
A/N- This is my first ever fanfiction and contains spoilers regarding to the Lord of The Rings; better understanding if you’ve seen the movies and/or read the books.

Chapter 1
Gripping the reins of my horse, I listened intently to my instructor.
“We’re doing dressage and more jumps today, Syndra,” she explained, finishing setting the bar heights and going out of the ring.
I should have left my phone over at the stable, I scolded myself.
“Okay, I’ll do jumping first,” I said, spurring my horse toward the bars.
“Alright, girl. You can make it,” I leaned forward, whispering to my chestnut mare. Pulling the reins left, I turned to face the path and began a quick trot, slowly speeding into a gallop.
Slightly standing, we raced faster and faster, soaring over the first three jumps. But as I turned to the last jump, my heartbeat quickened.
“Uh, Cream’s never done a seven-bar jump, Cassidy,” I shouted to my instructor, never taking my eyes off of the tricky obstacle.
“I thought we should try it today. I think you two can do it. You’re a great team, and you’ve done hard things like this before,” Cassidy called back over, smiling encouragingly and giving me thumbs up.
Breathing calmly, Cream, and I took off, running at full speed. Cream’s legs left the ground. Her back hooves caught the bar, and I was thrown onto the ground.
As my back slammed into the grass, the wind was knocked out of me. Time seemed to slow down. I watched in horror as my horse toppled over the bars.
Right onto me.

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