
Rise Of The Wither King


Chapter 1: a new threat?


It’s been a long time after the death of the zombie king: Xa-Tul, and the enderman king: Feyd in the zombie town where he rescued Herder and other fellow villagers, Gameknight haven’t seen any big threats anywhere within the overworld, and, he, again, thought: maybe this is the end…
Suddenly, an alarm was sounded, Gameknight ran toward the walls, when he finally reached the wall, Hunter shouted  something to Gameknight and pointed her enchanted bow toward a nether portal, Gameknight asked when he got on the top of the wall: “what’s wrong?”
“Can’t you see that portal?” Hunter looked at Gameknight, clearly annoyed.
“Well… i can see it, but, what’s wrong with the portal?”
Just then, wither skeletons walk out from the portal, each clatted with diamond chest plates and helmets, with iron boots and leggings, some with bows, and others are holding a diamond swords
“I thought wither skeletons only have a stone sword” a voiced was sounded beside Gameknight, looking down, he saw crafter staring at the wither skeletons, finally, one last wither skeleton walk out from the portal, but, Gameknight can see this one is different, it has full enchanted diamond armors, holding a enchanted diamond sword, with a golden crown on his head, and one of his eye is blazing white, but not with hatred, but a little bit of kindness in his eye, he glare up at Gameknight, and Gameknight knew, they can’t win against a army of 30 wither skeleton with armors and better swords, and bows, but, the wither king just raise a hand and tell his army to hold fire, then, he step up, and said something and Gameknight and his friends are shocked

Chapter 2: unexpected enemy
The Wither KIng said: “here, i am not going to fight you all, although i can easily defeat you, but, there is a bigger threat out there, we need to cooperate in order to defeat it”
“What is this, wither skeleton?” hunter asked suspiciously, “i don’t trust monsters”
“There is a new blaze king,i suspect he is charybdis reborn, but, he looks like is been recreated by herobrine’s power left in the lava lake, but, i am different from him, i am been created by nor herobrine or oracle, and i don’t server herobrine, do you trust me now?”
Gameknight asked: “if what you said is true, then… give us some time and let us prepare, then, we will come with you”
Hunter nudged gameknight, “you really trust him? He is a monster, and he might be leading us into a trap”
“I don’t want to risk having blazes turning overworld to nether again” Gameknight replied
“Digger nodded in agreement
“If so, what are we waiting for?” hunter winked at Gameknight, “morgana need more blaze powder for her potions anyways”
“Ok, wither king, wait for us to prepare for the on coming battle, we will meet you in the nether” gameknight yelled at the wither king
“Sure, i’ll gather more wither skeletons as you villagers are preparing, also, tell your village witch to make some potion of fire resistance and strength potion, and, you also need some shield to protect you from those dangerous fireballs

Chapter 3: going to nether
Gameknight turned back to look at his army of villagers, he knew that here will be a big fight, and he is prepared, he and his army walk through the portal 1 by 1, and when the vision is cleared, gameknight and his friends are all astonished, before them stood the biggest fortress… or… a bastion?
Suddenly a army of hundreds of wither skeletons walk out of the bastion, and the villagers readied themselves to a fight, but the leader, the wither king, who is now riding a wither skeleton horse, come down to meet them
“I see you are ready, welp, if that’s so, then, let’s go before charybdis realize what we are doing” the wither skeleton said
Nobody said anything, they are all afraid of the blazes, finally, gameknight said:” let’s go, wither skeleton”
After a seemingly forever walk, finally, a fortress appeared in the villagers and wither skeletons’ vision.
“There it is, i bet it is the blazes’ base” hunter shouted
“Shhhhhhh, we don’t want them to hear us, this is not the final attack, this is just a test” the wither king said
“What? You expect me to believe that you didn’t bring your full army?” hunter snapped back
“If you think this is it, then you are wrong, i have easily another thoudsa-” wither king haven’t finished his sentence when a line of fire balls hit the ground before the wither king
“Welp, i guess this chat is for later” wither skeleton shrugged
“VILLAGERS, ATTACK!!!” Gameknight shouted at the top of his voice, “ FOR MINECRAFT!”
“Villagers invading our fortress, blazes, attack” a voice was sounded on the fortress, it’s the voice gameknight can never forget
“Charybdis” gameknight hissed, “i can’t believe he is actually back”
“It’s not the time for chatting, we need to attack or we will being attacked” hunter scowded after she shot a volley of 3 flamming arrows to the blazes
“Wither skeleton archers, fire on those blazes, spider jockeys, go distract the blazes and swordsmens, push forward on the fortress, and have the diggers go mine up their fortress walls, and make a stairways for the villagers to go up to” the wither king start barking out commands to his subjects, “THE REAL BATTLE HAVE BEGUN”

Chapter 4: more blazes
Gameknight and the wither king stand back to back, killing the blazes and the pigmans foolish enough to try to kill them, suddenly, the nether air is filled with a million mechanical wheezing sounds.
“MORE???” Hunter shouted, her voice is barely audible over the sound of blazes and pigman, “I thought that’s all of them!”
“ i am sorry, but it’s not all of them, just like us wither skeletons, they are also stocking up on there force, so, this is definitely not all of charybdis’ blazes”
Suddenly, a volley of 3 fireballs landed on the wither king
“You okay?” gameknight reached out to pull the wither king up
The wither king only grunted and pull out his very own enchanted bow, and fired at charybdis, who dodged all of them
“Ha, you think THIS pathetic bow can kill me?” charybdis screamed, “you are your pathetic wither skeletons will beg for mercy, but you will receive none!!!”
Gameknight look at the wither king, his eye blazing bright with hatred, it looks like charybdis have enraged him
“…” wither king didn’t say anything, he look at charybdis and aim his bow at him, and fired, arrows after arrows, all landed on the blaze, who flashed red over and over, the other blazes turn and fired fireballs at him, but he didn’t even bother to block all of those attacks, he just keep on firing arrow at charybdis, finally, hsi arrows run out, the wither king look at charybdis, and turned to help the others
“We can get over it” gameknight reassured him
“I don’t really care about it anymore, i just want to kill that blaze, with my own hand” the wither king yelled at gameknight
After the battle, gameknight saw piles of inventory littering the nether, there is easily 10 piles… ten lives been lost in this battle, but, the exchange is winning the battle with charybdis and knows what he is doing
“Hey, gameknight” someone shouted behind him, he turned around and found crafter sprinting toward him.
“What’s wrong, crafter?” asked gameknight, clearly confused “you found something?”
“I found a map of the nether in the fortress, it have all fortress in the nether marked”
“Wow, i never knew blazes have mappers” a voice interrupted, it’s hunter, “i never seen something like that”
“Maybe we can find out” digger’s booming voice was sounded
“But the fortress are huge, filled with danger, just like a zombie town in the overworld” stitcher is now joining their conversation
“Maybe we can ask the wither skeleton over there” hunter suggested
“Good idea, hunter” gameknight said, “let’s ask him”

Chapter 5: going back
The wither king is now leading the army back into his very own fortress, and now, the villagers can give closer look at it.
“Wow, it have watchtowers, walls, and huge torches lit by the glow stones, i never seen a fortress like THAT” hunter exclaimed
“It was astonishing indeed…” crafter’s ancient eye is now filled with excitement, and the excitement faded to a determined scowl when he saw hundreds of wither skeletons aiming bows at the intruders.
“Put down you damn god bows, idiots, can’t you see I am with them?”  the wither king is now starting to shout at the wither skeletons at the wall before anyone is quick enough to draw their weapons, “and open the gate, i have an emergency meeting to make for our friend here and the other trusted generals, if any of you slow me down, i’ll destroy him!”
2 Wither skeleton came forward and opened the gate, with the wither king storming in, and with an army of villagers following him.
“Here, have these,” the wither king handing each one of the villager a nether star “this is a symbol of my trusted general, so nobody will dare harm you, and, there are markets there selling nether goodies for overworld materials” he pointed toward a line of sheds and houses down the left.
Gameknight held up the nether star, it’s glowing bright white, as if it was saying “i’ll protect you in this fortress”, and the strangest thing is, it is glowing brighter than the normal nether star he had as a user, a long time ago, after he killed a wither
“What is on the right side of the castle?” Hunter asked, and gameknight then realized, standing before them is a huge and, the most magnificent castle gameknight has ever seen.
“Oh, there? That is the place for the wither skeletons to train and make weapons for the others, and, ofcourse, it’s also a place for relaxing, and behind the castle is the cafeteria, and the place to put the things they looted in different places” wither king replied and try to make the word looted sound normal
“Anyways, while the other villagers is looking around, i’d say… the leader of this army, now come with me to go talk about what we will do next” the wither king is now trying to distract the villagers, and it seems like it’s working perfectly, “with my very trusted generals”

Chapter 6: the meeting
Gameknight and craft look at each other, crafter just shrug, and followed the wither king to the castle, 2 wither skeleton guard saw the villagers and raised their sword, but with a glare from the wither king, they all just put away their weapon and wandered away
“Here is the meeting room” the wither king moved out of the way and pointed to a door made of nether bricks “how about let’s wait for the others?”
Just then, 2 wither skeleton with enchanted iron armor show up, they glared at the wither king, and it seems like they didn’t see the the villagers beside their king
“So, why are we standing here? Let’s just go in the meeting room and discuss what we will do next” the wither king said to all of them
After all of them got in the meeting room and took a seat on a large golden table, the wither king said: “so… this meeting is about the blazes, charybdis, specifically-” the wither king didn’t even got a chance to finish his sentence when a general speak up
“What? Charybdis??? I though-”
“Yeah, i thought he is dead, how is he abc again, maybe he isn’t dead in the first place!” another wither skeleton general shouted.
“Yes, charybdis is dead, but he has been reborned because of the power herobrine left in the lava lake” the wither king explained.
While gameknight and crafter is having a meeting, the other villagers are wandering around the shops, “hey, what are those?” hunter pointed to a black-and-brown ingot in a shop
“The shopkeeper looked up at the villagers and said: ” These are netherite ingots, I have heard our king said it was from an update called… eh… called…oh, yes, they are called nether update and these ingots are capable of making armors stronger than diamond armors, and they won’t be burned in lava!”
“wow “ crafter exclaimed, “this ingot is awesome, how much does it cost?”
“Oh, this? Since the material to make netherite ingot: netherite scrapes, came from ancient debris, they are very precious, and even we have little amount of them in our chest room, so i thought… 35 diamonds isn’t bad isn’t it?”
“35 diamond??? Ha, what a joke, who will use 35 diamonds just to buy 1 of those ingots?” hunter laughed and pick one of the ingot up and examine it and give it back to the wither skeleton “i think we are cool with our iron armor”
“Well… it’s your choice so, i cannot force you to buy it, i am just saying we have little amount of netherite ingots in our chest room so it cost more”
“Blah blah blah, whatever” hunter said, looking away from the shop, and stitcher punched her in the shoulder and scowled, “be nice”

Chapter 7: netherite sword
“Be nice” stitcher said to her older sister, “look, i have 35 diamonds in my inventory, maybe i can get one of thosenetherite ingot and make us a netherite sword and give it to gameknight
“Well… i think that might work” hunter replied
“Ok then, wither skeleton, please give me one of those netherite ingot and make it into a sword, thank you” stitcher said to the shopkeeper
“Ok, give me a second to combine the netherite ingot with the diamond sword”
Gameknight and crafter walk out of the meeting room alone with the wither king and his generals, gameknight asks the wither king: “what are you going to do now? Attack?”
“Yeah, charybdis has to be killed, for your own good, and mine” the wither king replied
Suddenly, a wither skeleton rush toward his king, the wither king can see that his health is dangerously low, he might die if he don’t have any help
The wither king look at his subject and hand him a handful of magma creams, the wither skeleton took them and stuff them in his mouth, when he finished, he look at his king and shouted: “the blazes, they are crazy, they shoot fireballs at us when we came out to gather more wood from our warped forest… and then even try to burn down the forest, but failed, they seems to not know that warped wood cannot be burned and they quit trying to burn down the forest“
”Hmm… blazes…” wither king seems lost in thoughts
Suddenly, hunter and stitcher raced toward him, in hunters hand is a dull grey-brown sword
This snapped the wither king out of his thoughts, he looked at the sisters and instantly saw the dull grey-brown netherite sword: “ahh, i see you got your hand on one of those powerful netherite swords”

Chapter 8: playing with the blazes
Gameknight grab the netherite sword hunter handed him and glare at his iron sword
“I know what you are thinking” the wither king said, “throw them out, or frame them”
“I guess i’ll frame them in crafter’s village, this sword contain ton of memories” gameknight repiled
“Anyways, i have heard that the blazes want to play with us, wanna go play some man hunt with the blazes too?” the wither king ask gameknight and the villagers
“Yeah, i love manhunt, especially when it’s in the nether” hunter shouted with glee
“Ok, then, let’s go”

In the nether fortress, charybdis is dumping his rage in some innocent pig-like creatures from the new nether update called hoglin, he fire volleys of fireballed at the hoglins and burn them to death, the hoglins seems to be afraid of fire, because when they got hit, they immediately start to run away from the fireballs
“Pathetic” charybdis growled
“Sire, i have news for our enemy, gameknight999” a blaze entered the room and said to his king
“Spit it out, now, or meet your doom” charybdis yelled at his subject
“The wither skeletons seem to be allied with the villagers, to fight against us blazes and they are coming!”
“Good, they will then meet their fate, those pathetic wither skeletons will kneel and beg for mercy, but they will receive none, this will teach a lesson for the other creatures that if they go against us, the punishment is death!”

Chapter 9: the man-hunt
A group of 5 wither skeletons and 5 villagers are now going around the warped forest, trying to find any blazes that have been left alone, they have already killed 5 lone blazes.
“Wow, this is fun, we can shred the blazes army into individuals and destroy them, nice plan, gameknight!” hunter is now smiling
“Well… the plan is not mine, but okay” gameknight replied
Suddenly, a fortress that is not in the map appeared out of nowhere
“A- wait, what was that?” hunter haven’t even finish her sentence when she started another one
“That… em… maybe the blazes secret fortress, should we go in?” the wither king turn around and glared at the rest of the villagers behind them
“Ya, why not, we found it, we should go in and see what’s inside” hunter is now getting out her bow and notched an arrow
“Ok then… here we go” gameknight said

Chapter 10: empty fortress
Gameknight charged in and fully expect to be shot by hundred of hundred fireballs but, no, there were none, actually, in front of him placed a chest with a TON of netherite scraps
“Wither king, come here, look at this!!” gameknight shouted to the entrance
The wither king come in, open the chest, and gasped, he haven’t have a time to speak when hunter shouted to him in another room, he glared at gameknight, who glared back, then rushed toward the room, there, is filled with chests full of materials, swords, tools, food, armor…
“Hmm… charybdis… What are you doing?” wither king mumbled
“Hey, this looks like the blazes’s storage room, i mean, storage fortress,just like your chest room in your own castle” gameknight said to the wither king
“Mm…mhm” the wither king only grunted in agreement but said nothing, “the blazes is coming” he finally said something after a long silence
“What??? How did you even notice that? i ha-” hunter didn’t even finished her sentence when wither king shushed her, and then, she hears it, it’s a mechanical wheezing sound coming from the east
“Ok, we need to go, right now, instantly!!!” gameknight shouted, and then run out of the fortress with the rest of the villagers following behind, and then they ducked into the darkness

Chapter 11: the grand battle
Gameknight and his friends went back into the castle, and, they are preparing for a huge battle that they knew that’s coming up
Even the wither king had bought gameknight a netherite chestplate and a enchanted netherite sword for himself too
“I haven’t used this sword very much and it’s because a dude called… eh… called… flame told me not to, he is one of the protector of fire and lava, and he can use them in battle, he had a flaming sword, and a red… lava armor, he is been called the ancient protectors alone with the protectors of forest and grass, called Fore, the protector of the sea, water and ice, called Ocean, and the protector of stone, dirt, and ore called Earth, anyways, this sword had a sharpness 6 enchantment on it, a enchantment that is never been seen in whole minecraft!”
“Oh wow… that’s… amazing, it can help more in the battle” crafter said
After some preparations, there are now a army of thousands wither skeleton, full of enchanted iron armor, some even had diamond ones
“Welp, this is all i had, my finest army of wither skeleton swordsmen and 500 archers and 100 horsemen are coming our way”
“Ok, we are gonna teach charybdis a lesson: never underestimate gameknight!”  hunter shouted and raised her bow, the villagers cheered
After the archers and horsemen combined with the main force, the army march down towards the fortress

Chapter 12: the explosion
The blaze is now shaking with fear: “s-sire, aren’t you going to… do something to stop them?”
“But the wither skeleton has nearly 2000 warriors with enchanted gear with him this time, can our traps hold that much wither skeletons?”
In the meantime, the wither king and his force can now see the fortress in a distance, tho it’s barely visible
“I wish we had that zoom in plugin now…” gameknight mumbled
“What’s that?” crafter moved to a spot beside his friend
“Oh it’s nothing, just a plugin i used in my server once, it make your vision zoom in and see things from far away more clearly” gameknight replied
“Oh, that might be very useful right now” crafter winked at gameknight
“Hey gameknight, just so you know, get out of the fortress when i told you so, because i planned a huge surprise for charybdis, he pull out a redstone torch

Chapter 13: meeting charybdis
“So you have finally come to meet your doom huh?” charybdis said as he float past his army “i see, you have come ‘prepared’ this time, but that will not make you any stronger, blazes should be taking over minecraft a LONG time ago, because of you, gameknight, ruined herobrine’s plan, and now, you will pay the price for it!!”
Gameknight looks at the wither king, and steps forward: “hey charybdis, have you ever learned redstone engineering?”
“Learn wha-” charybdis haven’t finished his sentence when the wither king come up, placed down a redstone torch and then smiled a eerie smile, and suddenly, a HUGE explosion was set off in the direction of the fortress
“Heh… i wonder what damage 500 tnt do…” wither king laugh at charybdis and then added “how many blazes are in the fortress?”
“Eh… i don’t think so… there are a web of redstone connect to all your fortresses, and 500 tnt under each one, if i am correct, they all gonna blow up at the same time”
“Well… that took me a lot of time working on the firework show though, it took me nearly 5 days working on that darn thing”
“Well? What are you guys waiting for? ARCHERS, FIRE, HORSEMEN, CHARGE!!!”

Chapter 14: tnt droppers
“So the surprise you told me earlier is this thing?” gameknight asked
“Nope, so i never thought that the tnt was gonna do that much damage to the fortress so i made a back up plan, it’s a tnt dropper right above his fortress, but now… i think we can lure the stupid blazes into the hole and activate the tnt dropper, also,i think the redstone got messed up during the explosion, i need someone to go up there and fix it”
“I think i can do just the thing” crafter said from behind
“No, crafter, it will be dangerous, if you mess up the redstone contraption, you are going to die too!!”
“Crafter is right, we don’t have time, we need  him to get up there and fix the redstone  before charybdis figure out that we had a tnt dropper above his head, here, have this, this is a book of hoe you supposed to fix the redstone, step by step, it was make just in case i blow up the redstone contraption”
“Ok… crafter, our victory is now depending on you, now take the book and go fix the redstone

(the twist is gonna start any time now)

Chapter 15: the redstone accident
Crafter is now up in the netherack ceiling why gameknight, and the wither skeletons are fighting the blazes, they had the blazes surrounded and pushing them into the crater, hunter, stitcher and the archers of any kind are now firing at the blazes who want to float out of the crater
“Come on, any minute now, crafter had to have finished the redstone” gameknight is now walking around, clearly nervous
“I HAD FINISHED” crafter suddenly yelled from above
“Ok, activate the redstone” the wither king said to gameknight
Gameknight placed a redstone torch on the ground, instantly, a line of redstone came to life, he can hear tnt been activated from far away, but, the tnt didn’t go the way he expected, instead, it shot off from the hole at the right side of the dropper, straight at the wither king, the wither king, too, looked surprised, but he didn’t move, a black wave of energy formed on his hand, and he summoned a what looks like an enchanted wither skull, then, he threw his creation at the tnt, an huge explosion happened when the two explosives meet, gravels start to fell down from the ceiling
“NO! THE TNT DROPPER FAILED, WITHER SKELETON, ATTACK!!!” the wither king shouted and start forming more of the esplosive skulls

(hey guys, if you are willing to help the author with the book, here, comment down ideas of the name of the wither king, i’ll choose the best and use it in the end when the wither king reveals who he is, thanks!!! I’ll choose the others to use as wither skeleton names!)

Chapter 16: the battle of the nether
The wither king grabbed the skulls and placed on a convenient placed soul sand “T” made by gameknight, then, he start putting the enchanted skulls on the soul sand, instantly, a wither had been summoned, but instead, it blown up instantly after it had been summoned, it start flying up and fire wither skulls at the blazes, but they didn’t bother to attack the villagers, yells of pain and shout of rage filled the nether, in the distance, gameknight can see more blazes are coming
We have the finish the battle, quick, before the blazes surrounded us
“GAMEKNIGHT, COME OVER HERE” digger shouted after finishing off 3 more blazes with his pickaxes
“WAIT, CRAFTER IS STILL UP THERE” stitcher yelled, in response, the blazes fired at the girl, who dodged 2, the third one hit her right in the chest, stitcher grunted in pain but held her ground

Chapter 17: fear death
the wither king climbed up the steep wall of the nether, then took a leap of faith and landed right of the short figure of crafter, the wither king grabbed crafter by his neck and yanked him out of the hole, then, he got up himself, and got back down, he dropped crafter on the netherrack floor of the nether when he got far enough from the heat of the battle, he patted the boy on the head, signalling him to stay here and don’t move, then he got up, drawing the sharpness 6 diamond sword, then charge forward, yelling on top of his lung… if he even have lung, he smashed into a bunch of pigmen and, ignoring them, he charged straight at a cliff where charybdis was floating, he put away his sword, then pull out blocks of nether bricks from his inventory, he jump off the cliff, and turned around, instantly, a narrow bridge formed, with the wither king landed with a thud, in his arms, he held something orange and yellow, it’s charybdis, then, i jump off the bridge, with charybdis screaming in fear and agony: “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”, then the two fearful kings of the nether disappeared down the bridge, then, a thud and a clattering sound of bone hit the ground… gameknight pulled himself from the battle, and found crafter, sitting in a netherrack cave, gameknight rushed toward him: “crafter… are you alright?”
“Yes… i am fine” crafter replied in a muffled voice, he is eating a golden apple
“Where is our wither skeleton friend?” gameknight asked after glancing around
“Well… he got to the cliff over there… then… grabbed charybdis and jumped off the cliff…
Gameknight glanced around, and realized what’s missing: charybdis

Chapter 18: Who said I am dead?
After the battle, gameknight and crafter glanced around, there are thousands of piles of inventory of both villagers and wither skeleton, digger came, dragging his picks on the netherrack floor, he asked
“I didn’t see the wither king, where is he?”
“He is… gone…” gameknight replied, then, he stretched his hand on the sky… if there are even skies in the nether… finger spread wide, the remaining villagers stopped cheering with the wither skeleton and turned around, then, stretched their own hands, a wither skeleton general yelled in grief:
“Who said i am dead?” a voice suddenly sounded behind the general
The general turn around and found the wither king standing on the edge of the cliff
“MY KING!!!” he shouted and try to hug him, but instead, he accidentally shoved his king back
“NOOOOOOO!!!” the general shouted
Another general put a calming hand on the crying general
“It’s ok… we will pass down the story of the wither king over generations, so we will all remember him, the great king that died-”
And right then, a wither skull smashed into the talking general, the explosion instantly shattered his diamond armor
“Who said i am dead?” the wither king asked, with 3 more flaming skull circling around him

Chapter 19: blaze rods
The group left the field where the battle was held, was charybdis dead? No, so, how about let’s move the camera a bit… down the cliff we go… There are a bunch of blaze rods that mark charybdis’ present… there are also a bunch of… bones… and a pile of inventory… it’s wither king’s inventory, his enchanted diamond armors, his golden crown, and his sword, so… who is that fully armed wither skeleton up there? Well… you will find out in the second book of the rise of the wither king, have fun!!

Expect from rise of the wither king book 2: darken soul
Gameknight surveyed his army, he felt weak without the wither king’s present, he sure does miss the wither king’s army, the battle of the nether had echoed throughout the overworld.
“GAMEKNIGHT! WE’VE SPOTTED THE WITHER SKELETON ARMY, THEY aRE ATTACKING A VILLAGE!’ he can hear hunter yelled from a distance, gameknight still can’t get use to wither king’s dark side, he is still astonished by how the wither king changed so quickly
“Swordmen, slowly advance, archers, ready to fire, wait for my command” gameknight replied quickly, he sighed, then draw his diamond blade and his netherite sword, the sharp edge of the powerful weapon beamed off of the blood moon hanging on the dark sky, like a red eye staring down at he and his army, icicles of fear stabbing his soul, yes, he is afraid, he is too afraid to even show his fear in front of everyone, he clutched his swords tighter, then slowly advancing toward his enemy

This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Mark Cheverton (https://giants-markcheverton.com)

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