
Deep inside the caves of Minecraft, Herobrine sat there pondering how he would destroy the villagers once and for all. He’d already tried with Erebrus and Malacoda, always with the stupid Gameknight999 always threatening his plans. The fools had always underestimated him. The User-That-Is-Not-A-User would always come up with this trick using the villagers as help. How do you fight something like that? Then, the thought struck him!
What if Herobrine used the villagers against themselves he could use their strengths and get rid of their weaknesses. Immediately, he got to work. With his arms glowing a sickly yellow, he plunged them into the ground. Using his source coding powers he manipulated the villagers changing the tone and color to make them more evil. He added a weapon that was similar to a bow, but that did more damage. A crossbow! It was to be weilded by a Pillager. Thinking of the strength of Smithy of two Swords he made a creature with a face similar to a villager but with a hulking gray body. It will be called a Ravager! ulUsing what he knew of the Carver of the monsters from the Great Zombie Invasion he created Vindicators. He made a one that could use magic and summon teeth to clamp down on it’s enemies. Then, he thought of the children that played a large role in the Great Zombie Invasion. He made tiny creatures with little iron swords, they would be very vexing. He’d call them Vexs! He was about to create these new creatures when suddenly a feeling overcame him.
The User-That-Is-Not-A-User is on the move!
Herobrine could feel his presence out there somewhere. Straightening up he disappeared. His Illager project forgotten.
But, much later after the trouble with Entity303 the yellow glow stayed there, growing dimmer over time. But, one fateful day, a user broke through the wall of the cave. Clad in glowing diamond armour, he was so focused on his mission of finding more diamonds that he didn’t see the glowing spot on the ground. When he stepped on it, the sickly yellow shot up his legs and infected his whole being. While the user was at home wondering what had just happened to his Minecraft account, the glow on the ground grew brighter and brighter. From the remains of his inventory, a new creature formed. It was wearing a blue robe with different colored spots ranging from green to purple and a hood. It had a nose and eyes similar to a villager, but no unibrow. It had separate eyebrows and a grayish skin color. It’s arms were connected, but in it’s inventory it held a bow. It growled, the hatred for all villagers and the User-That-Is-Not-A-User flowing through it. It’s screamed in a deep voice,
“Your days are numbered Gameknight999!”
He cackled, his arms glowing a sickly yellow. Then he disappeared.
Let me know what you think!😉🙂 🤔

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