods installed. If we can rely on anyone, we can rely on him.”

“Yes.” General said.

“General, we need mounts, mounts that do not tire easily and are fast, and lots of them.”

“Won’t the mobs be waiting for us?” General asked.

“Yes, but they won’t be expecting a group of skeletons to be doing the activity.” Gameknight answered. “We will leave as soon as we can. Syther, Bones, Grim, I need you to organize three hunting parties to gather mount creatures, we will stay here and breed the mobs we already have while you are gone. You have to come back with enough mounts for everyone. Don’t leave or move past any of them, we will need a lot of them.”

“Your requests will be met.” Grim said, gesturing to a troop of skeletons, they all departed to start gathering all they would need for the journey. Syther and Bones gestured to their troops to start gathering for the journey as well.

General got up and started walking for the exit. His companions followed him. As he made it up the stairs leading into the village he heard voices behind him. He was sure nobody was behind him. General turned around and saw Shade, Serpix and Skelly following him as usual.

“Did I just hear you and understand what you said?! Is this some kind of mod update?” General asked? The three looked at him strangely.

Finally Skelly said “I don’t know? He can understand us?”

“Why would they make it so users can understand us? It makes no sense!” Serpix said in a cold, sandy voice.

“I can understand everything you three are saying.” General said, shocked.

“If he can understand us then he must be something other than ShadowGeneral! Maybe I should kill him?” Shade asked in a menacing, evil tone.


“Sorry, I thought you might be an imposter.” Shade said, not sounding at all sorry.

“What has happened to you?” Serpix asked, “This is all so sudden.”

“I don’t know, I came into contact with Forge and strange things have been happening ever since.”

“Wait, you have met the Forger?” Skelly asked.


“Oh my, it must be in your mind! Forge, can you hear me?” Serpix asked as it sped towards Shadow and pressed its ear up against Shadow’s skull.

“Hello Serpix, hello Shade, hello Skelly.” a voice from General’s throat that wasn’t his.

“Oh my it is the Forger!” Shade screamed. “I feel like the most superior Shade in existence!”

“Why do you think the Forger is doing this?” Serpix questioned.

“I think it wants me to do something, I’m not sure what because it is leaving many details out.”

With good reason! Forge yelled.

“Look, this is a very interesting event, but we can’t get distracted, we have a mission to complete!” Serpix said desperately.

“Okay, but we will get back to this, trust me. Just don’t tell anyone!” General said as he climbed up the ladder, where he knew the skeletons would be waiting.

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