
Steve landed in a world of cubes. He stood up. Looking around, he spotted a few trees, a cave, and a few sheep. He walked to a tree and wondered what he should do. He walked and walked without destination. He finally came across a village. Perhaps he could find some help here, He thought. He found a human that looked just like him and asked what to do. “I’m lost,” he said. “What am I supposed to do in this world?”
The human laughed. “go punch a tree,” he said.
Steve wondered what he meant but did what he asked. Surprisingly, cracks appeared. He kept on punching until the block popped. Something fell on the floor and he picked it up.
He wondered what it was.
He walked back to the village and asked another human. This time, the human had a slightly larger head and a longer nose.
“I have something here, but I don’t know what it is,” Steve asked. “Can you tell me what to do with this?”
“Go away,” the human grunted, and left.
Perhaps he just doesn’t want to talk to me, Steve reasoned.
Late in the afternoon, when the sun was about to set, Steve finally arrived at a mountain. There, he fiddled with the block of wood that he found out was oak, and suddenly, the block was no longer an oak log but planks. Images burst into his head, and he picked one. The one that looked the most useful. He put the four planks into a square. Miraculously, it worked. The result was a block that looked like a table with some 3×3 grid pattern. He punched some more wood, then made sticks. He punched some more wood then made a pick. He heard a low moan. More and more started happening while he was making his little hole. The moans got louder. His neck hairs rising. He kept mining until he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder.
He gasped, startled. He turned around, finding two decaying zombies right behind him. He swung his pick at the first one, but the second one knocked him to his feet. It punched him one last time, and everything went black.
When he woke up, he found himself bolted to the floor in a room made of mossy stone. A human was talking to the two zombies, but when he looked at him, there was a blinding light coming from his eyes. The human smiled. He said something to the zombies, and they left. He teleported to Steve. “W-who are you?” Steve asked, His voice shaking.
“Hello, Steve. My minions call me the Maker, but you can call me Herobrine. I have a feeling that you’ll enjoy your stay here.” Herobrine laughed a laugh so evil it sent shivers up Steve’s spine. Steve tried to wiggle out of the bindings without success. Herobrine undid the bindings then grasped his wrist. Steve tried to run away, but Herobrine’s grasp was like iron. Herobrine threw Steve into a chamber and locked the door. Steve sighed, wondering what he should do. He walked around, trying to formulate a plan to get out. He suddenly thought about his pickaxe and pulled it out. “Well,” he muttered, “I really hope this works,”
Steve dug and dug, until finally he heard something coming his way. He covered up the hole and quickly put his pick away. A zombie came through, giving him just a piece of raw chicken. Steve looked at it but didn’t eat it. Another idea came to him, and he quickly did it. He tore the bone from the chicken and started sharpening it.
***Three days later***
As the zombie came, he hid next to the door. The zombie opened the door, and Steve stabbed it in the head. The zombie disappeared with a pop, leaving behind rotten flesh, a stone sword, black leather armor, and glowing balls of XP.

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