
The Spider Cat Invasion

Chapter 1

The thing

     One snowy weekend Kelly invited Molly, Haley, Katie, and Zoe to her house to have a sleepover.

“Mom!”  yelled Kelly from her room with her friends.  “Can my friends and I go outside to play?”

“Yes!”  yelled Mom from the kitchen.

“We can go outside guys!” Kelly said with her golden hair getting tangled up while jumping.

So the five got on their winter coats and went outside.

When they started doing a snowball fight a giant shadow came overhead of them!  Then all of the girls looked up. It was a spider cat!  The giant spider cat landed in the yard with its whiskers blowing in the air. Then all of a sudden the spider cat started shooting web at them! They all dodged the web but after they dodged so many of them they started getting tired so the spider cat got Katie!

“Save yourselves!” Yelled Katie with her wavy brown hair blowing in the wind.

“No, we will not leave you!” Molly said as a big gust of wind blew her red hair.

Just when they were going to pull Katie out, the spider cat jumped in front of them and tried squirting them again with web!  They had to leave Katie. The four girls jumped over logs, they ran through puddles, and they even had to walk through mud. After about a mile they saw these weird looking holes so they thought it would be a good escape from the spider cat.  So they jumped in the biggest one. When they cleaned their shoes and brushed the little pieces of bark off their shirts, they got settled in. When they were in there for about two minutes all of them  heard a crack of a stick over in the darkness.


Chapter 2

Cute, but dangerous

    Then three spider cat kittens came out of the darkness. They were all different colors. One was orange,  one was gray, and the other one was black.

“They are so cute!” all the girls said with their big brown eyes. But then suddenly the spider cat kittens started squirting web at them!

“Why are their webs rainbow?!” asked Molly.

Then the mother spider cat jumped into the hole behind them and tried to squirt web at the girls too!  Suddenly a net scooped Kelly, Molly, Haley, and Zoe up into the sky! It was a spaceship of spider cats!  There were more spider cat spaceships that showed up. There were latches at the end of each spaceship.

“What are those latches made for?” Zoe asked while holding onto her black hair so that it wouldn’t get tangled.

“We are about to find out!” Kelly yelled with the wind.

The spaceships started throwing them back and forth!

“Ahhhh!!!” all of them screamed.

Then one of the latches didn’t let go! All of the spaceships started heading to the sea! The girls saw something in the distance that was shooting arrows. When the girls got to the place of shooting arrows they knew what it was. It was cat gummy bears! They were the ones shooting the arrows!


The girls realized that they were shooting the arrows at the rope attached to the net!  A cat gummy bear climbed up with a knife and started cutting the rope. When he was almost done he could not get it because his knife was dull.


The cat gummy bear said, “Ookeyama!”


A cat gummy bear shot an arrow and cut the rope! The girls fell to the boat deck and the cat gummy bears threw the girls into the storage room! The spider cats left them without knowing. The storage was full of fresh water and raw fish.


Chapter 3

A way out

“We have to find a way out!” Zoe said very worried.

“How about there!” Said Kelly excitedly.


“Now we just need to get up there.”

So the girls tried stacking boxes, they tried climbing each other, even tried making their own ladder but that didn’t work either. Finally they stacked water barrels and Kelly climbed the barrels and got out.

“Coast is clear!” Kelly said.

So the four girls climbed out onto the edge of the deck and started walking. But then there was a splash in the water so all of the girls looked down and saw sea turtles swimming in circles.

“Jump onto one of the sea turtles!” Kelly yelled to them.

“Hurry!” Zoe said agreeing with Kelly.

The four girls jumped on a sea turtle and the sea swam them away from the ship. Up ahead they saw dolphins so all of the girls jumped onto one of their backs and hung onto the dolphins’ dorsal fin. The dolphins jumped in the air and back into the water and back and forth and back and forth.  They all were having so much fun that they let go of the dolphins. Before they left, the dolphins  squeaked at the girls.

“They are saying goodbye!” Kelly said.

“Goodbye!” The three girls said hugging them.

The dolphins swam away. Then Molly made an evil smile and started splashing the others!  All of the girls started splashing each other and started laughing. But then a big gray fin started swimming toward the girls.

“Ok, ok guys we got to go towards shore!” Zoe said soaking wet.

“Fine!” Kelly said.

“Uh, guys I’m too tired to swim!” Molly said out out of breath.

“Me too!” Kelly said.

“Hey guys there is a log we could float on!” Molly said.

All of the girls jumped onto the log and rode it. They all looked back and saw a shark swimming up to them!!

“Aaahhhhhhhhhhh!” They all screamed.

“Swim! Battle! Do something!” Zoe said very dramatically.

“Ow crumpets! I wanted to stay in these turquoise waters!” Molly said with a really whiny voice.

“Well, we have to paddle and we will come back later. Ok!” Kelly said.

Once they got on shore they all fell quiet.

“So!” Kelly said breaking the silence. “So, what do you guys want to do?” Kelly asked.

“How about just building a big big sandcastle!” Haley said. She always had good ideas.

“Sure!” The other three girls said very excitedly.

So all the girls started building the biggest sandcastle ever! The sandcastle had decks, fancy windows, and flags made out of leaves.  It was so huge that Haley, the smallest, could fit in it! And then the girls saw some weird crabs walk into the sandcastle.

“Hey guys, look! I found some crabs!” Zoe said.

“Um, I don’t think those are crabs Zoe! They look more like spider cats!” Kelly said very afraid.

“Aahhhhh!!!!” The four girls said at the same time.

“We have to get out of here!” Haley said panicking.

“Wait I think they are lost,” Zoe said.

“I think so too!” Kelly agreed.

“Let’s take them home!” Zoe said excitedly.

“Each of us can take one,” Haley said.

“Ok!” Molly, Kelly, and Zoe said.

So each girl took a spider cat kitten. Then spider cat kittens were too young to shoot web so they were completely harmless. Kelly took the black one, Haley took the tan and white one, Zoe took the gray one, and Molly took the orange one. All the girls took them to Haley’s house and put them in a wide shallow box. The girls just watched them run all around in the box.

“What do we do with them?” Zoe asked.

“We will train them and have them as pets,” Kelly said.

“Ok,” the rest of the girls said.

So the girls took the spider cat kittens home and trained them. But after awhile the girls noticed that the spider cat kittens needed somewhere to sleep.  Kelly called Zoe, then Zoe called Molly, and Molly called Haley. The girls met at the pet store.

“Hey guys!” they all said to each other.

“So do we have to find a cage for them or a little cat bed?” Haley asked.

“We need a little cage,” Kelly said.

“So how about this one!” Zoe said holding up a little cage that was three feet tall.

“Sure!” Kelly said agreeing.

So the girls bought their favorite colored cage and took it home.  They put a little rag that was folded a couple times for the spider cat kittens’ bed. The next morning Kelly sent a text to bring their spider cat kittens to the park. So all the girls met each other at the park with their spider cat kittens.

“Now we are going to train them!” Kelly said.

So the girls fed the spider cat kittens to bond and played. The spider cat kittens really liked their owners. The spider cat kittens were learning how to squirt web so the girls taught them what to squirt at and what not to squirt web at. After they trained them, the girls were buddies with the spider cat kittens!


Now they were trying to have them learn to swim. It didn’t work out that well. So they decided that they didn’t need to know that yet. It was then time to go out to sea and defeat the cat gummy bears! So the girls made a raft out of logs and vines that was about ten feet wide and long with three logs on each side for the walls. Then they made four little wooden boats  for the spider cat kittens and attached them with a lot of vines to the bigger boat. They also attached the little boats to each other. They put each spider cat kitten in their boats and strapped them on with more vines to their seats.


After it was all done they went home and got six jugs of water and packed a lot of sandwiches. They brought four blankets and four pillows. They packed their favorite stuffed animals. Then they set to sea. One girl had the job of making sure the vines didn’t come loose and made sure the spider cat kittens got food and water. The other girl paddled. The other two girls would either nap and eat or got to do whatever they wanted to do. They would switch off every ten minutes.


Finally, after fast currents and rocking waves they finally found the cat gummy bear ship!  Molly tied the raft to the ship.  Then Katie grabbed the spider cat kittens.  Kelly and Katie, with the spider cat kittens, snuck in and started squirting web at the cat gummy bears.  Once the other girls got onto the ship every cat gummy bear was stuck to the walls.

“Nice job with the cat gummy bears!” Zoe said surprised.

“Thanks! But the spider cat kittens did the work!” Kelly said.

So the girls were just getting into the boat when all of a sudden a big shadow came overhead. But it was a different shape than the mother spider cat. It- it was bigger! Then all of the girls looked up.


Chapter 4

Don’t panic

It was the spider cat spaceship! And it was landing right in front of the ship.

“How did they find us and why are they here!” Katie said very scared.

“I don’t know but if I could guess I think that’s the spider cat kittens’ mother!” Kelly said.

“Then whoever gets between these babies and that mother is going to get squirted!” Katie said really scared.

Katie passed the babies down to Molly, then Molly passed them down to Zoe.  Zoe passed them down to Kelly! They did that so fast that Kelly couldn’t do any reaction so she was left with the babies!

“Uh go back to your mother!” Kelly said really scared.

But the babies wouldn’t leave her alone! The babies didn’t want to leave them! They loved them too much! The mother started chasing them! Finally they got three kittens but Kelly thought the mother had all four!

“Why won’t she stop following me?!” Kelly asked really scared and confused. “Oh, I guess that’s why! So go back to your mother!” Kelly said to the baby.

Then the spider cat mother squirted some web and stuck it to the baby and got it back. The spider cat mother made a hiss and that meant go back to bed in the space ship! So the babies went into the spaceship and the mother followed after looking at the girls for about five seconds. She followed the spider cat kittens into the spaceship.


The four girls got into the boat and sailed home.  Kelly went home with her three friends. They got Katie out of the web and had a sleepover. They told Katie all about their adventure. Then after telling the story, they all got into their sleeping bags and went to bed.

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