
Middle ages madness by Judah Davidoff

Chapter one

Away we go

“Away we go” thought Josh as he tossed his paper airplane into the air he watched in amazement as it soared into the air… and fell with a plunk into a nearby trash bin. Josh ‘sighed his airplanes used to make it higher than any other airplane in the school yard but now they barely left the ground.

“Don’t worry” Said Joshe’s older sister Ruth. “Soon your airplane will be the best airplane in the school.”

“Yea in a million years” said Josh and went over to get his plane. On the way he passed his younger sister Libya toying with some string. Josh still didn’t get why she did that. Josh didn’t remember playing with string when he was eight. But he did think that since he was eleven he didn’t remember everything.

“Hi Josh,” said  Libya, dropping her string.

“Hi Libya” said Josh picking up his plane. Just then he remembered something. “For the millionth time Libya do not go into the eleven section, stay in the eight section Ruth and me can stay in the eleven and and fifteen sections so why can’t you stay in the eight section?”

down after some kid fell off it and because of that Josh’s aim was ruined. Today Josh ran down the stairs all the way to the gally. It was peaceful and calm as if it was gently rocking on the waves just like a real ship.

When Josh Ruth and Libya got home Josh saw a magazine on the table. He picked it up and stared at it. He could not believe what it said.


School district twelve has sold me a fine pirate ship ship crows nest. The school has said that the owner of the nest can do whatever it wants with it as long as they are carefull with it. 

“Like I always said.” sais principle Carth “cairfullnes leads a happy life.” If you want this product, come to your closest store and order it now.


Josh stared at the magazine, not daring to believe that the crows nest was for sale and he could do whatever he wanted to do with it. He could place it back on the ship and be able to take aim perfectly and be amazing again.

“Come on Ruth and Libya were  going to the  store.”

Finally after they had pulled Libya away from a dog, a candy cart, and a bag of jelly beans lying on the road they finally reached Violets video games and opened the door. While Libya went over to the TV and Ruth went over to look at some old manuscripts Josh walked up to the counter.

“May i help you?” Violet asked.

“Sure where can i order a crows nest?” asked Josh

“Right this way” said Violet and she led Josh over to a computer. “Name, street and house number she said.

“Josh Barken and 47812 82ST” said Josh.

“Just a minute” said Violet and she began to type.


After ten minutes Josh was the owner of the crows nest


“Hey Josh!” Said Ruth “look.” Ruth and Libya were bending over a manuscript

“What is that?” said Josh. Just then the pages began to spin, they whirled around in a haze for a while… Then everything went black.



Chapter two

Where are we?


When Josh Opened his eyes he saw everywhere trees and trees and trees. Apparently he was in the middle of some forest. Around him were Ruth and Libya. They looked exhausted.

“Where are we?” asked Ruth.

“I do not know,” said Josh.
“We are in some kind of forest.” Just then they heard the sound of trumpets

“Make way for king Richard the Lionhearted.” A soldier yelled and as thousands of soldiers marched on they began to sing.


“Oh brave king Richard the Lionhearted. 

The crusade marcher for Jerusalem.

Oh the Holy Roman empire better tremble.

Or face king Richards’ wrath.

Jerusalem will be in the hands of good kings.

For the remaining future of england.

Long live Richard.

Long live Richard.

And then they started all over again.

“Are we in the time of king Richard the Lionhearted?” Said Josh.

“I think so,” said Ruth, “and I think Richard is marching towards Jerusalem in the third crusade.”

“And that means that Richard’s brother John Lackland will be king” said Josh

“But don’t worry” said Libya “Robin Hood shall set fire to John’s castle and the King Richard will come back and in prison John, the serif of Nottingham, and john’s royal adviser and Robin shall marry maid marian and everyone shall live happily ever after.”

“In the movies” said Josh “but in the books Richard is killed shortly after he returns and John who never went to jail returns and Robin hood is just a legend.”

“Oh” said Libya. “But lets convince Richard to put John in jail shall we?”

“No,” said Josh.

“Why not?” said Libya. Josh was about to answer when they heard a sound.

“Help help.” Josh looked over his shoulder and saw a small boy lying on the ground nearby. “I got caught in a fox trap and it won’t budge.” Quickly Ruth ran over and undid the jaws of the trap. “Thank you” said the boy “My name is Sam.”

“Just a minute,” said Josh and he pulled the girls into a huddle. “What are we going to  tell him? he is certain to ask about  us.”

“Can we be part of a fashion show?” said Libya.

“No,” said Ruth,  “we are part of a traveling circus.”

“You mean king Richard’s personal flyers?” said Josh.

“There aren’t flyers at this time Josh” said Ruth

“What about a candy eating group?” said Libya.

“That’s ridiculous,” said Ruth “let’s form a play.”

“We’re knights,” said Josh.

“The play can be about Robin Hood,” said Ruth.

“I’m in,” said Libya Josh sighed. Ruth always managed to get Libya on her side.

“Can we please be knights?” Josh begged.

“Where can we find armor?” Ruth said

“Where can we find Robin Hood costumes?” retorted  Josh “or members”

“Um guys” said Sam walking over to them “who are you and who is Robin hood?”

Whe are knights disguised as pheasants and Robin Hood is my nickname.” Ruth punched him in the arm. “Ow what was that for?”

“That’s for  being a complete idiot” Ruth hissed in his ear.

Josh ignored her and said “I’m the leader.”  Ruth’s face grew redder and redder until it looked like it was about to explode

“Why is she like that?” said Sam

“It’s a disease” said Josh “Because of that we call her the strawberry knight.”

“I need to go” said Ruth “I saw a herd of elk nearby.” When Ruth returned she looked annoyed.

“How was the forest?” said Josh

“Good,” said Ruth. “I found a good camping spot.”

“Lead the way” said Josh

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