
Chapter 1

(Christine’s POV)

So when I woke up this morning I found my mom and dad dead. I knew something happened to them so I ran away with somethings I knew that I would need. So I went to my favorite barn and I was sleeping when I woke up to two bots coming in. One of them put their finger to their mouths to tell me to be queit. Then I heard two voices in my head. “Don’t be afraid sparkling. We will help you,”One of the voices said. “What are you?”I asked in my head. “The two bots will tell you,”The second voices said. “Okay,”I said. One of the bots look at me and came closer to me. “What is your name?”he asked. “Christine,”I said looking at him in fear. “How old are you?”the other one asked. I was thinking about that one. “I am 4,”I said and when I said that the two bots was looking at each other. “Where is your parents?”The first one said. “Dead,”I said crying. The second bot picked me up and put me near his chest. “It’s going to be okay Sweetspark,”He said. “What is your name?”I asked. “My name is Rachet,”The first bot said. “And my name is Optimus Prime,”The second one said and when he said that I moved so quickly that I was on the ground. I looked up at Optimus. “Y..your na..name i..is fam..familiar,”I said. I remember now. “I had a vision about someone with the name of Optimus Prime and when I grew older in my vision you became my brother but I don’t know if that is true. I get visions about the future a lot,”I said as Ratchet and Optimus looked at each other again. “Well maybe you have powers that you and maybe us don’t know about yet,”Rachet said. I was looking at a picture that I had. I started to sing Let You Down and I think that I have a form like Optimus and Ratchet have. I was crying when I was singing I’m sorry,I’m so sorry,I’m sorry for letting you down. The last thing was that I was getting dizzy then the floor came up and meet my face. I woke up 4 hours later and I was in a car kinda but I got scared when I saw someone in the driver’s seat then a seat belt(that was around me)tightened. “Don’t be scared Sweetspark. It’s me, Optimus,”he said. He made me calm. When I get sleepy, I say weird things. “Night Big Brother,”I said, falling asleep. I remember him smiling before I went to sleep. The next day was weirder than yesterday. “Hey you’re awake,”Ratchet said as I came into the control room. I think that’s what they call it. “Why does my head hurt Rach?”I asked and he smiled when I said Rach. “Well you hit your head pretty well yesterday,”Ratchet said. “Where is Optimus?”I asked as Ratchet picked me up to check my head. Then he had a scared expression on him. “I need Optimus,”Ratchet said. He went and got Optimus. I felt weird on the head and my butt. “What is it now Rachet?”Optimus askes Ratchet and then he stops walking. He is looking at me with a worried face. “Does she know?”Optimus askes. I knew why. “Is it because I have Ultima werewolf ears and tail?”I asked, getting a confused expression on their faces. “Yes, that’s what you have,”Ratchet said. I closed my eyes then my ears and tail disappeared. Optimus was happy with what I did. “Hey Christine. Optimus has something to tell you,”Ratchet says as he leaves. Optimus was looking at him like he wanted to hurt him. “Yes, Optimus.”I said, getting his attention. “Yes I do. Okay you know how you fell asleep you said Night Big Brother. Well I want to know if you want to be my little sister?”Optimus askes. “Yes I would love to be your little sister,”I said, smiling and jumping. I remember something like this. “Hey don’t be worried about this memory Sweetspark,”One of the voices said in my head and I couldn’t hear Optimus say Christine. I was lifted in the air and my form only for a minute then I was falling and I hit my head off of the ground. I woke up 2 days later. I was trying to sit up but I couldn’t. “Hey you’re awake,”One of the voices said. “What is your name?”I asked the voices in my head. “We are the Primes. The original 12 Primes and I am Troian,”Troian said. “Do you know my name?”I asked them. “Yes we do because you are now a Prime. You are now going to be called Christine Prime,”Troian said as the others agreed with him. (I have a lot of things to do. Please be nice to me)


Chapter 2

(Optimus Prime’s Point Of View)

I am getting worried for Christine until now. “Hey Optimus! It’s my birthday today!!”Christine screamed happily. “Happy Birthday Christine!”Me and Ratchet said together as Christine was looking at us. Her wolf ears and tail came out. She didn’t even know but it was until she had a blank face then she started to get back but she smiled at us. 


Chapter 3

(Christine’s Point Of View)


“Hey Sweets Park. Happy Birthday!,”Trion said and the other Primes said the same thing. “Thank you. I can’t believe that I’m 4 now,”I said happily. “You’re welcome,”Trion said. I was talking to them when my ears and tail came out. I smiled at them. “Thank you guys,”I said to Ratchet and Optimus. I yawned. Optimus picked me up slowly and put me on something soft. I closed my eyes as Optimus put a blanket on me. I woke up in the middle of the night to see someone saying my name. I followed it and I was outside looking at it when Optimus and Ratchet came out to see me there. I think that I woke them up. I didn’t hear them. The figure looked like a person I knew and it was until I knew what the person’s name was. It was Deku. I think that I met him before but I don’t remember. Then he became human(like me but he was transparent). “Hey Christine,”Deku said as he looked at me then stopped as he saw Ratchet and Optimus. “Christine get  behind us now,”Optimus said. “Okay,”I said as I did so. Deku was worried and confused. “What are you doing Christine. Don’t you remember me?”Deku asked. I shook my head no. “My parents are dead,”Deku said as I looked at him in a sad way. I walked over to him and gave him a hug. I saw that he had battle scars. “Why do you have battle scars?”I asked Deku. Deku looked at me in a calming way when I looked up at him. He sat on his knees. “When my parents died and my little sister disappeared I started to cut myself. When you see someone with the same scars give them a hug because they probably need it,”Deku said as he got up. I had a tear but I didn’t let it show. I gave Deku a hug. “I will Deku,”I said as Deku smiled. When I saw Deku smile I remembered someone with the same smile. “Deku do you have a quirk?”I asked him as he looks down at me with a shocked expression and he smiled. “Yes I do have a quirk. Same with my little sister but I need to find her so bye little one,”Deku said but before he leaves I know what I should do. “If I have a big brother that I don’t know about and my mom and dad never told me then he will know this song. You need to bring everyone that are your friends here because I will sing the song that my big brother will know.”I said as all three of them was looking at me. “Okay,”Deku said. An hour later he brought his friends. “Okay if you are my big brother and my big brother’s friend sing these lyrics with me when I sing the lyrics.”I said as Deku and his friends nods their heads. I started to sing The Nights. “He said one day we will leave this world behind so live a life you will remember my father told me when I was just a child these are the nights that never die My father told me,”Me,Deku, and Kachann sang together. I stopped and I started to cry.


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