
Pixelated Memories – Disc 12…? (ChespinFrosty)

There’s a thing about my dreams that I’ve concluded is both a blessing and a curse.

My dreams satisfy my five senses.

I feel the detailed textures of the stone blocks. I see the light from the torch in my normal, human hand, and the void of darkness that swallows my vision in the distance of the cave. I hear the echoes of our footsteps across the greasy and moist surface of the stone blocks. I smell the rotting of vines sprawled across the walls. I taste the juice and crunchiness of the pixelated apples in my hands.

Two Chespins trailed behind me. Athena, the pink-shelled one, seemed closed off and unwilling to continue walking with me. I couldn’t blame her at all. The ambient cave noises that seemed creepily reminiscent of Disc 13 definitely wasn’t helping our mood. Frosty, being the blue-quilled freak, looked as if he was ready to give a one-star review of this tour I was giving them.

“Couldn’t you have… like… prepared a world for us before inviting us here!?” Frosty openly complained, but obviously he was just as distraught as Athena, who had stayed silent for this entire trip.

“Sorry my lucid dreaming skills aren’t as up-to-date as you hoped,” I returned passive-aggressively, “For real, though, I would do what you described but I’d wake myself up before I can do that.”

We continued forward, since that was the only obvious direction we could go in. For some reason, the cave never had any forking paths, no where did it provide a way for me to snake my way upwards to the open world. Even though this was just a dream, I wasn’t able to just spawn a diamond pickaxe and mine my way upwards, and even if I could there’s no telling how long it’ll even take. I had no idea how much rock was above my head.

I finally heard Athena’s voice for the first time since appearing in this cave, “Do you even know where you are…? Where you’re going…?”

I shook my head lightly, and the answer probably didn’t help lift Athena’s mood, even though it was the truth.

Our surroundings got noticeably colder as we proceeded further down the cave. I knew for sure it didn’t bother Frosty at all since, well… cold is basically his middle name. But Athena not being accustomed to low temperatures and me being the sack of human flesh and blood didn’t fare as well. It was insane how realistic my dreams can get. I knew for a fact that back in reality, I was on a bed under three layers of blankets and duvet.

“The only thing you could do is just wake up at this point,” Frosty duly suggested, “It’s not like there’s gonna be anything special or fantastic at this point.”

But right after Frosty finishes his sentence, one particular ambient noise stood out above the rest and reverberated across the stone walls. We all reacted suddenly and turned around to look behind us, and by the time we did so the ambient noise faded into the distance.

I was lost. The noises began to sound familiar… like a familiar foe-

“You know what? I’m done.” Frosty stated boldly, right before leaping onto my chest and bringing my back to the stony ground, sending a feeling of a thud across my upper body. Frosty then went ahead to slap me across the face with such force that it sent my head rolling to the side, but without actually feeling the sting of the pain itself. The cave around us became unfocused and blurred apart, my vision splitting into three. It immediately stopped once Athena got Frosty off my chest.

“Frosty!! What were you doing!?” Athena exclaimed, her voice ringing down the cave just like the noise from before.

“Waking him up!!” Frosty answered with the same tone, “I’m tired of all this mess!!”

They continued bickering, but I soon couldn’t register any words coming from them, as I had gotten up and my focus had shifted to the peculiar patterns on the stone walls. I inspected the block closely, to which I found patterns. Simple patterns of lines and squares, but intentionally carved into nonetheless. I felt the blocks and perceived the fine details of every cracks and dips that uncannily did not translate to the pixelated visuals I was seeing.

Chiseled stone bricks.

I looked into the direction of the cave we were heading in, and the stone bricks went on. Some mossy and wet, some chipped by age and time, some had their chiseled lines eroded away. A yellow and warm light came at the end of the farthest vantage point my eyes would pick up. The sight stirred my memories, and I was only beginning to realize why.

The two Chespies behind me stopped their arguing once they noticed that I started towards the light. Athena called out, asking what I was doing, but I unintentionally ignored her.

“A stronghold…” I said to myself.

An arch of iron bars connected to mossy stone blocks formed the entrance. Two small pools of lava were located on either side past the entrance. A staircase of stone with a silverfish spawner covered with torches. At the very top… was the End Portal, each block that made up the portal contained Ender Eyes, in the middle was a void of particles that stretched into the fourth dimension.

“I know what this place is now,” I announced, retreating from the top of the staircase, “If I’m exact on my prediction, there’s going to be a Minecrafter running, appearing from there.” I pointed to the end of the cave opposite of the stronghold we were in.

“How do you know…?” Both of them questioned at the same time, a moment of silence, before both called out towards each other, “Jinx!”

Echoes of sprinting footsteps grew louder, and the sounds of distressed breathlessness reverberated across the walls of the stronghold. A Minecrafter appeared from behind the corner of the cave with torch in hand, a leather pouch slung across, and legs nearly giving way. He leaned onto the stone wall, looking back at where he came from, hoping there was nothing dangerous in pursuit of him.

He then looked forward. His eyes widened in surprise and shock.

“I-Is he looking at us…?” Athena asked with uncertainty in her voice.

“No,” I responded nonchalantly, “I can prove it.”

The Minecrafter began walking towards the stronghold to take a closer look. I walked towards him. Never once had the Minecrafter acknowledged my or the Chespies’ existence, and he passed right through my body as if I was a ghost.

I turned around, unsurprised at the result, as the Minecrafter began taking in his surroundings the same way we did when we first got here.

“What just happened…?” Frosty asked, obviously confused at what he just saw.

“It’s only a memory, and we’re only observers.” I returned simply.

We all watched him take a seat at the very top of the staircase and take out a small, circular device and a small leather-cover book from his pouch. I motioned for Frosty and Athena to come take a closer look as the Minecrafter began flipping through his book.

He stopped on a particular page. The text was in a language none of us could possibly understand. One of the diagrams depicted a golden, circular device with two rectangular holes beside each other, like eyes. On the edges of the device were two protruded iron pieces that would spin around the edges. The device that the Minecrafter had beside him looked exactly the same.

“I thought… circular objects weren’t supposed to exist in this world…?” Athena observed.

I nodded in approval, “Nice catch. They aren’t supposed to, but this one is an exception for a reason I can’t exactly recall…”

The Minecrafter suddenly gasped in shock. He dropped the book quickly in front of me and picked up the device. He gave the edges of the device a spin, stopped it soon after, and pressed in. The sounds of gliding metals and the satisfying click rang throughout the cave like an ice skater in a rink.

“You two stand back now,” I asked the two little creatures, aware of the inevitable that will occur right after this event.

“Why…?” They both asked in unison as they stepped down the stairs and off to the side.

“You’ll see.”

And the ambient noises started up gradually, filled with malicious intent. It sent shivers across all of our spines and so much for the Minecrafter that he suddenly stood up as a primal reaction. His breath quickened as the cave in the distance opposite of us grew darker until we could no longer see its end. A rumble was sent across our surroundings. Not geological, like an earthquake. Rather artificial, like explosives constantly going off in a series one after another in the distance.

“What’s going on!?” Frosty shouted in panic.

Footsteps began reverberating across the stronghold surely and clearly, and not long after two glowing white lights came into existence at the edge of darkness. The Minecrafter was planted, unable to move. And the lights… they were eyes. Two glowing eyes grew larger with every footstep that rang across the stronghold. The eyes emerged into another Minecrafter, with sky blue shirt and navy jeans, speeding in midair with such velocity towards the planted and fearful that it shouldn’t be physically possible.

“HEROBRINE!!!” The planted Minecrafter was only barely able to squeeze in one word before taking a blow into the chest from a fist, being sent to the End by the white-eyed Minecrafter and disappearing into the void also. The pouch split apart, spilling its remaining content. A disc recorder flew out of the pouch and smashed into the stone ground and shattered apart. A grey disc with a black circle at its center emerged, knocking onto the stone and chipping a small part of the disc, before finally coming to rest like a terrible-quality Euler’s disc. The ambient noises died down and the rumble slowed, leaving us with only the constant bubbling of lava.

Silence between us. The Chespies in shock. Me not having flinched at all, as I already know the story and what to expect.

“Hey,” Athena called out, I looked over simply.

“Explanation?” Frosty then asked.

“This… is actually a part of the story I was supposed to write,” I went on, “The Minecrafter running was the grandfather of Mohammad Tomlison. Tomlison was the mayor of Greencrest, which was the main town this story takes place in.”

“And… the other dude…?” Frosty questioned curiously, still shook from the event that took place.

“Herobrine,” I began explaining, “Doppelganger of Steve, another main character. Wasn’t necessarily evil until he was… forcefully recruited by…” I trailed off, my eyes turning towards the void of the End Portal.

“BEHIND YOU!!” Athena suddenly exclaimed with such urgency it made me forget everything and just turn around.



that formed words

in ways that shouldn’t be possible within the laws of physics of minecraft

details that forced itself past the pixels this world follows and as real as reality

I suddenly shook my head to clear my head to finally and properly read the words.

In large scratches on the surface of the stone walls behind the iron bars.


And right after I finished comprehending the text, I saw light. Light that appeared to come from behind the stone wall, yet in front of it. The white and brilliant light formed its horizon, and my eyes picked up the edge of the world folding onto itself in neat pixels towards me with me at its center. The pixels folded from two and disappeared into each other and the folds grew exponentially, reaching me at an accelerating pace.

“What the hell is up with your dreams!?” Frosty screamed at me.

“T-This isn’t supposed to happen… It’s… happening on our plane of existence!!” I screamed back urgently. I tried to blink deliberately several times, remembering the advice Herobrine had given me in the other dream, but my eyes still see the world around me disappearing. The void past the folding pixels wasn’t black, it was literally nothing. Light did not exist past the horizon, and therefore the concept of black or darkness did not exist past the horizon.

Somehow, I needed to get myself to wake up. Blinking didn’t help, I need to think of another tactic quickly.

One surfaced, and I quickly ran down the stone staircase and towards the two Chespies and said, “Frosty, I need you to slap me as hard as you possibly can.”

With a chuckle, “You know I always want to do that to you, right?”

“Well, then do it now!!”

Frosty complied. He winded up and gave forth his strongest slap on my cheek his malnutritioned body can give.

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