
Extremely dangerous and the end of Minecraft draws closer. 
Chapter 6


Gameknight was climbing out of the ground and his eyes were..white? Suddenly Gameknight pulled out his pickaxe and started mining away at the wall. “Gameknight, why are you doing that?”

No response.

   “If you don’t stop you will regret it.”

 Suddenly Gameknight Teleported to Herobrine and BOWED yes you herd me he BOWED. 

  “Good Gameknight.” Said Herobrine as he pulled off Gameknight’s armor and replaced it with an iron chestplate, leggings, boots but then placed an iron CROWN on Gameknight

  “Gameknight…no.” Monet and Monkeypants whispered. 

 Suddenly Herobrine was levitating and then he cupped his hands and began making a white ball of nothingness and then he pulled his hands back and inch and kept on doing that every 10 seconds till it was so big it could practically swallow an entire village and SMASHED Gameknight and Gameknight was now FOREVER gone from both the physical world and Minecraft. Herobrine and the monsters had not noticed the enormous amount of villagers surrounding them and, boy, boy did the villagers open fire on the monsters.

 The monsters were being killed like stalks of wheat.

  “That’s for killing Gameknight!!” Every user and npc screamed as they were shooting every weapon they had.

Suddenly all of the monsters disappeared but Gameknight had reappeared and he looked MAD.

  “Everyone, I am sorry for what just happened. I promise I will explain when we do what has to be done. And for that we need an army like there would be in the physical world and for that we need chaos mods and for that  I need 19 users to leave minecraft and start installing the mods that I will send to your minecraft account to, the rest of the users I need you to take apart a 8 block tall by 16 block section in the wall and get a sticky piston-activated hole-1 block thick area for our secret weapens. And almost finally I need outposts everywhere across the overworld with easy to access powered rails to get to them very fast. And now finally I need 1 beacon and a few stacks of diamond blocks if possible.”

  “I have some in my home.” a very popular, very important,   short NPC said.  (Crafter.)

  “Wait you have a house?” Gameknight, Monet, Monkeypants all said in utter, complete shock.

  “Yes, of course. Don’t be to shocked. I built that big house  over thereafter we had finished the last last LAST battle for Minecraft.” Crafter said as he pointed to a 3 story tall house near the middle of the village.

  “JUST GET ME THEM PLEASE THEN!!” Gameknight screamed.

Crafter ran to his house then for to his stairs and went to the 3rd story and got the beacons and then got the diamond blocks and ran back to Gameknight.


  “Good, now dig a 7×7 hole 2 blocks deep. Then cover the entire bottom of the blocks of dirt then place a 5×5 of diamond bocks then place a 3×3 of diamond bocks then finally place the beakon and everyone else try to do the same thing as many times as possible. Also, can you send some riders to the outposts and make sure that they are hidden very well. Along with check the progress that’s being made at the wall.”

  Suddenly Herobrine teleported to the watchtower in his villager disguise and made sure that his eyes were NOT glowing. He climbed down the ladder then found and told Digger that he wanted to talk with him privately.

“Can you please leave?” Digger said when they got to a house. “Now what do you want to talk about?” Digger asked.

Herobrine pulled out a sword and smashed it into Diggers chest and Digger fell unconscious then Herobrine teleported to his temporary base and had ironbrone give him a cage(Not herobrine, Digger.) “1 down 4 or 5…” Herobrine said. Then teleported to the forest where Hunter and Stitcher were hunting for food, then placed cobblestone around him jumped up and covered it up so that way a regular npc would not be able to get in our out without braking at least one block and waited. 


“Help!” yelled Hunter, Stitcher, and Digger.

“Shut up unless you want to be dipped in lava.”

Hunter’s, Stitcher’s, and Digger’s eyes quadrupled in size and did not say another word.

Back at the villige.

Gameknight was starting to get worried. A villager kid was just running around when Gameknight caught him and told him a village meeting was in order.

“Village meeting! Village meeting!”

All the villagers met up at the village center and Crafter said the usual things that he stated at the beginning of every meeting. Suddenly Herobrine teleported on the wall and herd the meeting calling so he ran to the village center and stood next to Gameknight then laid his hand on him, teleported to Crafter, then teleported to Herder and teleported to the cave.

“What was that Crafter?… Crafter?… CRAFTER THIS IS NOT FUNNY!”

“Hey chill Crafter is missing.”

“Oh no duh sherlock.”



At the cave…

Gameknight could not belive how stupid Herobrine was for not taking away his pickaxe. He also looked at his friends and saw Digger with red on his chest and was confused for a few seconds then realized that was blood. “Darn mobs I’m gonna make them pay.” He pulled out his pick and made a space just big enough that he could escape then silently walked over to Diggers cage and threw a few splash potions of instant health and regenerating 2 then went over to the rest of his friends cage’s and helped them out but couldn’t find Crafter suddenly he was teleported back to the village along with Crafter. Gameknight suddenly had the idea to have safe house’s “Crafter get 192 diamonds from digger and resume mining operation #66 for maximum diamonds.” Ordered Gameknight.

“Gameknight!” Hunter yelled. “Herobrine is coming with hunderds of monsters!”

Suddenly Gameknight, Crafter, Digger, Stitcher, and Herder’s eyes turned white and began attacking NPCs Blaster ran and pulled out 2 swords and knocked Gameknight and digger back 4 steps while others joined him while he ran and enchanted his swords with knockback 2 sharpness 3 then knocked diggers pickaxe’s out then Gameknight’s swords and helped pin him so Morgana could give them weakness and slowness potions and put them in the holding cell witch were guarded by super NPCs(NPCs who Gameknight hacked and enchanted them with protection 50 sharpness 50 strength 200 and more. 

“What happened?” Asked Hunter to herself.



“Hey! Don’t move!”

“Help!” yelled a super NPC.

“Help” yelled another super NPC.

Hunter aimed at the tunnel and shot a volley of arrows just when Gameknight, Monet113, and Monkeypants JUST walked in to the crafting chamber with the arrow’s stabbing in to there hip and head and fell to the ground as they frowned at Hunter as they cried before they disappeared.


THE END? Sorry for it taking so long, comment on what to do for next chapter…7!!


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