
The  Hidden Celestial


Chapter 1:

       Lightning struck from the darken sky,  the atmosphere dimming, the blue sky replaced by  the dark space, the once beautiful sunrise turned into a disaster, with giant monsters flying over head, the dangerous rays of sunlight cut through the dark sky like a blade cut through the air, the what we called “Crovians” invaded the planet, our planet: “Enbious”,  the alien monsters are everywhere, blocking paths, waiting for any uncareful person to wander up  and they will tear them to pieces.

        But, there is one group of survivors, instead of running away from the terrifying scene, they head up to battle the horrifying monsters, they are been grouped together by one person: Escentr (pronounced “Esentric”)

        After seeing that they can’t battle the monsters with only this few persons, Escentr waved his arm at the others, signaling that it’s time to go. Escentr led the group to his own personal starship (P-ship), it’s a little too small but still can fit all of them, this is a typical speed shuttle, with barely no defense and no weapons other than a single laser cannon, but it has a level 2 speed matrix carved into it, doubling the speed.

       Escentr ran into the navigation room and sat on a chair, he quickly pushed some button that make the shuttle’s engine start to shine, he ran to another screen and typed a long line of coordinates, then pressed a big blue button, then, a loud whoosh was sounded from the back: the engine had started and the shuttle is picking up speed.

       Escentr watched closely at the screen, with a hand over a lever, the screen shows a map and a bar that represent the speed of the shuttle, when the speed is over a line of green, Escentr pulled the lever with all his might, then, it seems as if the stars around them had gathered into one place, like water going down a drain, as quickly as it appeared, the stars go back to normal, he had activated a warp, the destination was the moon of Enbious, where his home is located.

       he slowed down his shuttle and entered the shield of the moon, the blue barrier close behind his entry, he glanced down, looking for a parkway to stop his shuttle, he spotted a empty box of light, the box is made just for P-ships like his, he slowed down and parked into the box, when he and the other survivors got out, Escentr waved his hand and store his ship in his realm, everyone in the space have this inside of their body, in order to store their ships and valuables, but the thing is, if they die, the things in their body will spell out, this is why Enbious is full of broken and destroyed ships and junks, but there is a limit of the realm, so you can’t shove loads of things in it or else your soul will explode and was left with an empty shell.


Chapter 1.5:

       Escentr and the other 3 survivors sat on an old sofa in his basement, he flicked a finger and summoned a visual screen, this is the stellar map, the map of the second universe, there are 3 universes with wormholes connected to them, the first and second universes are for humans and the other creatures, but the third universe, though, is the home of all type of Crovians.

       Even though the planet Crova was in the second universe, but the egg was in the third one, the egg was the one responsible for the creation of all the Crovians, but who or what made the egg? nobody knows… at least nobody alive knows.

       “Well… even the little minion Crovians are that strong, how are we able to stop the infections of the other stronger Crovians?” one of them asked

        Escentr glanced at him for a bit, then moved his gaze back to the map showing on the half transparent screen, then said:

        “We have the shuttle, but thats not even enough to kill one minion Crovian, we need to upgrade our weapons for at least 3 times stronger.”

        “My dad is a tier 6 engineer, maybe he can help?”

        A girl of what seems 10 years old said in a nervous voice

        “Tier 6 engineer?? That would help a lot with the upgrading!” 

        The first survivor said in a exciting tone.

        “Well then, we can go there and ask if he is willing to upgrade our weapons and tools and our ships” 

        Escentr replied.


Chapter 2

       “Wow,  this new hand held laser cannon looks epic!”
      “I like this shuttle design”

       “Dude, this armor looks so cool!”

       “… i cant believe that one day i can get my hand on this perfect weaponry…”

       After days of waiting, Escentr and his friends finally got the mail from that little girl’s dad, the mail contains the upgraded  results, the result looks similar to what they sended to him before, but, that old man  changed those space junks into something ten times better.

       “I’d say, with these upgraded weapons and tools and the suttle, we can at least have a chance  defending ourselves from those things”

       Escentr said.

       “If you ask me, we can go back and maybe loot the abandoned church those gangs like to hang out before the Crovians invaded Enbious”

       The brown haired survivor said, after says of staying together, Escentr knew that he is named “Densous” (pronounced “denses”)

        “Yes, I had heard of that place, that church was said to be filled with awesome treasures and if I am correct, an invisibility shuttle!”

        “Imagine having one of those, we can just go invisible and sneak right past the Crovians without even letting them notice!”

        “Well then, it’s decided, we are heading for the abandoned church, lets see, um, the church… you guys know where the church’s coordinates are?”




        “Sir, the Crovians had invaded the attachment planet, and they had an army heading toward its moon, and soon enough, they will spot our planet and attack, should we-”

        “I know, i seen the reports… we need to do something about it…   hmm… maybe…”
        “General, maybe we can send a medium staged army and surprise the pack heading towards the moon, cut the U-Chip connection from the moon to Enbious, making the Crovians  lost the coordinates of the moon, and then we can rescue the citizens and take them to here…”

         “No, that wont work, i thought about this before, you dont understand how strong Crovians communication method is, they can communicate through sheer mental will, if we attack them out in the open, they are going to send the informations to the queen camping in Enbious, and then… everyone is doomed.”

         “I… i know! The oscillation ships to lock the space and then attack”
        “You know  nothing, we have barely enough to even set up a spatial oscillation, we can use them all on that one pack, and what if one of them escaped, the ship will expose our coordinate, and then Enpious is going to get attacked and dominated, then they will destroy our U-Chip, replacing with their  very own U-Chip, making this planet a attachment to the Crovian in the third universe!”


Chapter 3:


          “Lets see here… the church is up… in the north, and the egg thing is down in the south, we have plenty of time before they found us, we can loot the treasures and then be gone, they will have no idea”

           Escentr pointed his finger at the map, then said
          “Maybe if we use a little distraction…”

           “I have a lure cannon, this thing will continue to set of sounds of laser cannon and lure the Crovians away”

           Densous said

           “But… many left, there are only 2 person now, just me and you, how are we gonna do this?”

           “Hm… we can use that  stabilized wormhole to travel to Enpious, but I bet there are tons of Crovians guarding it… i don’t know if we can make it to the wormhole, even if we made into the wormhole, we don’t have those durable ship that can travel through it, wormhole is strong, your speed shuttle will just get teared apart instantly”

           “Unless… we can have control of the church and set up a camp there, i have a foldable repair bay to repair damaged ships and a foldable defense tower and enough material for the wall”

           Escentr said, then stood up

           “We only have 2 people, we need to be quick, lightning speed!”

            Then, he reached for his perimeter card and left, with Densous following closely behind, without this card, no one was able to leave the house, he does not want to be locked here

··· ···

            “Here, you know the exact spatial coordinates of the church?”

             Escentr handed Densous a touch-pad

             “Hm, yes, i do.” Densous took the touch-pad and start poking at the screen, with just a few breath, its done, Densous handed the touch-pad back and sat down in the weaponry seat on the right and tied the seat belt

              “Alright, everybody seated, warp activate in a few moment, the fuel bar is still not up the max, we need some bluefired gasoline, wait here”

              Escentr ran out of the shuttle, and grabbed some nearby bluefired gasoline, these gasolines are used specially for warp, it was known for its fast depleting and the instant power once it start burning, but it will not last long

              On the other hand, purplefired gasoline, was used for long distance warp, it was way better than bluefired gasoline, once you taste the speed of the purplefired, you never want to go back to the plain old bluefired gasoline

              “Warp Start In A Few Moment, Please Check Your Warp Speed Scale, Gasoline Scale, Electrical Power Scale, Engine LifeLine, Payload Percentage, Local & Destination Signal Interference Scale, And, At Last, Check Your Seat Modifications”
              The AI of the shuttle spoke from the earphones after Escentr poured the glowing liquid into the fuel tank

               Escentr sat down in the driver seat, hand over the button, once again looking at the warp speed scale, as the speed passed the green line, he was just about to press the button, when a sudden alarm went off, Escentr jerk away from the button and look everywhere for the source, then, he found a big red screen on the top right corner of the navigation room, he selected the window and dragged it lower to his hand’s reach, he tapped on the screen quickly to search for the problem

                Problem Found, Total Emergency Problems: 1
                More details <[HERE]>”

The screen showed up after a few seconds, Densous walked into the navigation room, with one hand holding a oxygen bottle
                Apparently, the shuttle start to pick up speed, and it suddenly stopped, Densous’ chest got crushed by the sudden gravity change

                “Dude, whats wrong? Why did you stop that sudden?”

                Densous spoke between gasps for air

                “Um, there are, apparently, some Signal Interferences in the destination of the warp, so we will either wait for it go go away, or we change the destination coordinates”
                “What? No!, that can’t be true! I scouted the 3 lightyear radius around the church before, there are no electromagnetic storms anywhere near there!”
                “Well, then it probably was made by electromagnetic generators or super reactors, or, most impossibly, a super blackhole”

                “Then how are we going to land the warp?” Density asked
                “We are changing the destination coordinate, though it is very risky that we might end up in the void if we don’t get the exact coordinates” Escentr replied

                “… Ok, i am ready! Do whatever you want, i believe in you”

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