
Chapter 8

   “Okay. For real this time.” Harvester said. “How do we get back up?” Once again, they were standing in front of the pool of water. Gameknight didn’t say anything. He didn’t even look up from the book still in his hands. His friends didn’t get what was going on. Yes, he had told them about Herobrine, but they didn’t know that much. They’d never seen him. They’d never met him. They’d never fought him! Not like Gameknight had. They didn’t know how many lives were at stake. If he came back now, he would know not to take the Gateway of Light or he’d be trapped again.
     And if those hieroglyphics were right…
  No, he thought. Herobrine is gone. GONE. But he was still scared. Terrified.
 Fletcher snorted. “What are we supposed to do, walk into the pool and suddenly teleport?” She said, walking backwards into the pool. “AHHHHHHH!” She screamed as she suddenly shot straight up on a column of water. At first, none of them said anything. Harvester spoke first. “Well, if that’s how we’re gonna die, at least we’ll have fun doing it.” The water splashed back down again, and she jumped in.
   The water came back down a moment later and Gameknight jumped in. He held the book close to his chest so it wouldn’t get wet, but the water stayed by his feet to his amazement. The walls blurred together around him as he shot past. As suddenly as the ride had started, he was spat out on the sand.
  “Took you long enough,” said a teasing voice behind him. Fletcher and Harvester were standing behind him. Gameknight laid flat on his back. The sun-baked him. He hadn’t realized it, but he had gotten used to the cold of the underground. Harvester helped him up. A minute later, Smithy appeared in a spray of mist.
  “Where are the horses?” Gameknight asked. Harvester pointed behind her, where the horses were tied and hungrily munching. “We gave them some grass,” Harvester said.
  It was night by then, so they set up a small camp. It was an uneventful night. They ate some bread and pork, then went to bed. The next day, they were ready. “Today, we go to the Overworld!” Harvester shouted.
   They jumped onto the horses and got into a straight line in front of the hole.  And finally, they were off. They rode for hours and hours, and Gameknight started to doze. And finally, he slipped off.


   The silvery mist wrapped around Gameknight999, hugging his legs as if terrified of what stalked through the darkness. Gameknight was startled. “Where am I?” He thought franticly. But something about the thick silver fog seemed familiar, like he had been here before. And then it hit him.
    This was The Land Of Dreams, the place between the waking world and unconsciousness. He was a Dream Walker like his friend Hunter, her sister Stitcher, and Gameknight’s sister Monet113. Gameknight hadn’t been here in a long time. In fact, the last time he could remember coming was when he was fighting the first spider queen Shakiliud. Why would he come back now? He was still on the horse, but he hopped off. On his own, he wandered off into the mist. He went for what felt like hours, but eventually heard voices. He stopped. He looked anxiously down at his iron armor and sword. He knew how hard it could be to defend yourself in the Land Of Dreams. Closing his eyes, he concentrated. Slowly, enchanted diamond coating wrapped around him. In one hand, he held his favorite bow. In the other, he notched an arrow. Suddenly, the voices stopped. A pair of brown eyes and what looked like flames appeared in the mist. He pulled the bowstring as far back as he could. “Show yourself, monster,” he growled. “Or this arrow goes right through you.”
    But all he got was frustration when the voice laughed. “Put that bow down, idiot.” A familiar voice said teasingly. “You could never beet me in a shooting match and you know it.” Gameknight dropped his arms to his sides, his eyes wide open with shock. “Hunter?” He asked.
   The red haired girl ran out of the mist laughing and wrapped her arms around him. “Where have you been?” She scolded. “You haven’t come back! We need you!” Her face filled with worry. “Where are you?” “I’m really sorry, Hunter.” He said anxiously. “I tried to come back, but I’m stuck in the Far Lands.” Her face crinkled in confusion. “The- what lands?” She asked. “The Far Lands,” he rushed. “I’m trying to get back, I promise! Wait, what’s happening?” The room was starting to spin. The mist turned into a whirlpool. “Gameknight?” Hunter yelled. “Gameknight, your fading!”
  Gameknight looked at Hunter. “Hunter-“ he started, but then everything was black.

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