

Blaster had to run back to the village!  *pant*

“HEl- a villager screamed but then was cut off.

Blaster was filled with guilt but still had some hope left.

“Wait is that a village? Blaster asked his friend Digger.

“Um…I think it is a village but it is hard to tell since it is getting darker.”


“What is it?”      

“It is almost night time! Let’s set up a tent.”

The next day

“Come on, let’s get going!”

“Why is there an obsidian castle next to it?”

“Who cares!”

PEOPLE INCOMING!! Archers to the walls, Swordsmen to the gate!! .A watcher screamed.

 Chapter 1

“Wait why are they doing that?*Blaster looked behind* Run!”

“Welcome to our villige.”Crafter said.

“Oh heyyyy a crafterrrrrr” Said Planter.

“HE LET AN ENTIRE VILLAGE DIE!!!!! LOCK HIM UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”Screamed Planter.

Everyone looked at him and all had 1 thought in mind: He.Is.CRAZY.

“Fine if you won’t, I will.”
“Hey!! I am the-”

“I don’t care wh-”

“OK! Digger!! Smithy!! Butcher!!  Take him to the interrogation room! Hunter!, Crafter! Meet me there!!


“Who are you?!?! screamed Planter.


“I am the user that is not a user or Gameknight for short”Said Gameknight.”

“We’re under attack!!”


“What are those!!”Screamed Digger.

“Mwahahaha!! No one can stop me.”Yelled a stranger.

“Crafter?” Asked Gameknight


“You miiiiiight want to send every person that we can spare to every village possible on a code yellow alpha zulu,tell that to the crafters or elders, they will know what that means.” Gameknight said, tensed. Digger, you get Every miner possible and get mining for diamonds and work on several mines connected to our mine along with obsidian for enchanting.“Said Gameknight.


“Everyone on the wall get down!!” screamed Crafter as an ender dragon swooped down.

Gameknight took out his bow and tried to shoot the ender dragon but instead of 1 arrow hitting 300 enchanted arrows hit the ender dragon.  *pop* The ender dragon disappeared.


“That’s it if you think you are so strong well he will try to defeat some wither storms!!

Gameknight’s skin whent pale white.

“Aren’t those what we fought back in the nether back when we had herobrine’s xp?” Asked Hunter.

“No…Much much much MUCH worse not to mention summoning armies and armies of wither skeletons.”

Monet113 are you there?”

“Yes gameknight999?”

“I need you to get every single last user possible that you know and I know including dad and shawny for thee very sake of minecraft this time is NO JOKE.”


“Just do it under the protocole Code red alpha”

“Wait did you say protocale co-”Monet was saying but then was cut off.

“DO it now!!!!! We need a heck of a lot of users NOW!!!!!”

“You ok?” Asked Crafter.

“Yeah,why did you ask?”

“Well you had your eyes closed for like half the attack.”


“Everyone attack!!” Shany screamed as hundreds of users, and a thousand NPC’S rushed by.

“Hey Gameknight I just wanted to announce that NPC’S are now allowed to talk with users again. How awesome is that? Asked Crafter.

“What!!! How do you have that many??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok will then time for something none of you have EVER heard of!!!!!!!”

All of a sudden an earthquake happened and a Humongous monster climbed out of a hole, the earthquake stopped.

“This monster of mine is so strong that you will be too weak to defeat!! Because it has 1,000,000,000 health points mwahahahaha!! 

“Wait, did he say a BILLION health points? Asked Monet.

“…Um…Um…er…well it is probably time to install THEE mod Shawany.” Said a frightaned Gameknight.

“Roger that.” Said Shawny

“Hey Gameknight, what is this??” Hunter and stitcher asked as they were pointing where their bow’s Were.

“Those are plasma guns. They do an absurd amount of damage. Also the best part is you craft those like you would bows except there would never even be any bow in the first place.”

“Grr ok.” Hunter said.

“No!!” A villager screamed.

“Wa-”  Gameknight was just knocked out   COLD

“Gameknight!!!!”Monet, Monekeypants, Shawny, Crafter, Digger, Hunter, Stitcher, Herder Screamed.

“We need to get him to his castle chamber.”Said Crafter.

“Let us guard him.” Monet113 said while pointing at monkey pants.

“Ok” Said Crafter. “Digger You need to get gold now for Gameknight’s sake. Hunter, Blaster, Stitcher you get watermelons. Smithy, you help Digger. GO GO GO!!!”

“Crafter?” Blaster Asked.

“Um…I know something that is Very, Very, Very valuable but i won’t tell you anything unless i have protection.”

“Trust me, you will.” Crafter said.

“Ok that weird flying guy his name is Entinty404 or null who is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 more powerful than Entity 303.”

Crafter was going to Morgana for some healing potions for Gameknight.

“Morgana!” Yelled Crafter.

“Yes?” Asked Morgana.

“How many regeneration potions do you have?”

“Wait… did you say regeneration potions?!?!? Why do you need such strong potions!?!?!?!”

“Gameknight got blasted by a plasma gun and his health is slowly draining to none by now i think he has 3 harts left THAT’S IT!”

Ok here are 5 regeniration potions.”

“Thanks.” Said Crafter.

Crafter ran towards the ladder and went down around 30 blocks and reached the chamber.

“Crafter, do you have some potions for Gameknight?” Asked Monet.

“Yes.” Replied Crafter.

Crafter splashed the potions on Gameknight and he got up!

“Die!”Gameknight screamed as he was running at crafter and crafter JUST barely missed Gameknight’s sword.
“Gameknight, why are you doing that!?!?!


Chapter 2.


“DIE!”Gameknight screamed.

Crafter splashed a potion’s of slowness and weakness on Gameknight and then splashed potions of swiftness and strencth on himself Monet then Monkeypants. “Quick!! Get him to the prison and take him armor and tools along with his swords!!” Said Crafter fast.

“Why?” Asked Monet

“Because he is a flight risk and too dangerous for the sake of the village.” Said Crafter.

“My son is not that evil!!” Yelled Monkeypants.

“Just help me get him to the prison for his own safety and our’s.” Repield Crafter.

“That’s more like it.” Monkeypants grumbled.


Sometime later.


“Hey!! Why am I in this prison?!?!” Said Gameknight.

“Sorry Gameknight but you are a flight risk.”Said Crafter.

Gameknight’s eyes turned red. And Crafter’s eyes bulged, then he splashed 3 potions of weakness on Gameknight then sealed it off with obsidian with shwany, Monet and, Monkeypants looked wide-eyed at crafter “Now do you think he is a flight risk?”Asked Crafter.

“Um…er…yes?” Replied Monkeypants.

“I took a screenshot of him.” Said shwany.


“HEY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? WHAT WAS THAT FOR MONET!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?” Screamed Shawny.

“Not done yet.” Said Monet with an evil smile.

“Not a chance.” Said Shawny as he pulled a diamond pickaxe with efficiency 5 and mined a 10 block deep holeand pushed Monet in it.

Just then the obsidian suddenly popped and Gamekight charged at Crafter but then Monkeypants stepped in the way but Gameknight shoved him out of the way as if he was paper and Gameknight took everything of his from Crafter and then tried to stab Shawny, but he dogged out of the way JUST in time so that way Gameknight did not stab him then Gameknight stabbed Shawny, Monet, Monkeypants, and Crafter all the way to half health.

“FREEZE!” Yelled Morgana as she threw 3 potions of slowness at Gameknight then he went rock-firm.


sometime later…

“Hey sorry for that little experience of how I went a little co-co.” Said Gameknight.

“It is most certainly NOT ok with me for crying out loud.” Said Crafter.

“Yeah, well hey at least you don’t have VERY little health coming back that fast. Because thanks to Gameknight, and Monet I have a lot of damage.

“Wait, Shawny why did Monet hit you?”

“Well it was beca-” Shawny said but was cut off.

“It was because he took a screenshot of you when you had red eyes!” Said Monet.

“Yeah.” Agreed Monkeypants.

“Help!! Yelled Hunter.

“Ah!!”Yelled Digger.

“Monet, Shawny, Monkeypants are you ready?”Asked Gameknight.
“Yeah.”All of them said.

“Hey! What about me!?!?!?

“Ok, so Monet you come with me, and Monkeypants you go with Shawny, Shawny try not to let him drive you insane.” Said Gameknight.

“Hey!” Said Monkeypants. “That’s rude!!”

“Yeah, too bad. Shawny, you take Monkeypants to Digger with full caction, Monet you come with me to the wall.”


“Hunter what’s wrong?” Asked Monet.

“Hundreds and hundreds of monsters are coming here and let’s just say they don’t look like the normal monsters, also good! Gamekight you are ok.” Said Hunter.

“Yep! Oh wait, I think Shawny is saying something to me.

“Uh… what were you saying?” Asked Gameknight.

“There are a lot of monsters spawning in the mine there are so many monsters that we can’t push them back and that they are pushing US back, WE NEED BACK UP NOW!! 

“Ok.” Replied Gameknight.

“Hey! I need 20 user’s with diamond armor and diamond swords to go to the mine NOW. The rest, go out of the village and set up any sort of traps for monsters that you can think of. Same with 4 hundred NPS.”

“I need you Shawny now for some traps.” Said Gameknight.

“Uh…sorry can’t they monsters have pushed us far back we are…oh wait nevermind some users just got here and we are starting to push them back.”

“Please get here now.” begged Gameknight.

“Sheesh… why are you begging me to come!?!?

“Because hundreds and hundreds of monsters are coming here and let’s just say they don’t look like the normal monsters.” Said Gameknight.

“Coming.”Replied Shawny.


“The monsters are coming!!” Yelled a watcher. “Prepare thee defenses!!”

“Mw-ha-ha-ha-ha!!” If you think Herobrine was bad you are sorely mistaken! Because I, hahaha am 1,000,000,000,000 times more powerful than him!” Yelled Null.

“You can and will be defeated just like Herobrine!!” Yelled Gameknight.

“Yeah, well I can spawn 500 monsters in  1  second and I BET  you that he could not!!” Yelled Null.

“Wait how much do you know about Herobrine?” Asked Crafter.

“I know what trick you are about to do/try. The dum-dum Crafter.” Yelled Null.

“Hey!! He is not Dum!! Try to battle me you week, wip!!” Yelled Gameknight.

“No problemo!!” Replied Null.


Gameknight ran at Null like the speed of a gun and Null was as still as rock but then pulled out a block of rock then placed a button and pushed it at the speed light. BOOM!! Gameknight was suddenly in an explosion bigger than any explosion that minecraft had ever seen.



“Gameknight!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”Yelled Crafter, Monet, Monkey pants, Shawny, Hunter, Stitcher, Digger, Herder and everyone else that knew him.=(

“Now that that stupidly annoying Gameknight is out of the way. Who wants me to fight them?” Asked Null.

“Um…ALL OF US!!” Yelled everyone.

“Well to bad. I am only going to fight 6 of you.” Replied a shocked Null.

“Fine, me, Crafter, Digger, Shawny, Hunter, Stitcher.” Said Monet.

“Ok this time I promise I won’t use tnt.” Said Null.

So for the battle Monet, Crafter, Digger, Shawny provided close range-support for Hunter, and Stitcher. Boom! Hunter and Stitcher suddenly disappeared then 10 seconds later Digger and Shawny disappeared then Monet and Crafter.


“I hope you have enjoyed my prison, especially you Gameknight.” Said Null.

“I hate you…”*gasp* *thunk* Gameknight passed out.

“Gameknight!… What happened to him?”  Asked Hunter.

“Awwww you must care about him. HA ha!” laughed Null.

“Hey! We all care about Gameknight! Replied Crafter.

“I know. But I am surprised that you guys have not passed out.” Replied Null.

*Gasp* Crafter passed out.

“Ah, another one passed out.”

*Gasp* And another one.

*Gasp* And another one.

*Gasp* And another one.

“Hey you are the only one that has not passed out yet.” Null said as he was pointing to Shawny.

“That is because I am a user.”


Back at the village the monsters were starting to push forward.

“We need reinforcements!! There are too many of them!! We can not handle them even with our upgrades!!” Yelled an NPC.

“Hey there is one last thing we can use but i need 6 platforms that are…say…hmmm…20 blocks above the watchtower. Announced Monkeypants271

“Got it.” said 12 users and 12 NPC’S

“So how about 4 of us each work on a platform.” Said an NPC.

So the NPC’S and NPC’S went to work above the watch tower but then realized that they had a problem.

“HEY!! How many blocks wide and long are the platforms suposeed to be?!? Yelled an NPC.

“It needs to be 20 blocks long and half that wide!!” yelled Monkeypants.

So they continued to build the platforms and then Monkeypants came up and started to build on the platforms and made missile launchers.


Back at the prison…

*Gasp* *gasp*(Trying to get some air.)

“Ah you finally woke up Gameknight.”

“What is happening to my friend’s village?” Asked Gameknight.

“Um…they are losing the battle and monsters are finally able to breach a village PERMANENTLY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF MINECRAFT!!!! MW HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Get used to it because now once the monsters breach the village and destroy your friends they will take the minecart system and destroy every last village on the server!!” Mechened Null. “Wait is that a…missile launcher?!?!! I did not even think that was a thing in minecraft!?!?! Wait, now they are… ok I am going to leave and summon the most powerful thing in the history of minecraft.


 Chapter 3


Boom! Another 1/10 of the monster armie was blown up.

“Monkeypants 5/10 of the enemy army is destroyed.”

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

“Um…now 9/10 of the army has been destroyed.” Said Blaster.

“Ok now I want you to go back to the platforms and… do you have a crafting table?” Asked Monkeypants.


“So once the enemy army is destroyed go to the forest and get around a stack of wood, and get the samplings ree-plant them so minecraft stay’s in balance then make wooden planks and finally crafting tables then once that is done put crafting tables in the crafting table and then once you are out of crafting table come back here and take what is in that chest and put the items the way the paper says then make as many as possible. Got it?” Asked Monkeypants.

“Yes.” Gulped Blaster.

“Good.” Confirmed Monkeypants.

“Where are my builder’s, and Mason’s!?!?!?

“Here sir.”

“Good, now destroy the watch tower and make an observation platform to have fighter jets oh and before that

seel the minecart system because we will never need it again.


At the wall 2 days later…

“All fighters engage!!” Yelled a watcher from an observer tower as monsters were approaching the wall. Pew-pew-pew-pew-pew-pew!


“Help! My ship has taken serious damage, I need back up now!” Yelled another user.

“Coming!” Yelled Monkeypants in a hangership. Pew-pew-pew “I need fighter cover! Can not get to him! Repeat, Need fighter cover!!

“Ok, coming to you” Said a user.

“K, park your ship on the side of my ship and help me drive this.” Said Monkeypants. “What’s this!?!?  A and B-squadron occupy the enemy ground forces. C, D, and E squadron focus attacks on the big ship in front of us!!!!!!!!”

Pew-pew-pew BOOM!!

“Help!! Going down!!” Yelled an NPCS.

“Help!! Going down!!” Yelled another NPC.

“Help!! Going down!!” Yelled another NPS.

“Help!! Going down!!” Yelled another NPC.

Tears formed in Monkeypants’s eyes as more NPCS fell “All fighters fall back to the outer wall now! Repeat all fighters fall back to the outer wall now!” Said Monkeypants.

“Activate the missile’s!” Yelled a user.


“Monkeypants what do we do?!? We can not handle this much of a fight, the enemies are too strong!!”

“Very well all fighter’s land and air fall back to the middle wall now!!” 

“Roger that Monkeypants.” Said the NPCS and users.


Back at the prison…

“Come on let’s escape Gameknight!” Crafter said. “Null is not here.”

“Ok Crafter, lets escape but then we come back and rescue the rest.” Said Gameknight.

“Of course Gameknight.” Said Crafter.

“Hey! If you are going to escape from here you might as well bring the rest of us!” Said a ticked off Hunter.

“Hey, it will be easier if just two of us escape.” Said Crafter.

“Hey, also I am pretty sure  that now there are fighter jets so we can travel WAY the flip faster than even if we had 50 powerd rails going down hill. The fighter jets are stronger than anything that exists in minecraft and faster by a long, long, LONG shot.” Explained Gameknight.

“How strong are we talking about?” Asked Hunter.

“Well if I remembor correctly the armor on a fighter jet is worth 200 dimand chest plates.” Replied Gameknight.

“200 DIMAND CHEST PLATES!?!?!?!?!?!?!? How!?!?” Asked Stitcher.

“Stitcher, sorry can’t explain more we have to go, now!”

“Come on Gameknight we have to go now!!”

Gameknight pulled a picaxe from a chest across from his cell and broke himself out and then Crafter, Then they went to find their armor and supplies.


Sometime later…

“Wait, what is that?” Asked Crafter.

“Quick give me your shovel!” Worried Gameknight.

So… as Gameknight dug Monkeypants was having a hard time keeping the monsters back. 

“All fighters launch!” Yelled A Watcher.

“Hey we need a ‘squad base’ ship.” Said Crafter.

“Ok.” Replied Planter. “Head for the 4th pad.”

“Follow me.” Said Gameknight. “Hey! We need 10 users with us now please.”

“Where are we going?” Asked a user.

“A prison.” Replied Crafter.

“A PRISON!?!?!?” Screeched Sky.

“Yep.” Replied Gameknight.

Sometime later.

“Come on, let’s go quick!” Said Gameknight. “We can not let Null get back here before we can get our friends.”

“Hello friends, hey I have a questian, why did you leave before your other friends? Oh wait… did you think that some were more importent? Or that some were ruder than others? Or perhaps stronger than others because I know that is most certainly not your type. Ha ha. Your loss. Now for your mistake one of your friends will pay. Mw ha ha ha. Oh yeah here is another power I have. Is that I can bring back monsters that have died, now I hope you will be sorry for opposing the monsters.


Back at the village…

“All monsters fall back! Yelled Xa-tal.

“Yeah! You better run away!” Yelled Monkeypants.

“Hey! A-squadron launch now and head for that squad base ship. It should have enough room for all of you to park.

“Roger that sir.” Said Moussa. “What type of blast capabilities does it have?”

“High, Stay alert if it has bombs in its cannons, attack without mercy IMMEDIATELY.”

“Permission to land, clearance code is 32-45-WHAT IS THAT-alpha 9999.” Stated Gameknight.

“Clearance code is correct, so you may land.” Confirmed  Navigator. “Stop, they have permission to land.”

“Roger that, returning to base.”

“Hey Builder, I need you to build 4 more platforms got it?” Asked Monkeypants.

“No.” Replied Builder.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!?!?!?!?

“Hey, Hunter shoot him WITH a regular bow NOW.” Gameknight instrukted.

“Okay.” Replied Hunter.

Foo the sound the bow made when Hunter shot the arrow.

“Hey! What was that for!?!?” Screamed Monkeypants.

“You are not allowed to yell at him.” Demanded Crafter.

“Hey Crafter, do you know what I really want?” Gameknight asked.

“Sure.” Replied Crafter.

“I want an empire. I want an empire that can NEVER be defeated!” Said Gameknight.

“Gameknight! That is so evil! Why did you say that!?!?” Stated Monet.

“Because it would be beneficial for the villagers… and for me, Blaster! Lock her up NOW.” Demanded Gameknight.

“You ain’t lock me up.” Monet said as she pulled out her bow.

“Monet listen or you are grounded.” Monkeypants said.

“Dad!” Why!?!?” Asked Monet.

“Because this way we can become rich in real life.”

“How!?!?” Asked Monet.

“Simple. All we would have to do is take like 20 diamonds and go through the gate way of light and sell the diamonds and BOOM we are as rich as a federal agency. But it all begins with us building an empire.”

“Help!” Yelled a user.

“All fighters engage immediately!!” Screamed Observer, Navigator, and Watcher.

“What!?!? I need back up immediately, enemy fighters are attacking my back side!!” Yelled Dreadlord24. “Going down! Need to eject.-” Yelled Dreadlord24 but was cut off or so they thought…


“Dreadlord24! Nooooooooooo.” Yelled Gameknight.

“Why do you care so much about him.” Asked Monkeypants.

“He was the first one I trolled before I went INTO  minecraft the first time.” Explained Gameknight.

“Oh, wow… so you have know him for a long time.” Said Monkeypants.

“Yeah…” Replied Gameknight sadly.

“Come on.” Said Monet.

“Fine… HEY!!! Digger, Hunter take her AWAY!! before I kick you out of the village.” Snapped Gameknight.

“Wo!” Said a shocked Hunter and Crafter.

“You do not have the power to do that.” Said Crater.

“Hello.” Said Null as he suddenly teleported next to Digger. “Don’t move if you value his life.” As Null held a sword over Digger’s neck. “If I fall then, woops my sword will fall into his neck and kill him.”

“What do you want.” Demanded Crafter.

“The first thing is to take the biggest air ship and then me, you, and all of them.” Null said as he was nodding at Gameknight’s friends.


Chapter 4



“So where are we going?” Asked Hunter.

“Shut up.” Replied Null.

As they flew Null began taking the armor from all of Gameknight’s friends.

“Wait…why did you not take my armor?” Asked Gameknight.

“Because you will be fighting with me.” Replied Null.
“Again.?” Moaned Gameknight.

“Ha! Null, why do you think you will be fighting Gameknight? Huh? Gameknight, as much as I don’t like you I don’t want him to win.”

“Who are you and where are you?” Asked Null.

“Me? I am…hold on Gameknight I know you do not trust me at all but just thissssss once. Anywaysssss I am Void, the rematch one.”

“Wait, are there MULTIPLE  VOIDS!?!?!?”  Screeched Herder.

“That is classified.” Replied Void, the rematch one.

“Um… excuse me.” demanded Null.

“Anyways come on Gameknight let’s take down Null.” Said Void.

“Why should I trust YOU?” Asked Gameknight.

“Fine, time to battle.” Said Null. “So, do you know where we are going to fight?”

“Yeah, on here.” Replied Hunter.

*Smack* “That is for saying that they whould be stupid enogh to ACTUAALY fight on here.” Said Stitcher.

Null pulled out a bow and shot Hunter in the leg. “That is for thinking that I am stupid.” Said Null.

“Hey! I am the only one who is allowed to do that!” Demanded Stitcher.

Void got out of the air ship with Gameknight and headed towards the door that had a sign above it that said Gameknight is a noob, while Null headed towards a tunnel that headed around the arena, but at the same time Gameknight’s friends headed towards the stairs.


“So, AS YOU CAN SEE IT WILL NOT BE A NORMAL FIGHT! So the main goal is to sneak to the opponent’s base and then you have to sneak through the halls and get the flag and THEN get back out of the base and get back to your base, but no! You still have to get to the middle of the base and do parkour THEN a dropper and finally defeat 50 zombies, 45 blazes, 40 skeletons, 35 magma cubes, 30 creepers, 25 ghasts, 20 cave spiders, 10 spiders, 5 endermen and finally, a new monster that I made: it has 8 arms and breaths fire. It is… MONSTER OF DOOM!!!!!!!!

“So wait how is getting through the halls gonna be a challenge?” Asked Gameknight.

“Because you can summon as many as 100 mobs to protect the halls.” Replied Null.

“Ok.” Said Void. “Wait…why should we trust the mobs that we spawn?”

“Welllllllllll they are not necessarily mobs, more like the robots from the physical world. Except they are more from the future in the physical world but in minecraft.” Replied Null. “Anyways, here is something unexpected : oh Herobrine! Oh Oracle!


Void, Gameknight, Hunter, Stitcher, Herder, Crafter, Digger screamed.

 “Don’t worry they won’t be joining the battle……Yet. Also he is something else extreme. I can bring monsters, mobs, and finally N.P.C’s!” Exclaimed Null.

 “Wait…that would give both team’s an insane amount of power. Hmmm what else would that do? Hmmmmm.” mumbled Crafter.  *Gasp* 

 He pulled out his bow and shot an arrow with a piece of paper saying : come here, towards Hunter and Stitcher because they could shoot better than he could. ((The redheads were just 10 blocks away.)) 

 Hunter sent another arrow back towards Crafter with the same piece of paper saying : WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!?

 Crafter replied with another arrow saying : GET THE FLIP OVER HERE WITH STITCHER RIGHT NOW!!!!

5 seconds went by, then 10 seconds went by, then 20, then 40, then a minute, then a minute and a half went by and finally Hunter and Stitcher walked towards Crafter. 

 “This day is not gonna end well if that Null is telling the truth.” Crafter said.

Hunter and Stitcher looked at each other. “How, why.” Asked Hunter.

 “Remember when cobbler first came to our village and it was because Xa-tal was bringing every zombie in minecraft?”

 “Yeeeees…why?” Stitcher asked.

 “Yeah, why?” Asked Hunter.

 “If he can bring back monsters, and villigers. Then he could bring back every monster, every NPC, every light-crafter’s and shadow-crafter’s that has ever existed. And just the amount of zombie’s that we killed we got Herder back could destroy this server… he would destroy ALL  of minecraft and when I say this, I mean no user can log into it ever again.” Explianed Crafter.

 “Why that little…um…herobrine.” Hunter excalimed.

 “Take him out.” Ordered Crafter.

 “Why.” Asked Stitcher.

 “…I SAID TO TAKE HIM OUT.” Crafter said in a threatening voice.

 “Fine.” Hunter and Stitcher grumbled.

But just then Null looked towards them and then suddenly pulled out diamond armor then ran to a series of blocks and then started pushing buttons which started placing blocks extremely fast and in half a minute his entire base was done and boy it looked like it would be impossible to break into. 

 “So what should we have for defense?” Asked Void.

 “HA!! Defense?? No problem first we add a lava lake around, then we get archer tower’s then we… *looks around*  cheat and use 500 guards but instead we use 50 of them spread out across the base then we use teleportation-proof blocks around the flag and have 250 guards there but no there is still more, we will have tnt droppers along with arrow dispensers and finally… 2 more things we get a metric-ton of beconsto make us stronger and then finally. The rest of the guards will come with me.” Explained Gameknight.

“YOU?!?!” Asked Void. “Why would YOU  need 200 guards with you?”

“Because I will be going to Null’s base.” Said Gameknight. “Also Because I trust you to protect the flag but mostly because I have more expireince fighting than you do. And bye!”   And Gameknight999 was off running at full speed with the 200 guards and snuck into Null’s base. “Boom” Gameknight could hear the defense’s of his base going off. “Let’s look around for the flag.” Gameknight said.

“Hey what’s this?” asked one of the guards.

“What is it?” Asked another guard.

“The wooden door is locked, so I tried to break it down…BUT I CAN’T.” The guard said.

“Hm…Gameknight!!” Yelled the guard.

“What?” asked Gameknight.

“The door is locked.” the guard replied.

“So break it dow-” Gameknight was cut off.

“Already tried that.”

“Ok, 4 things. First never cut me off again or else, Second never cut me off again or else, third never cut me off again or else and finally break down the wall..” Replied Gameknight.

So the guard broke the wall. “Ah, shoot.” Said the guard.

“Wha- Gameknight asked but then saw what had happened – 20 mobs came charging towards the intruders while 2 mobs were firing TNT cannon.

“Evasive action!!” Gameknight yelled.

Since Gameknight broght 200 Guards he was easily able to take down the 22 mobs. “YES THERE IS THE FLAG!!” Said a Guard.

“Got it.” Replied Gameknight.

They headed back to the entrince snook through the tunnel that they dug so that way no one would see them. And got around the base, Gameknight did parkour, THEN a dropper and finally defeated 50 zombies, 45 blazes, 40 skeletons, 35 magma cubes, 30 creepers, 25 ghasts, 20 cave spiders, 10 spiders, 5 endermen and monster of doom. (not all at the same time.)

“I WON!!!!!!!!” Yelled Gameknight.

Suddenly Gameknight, Crafter, Digger, Stitcher, Hunter, and Herder teleported back to the village – except this village had no walls, craters filled with lava and monsters roaming about but it had the villager things that would be in it. “Hey Gameknight we wish that you were here because then we would have won BUT NO, YOU HAD TO BE GONE.” 

 “Wait…what happened???” Asked Gameknight.

“Probably 200,000 monsters attacked and we only maneged to destroy around half of them but we also lost 5 villages worth of villagers trying to keep them back.” Said Filler, (Digger’s son.)

 “WHAT HOW DID WE LOSE THAT BAD.?” Said Gameknight.

 “Uh, hello? Did you hear the part about the 200,000 monsters? Oh yeah not to mention that Erebus, Malacoda, Xa-tal, Shaikulud, Reaper, Charybdis, Fyed, and the other spider queen and worst of them all was the creepers… they had at least a forth of that 200,000 monster force.”

“Yeah well who wants out of this cage?” Asked Gameknight.

“We would but you, Crafter, Digger, Stitcher, Hunter, and Herder are the only ones in here that have amor not to mention… guess where our amour is?” Replied Filler.

“In lava?”

“Nope on the monsters, and same with our swords and bows.”

“Weeeell i have something that could help… Crafter, Herder how many chests do you have?” Asked Gameknight.

“I have 12.” Replied Crafter.

“I have 20.” Replied Herder.

“Great now make as many double chests you can make while I fill the up, Hunter, Stitcher, Digger check your inventory- put that stuff in the chests.” Ordered  Gameknight.

“What’s in the chest’s?” Blaster asked.

“WHAT DID I JUST SAY????” Gameknight snapped.

“Um…” Blaster replied.

“UGH…I HAVE SEEN AND HAVE WITNESSED TO MANY DEATHS IN MY TIME IN MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL END EVERY MONSTER IN THEE ENTIRETY OF MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!” Gameknight screamed as every color of lighting started to come out of Gameknight’s chest.


Book 5

 Possibly the end of minecraft…


“Gameknight please stop!!” Cried Crafter.

“Yeah please stop, do you want to kill us all?” Moaned Hunter.

“SHUT UP!!” Yelled Gameknight.

Crafter and Hunter stood still as rock till Crafter placed a 5-block tall and 12-block wide wall of obsidian.

  Suddenly the Oracle appeared. “Gameknight, you are better than this. Please stop now before you destroy minecraft completely!! Think about when you, Crafter, Stitcher, and Herder rescued Hunter!! Remember destroying the first zombie king? What about fighting with carver at midnight bridge? Remember back at the alamo when you caused the TNT to blow up? What about when you saved your sister from zombie town? And saving Crafter along with-” The Oracle was cut off.

999,999,999,999,999,999 megawatts of electricity came out of Gameknight’s thinger and blasted the oracle. Gameknight grunted because of the damage he was doing to everything.

Suddenly Herobrine appeared and Gameknight turned directly towards Herobrine. “You have caused many deaths and to much destruction!” Gameknight yelled. “You shall now die a most painful death!!”

“NOOOOOOOOOO!” Void, Null, and the Oracle JUMPED  in front of Herobrine. BOOM!!!! The Oracle was down on the ground unconscious with her left leg bending a wierd way. Void was also on the ground unconscious, Null was limping. Herobrine was completely unharmed. “*UGH*-YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE THIS ATTACK EVEN IF YOU HAD 1,000,000 OF EVERY BLOCK IN MINECRAFT!!” Gameknight yelled.

“I. SAID. STOP!!!!!” Yelled Crafter. 

Crafter suddenly pulled out a bow that had punch 10 and power 30 and flame 5, “Since you are too stubborn to listen you will now suffer this punishment.” Crafter said.

  Crafter shot 10 volies of 3 arrows at Gameknight.



Null suddenly appeared. “Not today.” Said Null. Null pulled out a stick and stabbed Gameknight 6 times.

“Grrrr*Gasp* *Ugh* i don’t feel so good…” Said Gameknight.











“Null you are now going to have to face me out there.” Said Gameknight as he pointed towards the spot where he had faced Herobrine several times, Xa-tal, fought Void and even fought Null.

1 minute later…

Gameknight ran towards Null as he pulled out his secret weapen – Netherite swords. Null ran towards Gameknight. Gameknight slashed at Nulls head while at the same time Gameknight slashed at Nulls legs. *Flash red.* *Flash red.* Null stabbed at Gameknight’s chest. *Flash dim red.* “Hunter, Stitcher try and shoot him!” Gameknight yelled.

Suddenly Null, and every monster disappeared from the village and 10 chest’s appeared where the wall originally stood. “What’s in the chest’s?” Asked Herder.

 “I DON’T KNOW!!” Snapped Gameknight.

 “Look in the chest’s Hunter.” Said Crafter.

Gameknight glared at Crafter.

…*chest opens*…*chest closes*…“Woah, this 1 chest alone is filled with cobblestone and this chest has…*chest opens*…*chest closes*… this chest is filled with obsidian.” Said Hunter.

Gameknight looks at Monet then smiles. “Good let’s make something I read in a book once.” Said Gameknight. “It is ‘FORTRESS XX UNBEAT’ and with it no monster-not even 1,000 wither storm’s could destroy it.”

“Why did you look at me?” Asked Monet.

 “Because I am going to make a better version of an empire.” Said Gameknight.

“Gameknight for the last time DO NOT MAKE AN EMPIRE! For your own good it will be better for everyone if you just-” Monet was saying but cut off.

 “Ok you know what? 1: Just shut up. 2: Go back to the stupid dang phisical world. And 3: don’t you want the villagers to have more power than most users along with every mob in minecraft. Also don’t you want Dad to be home almost always, Also we could get you all sorts of super cool art supplies and get me video game stuff WHILE getting us a couple decades worth of food AND AT THE SAME TIME pay for my college and your college.”

 “Monsters at the gates!” A Harvester yelled.

 “How many monsters are there?” Asked Gameknight.

 “Around 100ish.” Harvester Replied.

 “Where’s the calvary?!” Gameknight asked.

 “Going.” Digger said as he got on a horse and was riding towards the gates with 23 other villagers.

 Digger lead the charge like a tip of a spear giving the villagers a mountain of courage just like smithy of the two swords did back in the great zombie invasion, right before the villagers could reach the gates Gameknight could see who was leading the charge-every single one of Gameknight’s nightmare’s- Erebus, Malacoda, Herobrine, Xa-tal, Reaper, both spider queens, the blaze king, fyed, and the first zombie king. “Everyone, stay in the gates, get the thickest layer of obsidian possible to get on the wall, Shawny get every user that is good at redstone making every tnt or arrow cannon, making it now, Digger this is the biggest, most important thing to do in your life and get every digger and miner to get mining as many diamonds as possible- witch I installed a mod to get 1,000 times as many diamonds as usual so we can easily get a village full of diamond blocks so plenty for diamond armour…GET GOING NOW!!!” Yelled Gameknight.

Digger ran for the mine after he got all of the miners and diggers while Gameknight was trying to figure out how to get all the monsters destroyed or at least get them to leave but then he realized the answer-arrow bombs! He ran to the watchtower which held the ladder to the crafting chamber except-he headed to his castle where Morgana the witch was. “Morgana, I need invisibility potions and swiftness potions and finally instant health potions.”

 “Why do you need such potions?” Morgana asked.

Gameknight glared at Morgana with such intense hatred that Morgana was starting to think that Herobrine had a more powerful power stuck in Gameknight to give him a minion-almost clone. “Fine here.” Morgana gave him the potions.

 Gameknight ran to the wall but then to the gates and ran outside the wall as he pulled off his armor and drank the invisibility potion then swiftness potions and ran to the approaching army and started placing and destroying blocks faster than he ever has in his life… When he was finished with the 20th arrow bomb he ran to the army and tossed stacks upon stacks upon stacks of healing potions at the monster army then ran back to the wall. “Open the gates!” Gameknight yelled.

 When Gameknight got inside he ran to the mine and found  Digger commanding the entire mining opiration. “How many diamonds do you have?”

“192 of that but we also have 32 gold.” Replied Digger.

 Gameknight choked. “Gameknight are you ok?” Asked Digger.

 *Cough* “Yeah, I am ok. It is just I am surprised that we got that many diamonds, start making diamond armor…and don’t worry I will have 4 other people helping you.” Said Gameknight. “Harvester, Blaster, Sky, and Esme, all of you craft as many chest plates with the diamonds in that chest and” Gameknight raised his voice so other’s farther away could hear. “Hunter, Herder, Stitcher come here! Ok take the diamond armour and tools that they craft and give them to everyone else- give them to your self’s LAST.” The last word he had said he lowered his voice and spoke in a violent voice.

1 minecraft day later… … … … … … … …

 “Gameknight.” Crafter said as Gameknight was walking by.

 “What?” Gameknight replied.

 “I think I see thousands of monsters coming our way.” Said Crafter

 Suddenly hundreds upon hundreds of lightning was blasting next to Gameknight and caused the brightest bolt of light that had EVER been seen in minecraft. suddenly the oracle appeared and every light crafter had also appeared. “Your last battle in minecraft has come Gameknight, The Snake and Shark have come and ready to attack and that means 1 thing : YOU MUST LEAVE.” Said the Oracle. 

“Not till we defeat that monster tide.” Replied Gameknight.

“Fine, villagerbrin, swordsbrin, arrowbrin, potainbrin, all of you turn the tables-upside down on the monsters.” Commanded the Oracle.

*Crack*  Suddenly Gameknight got knocked back by something invisible. *Crack*  Gameknight got knocked back by something invisible again, *Crack*  Gameknight got knocked back by something invisible again, then Gameknight fell off the wall.

“Gameknight, Noooooooooooooooo” Monet screamed as she saw Gameknight fall. She knew no amount of health could break that fall. Monkeypants, get Gameknight- Monet typed in the chat but Gameknight fell too fast and too hard.

Gameknight flashed BRIGHT  red then disappeared as his inventory dropped onto the ground.

“Wait, who’s inventory is that?” Crafter said. “Wait…a diamond sword…and an iron sword? You have a bit of explaining to do, oh and by the way we are not talking now.”

2 minutes later in the interrogation room… … …

“Okay now what happened?” Crafter said as Hunter and Stitcher aimed their bows at Monet113.

“So I was running to the wall so I could get some shots at the monsters and then something knocked Gameknight back and then that happened again and boom he fell. I tried to throw a water bucket but he fell too fast.” Explained Monet113.

Crafter suddenly tossed a weakness and slowness potion on Monet and broght her to 1 of the 10 holding sells.

“Hey! Why am I in here? I would never do that!” Said Monet.

“Hmmmmmm…ok.” Agreed Hunter and Stitcher.

When they got to the surface the 3 of them ran to a archer tower but in the middle a lightning bolt struck the ground where Gameknight had died. Something began coming out of the ground it was… *gasp*


Extremely dangerous and the end of Minecraft draws closer. 
Chapter 6


Gameknight was climbing out of the ground and his eyes were..white? Suddenly Gameknight pulled out his pickaxe and started mining away at the wall. “Gameknight, why are you doing that?”

No response.

   “If you don’t stop you will regret it.”

 Suddenly Gameknight Teleported to Herobrine and BOWED yes you herd me he BOWED. 

  “Good Gameknight.” Said Herobrine as he pulled off Gameknight’s armor and replaced it with an iron chestplate, leggings, boots but then placed an iron CROWN on Gameknight

  “Gameknight…no.” Monet and Monkeypants whispered. 

 Suddenly Herobrine was levitating and then he cupped his hands and began making a white ball of nothingness and then he pulled his hands back and inch and kept on doing that every 10 seconds till it was so big it could practically swallow an entire village and SMASHED Gameknight and Gameknight was now FOREVER gone from both the physical world and Minecraft. Herobrine and the monsters had not noticed the enormous amount of villagers surrounding them and, boy, boy did the villagers open fire on the monsters.

 The monsters were being killed like stalks of wheat.

  “That’s for killing Gameknight!!” Every user and npc screamed as they were shooting every weapon they had.

Suddenly all of the monsters disappeared but Gameknight had reappeared and he looked MAD.

  “Everyone, I am sorry for what just happened. I promise I will explain when we do what has to be done. And for that we need an army like there would be in the physical world and for that we need chaos mods and for that  I need 19 users to leave minecraft and start installing the mods that I will send to your minecraft account to, the rest of the users I need you to take apart a 8 block tall by 16 block section in the wall and get a sticky piston-activated hole-1 block thick area for our secret weapens. And almost finally I need outposts everywhere across the overworld with easy to access powered rails to get to them very fast. And now finally I need 1 beacon and a few stacks of diamond blocks if possible.”

  “I have some in my home.” a very popular, very important,   short NPC said.  (Crafter.)

  “Wait you have a house?” Gameknight, Monet, Monkeypants all said in utter, complete shock.

  “Yes, of course. Don’t be to shocked. I built that big house  over there after we had finished the last last LAST battle for minecraft.” Crafter said as he pointed to a 3 story tall house near the middle of the village.

  “JUST GET ME THEM PLEASE THEN!!” Gameknight screamed.

Crafter ran to his house then for to his stairs and went to the 3rd story and got the beacons and then got the diamond blocks and ran back to Gameknight.


  “Good, now dig a 7×7 hole 2 blocks deep. Then cover the entire bottom of the blocks of dirt then place a 5×5 of diamond bocks then place a 3×3 of diamond bocks then finally place the beakon and everyone else try to do the same thing as many times as possible. Also can you send some riders to the outposts and make sure that they are hidden very well. Along with check the progress that’s being made at the wall.”

  Suddenly Herobrine teleported to the watch tower in his villager disguise and made sure that his eyes were NOT glowing. He climbed down the ladder then found and told Digger that he wanted to talk with him privately.

“Can you please leave?” Digger said when they got to a house. “Now what do you want to talk about?” Digger asked.

Herobrine pulled out a sword and smashed it into Diggers chest and Digger fell unconscious then Herobrine teleported to his temporary base and had ironbrone give him a cage(Not herobrine, Digger.) “1 down 4 or 5…” Herobrine said. Then teleported to the forest where Hunter and Stitcher were hunting for food, then placed cobblestone around him jumped up and covered it up so that way a regular npc would not be able to get in our out without braking at least one block and waited. 


“Help!” yelled Hunter, Stitcher, and Digger.

“Shut up unless you want to be dipped in lava.”

Hunter’s, Stitcher’s, and Digger’s eyes quadrupled in size and did not say another word.

Back at the villige.

Gameknight was starting to get worried. A villager kid was just running around when Gameknight caught him and told him a village meeting was in order.

“Village meeting! Village meeting!”

All the villagers met up at the village center and Crafter said the usual things that he stated at the beginning of every meeting. Suddenly Herobrine teleported on the wall and herd the meeting calling so he ran to the village center and stood next to Gameknight then laid his hand on him, teleported to Crafter, then teleported to Herder and teleported to the cave.

“What was that Crafter?… Crafter?… CRAFTER THIS IS NOT FUNNY!”

“Hey chill Crafter is missing.”

“Oh no duh sherlock.”



At the cave…

Gameknight could not belive how stupid Herobrine was for not taking away his pickaxe. He also looked at his friends and saw Digger with red on his chest and was confused for a few seconds then realized that was blood. “Darn mobs I’m gonna make them pay.” He pulled out his pick and made a space just big enough that he could escape then silently walked over to Diggers cage and threw a few splash potions of instant health and regenerating 2 then went over to the rest of his friends cage’s and helped them out but couldn’t find Crafter suddenly he was teleported back to the village along with Crafter. Gameknight suddenly had the idea to have safe house’s “Crafter get 192 diamonds from digger and resume mining operation #66 for maximum diamonds.” Ordered Gameknight.

“Gameknight!” Hunter yelled. “Herobrine is coming with hunderds of monsters!”

Suddenly Gameknight, Crafter, Digger, Stitcher, and Herder’s eyes turned white and began attacking NPCs Blaster ran and pulled out 2 swords and knocked Gameknight and digger back 4 steps while others joined him while he ran and enchanted his swords with knockback 2 sharpness 3 then knocked diggers pickaxe’s out then Gameknight’s swords and helped pin him so Morgana could give them weakness and slowness potions and put them in the holding cell witch were guarded by super NPCs(NPCs who Gameknight hacked and enchanted them with protection 50 sharpness 50 strength 200 and more. 

“What happened?” Asked Hunter to herself.



“Hey! Don’t move!”

“Help!” yelled a super NPC.

“Help” yelled another super NPC.

Hunter aimed at the tunnel and shot a volley of arrows just when Gameknight, Monet113, and Monkeypants JUST walked in to the crafting chamber with the arrow’s stabbing in to there hip and head and fell to the ground as they frowned at Hunter as they cried before they disappeared.


First I just want to say this is going to be a special chapter…enjoy!


The end of all the user-that-is-not-a-user’s…


“What did I do?!?” Hunter screamed.

“Send her to the l9 pt  chamber and I will talk about punishments with Digger in 10 minutes sharp and toss in Stitcher as well…


(Sped up time.)



“Stop him!” yelled a NPC.

Crafter smashed his sword with such ferocity that the ground shook like a massive magnitude 12.9 earthquake for 3 minutes then a even more massive magnitude of 30.9 then 10 seconds later a ultra massive magnitude earthquake that for 4 minutes split the world in half by 6 blocks then fixed itself but secretly no one but Crafter, and Herobrine knew that every crafter in minecraft now has the evil and hate and  EVERYTHING  that Herobrine has including shadow crafting powers.


Suddenly a lighting bolt sapped out of the void and Herder got smashed back and fell into the void. Then the lightning bolt smashed hunter and she fell then  Stitcher fell then Digger fell then all of the NPCs fell.



*split* *krack*  *pop*




Suddenly 200 npc’s appeared.

“Hey I’ve been here.” said Crafter.

Blaster jumped. “GET him locked up NOW.” ordered Blaster.

“We need to find our way back somehow…” Blaster said as he was talking, a 100 villagers were gathering

Wood, Stone, Iron, and food.


Herobrine was getting worried. “Where is he?” Herobrine asked himself.

BOOM! “Get him!” Yelled a voice.

Herobrine pulled out his sword and stood in a defensive position as he saw a streak of black…nothing. “W-Who are you?” Asked Herobrine.

“I? Well…I am the evil… read this.

Herobrine picked up the book and it read 

Hello if you’re reading this Gameknight is dead but there is one problem with that there needs to be 1 Gameknight999 Somewhere so here I am the EVIL Gameknight 999  and I hope you’re prepared.

Suddenly evil Gameknight pulled out his diamond swords and stabbed Herobrine when Xa-tal busted through the wall and smacked evil Gameknight back 10 blocks Herobrine grabbed Xa-tal teleported into the lines of minecraft and searched for Gameknight “No, no, no, no!” Said Herobrine.

Herobrine stretched into the farthest he possibly could on all minecraft worlds at ONCE to find the last moments of Gameknight999 and found out that he was shot by an arrow to the temple by his friend.

“Ok Xa-tal listen you are NOT to attack any of the npcs when we teleport to them.” Ordered Herobrine.

“Why Her-”

“Because we need their help to deal with this evil Gameknight and take him out.”

*Pop* “Herobrine, Xa-tal, freeze!” Yelled Crafter.

“Wha?” mumbled Blaster as he turned around. “All troops surround them!!” 

“Wait, I don’t want to fight you! In fact I want the exact OPPOSITE, Listen-” Herobrine was trying to explain but was cut off.

“No you are going to be given the punishment for everything you’ve done against minecraft.” Said Blaster.

“OK LISTEN WHO THE HECK DO YOU  THINK DID THIS TO ME?!?!?!?! HUH WHO?” Screamed Herobrine as he was pointing at his stomach 

“Um…I don’t know.” Said Blaster.

“Well let me tell you Evil Gameknight999 blasted his way into my base and slaughtered half my army with warriors- not monsters or villagers… something else and Hunter is a traitor for crying out loud.”

“She isn’t a traitor just made a BAD mistake.” Said Blaster.

“Ok I’m curious about this EVIL GAMEKNIGHT999, I mean how the heck could he be evil?” Asked Digger.

“Simple, it’s not the regular Gameknight999 who is my enemy and your ally and kind of weak but Evil Gameknight is both of our enemies’ and strong enough to kick my butt several times over and probably even take out both zombie kings even if i multiplied there strenthgs by 20.”


Suddenly an iron base appeared and had a sigh that said “Belongs to Raiderunbeatable stay away.”

“WHO ARE YOU!” asked a big deep voice.

“Listen!” Said Blaster. “I have more than two hundred NPC’s who more than ¼ has full iron armour ½ have leather armor and another ¼ have diamond armour!”

“Good I hope you are prepared for what I have ready for you!” Said Raiderunbeatable.


A mechinical sound began as the ground under them began falling.

“If you want my help then you better beat those guys!”

“Wha-” said Crafter but was cut off by mobs appearing.

20 diamond golems appeared and 10 obsidian golems began approaching them from all sides.

“Everyone attack!” yelled Crafter.

The NPCs did their regular formation of swords men on the outside and the archer’s on the inside on 2 block tall pillars and began firing.

“Let me just offer 1 main thing to convince you.” yelled Herobrine as he charged at the diamond golems and obsidian golems.

Herobrine yelled as he closed his eyes for a second and got struck by lightning as his diamond sword doubled in length and glimmered with red enchantments. “Take this!” Yelled Herobrine as he slashed a diamond golem, at another side another diamond golem tried to smack him where herobrine jumped up onto the golem, back flipped to the ground and slashed his sword on the golem’s head.

Xa-Tal smashed into an obsidian golem did a 160 smashed his sword into another obsidian golem, jumped up and knocked the golems to the knees(Xa-tal’s heavy but not that heavy+I imagine he can’t jump that high.)

And throw them into the wall, making them disappear and drop 10 obsidian each. Blaster gulped a speed 2 potion and began building a double fire power tnt cannon and fired.  BOOM!! Digger pulled out his dual iron pickaxe’s, ran to the nearest golem jumped onto the golem back flipped onto the golem approaching, smashed the golem in the back, did a 360 smashed the golem in the head jumped up and tossed his pickaxe’s right into the chest’s of golems. In the background Digger could hear Blaster’s tnt cannon.

Crafter did a diagnosis of the battle 3 obsidian golems down, 6 diamond golems down 2 NPC’s down.

Herobrine started teleporting all over the place slashing diamond golems and obsidean golems in the chest and head while giving the npc line diamond swords with sharpness 20, knockback 20 and unbreaking 20 “Your welcome” Yelled Herobrine.

Herobrine ran back into the remaining golems placed a piston 5 blocks above the golems then placed a stone block then on a stone block a redstone dust then placed a dispensed facing downwards, filled it with tnt, placed a redstone dust on top and BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM the dispensers were going off automatically and doing VERY GOOD DAMAGE to the golems.

“DO ANY OF YOU NPC’s HAVE BLAST PROTECTION 4?!?!” Screamed Herobrine loudly.

There was a murmur in the NPC’s though Herobrine couldn’t hear it.

Blaster ran with two diamond swords straight into the golems and started spinning as fast as he could, hold his swords straight as TIGHT as he could. 

“Take that!” Yelled Blaster as he smashed a sword into a golem’s head then, with his other sword smashed it into ANOTHER’s golem’s head, pulled them out, kicked the golem in front and it disappeared. “Oh oh so you’re that weak? HUH?” He punched another golem, kicked a 3rd golem, spun around and smashed a sword through a 4th golem’s chest killing the final golem. “YESSSSSS!!” Yelled Blaster. Blaster pulled out some fireworks and let them loose then Blaster pulled out some oak stairs and started to make a stair case 10 blocks tall then went back down, placed some slime blocks then yelled for everyone to come and bounced all the way up to Raiderunbeatable’s house “Congratulations you didn’t die. Now tell me what do you want, I have diamonds, gold, emeralds, iron, stone, wood, food and a hole lot more.” Said Raiderunbeatable.

“Um how many diamonds, gold, stone, wood, and food do you have?” 

“54 stacks of diamond blocks same with gold and 108 blocks of iron, 216 stacks of cooked beef 30 stacks of stone and 300 stacks of wood planks.”

“Sweet half of everything.” Said Blaster.

“Yes I agree.” Said Crafter. 

“Attack!” Yelled someone from the distance in the trees.”


The sun was setting and the treemen were charging but stayed at least 20 blocks away from the base as defense’s were being activated such as electric fence and magma blocks.

“Take that!” Yelled Raiderubeatable.


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