
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!” Flash. Red. Gameknight screamed. “Aaahh!” He fell to his knees and pleaded. ”No more… no more… please… what do you want from me…” Gameknight was dying. By the hand of Herobrine. He had ambushed Gameknight and his group of NPCs as they were traveling to a village. They stood no chance. He had killed the villagers and captured Gameknight. Now, Gameknight was kneeling in front of Herobrine inside his fortress, a diamond sword stuck in his chest.
“What do I want from you?” Herobrine scoffed. “I have wanted this since the beginning of time! Not just from you, but from all the Users-that-are-not-users before you. To get out of Minecraft.” Gameknight looked up shakily.
“There were others…?” Herobrine laughed an evil laugh, something so horrible it resonated throughout the whole of Minecraft. Crafter could probably sense it from miles away.
“Of course! In the beta version of Minecraft, a group of users had figured out to travel through the Gateway of Light and to Minecraft. They were called the Emerald Order. They and the Oracle helped repel the first great Zombie Invasion. But eventually, they left, and all was peaceful. I had tried to use them, but they were too powerful, even for me. But now I have you. And you are going to do exactly as I say, User-that-is-not-a-user.” Gameknight whispered weakly,
“I’l never work for you, Herobrine.” He spat little square droplets onto his assailant. Herobrine looked down, smiled, and twisted the blade inside Gameknight. He screamed out in agony. It was the worst thing he had ever felt. No, it was worse. It felt like death. Herobrine then wrenched the sword out of him, and Gameknight collapsed on the obsidian floor. Herobrine chuckled.
“Your pathetic NPC friends can’t help you now.” Gameknight faintly heard the sound of a bow being drawn.
“I beg to differ.” Hunter said with malice. She shot her bow, the arrow tip gracefully lighting on fire as soon as she shot. It hit Herobrine square in the back, and his evil body was enveloped in flames. Herobrine screamed, and teleported far, far, away. Hunter ran over to Gameknight as more NPCs secured the entries, and turned him over. “Gameknight!” Hunter said with urgency. “Are you okay?” He replied weakly,
“Do I look okay…?” He coughed violently. Hunter tried to help him.
“Sorry, dumb question. C’mon, we gotta get you to the village. Crafter’s outside, waiting for you, and Digger, Herder, and Stitcher are back at the village. Just rest. We’ll get you there.” Gameknight asked,
“How did you get here so fast…?” Hunter said,
“You’ve been gone for two days. We wasted no time in finding you.” Gameknight tried to get up on his own. He only got halfway.
“Agh!” He cried out.
“Gameknight!” Hunter said. She helped him. “I said we were gonna help you. Now stop being an idiot and let us.” Gameknight gave as much of a smile as he could.
“There’s the Hunter I… know…” Gameknight fell down, unable to stand. Hunter yelled to the other villagers,
“Help me!” Three immediately ran over and carried Gameknight. He whispered to Hunter,
“There… are… others…” Hunter said something, but Gameknight had already fallen unconscious from his wounds.
Gameknight999 Story (Part 2)

Gameknight heard the splashing of a potion, and he instantly felt much better. He couldn’t open his eyes, but he knew he had been splashed with either a potion of regeneration or instant healing. He heard talking. And crying. Digger’s voice said, “Topper, Gameknight’s gonna be fine.” Between sniffles, Topper whispered,
“He doesn’t look fine.”Gameknight tried to open his eyes, and succeeded that time. He was in one of those L-shaped houses, laying on a bed, the classic red blanket covering him. Digger was standing with his two children, Topper and Filler, as they clung to him, tears sliding down their cheeks unchecked. Crafter was standing in a corner next to Stitcher. They both had worried looks on their faces. Hunter was looking out a window, looking more angry than ever. She was clutching her bow, the waves of enchantment seeming to avoid her grasp. Gameknight gave a conscious,
“Ahem,” and everyone turned to face him.
“Gameknight!” Topper and Filler yelled at the same time as they rushed to attack him with hugs. Stitcher, Hunter, and Crafter followed. “Hah, you had us worried Gameknight.” Digger said. Stitcher gently pushed the twins out of the way so she could hug him as well. Hunter smiled, and said,
“I knew you were gonna be fine.” She playfully punched Gameknight in the shoulder. He winced. “Ah, sorry.” Gameknight replied,
“It’s okay.” He looked around. “Wait. Where’s my sister?” Everyone looked at each other without saying anything. “What? What happened? Where’s Monet?” Crafter stepped forward.
“She… uh…” Gameknight, impatient, said,
“Crafter! Where’s my sister?!”
“We… don’t know. Someone took her in the middle of the night. The guards didn’t see or hear anything.” Gameknight was shocked.
“What?! How? There are guards posted all over this place! How did none of them not see what happened?” Hunter said,
“We don’t know. But I promise you, we’ll find them and kick their butts. And then I’ll kick Herobrine’s butt too for torturing you.” Gameknight smiled,
“Thanks Hunter, but first let’s focus on finding my sister. Who did she talk to last?” Digger spoke up.
“She was talking to Herder before we went to bed two nights ago.” Gameknight sat up.
“Then let’s go talk to him.” He stood up, but almost fell down. Hunter helped him stand.
“Gameknight, stay here. Rest. Don’t be stupid.” He retorted,
“She’s my sister, Hunter and it was my responsibility to take care of her. I failed, so now it’s my job to get her back.” Hunter couldn’t argue with that. With her help, Gameknight slowly walked out of the house and off to find Herder.


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