
Puppy Life

By: Krystin R


Hi, I’m Lolie, I am getting adopted today! My owner is a state away; I live in Iowa. Ding dong, oh, there she is. After a little bit, I realized that was not the real owner, that was my grandma coming to pick me up. My real owner was at school and an hour later I saw her. She was the most beautiful little girl I had ever seen. She had bright brown eyes that shimmered in the light.  She was so sweet, kind, soft, and gentle. She had brown, short hair with tiny glasses and a tiny, light blue dress that had a purple ribbon tied around the waist and tiny purple, tap shoes. She had the softest hands, she loved me to death.

After we got home, I went and explored the house and found out that there were two other dogs; one was Copper, a black lab mixed with something else. He was black and white, big, and scary looking although he really wasn’t scary. The other dog was a girl; her name was Nala and she was a silver and brown chihuahua. Then Krystin picked me up and gave me to grandma to cut my nails. It was terrible, because they were holding me down. Cooper and Nala weren’t going to help me when they were done cutting my nails. I was horrified that I had to go in the bath. I jumped straight out of the bathtub. Then Krystin caught me and put me back in the bathtub. After the bath, I got blow dried with a hairdryer.

After I had explored the house, it was time to eat. They gave me dog food. For dessert, I got a dog bone that tasted like creamy and smooth peanut butter. After a while it was time for bed, but I did not want to go to bed, because I was the boss! But they thought differently. So I ran, but that didn’t work. I was not fast enough and they caught me.

Then it was time to go in the kennel. I hesitated to go in the kennel, but Krystin got me in the kennel. As soon as she  got in bed and put her sleeping mask on, I started to bark. Krystin moaned then shhhhhhh’d me, then laid back down. I barked again, then she put a blanket over my kennel which made me sleepy. Soon, I was fast asleep.

I woke up as soon as possible, but Krystin was not there….  I was so scared, I thought I was going to die! But it turns out she was at school. I  got up and grandma got Copper, Nala, and me food. When she gave us food, Copper demolished his and tried to eat mine. I growled. Grandma said I had a growling problem. She took me to a dog therapist. Grandma thought I was crazy, but she was wrong. She signed me up and now every Wednesday I go there for training.

We left Petco and grandma said, ”Go poop!” She expects me to go to the bathroom in the cold!

After the long power nap on grandma’s lap, I wanted to drive like in the movies! But instead of that, I got stuck in the passenger seat! All the way home until we stopped at a train, I rolled the window down and stuck my head out. Then another car stopped right next to us with a dog in the car. The dog barked. It sounded like it wanted to rip my head off, which explains the mask on its mouth.

The train was gone, then we drove to school. Krystin got in the front seat and put me on her lap. Then grandma drove home and ran over a rock. I went flying in the air, but then Krystin caught me. As we drove home, my head hurt! When we stopped at the house, Leeam slipped getting out of the car.

After we got inside, grandma started to clean the house. She folded the blankets, put the pillows back, wiped the table down,then started the vacuum!!! I ran, thinking I was going to die when it followed me. I got even more scared and I ran into the wall and peed!

Grandma yelled at me. She said, ”You do not pee on the floor!”

Then she put me in the big, black, glossy kennel.

For what I could tell, it looked like Ava and Leeam were playing the Wii. The characters were: Lolie’s weakness was that she was scared of the vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cleaner’s weakness was afraid of being unplugged, and the chair’s  weakness was being useless. Whoever won would be the champion of the house.

It was time to gear up. Let’s choose my weapon. Let’s see, should it be the rope, or the dog bone, or the squeaky toy? Hummm, maybe the rope. Yeah, I will take a rope and maybe the squeaky toy or the bone. I can’t decide, so  I’ll just take all of them. Now, let’s pick out an outfit. Do I want to wear my devil dress or my ’party has arrived’ shirt? I think I’ll go with the devil dress. Now the shoes. Should I go with my teal tennis shoes or my red Converse?  I’ll go with my red Converse. Now the headband. Should I go with my devil horns or my party hat? I will go with my devil horns. Now I am ready!!!

When I saw that the vacuum was wearing my party shirt I was so mad!!! I was desperate to get my shirt back and he was stretching it out!!!

Let the battle begin! Let’s do this!

I went to go use the squeaky toy to hurt the vacuum’s ears, but I forgot that the vacuum cleaner does not have ears. It was just a distraction for me. Then the vacuum tied me up and chucked me across the room.

Now my second choice, the rope.  I tried tying him up like he did me, but the rope was too short. I realized the bone was useless, but then I realized that his weakness was being unplugged. So I got closer and snuck up behind the vacuum cleaner and wacked it with the bone for a distraction to unplug it. The vacuum cleaner was out.

Now it was just me and the chair. This was going to be easy. I got out my squeaker and chucked it at the chair! I won, I won, yay!

Now, onto  the vacuum’s punishment to the closet to never be used again. The chair, off with its head, so now it’s a stool. To my soft, comfortable bed, good night.


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