
Phantom Spies

      Gameknight walked quietly through the passages that led from the crafting chamber. He couldn’t believe how much work the villagers had put into it- besides the tunnels leading from village to village they had made store rooms, extra bedrooms, underground mushroom gardens, and even an interrogation room. After what happened the last time he interrogated someone, he hoped he never had to go in there. Everyone, even Wonder, had found something useful to do. Stitcher and Monet were hunting, so the soldiers would have plenty of food and they would all have something to eat if the village went on lockdown, which Crafter said could be a very serious possibility. Herder was with his wolves, who were patrolling the walls with their keen sense of smell. Hunter was making sure everything was running smoothly in the crafting chamber, where armor and weapons were being cranked out in overtime. Digger and Crafter were in Crafters bedroom a ways down the hall, going over previous battle plans and deciding if they would work again, trying desperately to think of a good strategy. Wonder was practicing her archery skills with Stitcher and Monet.
    But Gameknight was alone, and even though there was more than enough to do he had no idea where he was supposed to go. So he just walked, his head swirling with awful thoughts.
   But right before he turned a corner, he stopped. Up ahead, a scratching sound bounced off the stone walls. He heard something else as well, a sort of whispered hissing. He silently and cautiously peeked around the edge, and then jerked back. The stone was cool as he plastered himself to the wall. His breath came in quick gasps, as he blood ran cold. Two phantoms were crawling around the ground, their claws clicking on the floor like a evil dogs. He had always thought the white down their back had been their spine, but now he saw that they were white scales. Long tails swished behind them as the crawled along. He then realized they had been talking to each other. They defiantly didn’t look happy about being in the two block tall passage. He strained his ears, listening to their words.
    “I hate this place!” The smaller one, with a smattering of white scales all over its back. “We can’t fly here. Why would the villagers  make a tunnel where you can’t fly?” The bigger one looked down at it’s companion. “Villagers can’t fly, Hail.” “Oh.” Hail said. She wrinkled their nose. “Of course they can’t! Stupid villagers.” “Keep your voice down!” The bigger one snapped. “We have to finish the job.” Their voice became worried. “Otherwise we’ll get punished.”
   Hail pouted. “This is so unfair! Why do we have to do this?” “Because we are smaller,” The big one pointed out. Hail scowled, not liking this very good reason. “First we have to sneak in here with all the people around, and now we have to squeeze through this stone.” Her voice raised. “I don’t want to find the village leader!” “Quiet!” The bigger one hissed, clamping a clawed hand on Hail’s mouth.
  But the damage was already done. Gameknight’s heart raced. They were going to kidnap Crafter!
  He knew what he had to do. They were almost at Crafters door, and he knew that phantoms were crazy fast. He knew that it would not be good. He took a deep breath, drawing his sword. Then he stepped out from behind the corner.
  At first, they didn’t notice him. Then Hail happened to glance over her shoulder. With a loud shriek, she leapt up into the air, banging her head on the ceiling. The big one swung around, back arched like a scared cat. When they saw who it was, they growled and stood on their hind legs, front claws swiping at the air. Now that Gameknight could see them clearly, it was obviously a boy.
   The sight of the white fangs was terrifying , but Gameknight stood his ground. “Stay back!” He yelled, both swords held at the ready. Spreading out his wings as far as he could in the tunnel, the phantom let out a inhuman shriek. Gameknight clapped his hands over his ears. A door banged open and Crafter and Digger ran out, weapons at the ready.
  “What is it?” Crafter gasped. Both of them froze at the sight of the phantoms. The bigger one spun around, and his face turned from on of anger to fear. The three of them- Gameknight, Digger, and Crafter slowly took a step forward. At that instant, Herder turned the corner. “Hey guys, I got tired of patrolling so I-“
   He froze, his eyes doubling in size. “Herder,” Gameknight said slowly. “I want you to go and get everyone else.” The boy nodded feverishly, then bolted off. They continued to walk toward the mobs, who became more and more frightened. Hail was now a shivering ball, curled up on the ground. The bigger one protectively out their wings around her. “Comet, I’m scared.” She whimpered. The bigger one, Comet, turned to look at Gameknight. His green eyes glowed with sudden confidence.
   “Take me,” he blurted out suddenly. “What?” Gameknight asked,  surprised. Comet sat back on his hind legs, tail swishing impatiently. “Take me,” He said again. “Kill me, but leave my sister alone.” His sister whimpered. “No!” She said. Ignoring his sibling, Comet continued. “She’s just a chickling,” He said. “You wouldn’t hurt a chickling, would you?” He asked desperately.
   Gameknight didn’t know what to do. On the one hand, these monsters were probably spies for Herobrine. But on the other…
  Gameknight saw in Comet the same brotherly care for their younger sister. The willingness to die so she would be safe. Comet didn’t look much older than Gameknight in the physical world, eleven or twelve.
  “So, do we have a deal?” Comet asked. “My life for my sisters safe release?”
Gameknight took a deep breath. “No,” He said. Comet looked horrified. He arched his back once more, ready to fight. “I’m not going to hurt either of you,” he said. Comet visibly relaxed. Hunter suddenly spun around the corner, followed by Herder, Monet, Stitcher, and Wonder. Hail shrieked as Hunter yanked her bow out of her inventory, an arrow pulled back in a heart beat. Gameknight grabbed her arm. “Calm down,” he said. “Their not going to hurt us. We are going to have them everything they know.” He looked pointedly at Comet, who nodded. “That might take awhile,” Hail piped up. “Daddy says I’m very smart.”
    Herobrine, still in Sky’s/Voids body, stared proudly at his army. His daughter had saved him a lot of time by getting him a good amount of monsters, and now they were collecting even more as they went. They were taking a long way across the Overworld, going past as many caves and villages as possible. Caves gave them a fresh supply of mobs, and villages meant villagers. Villagers meant XP. XP meant strength.
Strength meant power.
 Eventually, they would end up right where they needed to be- Gameknight999’s village. Then, Herobrine would finally be able to kill him in the most satisfying way- slowly and painfully. He did feel a bit sorry for that part. He had hoped to be able to do that as himself, but no matter. At least this way it would be easier. Before, it had been harder to attack him. Before, their battles had been like a cat fighting a fully grown rabbit. Gameknight was the rabbit, scared silly but still with frightening strong legs and quick reactions. Herobrine was the cat, sleek, strong, and the ultimate winner. But now it would be a breeze. With Void’s body, (what he still called her) it would be more like an eagle against a squirrel. Excitement was quickly building up inside him, and his eyes glowed brighter. He let out a harsh laugh. “What do you think, honey?” He asked out loud. A feeling swept through him, like he was drifting away from his own self. His eyes turned from a harsh white to a soft magenta. “You’re sick,” Sky snapped. Once again their eyes turned white. Herobrine had a cruel smile on his face. “Is that so?” He cackled. Once again magenta, Sky yelled “YES!!”
   They had little talks like that whenever Herobrine wanted to do something fun. His daughter’s frustration always cheered him up. He could never let it go on for long though, in case Sky got control of herself again. He took complete control again, making sure Sky was now completely gone from his mind. Shunned to the back of her own brain, Sky did what she always did, thinking about what Gameknight999 was doing with the others back at the village. she wished she could help them, but still she couldn’t regain control. No matter how hard she tried, her father remained firmly in place in her body. She remembered freeing Gameknight from Herobrine’s grasp, capturing Monet, Crafter, and Herder, and finally that fateful night when Herder had freed her. She sighed inwardly. Please, somebody help me. She thought. Please. Somebody. I need you.
Gameknight? Herder? Please, if you can here me… I don’t think I can hold on much longer.

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