
Sofia and her friends are walking home from school.  Her friends dared her to walk through an abandoned house they found. She accepts the challenge (bad idea!) Her friends watch as she disappears through the door…

The door creaks open and Sofia walks in. It is pitch black inside with a broken chandelier dangling from the ceiling. She walks across the ragged old red carpet and stares into a long, dark, hallway. In the hallway she could only see a reflection of herself in a mirror at the end of the hallway.

She turned back towards the door and yelled to her friends. “Ohhhh, so scary,” she yelled to her friends.” I will be right out.”

She started to walk towards the open door, but before she could reach it, it slammed close. The lights flickered on. She kept herself calm and continued walking towards the door. She makes it to the door and uses all her strength to try and pry it open, it didn’t.

Now she was getting scared, there were now sounds all around her. She couldn’t make them out until she felt a tap on her shoulder.

She turned around to scream until she saw who it was. It was one of her friends, laughing like crazy.

“What, what’s going on?” Sofia asked.

Her friend named, Sky, replied,”This was all a prank, the lights flickering, the door slamming closed.”

“Yeah,” Came another voice. Sofia’s second friend, Xavier, ran down some stairs that were next to the hallway.. “You should have seen your face,” He said, starting to laugh with Sky.

“Not funny guys,” Sofia said to her friends.

As Sky and Xavier turned toward each other to laugh, Sofia turned toward the dark hallway, and a dark shadow ran past the mirror at the end of the hallway, and as it ran past, the glass on the mirror crack’d.

Xavier, now not laughing, walks past sky and next to Sofia. “What was that,” he asks.

Sofia reaches for a light switch to the hallway as Sky walks over. Sky stares into the dark hallway. Two red eyes stare back at her.

“Guys, do you see that,” shrieks Sky.

“See what,” asks Sofia, looking in the same direction as Sky.

Sofia’s hand then finds the light switch and flips it on. The lights to the hallway flicker on and nothing is there.

“What are you talking about Sky,” asks Xavier.

“There, there was something there, it was looking at me, it was there.”

Well, it’s gone now,” replies Sofia.

Xavier then starts walking into the hallway towards the mirror. Xavier turns around and looks at Sofia. Sofia motions to Xavier to come back. Xavier laughs, turns around and keeps walking. Sofia stomps her foot and follows Xavier, so does Sky

Xavier makes it to the end of the hallway and figures out there is another hallway running left and right from there. The left hallway has stairs leading down, and the right hallway goes for a long time until having a staircase up. Sofia and Sky walk over. “Which way,” asks Xavier.

“There,” points Sofia to the long hallway where the dark figure went.

Two more red eyes stare back at the trio, and now all of them see it. Sofia continues to walk towards the red eyes into the long hallway.

Sky and Xavier, who are now following Sofia, look around trying to find out what was going on with this place.

Sofia, who is ahead of Xavier and Sky, follows the red eyes. She feels like she can almost touch them, but before she could, the red eyes wisp away, and she feels a cold breeze as they do.

“Dang it,” says Sofia, as Xavier and Sky catch up. Without the eyes, there was no light at all in the hallway.

Sofia almost tripped over the step of the staircase leading up but her foot ran into it before she could.

Sofia turned around. “C’mon,” she yelled to her friends. She then runs up the stairs. Sofia makes it to the top of the stairs and there is a doorway. There is lots of light shining through it.

Sky and Xavier run up the stairs after Sofia. Sofia turns around and smiles at her two friends. She turns back towards the door, takes a deep breath, positioning her hand, closes her eyes, and opens the door.

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