
God of Minecraft (A joke story)



“Welcome back, Null.”

It smelled like honey butter, the kind with cinnamon. He moved his fingers, feeling the familiar (solid) pixelation. Ah… he was finally back in the Overworld.

The man smiled, close-lipped and tight, cracking open his glowing eyes to survey the surrounding, landing on the figure standing next to him. The person turned towards him, mask on, with two dots of red barely visible through the eyeholes, moving as if they were analyzing him.

The sun was just reaching its peak in the sky, beating uncomfortably against his skin. Null let out an inaudible groan, realizing he was laying on the grassy ground, arms spread out. Such a vulnerable position, he should have known better.

“Did you make a mistake, by dear Viky-Licky?” Null stood up, brushing the dirt and grass off of his pitch-black skin, so dark he was almost invisible from an angle. His companion scowled at the name, and Null was almost certain they were sending him a twisted glare.

“Don’t call me that.” They hissed, and when receiving nothing more than a stare that said ‘go on’, they slumped their shoulders. Sighing, the person tilted their head to the side, fidgeting with their thumbs as they quoted lamentably, “Define… mistake.”

“Hm…” Thinking back, Null let another smirk out, though unseen to anyone else. Chuckling, he turned back, eyes mischievous and taunting, “Oh… I don’t know, burn down a server? Kill somebody you weren’t supposed to? Or, did you fall into a lake and die again?”

“That was once!” The masked person exclaimed. They huffed, crossing their arms and looked away, the breeze rippling towards them. Heading to the shade of a nearby spruce, they spit, “I can’t believe you’re still holding that against me.”

“Now, now, what’d you do?” Null grinned, circling around the tree as he pulled down an apple to bite down on. The juice was fresh, he hadn’t ate any of the such in a long time, and let it drip down his chin. The other looked towards him in slight disgust at his sloppiness but was far too used to it to say anything.

“Let’s assume… theoretically.” The person hardened the last word, and Null knew he had already won the silent argument. They gestured outwards, eyes averting from him, “Let’s say that, I found a way to become alive.”

“Alive.” Narrowing his eyes, Null repeated it. Alive had many different meanings, after all. He was alive, for one, he’d been alive his entire life and didn’t exactly want to change that anytime soon.

“Alive.” They confirmed, the smallest laugh, no matter how maniacal and insane it sounded, bubbling up behind the mask. Null widened his eyes in shock, looking at the spectacle before him, something he hadn’t seen in ages.

The person reached upwards towards the bright sky, like they were grasping something just out of their reach, slipping through their fingers, “I’ll be alive again, I’ll stay alive.”

They couldn’t stop themselves from smiling, and neither could Null, a real smile that tugged at the corner of his lips and almost forced them open. Because the person before him had bid goodnight long ago, never to wake up again.

“What do you say?” They asked, observing him questioningly. Null bent down reaching his hands behind their head to untie the paper mask, letting it slip onto the ground, two crimson brown eyes and a mop of mahogany hair.  He grinned.

“Well, I do prefer my brother alive over dead.”


Herobrine, the man himself in flesh, sipped his tea. He ripped the top off of a packet of instant coffee, and slowly poured it in, before breaking into coughs as the undissolved powder ate at his throat. 

It was quiet as he sat back in the plush chair. When he pressed a button, it would start to vibrate under his command without fail. Oh, how fun it was to be a king.

He never knew there was a place like this, after all, he’d closed his eyes for the final time after watching his code start to glitch, the software crackling and falling apart in front of him. He’d thought, but woken up here.

Grumbling at the memory , he reluctantly mixed the powder in himself. He’d finally become the ruler of an entire world, all to himself, different from what he was used to. The world was small, though, only half the size of Herobrine’s closet in his nether palace, but he’d make do before conquering more.

The only problem was, he was the only one there. This wasn’t a paradise, a palace of his own, he was almost certain it was a prison. What did he do to deserve this? Sure, he’d enslaved a bunch of mobs and forced them to fight and kind of caused the death of thousands of villagers, but that was for his dream! The dream that he had almost accomplished before that NightGame555 or whatever he was called came and ruined it all.

“Screw you, Gamefight!” Herobrine yelled at the emptiness surrounding him. Because he was the ruler of this world, and therefore he could do whatever he wanted, so there, hah. The chair moved a bit more in response. 

“Good to know, you lowly subject.” The virus smirked, petting the arm of the chair as it continued to vibrate, “Listening to your king.”

He looked around the room he was in one more time, there was a large door, closed but unlocked. He could open it if he wanted, but he didn’t. He wasn’t scared, literally, he wasn’t scared, no sarcasm in that at all. 

‘Common sense,’ ‘Humanity,’ and ‘Herobrine’ were three words that didn’t belong in the same sentence. Unfortunately, even though he was code, he was an AI that was programmed to interact with users should he ever come across them. Not that he accepted that he was only code (very malicious one at that)

The common sense coming with the last shards of humanity that Herobrine was forced to have, told him not to open that door. And preprogrammed commands would sadly win over Herobrine’s own inferiority complex.

Suddenly, the chair stopped moving. Herobrine furrowed his brows, angry, as he glared at the little panel on the side. ‘Low Battery- Please connect to power.” What was battery? And didn’t Herobrine have enough power himself?

Swearing, the man, if he could be called that, was royally ticked off, and shouted “I’m opening the door!”

Nobody responded.

Herobrine didn’t open the door.



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