

In a galaxy closer than  you would think…                  

“Henry! Come on!! We don’t want to miss the bus”. yelled Chad.

     “Hold on….coming!”, replied Henry.

“Come on slowpoke!”laughed Stella.  

“Hey, don’t call me that.  You do realize that I take offense when you call me that”, complained Henry as he walked towards the group.

“Oh, great.  A thunderstorm is coming”, whined Andrew. 

“Hey, when did you get there?”, Henry questioned.

“Haha, I was behind the tree, spying on you guys.”

“Skrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt”, the bus was here.

“Oh, look everybody, it’s the ‘gang’ of 4”, mocked Jacob.           

“Oh, stop it jerk”, growled Chad. 

“Oh, fine”, complained Jacob.

“Come on, let’s go to the middle of the bus.”  Chad and Henry moved into one seat, Stella and Andrew sat across in another seat, while Jacob was near the front of the bus.  He was planning the terrifying prank that would make Henry’s gang remember Jacob for a long, long time.   

“Hang on everybody.  We’re about to head into heavy wind, rain, and lightning/thunder,” said G hero on the intercom.

Rain was tapping on the windows.

“I just wish the dang rain could stop”…

Chapter 2 : Super charged.


”Hey, we are at Zeke’s Middle School’.

 “Sweet”, said Henry

ZOOOOOOOOM. The bus just went back 50 feet


 “Wonder where they are going in such a hurry?”, questioned Henry. 


“Ah there they are”, replied Henry.

 “Hey, what was that for? Also how did you do that, the bus just went back 50 feet and it was set in park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.  Questaned Stella.

 “You think I know how I did that?!?!?”  screeched Henry.

 “Shesh I just wondered”, hissed Stella.


 “Wait, I think I know” mentioned G hero who was just now walking into the group.

 “What did you say?” Asked Stella.


“So the school bus was struck by lightning, and now all of us on that school bus must be supercharged.”


An explosion just happened halfway across the city and Henry knew just who did it.

Chapter 3: Super villain. 

“Jacob!!!!!!!”, screamed Henry.

“Come on, don’t  worry I thought this might happen so I  have made a base along with several  vehicles to travel in style .” Said  G hero  “The  Vehicles are a helicopter, motorcycle, and a mega 18-wheel drive truck.  Come on.  I’ll show you where the base is.  Oh yeeeeah, I also have some suit’s for all of you.”

“What type of base is it?” Asked Andrew

“What do you mean?”                   

“Well I mean is it an underground base, an old but improved warehouse, an underwater base, a volcano base, sky base, moon base, or an asteroid base?”

“Oh, it’s an underground base because if someone tried to bomb it we would have the earth protecting us.” Said G hero…Zellon, E bedlon do you copy?”

“Yes, what do you want?” asked Zellon

“Is the helicopter ok, and ready to go?”

“Yes and yes.” Confirmed E bedlon

“Sweet send it over now.I’ll send you the coordinates.”

“Beep boop beep boop boop,ding!”


“Come on”! Yelled Zellon as he was trying to land.

“Ok!”  Yelled G hero

“Who are they? Asked Zellen as he was pointing towards Henry, Chad, Stella, and Andrew

“Excuse me!!??!!??!?!? screamed  

“ They are our new recruits”.  Said G hero

Just then all of them heard an explosion, followed by another, and another, and another.

“Come on”!!

“Excuse me!!??!!??!?!? screamed Henry.

“Coming “ Yelled G hero

<20 minutes later>

Chapter 4: The base. 

“Neat base G hero”. Addmated Chad

 “Thanks. Here are the suits. As you can see there is a mask, chest plate, leggings, and boots!”

“Where did you get them?” Asked Andrew.

“I made them,well me, Zellon, and E bedlon.”

“Goooood”. muttered Zellon and E bedlon at the same time while they both eyed him.

“I’m gonna look at my computer because I’m pretty sure that something is wrong in the city.”  Said G hero…

RED ALERT!!”  Screamed G hero at the top of his lungs.

“Quick, come on!”  Bellowed Zellon

“Coming”  Yelled Henry.

“Where is the Red ALERT”. Asked Chad.

“It’s downtown.” Said G hero.

<9 minutes later>

“Stop RIGHT where you are!!” screamed G hero.

“Uh,… NO!!!!!!” said Jacob.

“Then we will have to take you down the hard way.” Said Henry.

“Ah Henry, just the person I wanted.” Said Jacob.

“Why would you  want me?”


Chapter 5: Surprise-Surprise



“What are you doing with Henry!” panicked Chad.

“Ah, I assume Henry is your brother, well…then you can go with him. HA-HA-HA-Ha-Ha!!!!!!!!!!!! 


<5 minutes later>

“What are you doing with us?!?!??” Asked Chad and Henry at the same time.

“Holding you hostage so then I can destroy this entire region!!” 

*Henry and Chad look at each other*

“We won’t let that happen!!” Screamed Chad and Henry.

<10 minutes later>

“Come on!!” Henry said he raised his voice. “Now that we know Jacob’s plan, now we have a chance of stopping him.

“doooooooooooo  BOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Come On!!!!!” Screamed Chad. “I think I see Andrew, Stella, Zellon, and E bedlon!!” Exclaimed Chad Wait where is G hero?

“He went to speak to the president.” 

“Seriously? It was only 15 minutes!! I can’t believe that he didn’t try to find us.” Henry compalined.

“Well, actually he left to talk with the president because we couldn’t find you.”

“Well. Good news and bad news, which do you want to hear?”

“The bad news.” Said Andrew.                          

“The bad news is we need an army and soon because Jacob will attack .” Said Henry “The good news is we know Jacob’s plan.”                      

“What’s his plan?” asked Stella…“Wait, let me guess he is planning on attacking the capital?”

Henry frowned at Stella.

“Wait…he’s seriously gonna attack the CAPITAL!?!?!?” Said Stella as she raised her eyebrow.

“Told you we need an army.”

“Contact G hero IMMEDIATELY .” Commanded Zellon.

“Henry, Chad, come over here. I need to talk to you.” Said E bedlon.  

“What do you need?” Asked Chad

“How many troops does he have or is he doing the attack by himself?” Asked E bedlon

“Really want to know the answer?… Well he has about 2,000 troopers.” Said Chad as he frowned.

The ringtone went off. “B-b-b-b-b-b-b- pick up your phone!”

“Hello, who is this, because this is a classified phone number ?” Asked E bedlon

“It’s G hero.”

“Hey, do you know where we can get an army of 2,050+ fully trained soldiers, because the fate of the galaxy is at stake!!”

“Whoa! What got into you E bedlon?!?!?!?!”

“We need a flippin army 2,050+ strong!!”

“Fine, I will tell the president, and get TWICE as many as you said.”

“Meet us at our old base when you have the army.” For that is where our enemy should meet their demise.”

<2 hours later>

“Come on!” Incoreged G hero Time to defeat them…

“Oh,,,,,, no,,,,,. We are in trouble.”

“Why are we in trouble?”Asked the FBI agent Deadshot

“Well you can say that” Said G hero whose voice was filled with fear.

“W-w-w-w why and how do they have such high numbers.” Panicked Deadshot. QUICK, Max, call for the air force!!!!!!!!”

“Ah, screw their numbers. Said Henry, Chad, Stella, Andrew.” 

“They must have picked up our call somehow,… but… how…wait they must have used a sky-H-class_eamdeafet- call/91_35_79_86 jammer!” Exclaimed G hero.

Andrew looked at him with a confused look.

“A sky-H-class_eamdeafet-call/91_35_79_86 jammer, what it does is: it picks up an incoming call and soothes it out so it can be heard in ANY  language.”

“Well that explains THAT,  but how do we defeat them without defeating ourselves is the real question.

“As we said several minutes ago,…. SCREW their flippen numbers” Said Henry, Chad, Stella, Andrew, and this time E bedlon.

“Ah, there’s the enemy, attack!!


“AHHHHH, HELP!! Screamed a soldier in agony.

“All soldiers attack!!” Screamed G hero.“Let none survive!!”

“Hey!! Who is that!!” Asked Chad when he was someone who was being followed by wolves. 

“That is our animal whisperer, he is somehow so good ANY  animal will do what he says.” Said G hero. “The president assigned him to help us for the reason E bedlon called me for.” 

“Hey what are those white stripes for? Wait the wolves!! We are saved!!”


“Wait…the wolves are gone. Why!!?!!?”

Screamed the animal whisperer.

“Henry, Chad, Andrew, Stella, all of you come with me, Deadshot bring 200 of our stealthiest, quickest soldiers. Zellon you’re in charge when we are gone. Have the air force attack the middle, drop some boms into the middle, sure we might lose some but we have to try.”

“I have the 200 soldiers, where are we going/ why are we going?” Asked Stella

“We are going to flank them by Henry, Chad, and I are going left with 100 soldiders and Andrew, Stella, and Deadshot. 

“Come on, it’s time to flank them!!” Said G hero.

“Wait G hero, I think the enemy had the same idea as us because…WE are surrounded!!” Said Henry.

“Well then we fight our way out!” Said G hero.

“Well that’s the thing, they have twice our number surrounding us and it would be flippin suicide to fight. “

“Got it. Zellon are you there? If you’re there we need backup immediately, repeat, we need backup, send in the hunters.” Said G hero.

“Got it, the other group wasn’t surrounded, so we are sending them, and the hunters.” Said Zellon.


“Destruction calls!!” Jocked Deadshot.

“Time to END THIS.” Said Henry in a serious voice.”

“How?” Asked Chad, Andrew, Stella, G hero, Deadshot.”


All of a sudden Henry was holding a sword of lighting and a shield made out of lighting.

“Jacob come and fight me if you’re not a coward!!” Ordered Henry.

WHAT DID YOU SAY!!Rored Jacob.

“Say…good…bye!!” Said Henry.

Jacob pulled out his sword and Henry pulled out his sword.


“Ahh!! How can you break this sword!?!? It’s flippin ‘made out of lighting!!”

“LOL. I have a LAVA sword and apparently lava sword’s are stronger than lightning sword’s. So it’s yourfuneral. P.S. LOL.

“Chad, Andrew, Stella, HELP!! Yelled Henry in shakey fear.

“Coming!! Screamed Chad.

“Hey, Jacob you DON’T  mess with my brother.” Said Chad angrily.”

“Oh, yeeeah I will just leave. FLIP!!”

“BONK!!”.   Jacob was NO more.

“Jacob’s gone!!” Yelled Stella.

“Huh? Wait, where’s Jacob? Asked zellon.

RETREAT!!” Screamed Zillon. “Fall back!!”

“Hey, what’s that?” Asked Andrew as he was pointing towards a piece of paper.

 “Huh it has a message; “This ___the  ___________of many, the lighting that struck the bus was______________. I’m proud that ________________________….      This map shows the location of why this happened.

>>>>TO BE CONTINUED…         THE END.?<<<<

Some of these characters are based on real life.


Keep an eye out for book 2,

book 3,

book 4,

book 5,

book 6,

book 7,

And finally book 8,


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