
(Weird fanfic OwO)
    PART 1:
   I was having an amazing dream when SOMEONE started yelling in my ear. I sat straight up.
    “Hero” I growl “What did I say about waking me up like that?”.
     Standing beside my bed – with a stupid grin on his face – was one of my best friends, Herobrine. I call him Hero for short.
       “Did you really think I would do what you say?” Hero grinned. I jumped up and chased him around his mansion. Suddenly he tripped and fell flat on the ground. It was hilarious. I wished I could see that on instant replay.
         “Woah” said a voice behind us “What happened here?”.
          I turn and see Null and Entity 303 behind us. My other best friends. “Guess” I said, smiling a little.
           Entity helped Hero up. “He woke you up by screaming in your ear?” Null asked. I nod.
            “She warned us what would happen if you do that” Entity told Hero, shaking his head. Hero walked off. Probably to get an apple or something.
              You see, Hero, Null and Entity aren’t really big,bad and evil like the stories say they are. They’re actually really cool if you get to know them.
               “So, are we gonna scare some users today or mine?” Null asked.
               Okay, fine. They’re a little evil.
               “I wanna scare users” I said. MAYBE I am evil too. “I’m game” Entity shrugged.
                Hero teleported  to us and whispered something to Entity and Null. What the Nether are they talking about?
                 “Sorry, Glitch” Null said, facing me “We can’t go with you. Why don’t you hang out with Zoe?”. Zoe’s a zombie and an awesome ghoul-friend.
                   “But why?” I whine. We were just about to scare the living daylights out of some users! Even Null, the most serious out of all four of us, couldn’t resist scaring users.
                    “We have stuff to do” Entity said. “Then let me follow!” I suggested. Hero shook his head,” It’s too dangerous”.
                     That is so not fair! I can handle myself. I have a diamond sword and Entity has been giving me lessons.
                      “Glitch,” Null sighed in his don’t-be-stupid-Glitch voice “It’s too dangerous, you could die”.
                      I frown, trying to decide on a comeback. It was true that I could die and if I die I couldn’t respawn. It sucks being a glitch in Minecraft.
                       “Fine, I’ll stay” I muttered. Null nodded, glad I wasn’t going to put up a fight. He, Entity and Hero walked out the door. I watched them walk away from the mansion through the window.
                        Once they were completely out of sight, I started laughing so much that it hurt. Did they really think I would let them have all the fun? Yeah, I don’t think so.
                          I ran to my room, put on some armor and grabbed my diamond sword. I ran back to the front door. Uh-oh. Looks like someone was expecting me to follow the boys.
                          “Going somewhere, Glitch?” a familiar voice asked. “Zoey!” I said, laughing. Zoey stepped out of the shadows and grinned at me.
                          “Zack overheard your conversation with them and told me” Zoey smiled. Zack. Oh, he is so  dead when I get my hands on him. Wait. He’s already dead.
                          “You’re not going to stop me, are you?” I ask, suspicious. Zoey laughed, “Stop you? I wanna follow you!”.
                           I smile, glad to have someone on my side. “C’mon, we gotta be fast if we want to catch up” Zoey said, running out the door. She’s pretty fast for a zombie.
                          “Oi! Wait for me!” I hollered, chasing her. This is going to be awesome!

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