
It was Friday morning Tess and I planned on going sledding. So when I woke up, jumped out of bed got dressed then called Tess just to make sure she was still sledding with me. Finally, she answered and said she was still going with me! So I went downstairs for some breakfast and ran out the door and I said “bye mom, bye dad! Tess and I met up at the post office. I got there first, then I started to daydream but about 2 minutes later Tess showed up and yelled “SUP JP” Jp was my nickname for how long as I can remember it stands for James Peterson. We both rushed over to the hill it was longways so about 3 minutes later Tess screamed “THE LAST ONE TO GET TO HILL GETS TO PUSH THE OTHER ONE DOWN THE HILL WHEN WE SLED!” And by that time we had To run at least 4 more minutes to be there. I got there first but Tess almost beat me. I got to push her around 8 times until everything disappeared and everything was black. 


We were sledding then he was just gone! I was shouting his name Until seeing the tracks of the sled and I followed them and they had led me to the woods so I walked into the woods, 20 minutes of walking around I heard the quietest scream ever. I heard it again so I followed the voice for about 5 minutes but after that, I heard nothing. I looked and I looked but nothing. Until I got even deeper into the woods and saw really big footprints so I followed them and saw this cabin and I walked in and saw JP! He was tied to a chair and had tape over his mouth. With fright, I said, “I’ll untie you JP. Then I finally untied him and we ran out of the woods and we have never gone into the woods again.


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